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The Office Party

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How come we never look forward to the next one.
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It was that time of year where you had to attend the mandatory management funded office party, later to be called team building; for taxation purposes. Like everyone else you dread its arrival; this is one I remember.

I was single, no current girlfriend, not necessarily by choice but circumstance, I had planned to go stag; play the management game. My office friends had other intentions; some well-meaning but others not so, more to humiliate, for revenge or more likely their own self-gratification or interest. Someone whose girlfriend had an available but unattached friend was going to bring, an as yet unnamed partner for me.

It was to be held in a very nice hotel near Strathblane called the Country Club Hotel. It was about five miles out in the Scottish countryside, in the hills on the north side of Glasgow. I had elected to take my car so I could have an early escape; if needed. Most of the others were going to travel by private coach from the office that the company had organised.

We all arrived in good time to have pre-meal drinks; this was where I was to be introduced to my 'blind date' partner. The blind date organiser introduced me to Kevin; he was about my age and build, maybe a bit taller, blond hair and well-tanned. Although not camp in appearance, was in manner and speech effeminate; possibly he was gay. He was clearly embarrassed when he was introduced to me, as I was; hopefully not being noticeably so.

I think if the hotel had not been miles into the countryside, with no public transport, he had arrived by the company private coach which would not be back until after twelve thirty; would had made his excuses and left.

We exchanged introductory pleasantries with the group I was with; clearly they were all embarrassed by the situation that they created and found themselves in and did not want to aggravate the situation further. We all sat at the big round table that seated ten of us, I was sitting with Kevin, as all the place settings had names, other than Kevin's; whose card said my name; guest.

In many ways the situation provoked an inviting environment that overtly involved Kevin in the discussions; which negated any humiliating or negative intent that it was meant to have. In particular from my line manager, who had already been censured by the company, for some unguarded macho homophobic comments he had made while under the influence of drink. He had brought his car too, as an excuse not to drink; given the censure outcome from the previous company party; that I fortunately wasn't at.

The meal arrived, which was excellent as you would expect from an establishment of this calibre. The discussion round the table was pleasant and courteous, drawing both Kevin and myself proactively into the discussions. I did not have any opportunity to speak to Kevin alone and apologise for what had happened. After the coffee arrived and the inevitable speeches completed, we moved from the tables to allow the hotel staff to clear away.

I managed to get Kevin alone, but before I could say anything he apologised for what had happened to me. I said no it's me that should apologise to you. We found a table in the corner to talk and have some more coffee and mints. To any onlooker we were just two guys chatting away from the crowd.

Kevin started to explain why this had happened to us; he seemed to accept that we were both mutually the fall guys of someone's warped sense of humour. He started by saying, although he had no partner as such, that he was now certain he was gay. And that he had come out, only to his family that he was gay and nobody else. I was now the only person out with his family that knew.

Although his father was furious he accepted his choices and apologised for his comments made in the heat of the moment. His mother and sister where quite happy that he had come out; if that's what he wanted to do. They all agreed not to say anything outside the family, clearly someone knew or assumed; someone here tonight no doubt.

As we sat there, out of the way of the crowd, people I worked with came over to chat or just say hello including the CEO. Clearly we both had their sympathetic vote; support and possibly approval, even although we had done nothing, didn't even know each other before tonight. We both started to get the feeling we were now intruding on their night. I said to Kevin I have my car with me, do you want to leave and I can run you home. He said yes thankyou; we discreetly left.

Kevin had his own apartment in the trendy part of the west end of Glasgow just off Byers Road. Managed to get parked outside his apartment, which was a bit of luck or fate. He invited me up for a coffee, although I was reluctant as I was still embarrassed with what had happened; I said yes. His apartment was one of the new builds in that area and very modern inside, his sister, an art college student and her student friends had picked the furnishings and décor.

We sat together in his apartment couch, coffee in hand; Kevin felt he had to share with someone, how he thought all this might have come about.

He thought he might be gay, feelings, thoughts etc. To find out went to a Glasgow's gay nightclub he had heard off; called the Underground. He met someone there or rather someone picked him up their; they then had a three month affair which ended a couple of months ago.

Basically this guy dumped his then current partner, Tim, for Kevin as he was getting overly possessive and there were a lot of bad feelings about it. Subsequently he dumped Kevin for someone else; in many ways Kevin was quite relieved when this happened. However he thinks Tim had not got over it and had threatening Kevin that he would out him. The outcome may have been what created tonight's events.

He said sorry about that, I said don't worry nothing you could have done. Where I work there is rumours that someone from my department may be getting promoted; who or to what we don't know. It may, I think, have been someone in my office trying to muddy the waters for their own ends, thinking I may have been a candidate. To the best of my knowledge I am not.

Kevin asked; could he ask me a very personal question but I didn't need to answer; I said ok ask away. What did I think about him being gay, somehow the question didn't really take me by surprise, don't know why but it didn't.

I said it doesn't bother me one way or the other; why should it? His reply caught me off guard when he said; we have spent most of tonight talking and I think I like you more than just as a friend and would like to have sex with you. He then put his hand on top of my knee; I could feel a transfer of energy or emotion, whatever, pass between us when he did this.

My response which seemed automatic took me by surprise; I put my hand on top of his and said yes I know what you mean that's the way I feel about you. At that point he move over to me and put his arm round me as I did with my arm to him. We sat there in silence holding each other, enjoying the moment.

I explained that I had not been truly open with him, in that, I had had a gay relationship at college. My friend Ian has since moved to New Zealand and we no longer see each other. Since then I have had a few gay 'assignations', including one on holiday earlier this year. But they were all very discreet and we were never actually got caught out, although it came close to it a few times. That was all part of the buzz.

He then stood up and took me by the hand to his bedroom. We both knew we were inexperienced with each other in what would come next, but silently knew we would enjoy exploring it and finding out.

In his bedroom as we were facing each other; he touched my lips with his finger, while looking into my eyes. Unbuttoned my shirt slowly; one button at a time, kissing and biting my chest as he went down each button, slowly ever so slowly, all the way to my navel. Then opens my shirt and slides it off my shoulders. Still looking into my eyes he unbuttons his shirt and slowly pulls it off; drops it; unzips his trousers, lets them drop and steps out of them, still looking into my eyes, he slides down his underwear and is standing there, naked, hard and excited.

He reaches over and unzips my trousers slowly, purposefully, slides them down; kneels down as I step out of them. Slowly places his hands inside my underwear, his warm palms pressing against my side; slides them off, I could feel them gently being removed as the elastic rasped over my skin. By this time we are both naked and I am hard and excited too.

He starts to suck me; gently and slowly, again and again; finding it difficult to contain myself, I begin to breathe deeply then more deeply, moan a little and start to cum. He swallows; stands up, and leads me by my hand to his bed. Pulls the top covers off then sits me down on it and lays me over onto my back, kneels on the bed and straddles over me.

As he leans over me he starts to nibble my nipples, my chest, my ear lobes; very stimulating. I lift up my knees and arch my back up a little, inviting him. He rubs lube on and in me; I could feel his fingers penetrate as he applies it. Rubbing it around and in and out, very relaxing and stimulating.

Then he starts to probe with his hard erection gently, and then pushes in slowly; I could feel him entering and sliding in, slowly withdrawing; re-entering and sliding further in each time until he touches me inside; slowly a rhythm starts, sensual, warm, very wet, relaxing and exhilarating. Building the momentum; longing the desire; we both looked directly into each other's eyes, hearts beating in rhythm; both knowing climax was near. Then his motion become erratic as does mine, we are both mimicking each other's motion, the bed shakes under us and then climax and again; we were both contented. Relaxed and slowly disengaged each other.

Both lying naked together hot and wet exchanging each other's bodily warmth, embracing each other, running our fingertips over each other's body, our hungry mouths search each other, nibbling, biting and sucking. The passion and excitation in each of us taking over; we both start to become hard and excited again, as we embrace each other, feeling each other's hardness press together.

Kevin rolls over onto his back; raises his knees and invites me to join with him. I enjoyed putting the lube on and on my fingers and entering him, slowly rubbing it in and around as he had done for me.

Kevin arched his back, his eyes roll in anticipation; I lean over and on him. Probe for entry with my hardness; barred by pressure at first; as he anticipates entry, eases allowing me to enter; slowly going deeper with each lunge until I feel his firm prostrate, that I touch gently. I could feel it starting to build within me as I undulated; our body heat was building; as I looked into his eyes I could see them rolling in anticipation; his head gently rolled as he smiled; eyes closing in enjoyment.

I could feel my cum build and move with each lunge; we were both wet with sweat; both in harmony as I released it; we both paused for a moment before I withdrew. I rolled over; we lay there side by side; we embraced each other; exhausted and wet with sweat and cum. We lay their embracing each other in harmony.

We were both awakened by a radio alarm starting to play a local radio station. Had we shared our night sleep, lying together in harmony? We lay there looking into each other's, eyes; bodily touching. Kevin touched my lips, with his finger, leaned over; our lips touched in an awaking kiss; I felt him reaching into my mouth. I joined him in this intimate exchange.

We showered together; washing off each other's; last night's exchanges. We dried each other and went through to the kitchen, both naked. As I waited for the coffee and toaster, Kevin put his arms around my waist, clasping his hands together. I could feel hardness and contentness develop as we stood there embracing each other; I could also feel his hardness press against me between my buttocks and legs. Sensually stroking me between my buttocks; very erotic and satisfying.

We took our coffee and toast over and sat down on the couch, we sat their naked together; bodily pressing on each other, we rubbed each other's inside leg with the palm of our hands and intimately stroked each other. We left our coffee cups on the table and went together back to the bedroom for another session; which we enjoyed.

We got up and re-showered, then dressed. We discussed what had happened the previous night and again this morning without reaching any conclusion as to how things should progress. Was it a one night thing or something more that we could be open about and enjoy; we were still unsure.

Before leaving we agreed that we would meet that night and go somewhere discreet to discuss what we should do. I would pick Kevin up and we would go for a Chinese's meal to a place I knew out of town.

When I arrived back at my place, my answer machine had several messages on it; basically asking was everything alright after last night. I didn't answer any of the messages. That afternoon was one of reflection, did I want to see Kevin again, knowing given time, things would become embarrassingly public for both of us. Kevin phoned me late in the afternoon and asked did I still want to meet him tonight, he did; I said yes.

We met as planed and went out of town for a meal together. The restaurant we picked was quiet and managed to get a discreet table that we would not be noticed at or be overheard.

Kevin was happy to be open about our relationship, or discreet if I preferred. I was unsure not having had a relationship like that before, although I felt warm and excited about the prospect.

I suppose that was the answer, anyway we decided to give it a try, discreetly if possible. That night we went back to Kevin's apartment, extensively for a coffee or whatever. Again we got parked without any problem and went up to his apartment; his sister and her friends were there; she had her own key.

She had heard what had happened last night and wanted to see how he was in person, rather than phone, and what happened after we left. As we both arrived back together it seemed to answer all their questions without having to ask them. She and her friends were openly entheaustic and happy about how it turned out.

Her friend Tanya, who was not renowned for her tack or diplomacy, asked; and did you both last night? Explaining she had seen my car parked outside last night and was still there in the morning. Her friends said 'you don't ask things like that'. But we do and talk about it. It was then I learnt that how silence can be quite loud.

Turned out that Kevin's sister was gay too, as were her other friends that were with her tonight; or to use Tanya's wording. 'We thought we would like to try it, when we did we found we liked it'. Kevin said to his sister, 'you can tell Dad then'. She said 'I did'; just before you came in that night and told us that you were gay too.

That was why he was furious with you, it was actually me he wanted call those names. I asked what did he say; I was told by both of them 'don't ask'. Must admit I felt sorry for their father being presented with those revelations from all of his children on the same night.

His sister and her friends left to go to some party; we were not invited. Might have been an interesting party to go to.

We both sat there unsure as what to say next, clearly Tanya was the weak link on keeping it discreet. We decided to let things evolve in their own way regarding us. As it turned out everyone was quite supportive as to our preferences, including my blind date organiser. Six months later when my apartment lease was due for renewal I moved in with Kevin. That night I stayed at Kevin's.

We have all attended these company office parties or barbecues, regretted what we have done, said or seen at them. They are a part of business life; all we can do is look forward to the next one.

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1suitedbi1suitedbiover 4 years ago
Keep Writing !!!

Don't take any notice of the anonymous, faceless wonders, if they are so perfect why hide??

Keep writing bud, I'm enjoying your tales. Refreshingly realistic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Sweet Story

Clearly, you need a dictionary and some punctuation help. But ignore the troll who advises you stop writing.

On the contrary, please keep writing. Improve through exercise. More character development, more dependent clauses that actually depend on something.

But, yes, a sweet story.

Sean943Sean943over 4 years agoAuthor

Glad you liked it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Awful; story

Boring and poorly written story; and what the hell is with all the semi colons? You have no idea how and when; to use that rarely needed form of punctuation. Please; stop writing.

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