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The Perks of Being a Butler Ch. 01

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Punishing The Teen Socialite.
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"To our beloved daughter," the televised ghost of Patrick Stein said, "we leave everything. All of our assets, all our houses and our businesses. Everything we own or have a share in is yours, sweetie."

Patrick's wife, Vanessa Stein, started to cry on the television screen beside him. Patrick Stein put the Will on the table and comforted his wife. They had filmed the video-Will in the exact same room where me (their butler), Camille (their daughter) and Carl (their lawyer) now sat, listening to their digital-selves read the Will.

I glanced at Cami beside me. Her mouth was peeled back in a half snarl and half smirk. Her parents jet went down on their way back to celebrate Cami's eighteenth birthday, barely even a week ago. In that entire week, I hadn't seen Cami cry once. Not once. Not when she heard the news. Not at the joint funeral. And not now she had just found out that she was now one of the wealthiest people in the whole world.

On the tv screen, Cami's mum sobbed and emptied her nose into a tissue. When she was finished, Patrick Stein spoke again.

"But not yet young lady. Your mother, Carl and I have discussed it and decided that 100% of your inheritance - assets as well as money and property - are all to be held in a trust operated by your butler."

The words had a literal weight that smashed right through the lawyer's office. For the first time since both of her parents - her only relatives in the whole wide world - died, Cami Stein cried. I processed this before I processed what her dead father had just said, processed the fact that I controlled everything Cami owned and wanted.

That I controlled her.

By the time I had realised as much, the Patrick Stein who lived on in an unchangeable digital loop had turned to look at me. I assumed that him and Carl had planned where I would sit upon filming this and not that there was a living Patrick stuck inside the television actually communicating with me.

"You have been my butler for as long as I can remember." Patrick Stein said. "You raised my only and beloved daughter, Camille, and managed to keep all of our assets in tact. I know that our relationship never really evolved beyond a professional level, but there is no one else I trust or respect more and I know that my daughter is safe in your hands."

Patrick locked his hands together and rested them on the desk. Cami cried beside me.

"As Cami's trust operator," Patrick Stein said, "you will receive a generous weekly wage but I am afraid that does not convey my heartfelt gratitude and thanks. As such, you will also receive a decade's worth of wages paid out in a lump s-"

"This is a joke isn't it?" Cami's voice was a sharp as a fang.

Carl Worthing, attorney at law, sprung forward in his seat. "Huh?"

"This stupid fucking thing!" Camille picked a paperweight off Carl's desk and threw it into the television screen. The paperweight hit her dead father in the head and went through the screen. Patrick was mid sentence at the time and his voice dropped to a robotic tone just before the screen exploded in a flash of sparks and shattered glass.

"Camille Stein!" Carl stood up, looking horrified. "Your parents raised you better than that!"

Carl took a deep breath and sat back down. "Look, you two both have a copy of the Will so why don't you go home and grieve there? You know where to find me if you have any questions."

Carl turned from Cami and settled on me. "How does that sound?"

"Yeah, alright," I nodded. "Okay Cami, let's go."

Cami stopped crying and turned her fury on me. Her glare was intense, hateful, disgusted, appalled. She looked at me like I was the Bubonic Plague or some other unearthly virus. Then she scoffed and got up out of her chair.

I moved to follow but stopped when I heard Carl mumble.

"Ah, actually, Camille, do you mind if I have a word with your guardian in private?"

The look in Cami's eyes - it was fire and brimstone, hate and anger, death and destruction. "He's not my guardian, Carl." Long gone were the tears and sorrow, back was Cami's bitchy teenage angst. "He's my slave."

Camille stormed out of Carl's office and slammed the door behind her. Carl watched her leave, and studied the way her skirt swayed and revelaved more of her thigh with each step. Then he laughed and leaned forward in his chair.

Carl opened his top drawer and pulled out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. He poured a shot's worth of alcohol into each glass, slid one over his varnished desk to me and picked the other up for himself and drunk without saying a word.

Carl sat there silently for a few moments after finishing his drink, looking off into the space between his desk and office door.

"Now son," Carl eventually said, "Mr. Stein left you in control of a substantial amount of wealth and power but none of it is yours, do you understand?"

I nodded. Carl and Veronica had always made sure I knew that I was below them, that I worked for them and not with them, that I would never be a part of their family. Yet the Steins, may they rest in peace, weren't so bad, at least not when compared to their daughter.

Cami was the devil. A cruel, stuck up and pretentious cunt. She has no empathy, no compassion, no nothing, just greed and arrogance....Cami did have reason to be arrogant. As much as I hated her - and I cannot stress that enough, she is by far the most despicable person I have ever met - Cami not only had more wealth than ninety-nine percent on the people on the planet but she was a bombshell. Absolutely incredible. Stunning. The heavens had blessed her with a beauty that was beyond belief and too pure for any mortal. And her body... It was art: tight and toned and with just the right amount of curves.

"I don't know you that well sir," Carl the fancy lawyer continued, "but I knew Mr Stein and that man was more paranoid than Stalin. If he approves of you to care for his daughter and empire, well then I would be silly to leave those tasks to anyone else."

"Thank you Carl." I stood to leave.

Carl cleared his throat. "As Camille's legal guardian though, you will have to pay for the damages incurred in today's meeting." Carl looked over at the broken television with the shattered screen.

"Of course." I gestured for a handshake. "Take it out of my pay."

Carl smiled and shook my hand. "Perhaps you ought to take Camille overseas. The Steins have properties all over the world. Here is their portfolio, have a browse, I think it could do Camille a lot of good."

I smiled and left with a folder full of mansions and penthouses that were mine by proxy.

The limo was still waiting out the front. Pauly, the chauffeur, opened the back door and I climbed in. Cami was sitting by the other door. She scoffed and got up to move to the other end of the limo. I ignored her and opened the folder of properties.

Cami scoffed again. Yes, I know, the stuck up little whore scoffs more than she speaks. "Don't bother looking at them. I'm not letting you in any of my properties. It's bad enough your pathetic little shack is on my main property."

I closed the folder and met Pauly's eyes just as he took his seat behind the steering wheel.

"Pauly, can we have some privacy?"

"Certainly, sir." Pauly closed the divider.

Cami scoffed yet again. "You must be loving this. You're not a sir. Anyone with more than twenty dollars can tell that."

I took a breath before responding. "Cami, I hope this whole thing, as awful and horrible as it is, can be a new start for us. One based on a mutual respect. Afterall, you are going to need to prove to me that you can be responsible and obedient if you ever hope to gain access to your inheritance. I understand that you're grieving so I'll let it slide for today but your better wake up with a better attitude tomorrow, young girl, do you hear me?"

"Aw man," Cami laughed and looked out the window. "I've never ever ever shown you the least amount of respect, ever. So don't act like I'm only disrespecting you now because my dumb parents don't know how to catch a plane properly."

Cami turned from the window back to me. "I disrespect you for the same reason I've always disrespected you and the same reason I'm always going to disrespect you and that is because you are filth, unworthy of anything that even comes close to resembling affection or respect or even human decency. You're a butler for Christ's sake! A butler! If this was ancient Rome, you'd be a slave getting arse fucked by their fat master. Just stay away from me. I'm flying to Hawaii for the weekend and I want you out of the manor by the time I get back."

Cami crossed her arms to make her point, but only for a second. Then she pulled her phone out and started browsing as if she was just waiting for the bus and had a polite little chat to a stranger.

Vicious, but not out of the ordinary. Cami went straight for the jugular, saying the most hurtful and truthful things she could. I was used to it and unphased. Actually, her cruel little outburst actually made me smile. And then laugh. I just couldn't help it.

"What are you doing?" Cami looked shocked by my reaction. "What is wrong with you!?"

I got myself under control. "Cami, come here."

Her eyes narrowed like I had asked to do the most disgusting thing imaginable.

I laughed again. "It's alright. I'll just come to you."

I stood up, as much as you can in a limo anyway. Crouched down with one hand on the roof to keep me steady, I walked down the limo to where Cami sat at the other end. She watched me like an accused witch watches the flames moving over the wood toward her.

"Oh Cami, sweet little Cami." I said in an upbeat voice. "Your parents were never around to discipline you, and I was always told it wasn't my place, that I was too scummy to disciple a little socialite like you."

I stopped a foot or so in front of Cami, hovering over her. She looked so small beneath me. She looked away, down at her feet.

"But your parents are dead Cami. You're alone with just me and eighteen years of discipline and punishment to catch up on."

Cami sobbed and slowly panned her face back up to mine. I smiled. Hesitantly and insincerely, she tried to return my smile but her lips kept quivering.

I grabbed a handful of Cami's hair and pulled her off her seat. She landed on the ground in the middle of the limo. She was petrified. I had never even raised my voice to her and now, all of a sudden, I was manhandling her.

Cami squirmed toward the other end of the limo. I laughed, made myself a drink from the minibar and turned the stereo up to maximum volume.

Cami was on her arse by then, her back flush against the seat at the other end of the limo, her eyes on mine, frightened. I put my drink down and moved toward her.

I sat down on the seat she rested against so my thigh rubbed against the side of her head.

"It's alright Cami, it's alright." I pat her hair. "It's only going to hurt for a little bit, come on, sit up and take your spanking. It's long overdue."

Cami didn't move, just sat where she was on the ground, shaking. I stopped patting her head.

"Camille, the longer you resist it, the more it will hurt. I promise you."

I heard Camille gulp. Then she shuddered and went still. I don't even think she was breathing. Finally, she sighed and got up to sit on the seat next to me. Her body was languid and loose, as if she were extremely drunk, and her face dropped down in a sulky expression.

I sat back as far as I could and patted my legs. "Come on, lay down."

Camille sobbed but did as she was told. I pat her head as it moved past me. She ended up with her stomach on the top of my thighs, her head on one side, her feet the other.

"That's a good girl Cami. I've never seen you be so respectful and obedient. It makes things a lot easier, doesn't it?"

Camille didn't answer.

I lifted her skirt up and rested it on her back so her teenage arse in all its pantied glory was visible. I was stunned for a moment, It was more beautiful than I ever imagined. A skin coloured peach. Firm but soft. Round but flush. Her cheeks were smooth, hairless and blemish free, as if she had been airbrushed. Her panties were a simple white but luxurious and expensive, silk or some other exotic material with a frayed seam.

I lifted my hand and spanked Camille as hard as I possibly could. Her whole body shot forward on my lap as if she were a bullet being fired. A yelp escaped her mouth and transformed into a howl.

"When I ask you a question Cami, you should have the decency to respond." I said, my voice becoming more and more firm with every word. "I said you being obedient and respectful instead of the spiteful and bitchy cunt you usually are, doesn't it?"

Camille cried when I called her a cunt but she was smart enough to answer. "Yes, it does." Camille gulped. "Sir."

I smiled at that. Instead of spanking her again, I just rested my hand on her arse, half on her skin, half on her exotic white panties. Her skin was warm, even through the silk.

"That is how you are to refer to me from now on, okay Cami?"


I spanked Cami as hard as I could, again. Again, she yelped, she howled, she squirmed, she cried.

"Okay who?" I asked.

"Sir! Okay sir! I'm sorry!"

"Good girl, Cami." I said. "You saved yourself another spank, aren't you glad you obeyed me?"

"Yes sir."

"Unfortunately though," I said, my voice reasonable and calm. "Like I said before, you still have eighteen years worth of punishment to catch up on."

Camille cried. I felt her body wobbling on my lap, the underside of her teenage tits bumping on and off the side of my thigh.

"Oh Cami, Cami, Cami," I moved my hand around her arse in a circle and gave her a few little playful spanks. "How are we to work this out? I never was that good at math. Why don't we just say one spank for each year? How does that sound to you?"

Cami cried before she answered. "Good sir."

"Good then!"

I wanted these spanks - the first of any form of discipline Camille had ever had - to mean something and really teach her a lesson so held off from giving her arse eighteen quick slaps. Instead, I savoured each and every one.

I alternated between cheeks, spanking each in turn, and felt up every inch of Cami's arse in between strikes. I was smacking her so hard that each hit pushed her panties toward her arse crack and exposed more of her ripe little cheeks.

Cami's arse was as red as a tomato. A rotting tomato though, with different shades of red here and there. My handprint speckled her arse and wherever two prints crossed over was a darker colour, like the inside vector of a venn diagram.

By the tenth spank, Cami's panties were almost a g string, that's how far my hits had sent them. Cami was over crying by then. At first she hadn't stopped. She had howled and hawed like a baby having a tantrum but each hit had beaten her resolve down and now, at least it appeared, she had finally accepted her punishment.

Sure, she still cried, but it was a sniffle compared to a sneeze.

I took a break after the tenth lashing and admired Cami's cute little butt. I grabbed the band of her panties and pulled them up so the rest of the material sunk further into the crack between her asscheeks, turning her panties into a fully fledged g string.

I groped her cheeks, made them jiggle and played the bongos on them.

Her arse was so beautiful and glorious that I just wanted to kiss it. I started to pull Cami's panties off - I mean, I wouldn't kiss it but I certainly wanted to see it - but Cami's hand stopped me.

"No!" She screamed, suddenly full of that teenage vigour again. "What are you doing!? You can't do that! Let go!"

I sighed and let go of Cami's panties. She tried to wiggle herself onto her knees but I put my palm on her back and held her in place.

"Don't move." I commanded.

Cami slowed her wiggling but didn't fully submit.

"Cami, Cami, Cami." I sighed again. "Here's the situation. You can't get your inheritance or allowance or anything really without my permission and I do not think you're even slightly deserving of any of it. I think you're a spoiled little cunt. But you don't have to be a spoiled little cunt forever, okay Cami? You just need to be punished, disciplined and taught. Lucky for you though, that's exactly what I have in mind. The thing is we can't make any progress if you refuse to participate. So you have two options.

"One: You can either submit yourself to me, completely, consent to letting me do whatever it is I see fit and dedicating yourself to doing exactly as I say without back talking. If you agree to and achieve this you will have access to all of your inheritance. The second option is you refuse my generous offer and you and I go back to manor to live there for the rest of our lives, without you ever getting so much of a cent. It's your call Cami, what do you want to do?"

Cami took a moment. When she had decided though, she didn't answer. Instead, she arched her bum up and reached down to push her panties off and collapsed back onto my lap.

Her skirt fluttered back down over her legs in all the movement and I had to move it out of the way again to see the arse I so desperately wanted to see.

The red was fading from her skin but still abundantly visible. I immediately pulled her cheeks apart and wasn't even slightly surprised to find that Cami's arse crack and hole were just as pristine and perfect as the rest of her. Firstly, there was no smell but a little whiff of the expensive soap Cami uses. Secondly, the skin there was smooth and perfect and a constant shade the whole way across, cheeks, crack and hole. Her hole was so tight it looked like you wouldn't even be able to fit a pencil in there.

"Damn Cami," I patted her arse in appreciation while I spoke. "Your arse, it's so much better than your personality."

I played with her butt for a bit longer while I thought.

"So, what was it? Five spanks to go?"

"Yes sir," Cami said through tears, her body rippling with her cries.

"You don't want me to spank you?"

Cami was too afraid to answer so I gave her a reassuring pat on the bum.

"It's alright, you don't need to answer, I can see. Look, I've got another idea about how to punish you so I'm going to let you decide which you'd prefer. So, would you like to be spanked or something else?"

Cami's head twitched. Then it moved around to look at me over her shoulder. Her expression was thoughtful, eyebrows angled. "What is the something else?"

"Oh Cami," I shook my head. "In future when you answer one of my questions with another question you will be punished for it severely, but today I will just forgo your choice. Something else it is."

Cami shivered. Goosebumps sprung up all along her arse and thighs. I used one hand to spread her arse cheeks and the other to tap her tight little arsehole.

"You have such a cute little fuckhole back here, Cami. How many boys do you let cum in it a day?"

"What? No! I've nev-"

I slapped her arse. "Don't lie to me Cami. A worthless little whore like you, you have nothing to offer anyone except for your body."

"No..." Cami weeped. "No..."

I spread Cami's arse cheeks apart with one hand and slowly sucked the index finger of my other hand, making sure to lube it all the way up. Then I inserted that dripping wet finger inside Cami's virgin arsehole - yes, I know I had accused Cami of being a slut but I was well aware that she was a virgin. Not only because I was her butler and had a pretty comprehensive understanding of her lifestyle but just because I knew Cami and knew that there would never be anyone who could reach her standards.

Cami struggled the entire time my finger drilled deep down into her arsehole. She squirmed and shivered, wiggled and rocked, thrashed and raved, but I had my free arm resting on her upper back, keeping her locked down while my finger molested her arse and she never left my lap.


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