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The Piccadilly Line

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Girl is taken on the Piccadilly tube.
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Do not read below the title if you are under the legal age to view pornography in your region, or feel you may be offended by themes of sex, bondage or humiliation.

This story is a complete work of fiction, and all character references have only coincidental similarity with any real person either living or dead.

Remember the difference between fantasy and reality is as fundamental as the difference between right and wrong.


It was 9am at King's Cross tube station. The Piccadilly line was packed with commuters. People were everywhere.

A pair of wide lust hungry eyes found a convenient gap in the crowd and focussed on a pert, firm bottom as the female it was attached to waited patiently on the platform for the next train to arrive. She had a minute to wait. The owner of the eyes had a minute to wait. She wanted to travel. He wanted her.

60 seconds to scan, in some detail, the fine curves of her backside and the delicious length of her legs from the high heeled boots to the top of her tight black trousers where the low cut hipster style revealed an inch or so of naked flesh. The eyes strained to see if the top of her panties could be seen before moving on up to the fur hooded green jacket keeping her warm. He imagined that she wore nothing under the jacket but that was, alas, unlikely to be the truth.

Her dark brown hair was highlighted with blond streaks and taken up into a pony tail. His rear view of her was gorgeous and he shifted himself slightly so that he could see his subject from the side. He visually traced the outline of her forehead down and over her cute slightly turned up nose and further to her full pouting lips. He smiled - she was stunning.

20 seconds to go. He looked up and glanced once to his left, nodded, and then to his right whereupon he nodded once more. On both occasions he glanced briefly back at the girl and mouthed 'hood'. His 2 accomplices acknowledged the signal. Now it was clear to them all who was to be their next victim. The train trundled into the station and the crowded throng surged forward.

It took some pushing and shoving but they were used to it. They were in position near to the long silver steel pole that served as a hand grip. The girl sensed their presence. The 3 men were bunched in tight around her. Her slender 5 foot 4 inch frame was boosted by the 3 inch heels she wore but she was still completely dwarfed by the close proximity of their 6 foot frames. Her jacket was zipped half way and her blouse had enough buttons undone to reveal her firm tantalizing cleavage. She could sense them staring down at her drinking in the sight of her flesh. She looked nervously up and smiled.

Then she felt it. Cold, sharp, steel on her skin.

"Don't move!"

Another blade. 2 now scraping viciously at the naked flesh revealed above her tight black trousers.

"Not until we instruct you."

She felt a third blade and inhaled, holding her breath not daring to move. Now she was completely restricted by the close proximity of 3 sharp points. One at each side of her and one at her back.

"Please," she whimpered.

"Grip the pole with both hands."

She did.

The men now closed in even more and the poor girl could hardly see the other passengers despite the crowded nature of the tube. One of the men moved to her front and stood with his back to her. He reached behind and touched her naked stomach. She flinched. She was more sensitive to that touch than all the blades put together. She was only threatened by 2 deadly razor points now but she felt no less exposed.

Fingers stroked her stomach. She swallowed.

"Let your hair down!"

The pressure of the sharp points increased. She removed one hand from the pole and did as she was ordered.

"Good girl. Now grip the pole again."

His fingers, operating blind, toyed with her fly buttons until the top one popped open. The remaining ones were relatively easy to undo and so the hapless girl felt her hips and groin exposed to the stale air of the train carriage.

"Please. No."

He smiled and turned to face his prey. Inches away from her his fingers still toyed with her flat smooth stomach.

"What's your name?"


"What colour panties are you wearing?"


"Colour, now, quick!"



She chewed her bottom lip in a manner that made her even more alluring.

She felt his fingers pulling at her zip. Her trousers were such a tight fit that they did not slip but stayed, moulded to her shapely legs and bottom with the exception only of the front piece. Her fly opening had been peeled to either side confirming that in fact she was indeed wearing white panties.

Fingers tugged at the helm of white silk.

"Mmm nice".


"Shut up!"

He gripped the silk and pulled. She moved with him as her panties started to wedge between her soft pussy lips.


He pulled harder.


Jessica gulped a mouthful of air.

The fingers then strayed under the soft material and delved deep enough to brush against the top of a very neatly trimmed triangle of pubic hair.


"Good girl".

A digit brushed her labia and then, having peeled the wedged panties away from inside her slit, his whole palm cupped her.


A long finger stroked the length of her moist lips enticing them into an ever dampening state.

"Turned on eh?"


"You're soaking".


His finger slipped into her and Jessica felt him begin to circle her inner pink folds.

"Shit, don't, please."

"Come for me, come for us, come now!"

One finger became 2 and then 3. Jessica groaned.

Her groin humped his hand as the slick moisture aided his cause. Her head slumped against his chest as she writhed in growing, agonising ecstasy. He could feel her tremble. He could feel her thighs squeeze together. He could feel her come.

"Are you coming?"

"Oh fuck, yesssss!"

"Go on then, come all over me!"

Jessica wanted to cry out but knew she couldn't. Not here. Not on a crowded tube train. She could still feel the sharp prick of the knives at her skin and, as she gave herself over to the glorious orgasm that was about to wash through her, she released the steel hand pole and laid her palms flat against his huge expanse of chest.

"Ohhh, ohhhh, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"Come, Jessica, come for me."

His hand cupped, squeezed and poked. She was stimulated beyond the edge of reason. Her head rested on his T-shirt. Saliva stained the faded cotton where she had dribbled evidence of her excitement.

A sharp intake of her breath signalled that Jessica had been released from her personal impalement. Thoroughly embarrassed the girl looked up into the face of her tormentor pleading, silently through her wide, satiated eyes.

She continued to lean against him as her dishevelled trousers still clung tightly to her body.

"Was that good?"


"Was it good?" His tone now more severe.

She looked wide eyed. The blades still pricked her.

"Y...y...yes," she stuttered knowing that it was the right answer but also that it reflected her true feelings in a submissive somewhat perverse sense.

The tube trundled on having passed Russell Square and Holborn before Jessica finally realised that it had stopped at Covent Garden. They had only been on board for 10 minutes and she had been brought to an embarrassing, humiliating climax by 3 men gathered round her on a very busy, crowded underground tube train.

"I need to get off here."

"The men just smiled." She wouldn't be getting off anywhere just yet.

"Clean me!"


He held up his fingers to her pouting mouth. She swallowed hard and tentatively kissed his fingers. Her tongue flicked out touching his rough finger ends. Jessica tasted her own juices then kissed some more this time running her small pink tongue over the damp moist residue.

She sucked.

First a little then a lot as she cleaned him of her own orgasm. Sucking. Kissing. Licking. Cleaning.

His hard on was raging and she could sense what might happen next.

"Please don't rape me."

"What here on a crowded tube? Don't be stupid."

More people poured in and the overcrowding became even more extreme as the train moved away once more.

"Touch me."

"Uh?" She looked up.

Touch me. Touch my cock. Slide your hand up and down it."

The close proximity of the knives told her that she had no alternative. Jessica closed her eyes and reached down.

She felt his hard on, it was big. No, it was huge. He groaned softly.

"Open your eyes and look at me."

Again the knife pricked and she did as she was ordered.

"Make me come."

Holding the steel bar with just one hand Jessica felt the length of his prick as the tube rolled into Leicester Square station. The crowd, if anything, eased a little. She looked up at the man whose back was slightly arched as she ran her hand along his rigid erection. First she moved a little tentatively but soon she increased the pace as the train pulled away once more. He groaned and she felt a strange pleasure at the reaction she was able to solicit from him.

The denim covered shaft seemed to be bursting from within as Jessica moved her fingers first slowly then quickly drawing him nearer to his climax.

"Oh, fuck, yesssss!"

She chewed her bottom lip in a very attractive and cute kind of way as he began to hump against her hand.

"How..oh..oh..old are... you, Jessica," he moaned.

She looked up.

"Eighteen, I'm eighteen."

She wanked him harder now and faster. She was conscious of the need to end this ordeal as quickly as possible but she had to admit to having strange feelings of desire in her own stomach.

"Fuck...oh...fuck!" he groaned, "I'm going ... to ... oh... come for you!"

She flicked his burgeoning straining end with her thumb and felt his groin twitch. He was nearly there. Despite her recent orgasm she also moaned softly and, although Jessica could not see it, the man's 2 accomplices stroked their own erections vigorously.

He was ready and she stroked faster.

"I'm going to come, tell me to come."

"Come for me," she moaned.

"Oh fuckkkkk yessssssssss!"

Jessica saw some of the other passengers look over at them and smile, but she finished him off feeling his grinding hips pumping seed into the restrictive cover provided by his jeans. She coaxed every last drop of sperm out of him after which the somewhat faded denim was beginning to turn a patchwork of darker blue.

The tube rattled to a halt. Jessica glanced up. It was Piccadilly station and she pleaded silently for them to release her.

The man sensed her obvious plea.

"Not yet you gorgeous little slut, you need to taste me first."

"No, I can't not here people would see me on my knees!"

He laughed.

"No you silly girl not like that, like this."

He flicked open the button fly on his jeans and took hold of Jessica's left hand. Her eyes were screwed tight shut and she grimaced as he placed her fingers inside his jeans. He wore no underwear.

"Oh yes," he sighed when he felt her touch his cock - now only semi erect. Jessica grimaced as she felt his penis in the flesh and the globs of sticky seed plastered around the end.

"Scoop it up and eat it," he whispered so as not to be heard by his fellow passengers.

"W..w..what, no I couldn't. I wouldn't ..."

"Do it!"

The sharp blades made themselves known once more and poor Jessica moved her fingers into the globules of sperm. All 3 men watched entranced as she cupped her hand and retrieved thick strings of his juice. It dripped from her fingers as, with a last pleading look, she scooped it up and into her mouth like honey.

"Good girl. Now again."

Once more she swallowed large deposits of his spunk until, finally, she couldn't easily get any more. He fastened up his trousers and watched as she licked her fingers clean. Then he fastened her trousers up as well.

You can get off at the next stop if you want. Jessica looked up at the large tube map. The next stop would be Green Park. She nodded.

"Yes please."

"But you need to do one last thing."

Jessica looked directly into the man's eyes.

"What?" she said almost defiantly.

"My friend here will unfasten your bra."

Jessica flinched as she felt hands roam under her jacket and blouse and unclip her bra strap.

"Then I will cut the shoulder straps like this."

A moment of panic overcame her as she thought that she might be scratched, but the knife slipped smoothly and simply through each shoulder strap.

"And I will pull it away like this. Voila!"

With that he took the middle piece connecting the 2 cups and pulled. Jessica's bra came away into his hands.

"Ohh!" she gasped as the shock of the material leaving her body registered.

"Now I have my souvenir. If we just re arrange you like so..."

He pulled the zipon her jacket all the way down and then he undid 2 more buttons on her blouse revealing much more of the firm breast curves making it obvious that, not only were her tits gorgeous, but also that she wore no bra.

The train came to a halt.

"Bastard." Jessica looked up and smiled. "That'll cost you fifteen quid!"

"Well you will use names like Jessica. I've got an Aunt Jessica and I couldn't get her face out of my mind. You were lucky I got a hard on at all!"

"Oh you actually got one on then?" She mocked.

"Piss off," he laughed back quietly.

"Got to go boys. Same time same place?"

"Yeah Sam, see you tomorrow."

And with that the lovely Samantha pushed through the crowd and was gone.


As always I am grateful for criticism, suggestions, ideas etc. Feedback is always very welcome. Please don't forget to vote. Sfor.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

That was a load of bull. Have you ever been on the tube? You think that could just happen? Also the train stops at every station unless there's a tech glitch. Wtf about an aunt Jessica? Same time same place? One of the most pathetic stories I've read on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

love the story, hate the friendly ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
loved it

wow what a great story - extremely hot. the part where she tells them she's only 18 almost had me cumming in my pants. dirty, depraved, dark & fucking sexy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Brilliant Story

What a brilliant story. I loved the fact that she was in tight trousers and not a skirt.

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