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The Perfect Alpha Ch. 06

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The Werewolf who is not what she seems...
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Part 6 of the 12 part series

Updated 04/21/2024
Created 03/30/2024
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A week and a half later we were walking into the large Auditorium. Alphas, Betas, their wives and Heirs had gathered for the meeting. One by one Alphas were called upon and they would stand, recite their name, their pack and who the heir apparent would be. If they were young and had no children yet, they simply said to be decided. An Older Alpha with no children would claim a strong Alpha wolf and adopt them and claim them as heir apparent. And so it went, each Alpha stating the information so it could be noted by the secretary. Alpha Gatherings happened every ten years unless there was an emergency that concerned all the Packs. No one knew it yet, but this meeting would be one of those emergencies. I sat behind my Father, normally the place of the heir apparent. My presence had not gone unnoticed by many.

"Alpha Storm of the Greywolf Pack.." a voice called and I watched my Father stand up. He signaled me to stand as well and when I did several voices began shouting.

"No Female will ever be Alpha!" "Get that child out of here this instant!" "I will declare War this instant if you try to name a Female as Heir!" on and on they went until a roar so loud and powerful had the walls vibrating and the floor trying to buckle. Faces paled as everyone looked to me and found my eyes glowing brightly.

"Shut your Mouths before you regret you were ever born." I roared at them with such anger that most were not able to keep themselves from submitting right away. I walked down to the center of the floor and pointed to the one who threatened War, he was our neighbor to the South and considered nearly the strongest Alpha to have had the mantle in a long time.

"If you wish to stop me being named Heir Apparent by my Father, then kill me and save both packs from a war neither wants." I called out to him. He looked around while everyone remained silent.

"Do not tell me the Alpha of the Bloodmoon pack is a coward and only fights when he has a pack to throw in front of him?" I asked in a tone that showed no respect for his position at all. I stared him straight in the eyes, knowing it would be taken as a challenge, one he could not let go, not with every Alpha seeing the same challenge.

"I will not simply beat you down pup, I will kill you and stop this nonsense once and for all." he declared and ran straight for me. He leaped up to swing his fist towards my face. One hand swiped his fist and deflected it away while the opposite hit him square in the chest, he flew through the first row and into the second. Bodies flying in every direction. He lay gasping through a shattered sternum, bloody bubbles from a punctured lung as I walked up to him.

"I don't have time for fools and those who are so narrow minded they wish to kill rather then move forward to save their pack from extinction." I growled at him.

"Shall I kill you now and not think further on your corpse, or shall we work together to stop this very Government from hunting us down?" I said aloud as if musing to myself. At those words everyone began murmuring to themselves. I reached down and laid my hand to his chest, they could see a soft glow and his gasp. It was found I could heal others but it took a lot of energy and left me vulnerable to attack, while I was still unkillable, it did leave me weakened. Even as he healed I began to sag, his hands grasped my upper arms.

"You would leave yourself weak to heal an enemy?" he asked, looking at me like I'd just grown a second head. I sagged further and felt him pick me up and take me to my Father.

"She displays all the strength, honor and morals of an Alpha. I am shamed by her actions as it proves my actions were not Honorable or those befitting an Alpha." he said quietly even knowing everyone would hear him anyways. It took a few minutes but I was finally able to sit up while he made his way back to his group.

"Alpha Jax of the Bloodmoon Pack makes an excellent observation." my Father said standing up and speaking as he moved around the circular area.

"We have a old law, kill every True Alpha Female that is found. Yet records show that we have not been doing that, we have not had a recorded slaying in over fifty years, did they just suddenly stop being born, I don't think so. I think many of you just find it preposterous to do so, so you hide them and remind them to hide themselves outside the pack. It is well past time to abolish this law and laws doing away with those who desire their own gender. The World has changed and if we don't change with it, we deserve what the Government has in store for us." he said as he caught several who looked away and knew they were hiding True Alpha Females.

The vote to abolish the laws on killing True Alpha Females was passed by everyone of the Packs. The vote to stop hurting or killing gays, was not so cut and dry. They did end up ratifying the rules, leaving it up to each pack to decide if they would allow gay and lesbian wolves to remain among them. Laws were also in place forbidding any wolf to attack another simply because of their orientation. Those who did not want them would arrange for them to go to packs who did allow them.

"Now tell us of this new threat that you have mentioned." One of the Council Members requested. My Father signaled to me and I stood and moved to his side.

"My Father, Alpha Storm of the Greywolf Pack, and I were able to spot, disable and put to the question an Agent from the CIA. He used technology to hide his scent and bend light around himself well enough that a happen stance look in his direction would not have revealed him to anyone, even Wolves." I had paused while everyone was talking loudly and growling in anger. A loud bang on a table top had everyone stop as the Council Elder stood up.

"Plan to continue to act like children, everyone need a time out?" he growled at them. They all sat down looking somewhat ashamed while also looking petulant. The Council Elder looked back at me and nodded. I spent the next two hours telling them everything, and even with Jesse's permission I described the abilities my Vampire side had given me, they were nothing new. And the Wolves had suspected powers for a long time but no Vampire ever admitted to any of it.

"Let me get this straight. You are not only a True Alpha Female Were, but you are also half Vampire as well?" he asked looking shocked and dismayed.

"I was conceived by my Parents, which is why my Animal within lives. The Vampire half that was forced on me and my Parents is not natural, I have no Vampire Beast within me, all it did was give me abilities that until recently I had no idea I had." I explained and shrugged.

"Would you tell us of these abilities?" The Elder asked and everyone's attention was on me.

"Vampires have what they call Minor and Major or Elite abilities. Most Vampires have no abilities beyond what is normal. But now and then one will turn up and display an ability. A higher level of strength, or Sight, speed or even stamina. An Elite ability would be an ability to heal nearly instantly from any wound, save having their head removed. Another is what they called a Juggernaut, this person can not be killed from the outside, no claw, no knife, no weapon made by human or supernatural can harm them. This ability is rare and has not been seen in the last thousand years, until now." I explained to them all.

"Which abilities do you have?" Alpha Jax asked slowly.

"All of them." I replied quietly. Before anyone could speak I continued, "The CIA had no idea what they were doing. They were trying to create a weapon of mass destruction. The only thing that kept me out of their hands, being born in the middle of my Mom preparing spaghetti. After my birth the pack Doctor said we were fine and not to bother with the Hospital. If we had gone, the Agent said a device would have been used to control me and somehow make me destroy every pack, and every coven in the US, Canada and South America. They had no idea what kind of weapon they had created in me." I looked to my Father and he nodded while I sat down in a room so dead silent no one moved, no one could barely even breath.

"During the time my Daughter was conceived, all those pups born in the Hospital, they died not from anything the Hospital did." he looked at Jax who was shaking his head in denial.

"Your son and your Brothers daughter. Were born several months before Raven was born. They had injected this stuff into them in the hopes of creating their army of hybrids. They died because of their desire to control and to finally eliminate us." my Father explained. Others began tracking births and dates as well, soon growls and howls of mourning resonated through the room.

"I am so sorry old friend." my Father was saying to Jax who could only mourn then like a switch going off he looked at my Dad and then at Me.

"Tell me you seek revenge, tell me you wish to make them pay." Jax growled while everyone looked at the two men facing each other.

"That is why we are here talking. I want revenge for what they did to my Daughter, I want revenge for what they have done to our children. The problem is we are speaking of the Government, we attack and we will have war and we are no match for their weapons. We need a plan, one that will allow us to first take out their scouts, find out who is next in the chain of command and work up until we find the last of them who know anything about us and put a stop to their creation of a hybrid army." my Father explained. Looking around it seemed many were of the same mind.

"We use their weapon against them. We make them pay for every child they murdered." a voice called out angrily. Another loud growl silenced the room as my Father looked around slowly.

"None will ever call my child a weapon again, no one will ever try to use her as one either. I will kill anyone who tries." he growled at them as he turned slowly addressing them all at once. "I dare any of you, if this had happened to your child, to allow your child to be used, to be thrown purposely in to danger." he added. I watched them jerk slightly at the reality of that statement, as a parent your first instinct is to protect your family and your pack, the idea of throwing a lamb to the slaughter was just not available to them even if that lamb was in fact a Black Panther.

Another loud bang of a gavel on the table top was heard and everyone looked to the Council Elder, "You have gone through your first shift, is there any problems with your Wolf?" he asked curiously.

"Yes and No." I responded while my Dad walked back to me and nodded. I took off my shirt, leaving the sports bra on and kicked off my shoes. I noticed several admiring my body, I worked out a lot, eight pack abs that showed every definition of hardened muscle, arms and legs, even my back was solid and with hardly any fat to be seen. Pulling off my pants left me in tight shorts that matched my top. In the blink of an eye I leapt to the center of the circular area as my cat. Gasps of shock and even awe were heard from around the room.

"I have.. I have never seen a Black Panther reach that size, not even their Alphas are much bigger then their Pride mates." The Elder said in awe. He moved around the table and up to me, he began to reach out and hesitated before bowing slightly in my direction, my cat felt pride at being seen with respect, she bowed her head in response. Soon his hand was caressing our sleek fur.

"So beautiful.. " he said smiling and as he stepped back he added, "And one of the most deadly I have ever seen. We would have been in deep trouble if they had been able to use you as they had planned." Several voices began to speak at once.

"We should kill her now before they can get their hands on her, she is too dangerous to live." a voice called out.

"Oh really?" The Elder asked amusement in his voice. "She is Half Vampire and from the small differences I am detecting, she has at least five species of cat in her as well. Not to mention a bit of Wolf. She sees better at night then we do, she has the same sense of smell as any Alpha Wolf if not better, the stamina of a wolf combined with the speed of a cat. And she is a Juggernaut. Do you really want to piss her and her pack off?" he asked while everyone fell silent.

"She could kill us all, right here in this room. And you think you can kill her?" he asked smiling and shrugged, "You are welcome to try, but I'm not cleaning your dead bodies up." he concluded and walked back to his seat while I rumbled softly towards him.

"Ah, sorry Raven, please shift so we may continue and thank you for letting an old man see what a true Predator looks like, both Beautiful and Deadly and knowing when to use them." he said almost wistfully. Both my cat and I were equally thrilled at being seen in such a manner. I shifted just as quickly and went about getting dressed, I could feel myself being watched and it wasn't just by the wolves in the room. Something else was watching me, something hidden.

"Behind and above, in the rafters." I sent to my Dad who instantly spun, everyone who saw his move were on guard staring upwards.

"There!" Jax shouted even as he and I both leaped upwards and impacted the body of a human. A loud scream and some very unkind words were shouted by a decidedly human voice. Jax and I dropped her in to the waiting arms of my Father and two other Alpha's.

"Do not harm her!" the Elder shouted with his considerable power. I dropped down with Alpha Jax landing beside me, a grin on his face.

"No one has ever been able to match me in a standing leap." he said with a grin. I just smiled while the body armor was removed from the human. Her scent filled the air, my cat was instantly on alert crying out, "Mate!" in my head.

Of course she is... I sighed softly.

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PurplefizzPurplefizz6 months ago

The story is shaping up extremely well, I’d agree with the comment from LeakyFaucit re a virtually invincible hero with no known (at present) weaknesses, there’s no jeopardy whatsoever, that is unless the CIA - or whoever is purporting to be, starts using family, friends etc as blackmail tools, a Lycan variation of the “Human shield”. Fingers crossed has a story arc roughed out to allow for this, it’s reminiscent of PartWolf’s “Alpha Killer”, I’m really hoping it’s just as, or even better. Fingers crossed!

Many thanks for both writing and posting, cheers, Ppfzz. 5⭐️

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

In response to the comments, she will be used to find the head of the snake and will go through many battles, of course she won’t die! For those who complain of her being invincible, please tell remember you are reading fantasy. Lol. Even though she won’t be killed, there are plenty obstacles for her to overcome. Keep writing and make it exciting. Lol

LeakyFaucitLeakyFaucit6 months ago

She is Superman without the kryptonite and the only weakness is the people around her. Yet here I am, on chapter six reading away on the short chapters.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Your superwere is going to need some kind of kryptonite otherwise there is no drama if nobody and nothing can stop her at any time its not as thrilling.

Wolftight21Wolftight216 months ago

Figures that her mate is human. Lol.

Am looking forward to reading lesbian sex in the future.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A 'mary sue' all-powerful faces moral difficulties.

How will one relate to others, in a community?

How will one's relationships form and work?

If your character is only about having personal power, then the James Duncan comment is right. But if your character has to engage with other characters, and has to engage with communal goals and moral problems, I think the James Duncan comment will prove to be too limited. I had a similar feeling with the Bujold fantasies of the Sharing Knife - and in the end satisfaction with how the relationship between those with special powers and the rest of the community, and with moral problems, worked out.

Randy24Randy246 months ago

Getting very interesting, keep up the great work.

James_DuncanJames_Duncan6 months ago

It's kind of an interesting story, but by making your MC "all powerful" you've effectively removed any jeopardy, any stakes for her personally beyond, losing those she cares about. In effect you've created the "mary sue" who only has to look inside and feel her own power to realise how much more than everyone else she is. She's done nothing to work for and strive for her power, she's simply awesome because she is and for that reason, I can't give you more than 3 stars, sorry.

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