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The Pink Circle Ch. 01

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An MLP all-female college group is targeted by naughty boys.
20.1k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/03/2016
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Thank God today's lectures had let out early... Most of it was still just a blur in Klein's head. He hadn't been paying too much attention to the lady up at the front of the lecture hall, except for whenever she bent over a li'l bit and let her heavy melons bounce around. Then he'd given her all the attention she could possibly want!

It was a beautiful day outside, which meant he immediately set to looking around for what this weather usually brought out: plenty of cute, curvy, campus bitches with low-cut tops stretched over soft, fat breasts and shorty-shorts squeezing the cute little mounds between their thighs. He was the kind of brutish jock who could have almost any of 'em bent over and moaning with a snap of his fingers if he wanted, and he often did. Sure, there might be the occasional tricky one here or there, but at the end of the day all of those cuties were just bitches cruising for cock, regardless of what they said otherwise. And some of them said a LOT otherwise.

He was already wondering who today's lucky gal would be, but he never would have guessed she'd be coming to him for a change. Fluttershy didn't know it yet, but she was going to end up just as full of Klein's sperm as every other vapid, needy whore on the campus did.

As he stepped out onto the campus courtyard, he began lazily hunting for one of the cuter ones in the herd. Klein firmly meant to end today the way he did most others: chatting a gal up for somewhere between five minutes to half an hour, before taking her back to his room and savagely pounding a woman's number one reason for living into her pussy over and over, all the while letting her profusely thank him for even glancing her way.

Firmly occupied by these sorts of thoughts, he slowly began heading towards the carpark. Klein's beautiful ride was his pride and joy, just perfect for cruising and picking up chicks. Just as he was bending down to unlock the door, he froze on the spot. Standing in front of him was a very sweet young thing who must have followed him all the way from the campus grounds. The two of them were now alone in the dusty, deserted lot.

Now who was this cutie? She was standing about a car's space away from him, and once he was done unlocking the car, he turned to face her, resting an arm on the hood. He wasn't just a brutish jock, he was nice and tall too, and had a whole head of height on the girl to intimidate her with.

"Well, hey there, baby... Lose something?"

The girl huffed a soft response under her breath, so faint she might as well have not even bothered to say it! She fidgeted hesitantly with her book bag, and glanced away quickly, hiding her gaze behind long, flowing locks of soft, pinkish hair. She wasn't like most of the co-eds that caught his eye; while they dressed themselves up, this one was thoroughly dressed down. Not that it mattered. Her long, loose sweater did a poor job of concealing her oversized bust and the modest, boring skirt that reached past her knees did the same to her ass, completely failing to hide the obviously generous curves tucked away underneath. On this bright, sunny day, she'd dressed as if she was expecting much colder weather.

But even under all that, her figure was unmistakable: broad hips, thick thighs, and breasts that would have looked more at home on a pornstar than a meek little freshman.

She paused and glanced once around the empty carpark. With him still watching, she turned her head upwards to admire the birds chirping overhead and might have done so for some time if he hadn't coughed politely in her direction! She finally seemed to remember what she was doing here and took a fidgeting step closer.

"It's just, um..." The cutie was struggling to find the words as she pulled a familiar sheet of colored paper out of her book bag, "I'd like to talk to you about this flyer, if you have the time. This is yours, right? You put this up." She glanced back at it, as if checking it once more, before holding it out to him.

Klein recognized his flyer immediately. He was real happy with how the ad had come out. One of his buddies was a good artist and had put it together to look real nice: the picture showed a big, all-American car with plenty of grunt behind and these two wicked-hot bitches just leaning over it. The first one was kind of off to the left, wearing nothing but a skirt, fully bent over the vehicle, long supermodel-like legs stretching out below her and ending in a big pair of fuck-me knee-high boots. Her skirt was fluttering up in the wind, baring her tiny black panties and most of her fat, juicyass. She was topless, but the angle ensured that while the swell of her tits could be plainly seen as she soaped the car down, her nipples were mercifully out of sight. The other girl was pressing her hip into the car. She was wearing skintight lycra pants, but was also going topless, resting her juicy melons on the hood of the car so her nipples were out of sight, too. She was soaping it up real good, all the while smoking a big, fat cigar.

That was the best part, Klein thought with a grin: her full lips were pursed nicely around that fat, thick stogie, her top row of teeth gently biting in. The euphemism was thick as hell, there's no way anyone could look at it and not think of what it really represented: this girl loves to suck cock. Maybe come along to our car wash and you'll get some action like that, too. Sex appeal sells, right? Damn, but his friend had done a number on it! Compared to the wide-eyed, innocent girl standing in front of him, it was like those drawings were from a different world altogether!

"Yeah, it's not bad, right? We're kinda tight for spots what with all the girls helping out, but, mmmm... We miiight have room for one more, maybe."

"Oh!" the freshman nearly yelped, looking like she'd been bitten. "Oh, no no no!" With a faint blush at the misunderstanding, she shouldered her book bag and came nearer.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about it because I think it's... um, kind of out of line, really." She fidgeted a little, not quite tripping over her own words but clearly expecting them to go through without resistance. "See, I'm part of Pink Circle, the newly formed Feminist Club on campus? We look out for this kind of thing," she tapped her finger on the flyer a few times. She didn't seem particularly upset, and definitely not pissed off. It came across more like she was a concerned friend.

"Anyway," she continued, brushing the hair out of her soft face, her lips so plump as to put the girl on the flyer to shame, "I just think... I mean, this flyer, it's a little bit sexist. Well, actually, the whole event is, if you think about it. That's why on behalf of the club, we'd like to ask you to cancel it. Or, if that's too much trouble, at least change the whole focus.

"But um, canceling is what they asked for. It's exploitation!" she concluded, in a tone that suggested it was a prepared speech. When she was done, she glanced up from the flyer at last and looked at Klein with a hopeful smile.

"Oh... Oh dear..." he said, an insincere look of shock slowly spreading across his face. "My goodness! You're completely right, young lady... We've made a terrible mistake!"

He closed the door to his car, locking it, and began to walk her way, plenty of swagger in his step. Jesus fucking Christ, the titties on this bitch were so big it was a wonder she wasn't grazing in a field somewhere. He'd have to keep her around for the next time he got thirsty: he could squeeze one of those damn things and probably squirt enough milk to fill an entire keg. Klein stared at 'em for a good long while, but they were far from the only asset on display: her hips, her ass, her fat, juicy lips, it was all so damn perfect. He began to cross the space between them, taking little steps until he was within arm's reach of that chest. "You're right, it's completely sexist... We were actually looking for a model to help us out!"

In a very serious, understanding, comradely fashion, he threw an arm around her shoulder. He smiled at her with boyish charm as he continued speaking. "You see our artist is kind of a perv... This is just the sort of stuff he likes to draw, you know? So having a new-age, in-touch feminist like yourself providing her services for the next car wash's flyer would be fantastic. You could make sure these slippery, soapsud-drenched bitches get portrayed in, mm, the best light possible. What's your name, cutie? I'm Klein."

"I'm, um, Fluttershy," the top-heavy co-ed managed to stammer out with an innocent smile. She was practically beaming, not surprised but very pleased that her words had made such an impact. "I'm really glad to hear you say all that. I was worried you wouldn't see it that way. I mean, of course, we're not just trying to give you a hard time, but something as archaic as a bikini car wash... It's just that, well, you see the problem, I'm sure. Exploiting young, impressionable women like this to show off their bodies in some lewd display." She seemed to gloss over the word "bitches", though whether it was because she just missed it or intentionally gave it a pass was anyone's guess."So, you agree it's going to be changed?" she asked eagerly.

"Well, maybe you misread the flyer, but it's not a bikini car wash. It's a topless car wash. See? The girls in the picture are topless?"He tapped a finger against her temple playfully, "Hello, anyone in there? No, of course not. Heheh." Somehow, against all odds, the gesture came off as cute and boyish, instead of the blatant misogyny it really was. Some boys just had that knack, and Klein was one of them."We did a bikini car wash last year and we got a decent turn out, but we could've done a lot better... And it's not like the girls don't owe it to us, either. A lot of them are frat boy's girlfriends or the bitches we invite to our parties, so if they wanna keep coming in, they ought to be prepared to do simple stuff like this for us every once in a while. Not like getting their tits out costs 'em anything, right? I bet you know allllllll about that, lugging around a pair like that. Holy fuck."

He grinned when she laughed nervously. He was still leaning over her, still had an arm wrapped around her. He casually kinda lifted his fingers up from her hip and copped a quick feel on one of her breasts. They were too damn heavy not to. "Maybe we should donate some of the money to the 'Repair Fluttershy's Bras After She Breaks 'Em' fund."

"Well, they do break pretty..." she began.

"And I really appreciate your, mm, input, but the car wash is only a few days from now and lots of people have already said they're coming... You understand, right? Imagine if you went to get your boyfriend a beer and there weren't any in the fridge. Crazy, right? But I can already see we're gonna have a waaaay better image the next time round with you on board as our model."

She suddenly jumped again, brain finally catching up. "Wait, I never said I was going to be a model for this!" She seemed to ignore the touch altogether, either too distracted with one topic to focus on another, or just so used to the feeling of those heavy jugs swaying around and bumping into things that she'd learned to ignore sensations like that.

The pink-haired co-ed certainly didn't seem too pleased with the idea, but instead of rolling her eyes and walking away, or giving the punk a deserving slap in the face, Fluttershy went back the topic by taking an almost pleading tone, as if she were trying to convince an angry friend they were making the wrong choice. "You don't understand, a topless car wash would be even WORSE!" she cried, somehow convincing herself that he truly didn't understand. "First of all, it's against the county's decency laws! So there's a problem right there, right off the bat. But more importantly, surely you must see how you're treating these girls is wrong! A sexist, exploitative event like this, well, it's painting everyone involved in a very bad light!"

She held up the flyer, pointing to it as she explained, oblivious to where Klein's attention truly lay. "These girls are students, and young ones at that, and the way this flyer and event show them off, it's drawing attention solely to their bodies, treating them like things instead of people! It's an over-sexualized display of flesh, and it demeans the women involved. It doesn't take cash out of their pockets, but it costs them their dignity, their self-respect and self-worth! You can see how harmful something like that is, right? Wouldn't it be much nicer if it was just a friendly, regular car wash? I mean, the cars would still be just as clean, wouldn't they?" she asked, smiling naively.

He tutted under his breath, raising the hand that wasn't groping her titties and hips to fan her face teasingly, like she was overheating. She was teaching Klein about an all-new fetish he'd never known he had until today: bubble-headed bimbos butting in on his business and acting like they had any say in what went on at all. Under other circumstances it might've grated on his nerves, but holy God this bitch was fucking adorable... She was lecturing him like he was some kid she'd caught with his hand in the cookie jar, not the guy who was going to leash and collar her like the bitch she was in the days to come.

It was just fucking unreal, more gals should be as dopey and well-meaning as this one was. "Hey, hey, calm down, kiddo... You're gonna blow a fuse or something, I can't stand seeing a little cutie all frantic about stuff she doesn't understand. Just relax, calm down, take a nice, deep breath..."

If there was one thing Fluttershy had been put on this world to do, it was obey commands from men, and this was certainly no exception. She did just as she was instructed, her pursed lips slowly parting to let in enough air to make the fat of her sweater puppies rise up on her front, then begin the slow, jiggling process of settling down again. Listening closely, he just barely make out the faintest little "clap" as her breast-flesh came softly together. But that was hardly unusual for her: just about every breath Fluttershy took managed to make that buxom upper body go "slap slap."

"There. Feeling all better now?"

She smiled at him. She did!

"Now, come on... Don't you think we men are up to the task of running just one little topless car wash? I get that you're in a big tizzy-hizzy, all worked up about the reputations of these loose bitches, but don't you worry your pretty little head about it... It's not like they'd give up going to our parties over a tiny little thing like self-respect. Everyone already knows they're a bunch of cock-addicted whores, you could go and check out our frat's website if you needed any confirmation of that... Really, they're lucky we even agreed to let them be in the car wash."

When Klein paused for a moment, a gasping Fluttershy opened her mouth to speak. But even as those gentle lips opened wide, he immediately cut her off again and continued talking! "Is an 'over-sexualized display of flesh' really so bad, if it means they make men happy? You need to learn a simple truth, Fluttershy... keeping us men happy is the only thing these girls wanna do. I could walk into any club room on this campus right now, even this... 'Pink Circle' you're in, drag my balls over the face of any bitch I want, and she'd better smile up at me and give me a big, cheerful 'thank you,' or she's gonna get slapped or worse. Understand, cutie~? There's more important things in male-female relationships than who's getting 'demeaned' or 'exploited.'"

The busty young co-ed blushed brightly, unable to believe what she was hearing! Her face turned a cute pink hue to match her hair as she put a hand to her mouth in embarrassed surprise. "Oh, no no no," she quickly returned, showing not the slightest hint of anger, only misplaced compassion and a clumsy desire to explain things.Her mindset had become clear quite quickly: she was obviously under the impression that her view was so objectively true that the only reason Klein - or anyone else, for that matter - would ever disagree was because she simply hadn't explained it well enough. "You have to understand, what you're saying, it comes off as sexist and uninformed. You see, not everyone feels that way. Myself, and the girls at my club, for instance, we'd never want that! And when you talk about women in that way, like they're only there for you, that's offensive. It comes off like you're saying that women are only good for looking at and using for your own needs, see?" She smiled as she finished talking, wagging the flyer in one hand as a helpful visual aid.

"I don't think you really mean those things, right? You just get carried away, that's all. It's okay. I'm not trying to judge you. But some people would be very offended by the things you're saying, and when you make events like that, for girls to show off their breasts just for male enjoyment, well, that's not very nice. It doesn't have anything to do with washing cars, first of all, and it doesn't paint a respectable picture of you either!" she explained, smiling in a careful, helpful way.Hoping to make it a little more clear to him, she offered a semi-rhetorical question with an answer that, to her, was plainly obvious, even as she waved dismissively at the cocky kid's ride.. "I mean, you wouldn't just ask me to pull out my breasts and rub them all over your car, would you?"

This was it. Klein had just found the perfect cure for male impotence. He'd only been talking to this girl for five minutes or so, and his cock already felt like it was gonna tear a hole in his jeans and violently force its way inside her pussy. He just wanted to mount this addle-headed bimbo, really squat down over her and swing his hips in and out until there wasn't a single drop of sperm left in his balls and her pussy was a gluggy, overflowing mess of semen.

This didn't even feel like a debate with a feminist: it felt way more like his kid sister was playing a role, trying to copy a speech she'd heard on TV or something. She delivered every line of meaningless drivel with so much concern and conviction that it just ended up being adorable rather than annoying. He'd never met such a naive person, such a bubble-headed little toy for boys, in his whole life.

"You're amazing..." he said breathlessly, smiling down at her as he rested a hand on either one of her slender shoulders. "The way you talk is just so wonderful, I could, heh, I could listen to you for hours. Everyone in my frat could. Would you be available to give a speech to my whole frat house about women's rights sometime? I, and everyone else, really need to learn what women are really good for! And the girls, too! See, that's kind of where the problem stems from, you know?"

He grinned wolfishly, preparing for a whole new method of messing with this busty cutie. "See, these girls we've got doing the topless car wash, they want it that way- inside every woman, even ones with half the rack-flesh you've got, there's a little slut wanting to get out." She gasped at that, cradling her enormous breasts to her body semi-protectively, though it was only a moment before she let them flop back down to their natural ridiculous size."They're filthy gals who want to drink beer and suck cock and have unprotected sex- and party like crazy, of course! We, mm, we tried to tell them just a bikini car wash was enough, but those immoral whores, well... they wanted it this way. Actually, I always thought that was just how it was meant to be... I say to these girls, 'Hey, get your fat, juicy tits out and lay them on the hood of my car!' and they just go, 'Yes please, sir, right away sir!' They're pigs, Fluttershy."

He put on a mock look of concern, like he was the real victim here. "All women are like that, they're all just bitches waiting for the first opportunity to peel their shirts off and wave their fat titties in men's faces, anything at all for even the slightest bit of validation from us and our big, hulking cocks. They just wanna get in our pants. You're the first one I've met who told me this was wrong, you know~I'm not just gonna ask you to get your juicy, heavy tits out and rub them all over my car, I'm going to implore you to do it as a feminist!"

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