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The Oldie Club

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Lily's milk tits and virginity are a hit with all the men.
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My name is Charlie. Lovingonanisland is my handle, as they say, but it's not the only pseudonym I have. The other one is actually Lily, and it was Lily, my alter ego, who first discovered the wonderful feeling of being held down and played with by an older man, being teased and nudged and rubbed and worked by an older man's cock, a man who knew what he wanted and knew how to work a girl for his own pleasure. I realised then how I loved to have my tits teased and sucked, how I loved to please, how I liked games, how I loved to serve. Serving, believe me, can bring hours of pleasure to the right girl.

Older men turn me on the most. So often they're so astonished by it, and so few of them are used to being fucked and sucked by a girl who wants it all. So many are surprised I want to kiss them as we fuck. Many times I've been contacted by men with old cocks asking for an evening with me, and you can tell that they think they'll be lucky just to put their cocks into my pussy for a swift vanilla fuck. Believe me, once I've serviced all the fantasies they've ever had they realise that a cock is for life, not just for Christmas. Guys, it's a tool for pleasuring a girl like me. Don't waste it. Tell me what to do. Be clear. Be forceful. Let me lick, let me play, let me suck, let me stroke, let me rim your ass as you've never been rimmed before. Let me ride your prick with my tight, tight sheath, working the shaft with the hungry glove of my hot pussy, gripping and rubbing and pleasuring you. Let me drink and drink, till you have cum in all the places you've ever hoped to. Just don't be shy. Your cock is my master. You are my master. Aren't you?

It started when I was 22 years old I was broke and living in London. I couldn't afford my rent on what I earned as a trainee accountant. I was looking for evening work, because I'd worked in pubs before, and I didn't have a boyfriend. I'd never had one. I longed, longed, longed to be fucked.. I watched porn all the time. But nobody had ever offered to fuck me. I was too shy to look them in the eye and they probably thought I wasn't game. And I didn't know how to offer.

One evening, scanning the paper, looking for a job in a bar, I found an advert specifying young women for 'club work.' The hours were 8pm - 2am. I thought that was perfect. I could get home from my day job, shower, shave, head out again and work for the evening. The pay wasn't great, but it said there was ample opportunity for tips. Boy was there!

It was called the Oldie Club. I didn't know what to expect, as I didn't know much about London clubs, but this one was in a beautiful house in Mayfair. I got there for my interview at about 6.30pm, straight from work, and knocked on a beautiful, dark grey door. It was opened by a doorman who looked about seventy, trim and sprightly with a neat grey beard.

"Good evening, Miss.'

"I have an interview. My name's Charlie Barker."

"Ah yes. Miss Moira will see you in the blue room. First floor, first door on the left."


I entered a hall painted a discrete dark blue grey. On the wall were a series of huge, framed black and white photographs. Stopping on the stairs to try and work one out I felt my colour rising in my cheeks. It was a closely focussed picture of the side of a man's penis, huge and beautiful, filling most of the shot, just a close-up. You couldn't see the man, just the side of his shaft and a hint of a swollen cockhead. I swallowed. What sort of a place was this?

Taking a deep breath, I walked up the stairs, my feet quiet on the grey velvety carpet. The door to the first room was open, and that's where I first met Moira.

When I remember Moira now the thought of her face is linked indelibly to the memory of her looking down at me as she held me down that first time, as my legs were carefully parted and that first powerful masterful knob, that first thick slick shaft, pushed me open and found its way into the deepest tissues of my closed, secret tunnel for that first time. But today I was innocent of all that...

"Lily. Come on in."

"I'm Charlie Barker...," I said, a little uncertainly.

Moira smiled. She had long dark hair, full red lips and a way of looking at me that saw me naked.

"The girls here all have another name. I think Lily is right for you..."

"But I'm..." I have long, really red hair, curly and wild, so I've never thought of myself as a Lily, but my skin is very white, it's true. "...Okay. Lily."

"Sit. Tell me about yourself, Lily."

So, I told her. I told her how I had come to London to train for one of the big accounting firms, straight out of university. I had a student loan, and I'd found a flat in Paddington, but it was more than I could afford on my earnings. On pushing I told her I had no boyfriend, I wasn't gay as far as I knew, and I didn't mind showing my tits. I was surprised to be asked, but I'd done some topless modelling and I thought this might be a topless bar. She asked me if I had any medical problems and did I mind getting tested? I said no, well, only one. I told her about the fact that there is milk in my tits.

"Milk in your tits?"

"Yes. Sometimes a little bit comes out."

I couldn't read her expression. It looked like a mixture of excitement and astonishment.

"A little bit?"

"Well... a lot actually."

"You can milk them?"

"Oh yes. I have to empty them sometimes. I make quite a lot."

"The doctor?'

"Says its normal. Says if I don't milk them it might settle down."

"But you..."

I blushed. 'I liked to milk them. Otherwise they feel quite swollen and hot."

"What do your boyfriends think?"

I went bright red. "I've never really had a boyfriend. Not like that. I thought they'd think it's kinky..."

"Oh, they will," she said indistinctly. "They will."

"I'm sorry?"

"Show me."

I still didn't realise. You'd think, in a rich Mayfair townhouse, interviewed by a woman who asked more questions about my tits than anything else (and then asked to see them), surrounded by beautiful black and white pictures of cocks and vulvas, I might have guessed, but I was pretty naïve, actually. I longed to have sex, it's true, but I had no idea what an attraction my tits would have. When she asked if she could milk them I thought she was just interested. When she ran her smooth hands round my tense, pert breasts and started to gently tug on the nipple I hadn't expected to feel a sharp spear of excitement in the wet place between my legs. When she started to gently milk my left teat, extracting little squirts of milk, I hadn't expected it to feel so different from when I did it myself.

"May I?"

My legs were starting to shake. I realised what she was going to do but I couldn't stop her. I made a slightly strangled sound and nodded, and she lowered her mouth to the dark read teat on my left nipple, and her lips closed round it. I shuddered as she drew it in, hard against her soft palate, and started to feed. It was gorgeous.


I heard her swallow. She squeezed my tit gently to draw more. My clit exploded into life.

"Oh my God..."

She was off at once. "You liked that..."

"I..."I was bright pink. 'I loved it. I want to be fucked, and nobody has ever offered."

"You want to be fucked? And you're a virgin?"

I nodded. "But I watch porn. I want to fuck and suck. Really badly."

"Oh Lily. You're going to love it here. It's for oldies. Do you realise what that means?"


"It's a topless bar honey. All our clients are over seventy. Don't you know tit milk is rejuvenating? They're going to love you."

"They're going to suck my tits?"

"Only if you want them too, honey. You could fuck them all. You'd exhaust the lot of them."

I didn't realise she was joking. About the last part of her sentence, that it. Not the rest.

I started work the next night. I was sent to a small changing room where there were two other girls, Sabrina and Anna. Anna was brown-skinned, with long, straight black hair and a pretty face with amazing eyelashes. Sabrina was tall and skinny, with short blonde hair and small sharp breasts and no public hair at all. They told me to wash, shower, and change into the outfit that was laid out for me. My job was to serve drinks to, chat to and generally entertain the clubs elderly clientele, as best I could. Tonight was a special night. The men were here by invitation as it was the birthday of two of them, twins. They were seventy-five. They would be thrilled to meet me.

There was just a skirt. My fat, nubile tits hung free. The black G-string provided was a tiny thing with a sting made of pearls. A pair of high black mules finished the outfit. I looked at myself in the mirror, in that little room, and I looked sensuous, erotic, kind of hungry. I hadn't had time to milk my breasts before I came out, so my tits were larger than usual, pert and hot.

"You're in the red room," said Anna, "with the party. Enjoy, honey..."

The evening began quietly. I was serving drinks in the bar, trying to avoid thinking about the fact that everyone could see my tits, but the elderly men arriving for the party seemed used to it. Actually, they seemed used to being fairly sexist about it. I received compliments galore, but not the sort of compliments I was used to.

"Beautiful nipples, honey, hoping to suck you later."

"Lovely Lily, hope to see you on my cock."

"Nice, girl. Is it true about the milk? My God that's fantastic."

It seems everyone knew my darkest secret and wanted to know me better. Soon I was to discover how well.

I got a break halfway through the evening. I was getting tired by then, and when I popped into the kitchen to get a coffee they offered me a caffeine tablet and I took it. I needed to stay awake. Moira, who had come to check up on me, handed me another tablet at the same time.

"Here, Lily."

"What's this?"

"It's like Viagra, only better."

"Viagra? Why would I...isn't that for old men who can't..."

Moira laughed, her lush red lips parting to reveal her perfect teeth. "The men who come here don't have that trouble, but we all use it. It helps your cheeks flush and it keeps your nipples standing up. Here, take two. You'll really appreciate it."

I took them, the tablets, and she was right. I was aware, as we returned to the bar, that I felt different. Somewhere between my legs my clit felt fattened and lush. My nipples felt tight, swollen, as if they were pushing to escape. My teats felt hot and aching. My muff felt ripe for exploration. I wanted to go and pleasure myself. Later, I thought.

It was midnight when one of the birthday boys, whose name was Frank, came up to me and whispered in my ear.

"Lily... since I'm the second twin, Bert will be first, and he's chosen the back way."

"First for what?"

He smiled. "I love an innocent girl. We're all looking forward to seeing you riding his cock."

"But I'm not here to... "

And then hands grabbed me, many hands, lots of hands. The glass I was holding was taken from me.

I struggled. There were hands all over me. I was being carried, effortlessly. I could smell them. Men, cologne. There were little whispers of excitement all around me. But a blindfold had been slipped over my eyes and I couldn't see what was happening.

"What are you... don't... you can't take that off me..."

The sheer skirt was being pulled from my body. I was naked in their arms except for the tiny G string with the string of pearls running along my crack, then that was gone too. I was naked. My tits were swollen, peaking, I could feel the milk. I felt horny and hot and shivery, all at the same time. A hand cupped my vulva, touching my swollen clitoris through the silk of the pants, and I started to beg.

"Oh no, oh don't..."

And then the hands left me. I was lying on something - a sofa, I though. And Moira's voice spoke through the darkness.

"Take the blindfold off, Lily."

I took it off. "What...?"

I was in a room, a beautiful, oyster grey room with a huge bed in the middle of it. Six of the men I had been serving drinks to were standing by. All were naked, their cocks, their fat erect cocks in their hands. Or most of their hands. Moira's hands were on Frank's cock, which I was too terrified to look at, as it seemed to be enormous, and she was gently rubbing his fat shaft as she smiled at me.

"You're a virgin?'

I nodded dumbly.

"And you have a student loan?"


Moira glanced at Frank. "Lily, the men in here have clubbed together to buy Frank and Bert the kind of birthday present they will never forget. The kind they all get to participate in. For you, it's five thousand pounds."

I gulped. I looked at the thick, handsome cocks around the room. They're old, I thought. How bad can this be?

"Five thousand pounds?" My pussy felt suddenly hot.

"To fuck you, honey. A group fucking."

I didn't have to think about it -- I started to nod.

"One thing," Moira said.


"You can resist all you like. Frank was hoping you would. Bert insists. The safe word is 'roses.'"

And she left the room.

I stood, shakily. I can act. I knew what to do. Roses, I thought. How bad can it be?

"Please let me go," I said, as the door shut. I put my hands over my fat, aching tits and backed away from them. 'I've never done this before..." I was filling with excitement. Oh God, I was going to feel a real cock in my pussy and it would be a nice little old man.

They were surrounding me now. Six men, six cocks, rearing, erect and horny. My heart was thudding violently. I thought it would burst from my chest.

'Please Frank." He said.

"Please Frank, let me go..." I wanted to say Oh God, I'm so excited, let me please you. Five thousand pounds.

"When we've finished with you, little girl. When we've finished..."

And then one of the men grabbed me from behind, roughly, holding my arms in an arm lock and arching me backwards over him. I could feel a firm, warm cock pushing at the gap between my tight buttocks. I pulled away, enjoying the struggling, but he laughed against my neck.

"Nice tits, lovely Lily..."

"Oh my God, no, please..." I was using my little girl voice. I wanted him on my tits.....

And then Frank stepped forwards and bent over me, and his mouth wrapped itself onto on my right teat. And the blindfold was slipped back over my eyes.

Lust, passion, filthy wild slut-thoughts, they shot through my head as his mouth close on me like an expert, my nipple was drawn deep into his mouth, against his hard palate, his tongue compressed the whole nipple frim against the room of his mouth, his hands began to knead and squeeze my teat and he started to feed on me.

"Oh my God. Oh no, oh god, oh God..." I was shuddering with excitement. It was gorgeous. He was milking my hot teats and I was on the edge of orgasm already. I had to hold off somehow

I could hear his swallowing, felt the draw in my tit, feel the heat spread to my pussy. The man holding me tightened his grip and I felt his cockhead nosing at my ass. I struggled and shuddered, but Frank had me now, was roughing me, chewing me, tweaking and noshing and working me like a slut, and I was gasping with the love of it. His other hand had my other teat and as he fed he milked me, and the milk came in little spurts.

The others had started a low murmur of appreciation. I was struggling wildly now, nearly mad with lust, desperate not to cum, but I couldn't get Frank off my teats, and something awful was happening. The more I struggled the more I could feel the cockhead pushing at the back of me making its way between my arse cheeks. Something fat, velvety, slippery and firm was pushing against my ring. It felt strange and gorgeous. Instinctively I pushed against it and he grunted....

The thick fat dick between his legs pushed further into my crack. I struggled. I wasn't sure I was ready for this. I was tiny, there. "I'm Bert," he whispered in my ear. "I drew the long straw and I choose your arse. Happy birthday to me..."

"I don't think that will go..."

"Oh it will, Lily my slut, you'll soon be riding Bert's cock like a whore..." Ans I shivered as someone squired cold wet gel of some sort onto my lower back, and it trickled down between my butt cheeks. Slimy and slippery. Oh God...

I was shivering with excitement now, trying to sound scared, "No. I can't do this..."

"Oh but you can, and you will..."

And then, as Frank feasted on my tit I began to feel Bert's cock, pushing firm and determined at my ass hole.

"Oh my God stop. Oh no. Oh please, I'm a virgin. Please don't..." oh God I wanted to say, drive into me, do me now.....

"Please Masters"

"Please Masters. Please don't fuck and suck me. Please don't take my ass..."

Bert grabbed my hair, jerked me back against him. "We've paid to take you all the ways we want, little cocksucker..." and as I fought his fat cockhead started to force open my tight anal ring.

I struggled and twisted and screamed and begged. I was loving every second of it.. The mouth, my masters, the cock, the stretch... no way was I saying roses. It was gorgeous, but the game was even more so. I fought and kicked and with every twist and heave of my body his cock moved in, forcing itself, millimetre by millimetre, through my tight slippery anal ring.

Oh no oh no,' but my mind was screaming YES YES YES YES

Frank was feasting wildly and now one of the others stepped forwards and - oh God, oh joy, oh fabulous my masters - another mouth, my other teat. I was being double suckled to fabulous slut-glory, fabulous helpless dominated slut-slave servitude, as they kneaded and licked and chewed and worked me. They were strong and ready, their cocks were fat and long, their tongues, their mouths...

"Ah... oh God Masters, oh please my lords, spare me, please sirs I'll do anything, please let me go..."

"Are you a slut?"

"Oh yes sirs, I am your slut. Please don't fuck my arse Master, not yet..."

"I'm going to fuck you now, Lily. Do you feel my cock at your ass ring?"

"Oh God yes, it's enormous..."

"Do you like it there? Do you feel my fat glans? Do you know how tight and slick and innocent your arse feels...?"

"Oh God Master... oh God the sucking, Oh God... yes, yes I feel it. Please sir your cock is a monster..."

"You want it in you girl. Ask the Master..."

"Oh God no please let me go." My clit was like a plum. I wanted to be fucked so badly. The money was turning me on as much as they were...

"Ask the master, bitch..."

"Oh God. Oh master put your monster cock in my ass. Enter me and I will serve you..."

He pushed, and as he pushed I struggled and fought, my arse so tight, the heat and the lust fighting in my swollen pussy...

And then something warm and wet closed on my clitoris, my virgin clitoris, and I screamed, a great roaring scream. Lips drew my clit in and began to suckle them in the same warm wet glory that was happening to my tits. My clit was being mouthed and suckled on in beautiful rhythmic chewing, and I was lost. As huge waves of pleasure started to build up in me, tightening everything, swelling everything, I forced myself back onto the questing cock with all my might.

"Oh yeaaah.."' And as I screamed in pain and lust my ring stretched and that first, fat, beautiful cockhead entered my virgin ass and plunged deep, long, hot and glorious into to the deep tight recesses of my anus. Slow and delicious he went into me, riding on the crest of the wave of my wild clitoral shudders as the mouths feasted on me and I was relieved of one sort of virginity for ever.

'Oh my God she's tight lads... you love that don't you little cocktease?'

"Oh master, oh I love that," and to my dismay the mouths left my teats, my pussy. I was bereft. I felt the milk dripping from me, heard phones photographing me as I stood, naked but for the G string, which was now being ripped from me, a long hard cock deep in my arse.


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