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The Parking Lot

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Woman is taken while on her way to work.
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She was like clockwork. Seven o'clock every workday; same parking spot. After parking, she would walk down the alley on the side closest to the buildings with her purse slung over one shoulder. Her eyes rarely left the ground in front of her.

I watched her from the window in the rear of the recording studio where I worked. She was pretty. Not cover girl model gorgeous. More like girl next door pretty, or the woman you see in the neighborhood that you'd most like to fuck.

It was Spring and she began wearing outfits that gave me a better indication of her figure. I liked what I saw. Full breasts; slim waist; and, long legs. She was a brunette with light streaks in a short, professional style. On windier days, the hair waved in a sexy, provocative manner.

For three weeks I had prepared for her. I began taking out trash a few minutes before she arrived so she would see me. I paid no attention to her. Never made eye contact. I was just there...a harmless object in the alley. Sometimes I would skip a day so she wouldn't get suspicious. Or I would come out a few seconds after she passed.

I always looked around when I was outside with her. Who else was around? Could anybody see us? How much noise was there?

Now I was ready. Maybe it wouldn't happen today. Somebody might drive into the parking lot or down the alley. But I was ready, and soon she would be mine.

I was at the trash bin when she drove in. A few seconds later, I heard the car door close. I lingered for a while, fumbling with the last bag of trash. Then I heard her heels clicking on the cement, growing louder with each step. I looked for cars and pedestrians. All clear.

I threw in the last bag and closed the top of the dumpster. I turned to walk towards her when I thought she was near the back door of the studio. I timed it perfectly. We arrived simultaneously. We made eye contact.

I grabbed her arm and swung her towards the building so fast she couldn't react. I pushed her inside the open door just as her first scream rang out. I slammed the door shut and threw the deadbolt.

She stumbled inside at the force of my assault. As she regained her balance and opened her mouth to scream once more, I lunged forward with a switchblade knife aimed at her throat.

She froze.

"Don't scream," I said emphatically.

I put the blade on her throat just enough to get her attention. Our hearts were pounding and I gave myself a second to calm down.

"This is a recording studio," I told her. "It's fairly soundproof. Screaming is useless. Got it?"

She had no reason to disbelieve my lie about the soundproofing, so she nodded with a scared look in her eyes. Even now she was pretty. The dark brown eyes shined brightly in the dim light. The flush on her face and the heaviness of her breathing excited me.

"Take my money. Cards. Just let me go," she said in a shaky voice.

I pulled the knife away and took a step backwards. I let my eyes scan her body.

"I don't want your money or credit cards, babe."

I saw her survey the surroundings. The large room we were in had only one door that she could see—the one we just came in. Stairs led to a second floor that overlooked where we stood. Perhaps she saw the door leading out to the fire escape.

I took a step to the side to look at her ass. She dropped her purse and ran to the steps with alarming speed. This one was going to be fun. I was three steps behind her at the top of the stairs and she raced for the door. I slowed to a walk.

The hand she had reached out with to open the door fell to her side when she saw the professional grade padlock.

"We've had more trouble with break-ins," I said calmly. "As long as we're not inspected by the city, I think we're OK."

I was within three feet of her. She faced me while trying to catch her breath. When she bolted once more, I managed to grab a handful of her blouse. I heard a rip and the side of the blouse in my hand came out of her pants. She pulled with surprising strength for a woman no taller than five and a half feet and maybe one hundred and twenty pounds.

I held on just long enough to get a second arm around her and stop her progress.

"Please don't make me get my knife back out," I said. "Hurting you was not in the plans."

"Let go of me, you fucking pig."

Her heels made every attempt to do harm to my shins. I accidentally put a hand on her tit and the rush of adrenaline from the chase and reminder of why we were there gave me enough energy to shove her against a nearby table. She doubled over with the edge of the round table across her hips.

I pressed against her ass and felt my cock react.

"I am NOT a pig," I said into her ear. "In fact, you'll be the one doing the squealing by the time we're done."

She didn't seem to appreciate my humor. A couple final kicks seemed to end her struggle. At least for now.

"You and I have this place to ourselves today, hon. I'd suggest you relax," I told her. "Do as I say and you'll walk out."

"I'll kill you, asshole," she shouted.

I hurled her around and pushed against her, causing a scream of pain to come from her as the table threatened to break her back. I pulled out the knife and flicked it open. She was quiet again long before it touched her neck.

"What did I saw about screaming?"

I let the sharp tip all but penetrate her smooth skin. She turned her head away as far as she could.

"Why are you fighting me?" I asked her. "This could be so easy."

I took a minute to admire her face. She was twenty four or twenty five, I guessed. On the brink of becoming a woman, but with lots of teenage-like qualities. I couldn't wait to see her body.

The knife slid down the center of her throat and into the open collar of her blouse. The first button was already unfastened. Just a hint of the rise of her breasts was evident below that as she leaned back. I put the knife below the next button as if to cut it off.

"If I was a pig, a fucking pig, I would cut your clothes off," I said. "But I'm not. You'll need something to wear out of here. So I'll do this gently. You can thank me later."

I put the knife in my pocket once more.

"Get up on the table," I ordered.

With my help, she got her ass on the edge of the table. I stood between her legs, prepared for another struggle. But her options were extremely limited. I pushed her back a couple inches so her legs dangled over the edge.

"Now, where were we?"

I opened the button I threatened to cut off. She refused to look at me, staring down and to the side the entire time. I could hear her quick breathing and feel her heart when I let my fingers remain on her skin before moving down to the next button.

I paused for a second and I saw her eyes almost dart up to my hand. I wanted her to always be guessing; always unsure what was coming next. I ran my finger across her skin and then back to the blouse. The top of her white bra came into view.

I undid the next button. Now a good portion of her tits could be seen. The rest hid behind a bra; a very thin bra. She acted as if she wanted to pull away when my right hand slid inside the blouse and onto the exposed skin at the top of her tit.

When I applied just the slightest pressure, she violently turned and threw her legs up in an attempt to roll off the table. I grabbed the blouse. It opened on its own, with one button flying onto the floor. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back. At the same time, I pressed her down against the table so she was on her back.

My chest held her down. I held her arms slightly above her head. Then I slapped her so fast she couldn't move away in time. Her scream echoed around us.

"You had your one chance to play nicely," I said. "You fucked it up, so play time's over. I'm going to get off you now and if you make one move—one fucking tiny move—I'll slit your throat wide open. Do you understand THAT?"

When she didn't reply, I slapped her harder.

"Yes," she cried.

I got up and watched her. She didn't move except to follow me with her eyes. I walked to a nearby drawer and pulled out two pairs of handcuffs. If she was going to run, it would be now. She didn't budge.

I quickly closed a handcuff around a leg of the table she was on, and the other end around one of her wrists. I repeated this on the other side and my lovely subject was in place, her arms stretched out above her head.

My cock quickly hardened at the sight of her on her back, the blouse lying completely open, and her tiny white bra the only thing between me and her tits.

"I'm sorry, babe. But you gave me no choice. The rest is up to you. Easy or hard. You decide," I said as I walked around her.

I ran my hands down the back of her pant legs until reaching her shoes. I flicked them off and kicked them under the table. I applied enough pressure to push her legs apart and moved toward her while my fingers slid up the inside of her thighs. Both hands glided over her pussy and onto her bare stomach.

The blouse was completely untucked from the struggle so I caressed her skin all the way to her tits. There, I encased them in my palms and felt the bra slip back and forth as I squeezed. My cock ached inside my pants, wanting desperately to get out.

I moved back down to the top of her pants. I unbuttoned them.

"Let's start here," I said as I pulled down the zipper. I tugged on the pants and uncovered the waistline of her panties. A few seconds later, the pants had joined the shoes under the table and I was admiring the long, lean legs of my captive.

My fingers danced over her skin, up and down, back and forth, until ending up at the bottom of her panties. I slid fingers from both hands inside them. I purposely avoided her pussy, knowing we'd get there soon enough. It would benefit me later if she was a little stimulated first.

I changed my point of attack again to her upper body. I yanked back the blouse as far as her arms would let me and then I pulled out my knife one last time.

"I think you'll have to go home tonight without a bra," I said.

The blade slid under one of the bra straps. With a sudden jerk, the strap was slit open and she gasped loudly. The other strap got the same treatment, but without the same amount of fear on her part. I put the knife away, confident the rest could be done with my hands.

"You have more at home, I assume. Although, it looks to me you really shouldn't be hiding these wonderful breasts from our view," I said.

My fingers were on the top of her tits, pushing the bra lower and lower. Then I reached under her and found the hook. Once it was open, I went back to the front, where her nipples were about the only things left uncovered.

"Alright, babe. Let's have a look."

I used a single finger to gently lift off the bra and toss it aside. I couldn't help but stare at the incredible, firm mounds. They filled her chest and would have been perfect even without the erotic nipples that rose from the middle of the areolas.

She squirmed when I rolled the nipples between my fingers. They quickly doubled in size and turned a bright pink. I knew I could go back to them later and, perhaps, get the results I wanted.

But she still wore her panties and nothing was going to happen until she was naked. I teasingly pulled them down a few inches at a time, playing with the newly exposed skin as I went. Eventually, her neatly shaven pussy was visible. The lips were full without hiding too much of her hole and clit. My mouth watered and my cock grew another inch.

I took off the panties and, except for the blouse that fell open at her sides, she was nude.

"Very, very nice. It's too bad I can't see the back, but maybe later. OK?"

She didn't respond and I didn't expect her to. But then I said, "I'm going to make a prediction. You're pretty quiet right now. I predict the volume will rise shortly and before it's done...now listen up...before it's done you will be begging me for more. It may be hard to believe right now. But you heard it here first."

I started by cupping her tits in my hands and sliding my tongue across each nipple several times. She wriggled back and forth, straining against the handcuffs. In the process, she accidentally rubbed her pussy against my cock. I didn't need any more incentive, but feeling her body touch my crotch did the trick.

I practically devoured her tits. I sucked on them as hard as I could and licked every inch of her chest. I drove my body into hers and felt my cock press between her legs.

The pain was too much. I stood up straight and took off my pants. I didn't think she could see my cock, so I didn't waste time putting on a show while pulling down my shorts. She'd find out how hard I was soon enough. In fact, I immediately moved forward and when my cock hit her clit, this time it was the real thing.

I rubbed up and down a few times while playing with her tits. She struggled and fidgeted, but how much of it was in reaction to sexual excitement I couldn't tell. I was determined to make my prediction come true and I had a plan.

I began licking down the front of her body. Past her navel. Over her stomach. To the top of her pussy. Only once did she try to squeeze her legs shut to keep me out, but I easily forced them apart and kneeled down to begin a long process that, I hoped, would ultimately make me a prophet.

I licked everywhere except where she would want me to if this was consensual sex. More than once I skirted around her clit or licked the outside of her cunt without entering it. Her juices began to flow and the sweet liquid gathered on my tongue.

Then, at last, I started licking her a few inches below her clit and methodically moved up. This time I didn't avoid it. My tongue touched it and I felt her body shiver. Again and again I very lightly licked her. She twisted her hips to get away, but I held her in place.

I went back down to her pussy and covered my tongue with her sweet juice. Quickly, I moved up to her face and kissed her hard. My tongue forced its way onto her lips and inside her mouth.

"Taste it," I said. "Taste yourself. You're wet, and horny. You don't want me to stop, do you?"

She didn't answer. Her eyes were closed, but I knew she had tasted the same thing as me. The unmistakable taste and smell of a woman ready to cum.

I returned to her clit. Thirty seconds of attention had her squirming and uttering moans that could have been sounds of resistance or sounds of pleasure. No single, definable words came from her mouth. But, clearly, she was affected by what I was doing to her.

I didn't want her to cum...yet...so I moved down and slowly inserted my tongue inside her cunt. She was sopping wet. I probed every corner of her hole with the tip of my tongue and fucked her until the moans returned.

I figured it was time to find out how she was feeling. I leaned over her body and spread more of her juices across her lips.

"Are you ready? Do you want to cum?"

This time she was looking at me. She said defiantly, "Never!"

My cock was rubbing against her clit. I felt her lower body react.

"But you're so fucking wet, babe. Your body is telling you it wants to cum. Here—let me show you."

I reached down with one hand and rubbed her clit harder than I had up to that point. My other hand was on her tit, squeezing the nipple just as hard. She stifled her moans as long as she could before a loud gasp escaped. I plunged a single finger deep inside her cunt and moved it in and out rapidly.


She shook her head in denial and was nearly in tears.

With my hand back on her clit, I leaned down and took a tit in my mouth. I licked it and sucked on it furiously. My cock was throbbing so much I thought I might cum without ever getting to fuck her. I needed to convince her quickly.

I bit on the nipple and she squealed. Her hips rose and fell as if she was fucking my hand. She was close.

I put my cock between her legs again and leaned close to her face.

"I can fuck you now if you want. Imagine my long, hard cock inside your cunt, pleasing you until you cum. Think of how good it would feel to cum."

I felt the tip of my cock hit her clit once more. She flinched.

"Do you want to cum?"

A tear dripped down the side of her face. She stared at me with the most mournful eyes I'd ever seen.

"Say it."

I roughly kneaded her tit.

I thought I saw her nod.

"Say it!"

"Yes," she barely whispered.

I smiled. "Tell me to fuck you."

She was silent, but her body was speaking to her and me.

"Tell me!"

"OK," she said.

"OK what?"

After a long pause, she nearly shouted, "Fuck me!"

"Do you want to cum?"


"Tell me what you want."

"I want you to fuck me and let me cum!"

With a sudden, violent thrust, I plunged my cock into her cunt. Her piercing scream of surprise was unlike anything I'd ever heard. The next thrust pushed her back a couple inches on the table. I held her by the waist and shoved my cock into her a few more times. She grunted with each one, but the amount of fluid surrounding my cock assured me she was in no pain.

I was intent on fucking her and not having sex as if we were lovers. This was pure lust. I'd wanted her for too long to make this first act anything less than a conclusion to my plan to have her. My only concession would be letting her cum at the same time.

She was showing very few signs of total rejection. Granted, she wasn't going anywhere because of the handcuffs. But her reaction to the fucking was more amenable than I expected. Maybe she truly was horny enough to cum.

I was able to keep my cock in her and lean down to continue sucking on her tits. If she had a weak spot, this was it. After a moment of serious nibbling, she actually wrapped her legs around my waist. The noises she made now weren't even moans. They sounded more like pre-orgasm mutterings.

I managed to get a hand between us and onto her clit. That was the final straw.

She screamed, "No. No! Don't make me...please don't!"

I rubbed harder.

"Stop! Oh my God, stop!"

She had to know I wouldn't until she came. I only had to wait a few more seconds.

She didn't announce it except to stiffen her body and raise her ass off the table. I pounded her with my cock a couple times and she shouted out as the orgasm hit her. I was stunned at the intensity of it. She dug her heels into my ass and pulled on the handcuffs while her body shook uncontrollably. Her tits rolled back and forth erotically, but I was too busy holding on to her to do anything with them.

The accumulated effect of the buildup to this day, the actual taking of her, the stripping and teasing, and now her orgasm, was that my cock was about to explode. The louder she got and harder she thrashed about, the closer I came.

She was just finishing up when the first shot of my cum flowed into the deep recesses of her cunt. I began a series of short, aggressive thrusts, each one accompanied by a deep groan and another spurt of cum. The table threatened to slide across the floor as I pushed harder. The slapping of my skin against hers sounded like somebody clapping.

And anybody watching would have appreciated the show we put on. She was magnificent in her uncontrolled orgasm and the sight of my cock slamming into her repeatedly, with our combined juices making it shimmer in the light, was enough to keep me hard.

By the time I was done, she was lying limp on the table. Her bangs clung to her forehead from perspiration. Her breathing was uneven and very audible. Actually, she looked very sexy...still.

I pulled out.

"Well, you seemed to enjoy that," I said.

"Fuck you."

"No. Fuck YOU," I replied. "And I think we'll have to do that once again after you recover."

I slid my pants back on. I found the keys to the handcuffs in a drawer and unlocked one of the cuffs around the table leg. I did the same with the second pair, and held her arms above her head so she wouldn't try anything stupid.


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