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The Only One Naked in Public

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Finding yourself the only naked one on a crowded beach.
5.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 01/13/2024
Created 08/25/2021
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A few months ago I posted a non-fiction story here about the times that I'd been caught naked in public, where every single word was completely true. Today I'm pleased to say that I have another anecdote for you, where I tell the tale of how I ended up being the only naked person on a busy public beach. Again, this will be a shorter submission than usual, but hopefully it will be exciting enough given that everything here happened exactly as I've described it, down to the last detail.


In case you'd forgotten, my last real-life submission ended with me being caught completely naked outside my family home by the next-door neighbour, who then told my parents what they'd seen. That sad day ended the run of daring public streaks that I'd been enjoying as a teenager, and the experience was so unpleasant that I promised myself I'd never try any form of public nudity ever again.

This summer I broke that promise.

It all started with a text from a friend. He'd been to a nude beach in Spain on holiday, and he told me about how much fun it had been sunbathing naked there. I'd never tried a nude beach before, and to be honest I'd never really been interested in going to one - I don't care about naturism or nudism as I only enjoy getting naked in public because I'm an exhibitionist, and I need the thrill and risk of being caught naked in places I shouldn't be. Nude beaches expect everyone to be naked, which in my opinion is boring and no challenge at all.

However, at the same time I had really started to miss my old nude adventures, when I used to run naked through the streets and parks around my house, and the sense of longing was only getting worse. I first started writing on here as a way to get my exhibitionism fix vicariously through my characters, but over the years I'd been getting increasingly tempted to try another public dare again. And so, out of curiosity, I Googled UK nude beaches to see what was out there. By complete coincidence there was one only a two-hour train journey away from London, in a city that my friend lived in. I was going to see her for dinner the following week, and so I decided, rather impulsively, that I'd get there early and give the nude beach a go.

A few days later I was on the train heading towards the coast, and I was feeling very nervous. I'd tried to read as much about the beach as possible, but there wasn't much information online. It had a few good reviews on Google maps, but nothing which told me what to expect, or how to act when I got there. With nothing to go on I'd decided to pack lightly - sunscreen, book, towel, but no swimsuit. I didn't want to give myself the option of chickening out, so I'd decided that I'd either let myself be fully dressed or totally nude, but nothing in-between.

Once I arrived at the seaside I left the station and followed the beach out of town, towards the 'naturist section' which was a thirty-minute walk along a path which ran parallel to the coast. I was getting progressively more apprehensive as I approached the huge artificial mound of pebbles which hid the nude beach from the main road, and I paused for a moment to take a picture of the metal signs which warned of potentially naked sunbathers ahead - I'd send that to my friend later to show him what he'd started.

I cut inside past the signs and stepped out onto the pebbled beach, climbing over the lip of the mound until suddenly I saw them - five totally naked men, laid out on the beach right there in front of me. I stopped in my tracks, and one of them looked up and frowned at me when he saw me standing there. Embarrassed I blushed, turned away, and quickly started to walk around them, giving the nudists a wide berth. I couldn't believe how casual it all was - one minute you're walking along a public beach, packed with tourists and families, and then next thing you know there's five dicks staring back at you.

Feeling a little intimidated I carried on along the beach, away from the line of naked men. The naturist section was only about two-hundred metres in length, with a couple of signs at each end to mark the boundaries. The tall pebble mound meant that the beach sloped down towards the water in a wave-like manner, creating three distinct flatter tiers where people were sunbathing, with sharper declines in-between them. The five naked men were all on the highest level, so I quickly headed down towards the sea and stumbled my way onto the second smoother tier.

I set down my towel, took off my trainers, and then took stock of the situation. The first issue I identified was that all of the naked people were men, and I mean literally every single one. I'd read online that the beach was a bit of a gay scene, and as such fewer women tended to frequent the naturist section, but I still hadn't expected to see no naked women at all. Looking down I could see that the lowest tier also had maybe six or seven nude guys there, lounging around on their backs, and even though there were some women on the beach they were all dressed in at least shorts and t-shirts.

The second issue was that it clearly wasn't a nude beach. Although it was described online and on the signs as 'naturist', in reality it was very much clothing optional, and most people had opted to stay fully dressed. Some were in swimsuits but most were just in their street clothes, and it certainly wasn't the full nudist experience that my friend had enjoyed in Spain.

The third issue was that the naturist section was still connected to the normal beach at both ends, with a path running straight through the middle tier. That meant that there was a near constant stream of fully dressed passers-by strolling past the naked sunbathers, passing just metres from them as they walked along the seafront.

In short it was not what I'd been expecting. Only ten percent of people there were naked, one hundred percent of those were guys, and there was no privacy from the general public at all. Feeling a little put out I opened my book, put on my sunglasses so it wasn't too obvious when I was checking out and comparing the guys' dick sizes, and read for a while. I wasn't ready to leave yet, having walked so far, but I definitely wasn't ready to get naked under such extreme circumstances. To compromise I decided to take off my shirt and shorts, and sit there on my towel in my underwear for a while. I wasn't showing off anything more than a swimsuit would, but at least it was something, and the sun on my legs and stomach did feel good.

I probably stayed there procrastinating for about an hour, trying to work up the courage to take the rest of my clothes off. I hadn't done anything exhibitionist-y for years, and I found myself feeling surprisingly self-conscious whenever a group of strangers walked past me, even though I wasn't even naked yet. I'd only arrived at the seaside at around two in the afternoon, so soon it began to cool down and the beach started to get quieter. A lot of the naked men got dressed as it got cloudier, and I realised that I didn't have long left. I'd have to leave in an hour or so to meet my friend in town, and with the weather getting more overcast the thought of taking off any more clothes was getting less and less appealing.

In the end I decided that I was being a coward, and so I decided to give myself a challenge - I would force myself to get naked and see if I could last an hour, then I'd call it a day and leave.

First I picked up my stuff and walked down to the lowest tier, nearer the water. Most of the remaining naked men were down there, and I felt a bit more confident being near them as opposed to higher up the beach where I'd be the only nude one. With my heart rate rising I sat down on my towel, took a deep breath, then quickly stripped off my underwear, grabbed my shirt, and laid flat on my back with my top bundled over my face. It was a pose I'd seen one of the men using earlier, and it helped me to stay calm as I lay there with my hands by my side, simultaneously terrified and delighted to be one hundred percent naked in public again for the first time in years.

I probably didn't move a muscle for the first twenty minutes or so. Instead I just lay there, eyes closed, with my body fully on display, but my face and identity obscured. At first I kept my legs locked together and my fists balled, but eventually I began to relax and got a bit more comfortable, eventually shifting around on my towel until I lay with one leg bent out to the side, with my hands either resting on my stomach or stretched out wide. I kept my shirt covering my head, and with my vision blocked my sense of hearing went into overdrive. Every time someone walked behind me along the beach the sound of their shoes crunching over the pebbles would sound as if it were just an inch or so from my head, and I would flinch as their footsteps grew louder and louder, and I'd have to fight the urge to pull my towel around my body.

Eventually my nerves began to settle and my sense of curiosity would get the better of me, and whenever I heard someone getting close I would peer out from under my top to see who it was. Every time I would get a little kick as I'd look up at another fully dressed passerby as they strolled past, with some hiding their little glances better at my body than others. On the whole the non-naked people weren't too bad, in that they didn't blatantly ogle the rest of us too much, but at the same time if you walk along a beach and see a young twenty-something sunbathing nude in front of you, there's no way you don't sneak a peek, right?

I'd say I glanced up to see someone walking past roughly every three or four minutes, but in the quieter periods I'd shut my eyes and try to relax, even though that wasn't really possible given how on edge, but also increasingly horny, I was feeling. Matters didn't improve when I heard a particularly loud group of voices getting closer, and as I sat up to see what was happening I saw a family of tourists walking down to the water's edge a few metres to my right. My best guess is that they were Indian, and they were all chatting and laughing as they looked over at me and the two other remaining nude sunbathers. I noticed one of the guys sit up too as he noticed them, and he quickly reached for his shorts and placed them over his crotch.

As I watched the father of the group pull out a camera I considered covering up too, but it seemed that the family just wanted to take pictures of themselves in front of the sea. Nonetheless, it was still so bizarre as I lay there naked while just a stone's throw away from me a group of seven people posed for photos, and made no attempts to hide the fact that they were giggling and looking over at me. The other remaining nude guy nearest them decided to turn his back to the group and get dressed during this time, leaving me with a young guy about my age as the last two naked people on the beach.

After a while the family headed back up the beach away from the shore, and as I checked my phone I realised that I only had a few minutes left before I'd have to start the walk back towards town. There was still one thing I wanted to do though, which was to go skinny dipping. I'd swum naked once before, on a family holiday to the countryside. We'd stayed in a cottage next to a lake, and one morning I'd swum away from my parents and around a curve in the shoreline, then pulled off my swimsuit. I probably only lasted a couple of minutes or so before my nerve broke, but I still remember how freeing and exciting the sensation had been.

So, I was keen to skinny dip again, especially in a more public space, but I was a bit nervous about standing up naked for the first time. The beach was still relatively busy, so I had to force myself to my feet and stumble across the stones to get myself submerged as quickly as possible. Swimming naked was as liberating as I'd remembered, and I was able to relax a little as I was hidden again under the water. I soon became cold though, so I staggered back out onto the shore, made a beeline for my towel, and got dressed again, ending my naked hour.

After dinner with my friend, where I didn't tell her what I'd been up to, I headed home, and that evening came five times through nothing more than the memory of me lying there completely naked in public. The next day I couldn't think about anything other than returning to the beach and getting more people to see me, and when I checked the weather forecast my mind was made up - the following day was going to be the only sunny day for the next two weeks, after which there'd be nothing but rain.

I knew I had to go back.


The very next day I got the train down a couple of hours earlier, and on the way I decided to give myself three challenges to complete, to make sure that I got the most out of my second visit. The first was to stay naked for three consecutive hours in a row - no matter what happened, no matter who was around, I wouldn't let myself cover up. The second was to walk at least halfway along the beach, away from my towel and clothes, without taking anything to wear, to really leave myself exposed with no way to cover up. And the third, which I knew wouldn't be entirely up to me, was to indulge in my biggest public nudity kink - to see if I could be the only one naked on the beach.

With my dares ready I arrived at the seaside, walked down to the coast, and then began the now familiar trek along the pebbled shore towards the naturist section. When I got there I climbed over the mound and froze.

No one was naked.

In fact the beach was nearly deserted - there were only fifteen people or so along the entire stretch, and all of them were fully clothed. Although it was warm out there were thick clouds overhead, blocking most of the sun, and there was also a stiff breeze coming in from the sea, and clearly no one had decided that it was hot enough to strip off yet. I sat down on the beach and began to panic a little - had I just wasted my trip? It was an expensive and time-consuming journey to do twice in three days, but more importantly I was scared that my last chance to be naked in public before the good summer weather ended had just disappeared. I didn't know what nude beach etiquette was, if you were allowed to get the ball rolling by just stripping off yourself, but the idea of just getting naked right there in the middle of all those clothed people seemed impossible.

After a few minutes of mulling it over I forced myself back to my feet - I wasn't going to let myself leave disappointed again, or feel that I'd been cowardly for a second time. I decided that going skinny dipping again was probably a safe bet, as I could still get naked briefly while gauging people's reactions, but then quickly go and hide in the water before my body attracted too much attention. I carried my belongings down the beach until I was on the lowest band of pebbles, right near the waterline. There were about five people sitting near me, but I turned my back to them as I kicked off my shoes and began to undress. Again, there was no build up or easing myself into it, I just took off my clothes as quickly as possible, stripped off my underwear, stuffed everything into my bag, and then began to hurriedly tiptoe my way towards the water.

It felt so surreal - although I knew it was totally legal, I had just taken all of my clothes off in public, right in front of a bunch of strangers, to become the only naked person on the beach. With my first dare of the day already complete I nervously hugged my bare shoulders as I stumbled my way over the sharp pebbles and waded into the shallows. I launched myself forwards into the water and swam out a little way, then turned to look back at the beach. A few of the people on the shore were watching me with interest, which made me excited, but they all looked away when they saw me looking at them.

I stayed in the water for maybe ten, fifteen minutes, swimming part of the way down the beach to keep warm, before I became worried about getting too far away from my stuff and decided to paddle back up towards my bag. The beach had got a little fuller since I'd entered the water, and I was getting a bit concerned about having to get out in front of so many fully dressed people. It was always really hard to keep your footing on the sharp stones when walking out of the water, and I was too self-conscious to get out while I was still the only one in the nude.

I was starting to get cold, and a little concerned about if I'd just inadvertently trapped myself naked for the whole day, when to my delight a middle-aged guy appeared at the top of the beach and walked down towards the waterfront. He pulled out a towel, settled himself down, and then began to methodically undress. As he pulled down his boxers, to reveal the biggest dick I've ever seen in real life, I smiled - I'd never been so happy to see a penis before! With another naked person around I could finally leave the water, so I began to step forwards out of the waves. I was still as unsteady on my feet as ever, and I smiled to myself as I imagined all of these men watching me stumble my way across the pebbles, with my hands held out wide to try and keep my balance as I let everything jiggle free.

I walked back to my belongings, grabbed my towel and dried my hair, standing with my front facing the beach to put on more of a show. I decided not to dry off the rest of my body as I liked how my wet skin looked under the sun, but I did wrap the towel around my waist - I wasn't feeling confident enough to walk past the naked guy and then up the rest of the beach completely in the nude. I picked my bag and began to climb back up to the top of the beach, sneakily checking out the guy with the big dick as I went. I decided to go to the top level this time, to try out a new area, but I hesitated when I saw who else was already there.

An older couple had set up a small tent for the day, and they were setting up a barbeque in-between a couple of foldable chairs. Next to them were four beach goers stretched out in a line, fully clothed as per usual, and they looked up as I appeared over the crest. Again, I initially felt awkward about getting naked in front of another lot of strangers, but then I thought hey - if you don't want to see nudity, don't choose to come to the clothing optional part of the beach. I walked to a gap between the couple and a man reading a book, then knelt down, pulled my towel away from my body, and spread it over the pebbles. With my cheeks burning I quickly laid down on my front and shut my eyes, delighting at the fact that I was lying with my bare ass out among these fully dressed sun bathers.

Before I let myself slip into another nap I remembered my other dares, and I reached into my bag to get my phone. I set a four-hour timer, then laughed to myself - I'd have to stay naked until at least 4pm, or fail my own challenge. I killed the first sixty-minutes by dozing and reading my book, stretched out in the sun. The weather had improved since I'd got naked, and although no one else on my level had taken anything off yet, it was at least a lot warmer. The man in the couple next to me wasn't even trying to pretend that he was checking me out, especially when I sat up to cover myself in sunscreen, and I found myself taking care to cover every inch of skin as I felt his eyes boring into me.

After an hour I grew kind of bored - the thrill of the exposure was starting to wear off a little, even if the excitement of being the only naked in my group was still fun. I decided to go back in the sea, but this time I'd force myself to walk there without my towel. I considered asking the guy next to me to watch my bag while I was gone, but I was too shy to say anything. Instead I just stuffed everything in my bag, then took a deep breath and stood up. I could now see further down the beach, and to my relief there were now more nude sunbathers than just me and the big dick guy. Still not that many mind you, maybe twenty at most, and the beach had now filled up considerably.


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