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The Picnic Ch. 03

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Jelena's humiliation continues; she can't leave now.
1.9k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 02/18/2009
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Though Jelena had not wanted—had not asked for—any of this to happen, here she was begging for someone to let her come. "Please. Please somebody help me come," she pleaded. "Somebody help me." Her panic at the thought of her orgasm being denied caused her tears of shame to become a full on cry of desperation as she thrust her hips and pussy toward everyone whose eyes met hers. The crowd around her laughed at her and said things like "look at this whore" and "what a little slut" and things like that. Their laughter and words reminded her of the state she found herself in: it was one of utter humiliation. She was being forced to degrade herself in front of these people not only physically, but mentally. And the worst part was that, since she had never been so desperate to come in her entire life, she began to realize that her level of arousal was directly connected to her level of shame and humiliation. She was so scared of what was happening to her. She needed to get out of here. She knew that the only way she would be able to leave, though, is if Mr. Elman would let her.

Mr. Elman was pleased beyond what he had imagined. He had recognized Jelena as a submissive when she interviewed for the job in his office, but he had not thought her transformation would happen so quickly.

He turned to Mark and Jelena heard him tell the young man to remove his pants and lay on his back. Then Jelena heard him say, "Jelena, you may fuck Mark's cock."

Jelena knew that this was her last chance to maintain control of herself. She must get up and leave right now. But she wanted to come so badly. Her pussy was spasming and dripping wet with the juices from her interrupted orgasm. All she wanted was a cock in her—any cock. She knew in her mind that it didn't matter whose. She hoped Mr. Elman could find a way to satisfy her now uncontrollably urges and allow her to retain some sense of self-control. She feared, though, that if she did not leave now that she would end up fucking every cock at the party. Maybe, though, just maybe, she could just fuck Mark. That was it! This whole thing was about getting Mark laid! But Mr. Elman had said "we" are going to fuck you. She was so confused. But she was also dying to come. She decided she would just fuck Mark and then leave.

She straddled Mark's body, facing him. She lowered herself down over his rock hard cock, grabbing it with her hand and guiding it into her sopping pussy. Oh, it felt so good filling her. This was not the time for gentleness or slow build up. Jelena was on fire. She plunged her body down on his cock, forcing it in to the hilt. She placed her hands on his abdomen for support and fucked his cock at a furious pace. With her level of arousal and Mark's inexperience, it wasn't long before the both of them reached orgasm. Jelena climaxed first, lifting off Mark's cock, shamefully rubbing her clit in front of everybody, and squirting all over him like a shameless whore.

That was the thing, though; she was feeling anything but shameless. In fact, she felt herself coming more intensely and trying to spread herself open wider as she heard comments like: "Look at this whore squirt all over the place!" "What a slut!" "I've never seen such a little cock whore in my life!" And so on and so on. She felt so ashamed of herself, crying and yelling "I'm sorry" as she came and came and came. Before she was through coming, Mr. Elman yelled at her to finish Mark off in her mouth. She jumped down between his legs, her wide open asshole and dripping, convulsing pussy looking up at the men behind her, and jerked Mark's cock off into her mouth. She saw the next man lie down beside them, his cock rigid and sticking straight up, as Mark pumped load after load of jizz into her waiting mouth, she couldn't believe how much it was or the force behind it—he must not have ejaculated for some time. She dutifully sucked and swallowed, squeezing along the underside of his shaft to extract every last drop.

"Tell Mark 'thank you,' Jelena," Mr. Elman said.

He should be thanking me, she thought. But she did as Mr. Elman told her, looking down at the ground and saying "thank you, Mark."

"Thank you for what, Jelena?" Mr. Elman asked.

Oh god. How much would he have to humiliate herself before them to make them happy? Jelena blushed and shuddered to look at Mark's satisfied face. "Thank you, Mark, for coming in my mouth."

"Mark," Mr. Elman said. "Have you ever seen or heard about anyone acting like this much of a slut, sucking off and fucking strangers in public before?"

"No," Mark said. "This is awesome!"

"Oh god," Jelena thought to herself. "Why did he have to say these things?" She had to leave, now.

Out loud to no one, she said, "I have to go." But she didn't move. She just stood there looking at the ground and cutting her eyes over to the next cock she was supposed to fuck.

"Now, Jelena." Mr. Elman said. "You're being such a good girl. You know you're not done here. Other cocks need to come. And that's why you're here: to make cocks come. I see another cock, now, needing attention."

She looked over at the man lying on his back on the ground. Why did he have to be so patronizing? She knew she was not being a "good girl." Did he really think that she would believe she was being a good girl just because he said she was? She wanted to say something to him and to the rest of the people watching her to prove that she wasn't just some naïve whore. But other men started lying down in a line and stroking their cocks. How many men was she going to fuck? She watched them, man after man, cock after cock, lying down in front of her. She began to cry again as she looked at the next hard cock that would enter her. She knew it wanted to, needed to come. And she knew that she would lower herself down upon and fuck up and down until it did start coming, upon which time she would pounce on it with her hands and jerk it off into her mouth. The next cock was long—at least 8 inches—and veiny. It belonged to a man of at least fifty. He wasn't in bad shape. Bald and a little scruffy, but not bad.

Mr. Elman broke her trance. "Don't just stare at it, Jelena, get him wet with your mouth and make him as hard as possible; he may want you to use your ass."

She began to cry a little harder at this thought: not only were they showing that she could not control herself, they would eliminate all pretenses of her having self-control by making her most private, most intimate hole to make them come. Thinking maybe, just maybe, if she did really good with her mouth and pussy, they wouldn't make her use her ass, she crawled over to the next cock and started sucking it into her mouth and throat. She wanted to make it come as quickly as possible, to get it over with. She plunged her face down onto it. When it hit the back of her throat, it triggered her saliva response. She tried to imagine what it must feel like to the cock to slip past her lips, tongue, and cheeks, the roof of her mouth and then into the enclosure at the back of her throat that she tried each time the cock head hit it to open up by swallowing. She shamefully allowed herself to drool all over it, her saliva running down the shaft and all over his balls and made sure to suck as hard as she could when she lifted her head off of it and back into her mouth. It must feel warm and wet, she thought.

She raised her face off his cock, which was glistening and slick with her saliva, straddled him and lowered her pussy all the way down over it. It slid in easily and, she had to admit, felt good inside her. She bounced up and down on it as rapidly as she could, hoping to make him come quickly. Cheers went up from the crowd. She was encouraged.

"Good girl, Jelena." Mr. Elman said. "Make him cock come for you."

"Why is he trying to keep up the charade that this is for me?" she thought. "This has nothing to do with me. I am just a hole to these men, a come extractor."

She fucked and fucked and fucked the stationary, rigid cock. As she had hoped, he would not last long. When he began to buck his hips, Jelena started to raise up off of him in order to take his come in her mouth.

As she did so, Mr. Elman told her to, saying "It looks like he's about to come, Jelena. Use your mouth to finish him off."

What did he think she was? An idiot? She knew when a man was about to come. She was just about to do just what he told her to do. She hated to be told to use herself. She would have to be just a bit earlier next time.

"Keep your eyes open, Jelena." Oh god, she had forgotten. Like she had done with Mark's, she finished this cock off in her mouth, looking its owner in the eyes and sucking out every drop to the cheers of the crowd.

"Thank his cock for coming for you Jelena, and tell us how many loads have you taken."

Did she really have to say that? Wasn't fucking them and making them come enough? She looked down at the ground, thinking about the shameful absurdity of the whole situation.

"Jelena, thank his cock for coming!" Mr. Elman commanded.

As ridiculous as it was, she might as well do it. Look at what she had already agreed to do—what she had already done. Had Mr. Elman known she would do all this when he asked her to the picnic? Or worse, when he hired her?

She caressed the now softening cock. A last pearl of jizz squeezed out of the head. She leaned down and licked it off, saying "thank you for coming for me." She then turned around to face the crowd and said, "That's the third load I've taken."

"Good Jelena, go on to the next one."

Jelena finished off three more cocks in the same way as she had finished off the last one. She was exhausted and sore, but Mr. Elman told her to keep going, so she kept going. First she sucked them to full erections, then squatted over them and fucked them until they started to come. Then she knelt down and jacked them off into her mouth. Each time she thanked them and, lowering her head, announced to the crowd how many loads she had taken.

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