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The Pink Circle Ch. 01


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He walked around behind her and gave her a gentle shove on the shoulders towards the vehicle. "The top-heavy teen stumbled to the car, pushed suddenly, and landed chest-first on it, her heavy bust smushing against the hood through that loose but adorable sweater she's wearing, giving all the more an impression of their true weight and heft. Fluttershy found herself bent over the hood of the car, the flyer dropping to the floor. "Right now!" cried Klein, false enthusiasm twining with the genuine article as he smiled at the innocent cutie he was snaring in his trap. "We're going to start working on a new poster right now, so I can see exactly how a feminist, a woman who isn't just led around by the hot, drooling gash between her thighs, thinks our car wash should be portrayed... You need a hand up or anything?" Fluttershy's hands clapped down on the hood and she glanced back at him for a moment before, amazingly, she began to slowly climb up onto it.

"You... well, I mean, it's nice that, um, that you're coming around," she stammered. "I'm glad I've given you something to think about!" Her naive smile said it all; she really thought she was having an effect on him, and seemed just pleased as punch believing that she was the force in Klein's life that had finally prompted him to re-evaluate the way he treated and even thought about women. Spurred on by his hamfisted admission (no matter how obviously facetious it would have been to someone less innocent than Fluttershy), she seemed to easily reconcile the utter contradiction of being encouraged to show herself off for feminism, and climbed clumsily onto the hood of the car, her massive, barely-restrained bust swaying heavily with the motion. She struck a halfhearted pose and shot him a sweet, naive smile. "See, if they looked more like this," she explained, helpful as ever, "I bet you'd get even more people coming, and no one would complain!"

"Ahhh, yeah, that looks way better already than some drawing`" Klein said. He seemed kinda distracted to Fluttershy, but it was because he was mostly thinking about how he wished he had his video camera here right now to film every second of this act. Instead, he took out his camera phone out and snapped a few pics of her, clicking them from a few different angles around the car.

"Damn, you look good... Hey, I meant to ask, are those all-natural? I don't have a problem with fake ones, but I've never seen natural ones those fucking big... What do you even eat?"

"O-oh," she murmured quietly, another strong blush rising to her face. She seemed a little taken aback, but at the same time it was clear that she wasn't hearing that question for the first time. "Y-yes," the timid co-ed murmured, shuffling a little atop Klein's car in a rather bouncy way.

He rested a knee on the front of the car and leaned in just as she started to talk. "Hey, lift your sweater a li'l bit. Show some skin, okay? A little risqué is okay, right?"

"They're natural, of course, I would never get implants. I'm happy with how they are," Fluttershy trailed off, looking down at her own sizeable bust as she spoke. Her mind was still caught on answering his first question and she barely registered the instruction to show some skin. She was so distracted by her current train of thought that she only seemed to register the request subconsciously, and her hands, as though with a mind of their own, moved down to the hem of her sweater and pulled it up just a tiny bit, revealing a tiny patch of pale skin on her soft, smooth belly.

That caught his attention and his libido! All he had to do was keep this cutie talking about something else and she'd do whatever he wanted. "How long have you been a feminist?" he asked, snapping a picture of her tummy as he did. In the meantime, Klein thought, the requests for her body could get more insistent, more demanding. And, of course, any and all answers she gave would fall on deaf ears if they weren't about her titties.

"Well," she started politely, a naive, unburdened smile on her face, "I guess the thing to understand first is the way Pink Circle handles modern sexist dialogue. You see, whenever a young woman is objectified..." she continued, the response so rigid it seemed memorized, yet so bland no one could have written it down for her.

"Lift it some more," he said in a quiet but authoritative voice. Fluttershy just kept talking while her body seemed to work almost on autopilot, subconsciously obedient to his speech. She lifted her loose, bulky sweater up a bit more, baring more of her stomach and giving Klein the pleasure of suddenly realizing she doesn't have a shirt on under there.

"How do you feel women should be treated? And, hey, flash your panties too."

She finally snapped out of her monologue enough to politely refuse, even wagging a finger in reprimand, the way one might scold a child for acting out. But for him, that was just the beginning of the haggling as he figured out the best ways to push her buttons. Soon, "Flash your panties," was delicately reworded by the male as "Hey, can you pull the edge of your skirt back just a little?" The immediate thought of her exposure was taken out of the equation, and, sure enough, those dainty young hands were soon pulling her long skirt up a little at a time, until the curve of her round ass was just barely visible.

The big one was obviously "Get topless." He needed to see those melons pretty badly now, and he thought carefully about how to broach the subject with the well-curved but innocent Fluttershy. Surely there was no way she'd ever think to agree to something like that outright, and asking would give away the game. He had to be really delicate about exactly how it came out.

First he asked her that question she couldn't help but want to answer, "What's your ideal man? And hey, hop down off the car a second. There's a good girl. Just put your hands on the hood." Fluttershy's dopey, foolish eyes seemed to light up at the question, a childish little smile coming to her face as she swung her broad hips this way and that. She giggled shyly and batted a hand at him playfully, "Oh come on, there's no way I can answer something like thaaaaa~aaat~!" she teased.

Even as she playfully dodged the question, Fluttershy was obeying Klein's instructions without even realizing it. Soon, his large hands had free reign on her body. He helped her down off the car and had her stand in front of it, legs and thighs splayed apart, hands resting on the hood.

"Come onnn, tell me~" he pleaded, even as he unclipped her skirt, letting it slide off those wide, generous hips and just leaving her in panties and sweater. Fluttershy didn't protest, blushing as a cool breeze rushed over her soft, round behind, each of those cheeks firm and perky. He gripped her hips and leaned into her, like he was going to hotdog her butt, but it was just to nudge her forwards a bit closer to the car. ""W-Well, I've never met anyone nicer than my current boyfriend! He's like a dream come true, and an animal lover, just like me! I have six rabbits, three ferrets, four dogs, two cats... Some birds, a snake... Ooh, they're all so cute, I should show you the photos... Ahh, lift this arm...? Okay... "

What happened next was frankly incredible. While the girl was gushing on and on about what she really dreamed of when she thought of her perfect man, he worked her sweater up over her head the whole time she was talking, until it slipped clean off, encouraging her to laze on the sun-warmed car, pressing her soft, plump breasts against it. "He's a good listener, and respects me for who I am... Whenever I have an emotional problem, or doubts about my pl-place in the universe, I often like to take three or four hours to talk it out with him... I'm even getting him to think about attending my tantra classes and yoga..."

He unclipped her bra in the back and let it fall open, just letting all that perfect, soft breast smoosh out onto the dash of the car. Then he took more photos than he'd know what to do with. "And he can't driiiiink or smooooke and he wouldn't eat meat... And of course I'd be saving myself for, mm, marriage, so... Ooh, it's cold without that on... So we wouldn't be able to have sex... Oh and I'm planning on travelling the world, so of course I couldn't date a career-orientated guy..."

He just looked at the beautiful girl before him, stripped down to just panties, resting her palms and tits on the dash of my car, smiling warmly back at him as she was totally lost in thought. "He sounds amazing," He said with a smile. "Really great guy for sure."

Fluttershy smiled back over her shoulder, the airheaded, top-heavy co-ed resting her incredible bust flat on the hood of the car. Her nipples were thankfully hidden out of view, but those heavy, massive tits mashed against the cold frame were almost as bad! She stayed like that, leaning way over, her long legs, thick thighs, and round ass fully exposed with only those meager panties to protect her, nodding as she concluded her fanciful story.

It was only once things quieted down she finally started to notice what had even happened, and found her position and attire not exactly fitting the respectable model behavior she had suggested at the start. If anything, she felt a bit like one of the girls on the flyer, and felt incredibly silly for it. And when she glanced at the camera, ready for another shot, well that blush of hers only rose all the stronger, and she pressed her frame to the car even closer, trying to hide away against it. Only Klein's reassuring smile and her understanding of his compassionate approach kept her at ease, though being so keenly aware of how open the car park was didn't do much to keep her from sweating. "Um, I, uh, I think maybe that's enough for now, don't you?"

"Mmm? You sure, honey?" He took one last close-up shot of her crotch, then strolled over and laid a fingertip right in the centre of her back, pinning the pink-haired gal down to the warm hood of his car. He rolled it in circles as he calmly and straight-forwardly spoke to her, making her extremely aware of that finger's presence on her body.

"I said a minute ago that girls were lining up to be in this topless car wash. Remember that? And you said, oh, what was it...? They were being exploited, right? But, mm, here you are... You're almost naked, Fluttershy!" His finger trailed down to gently tap her panties, before moving back up to the small of her back. "Didn't you kinda just fall out of your clothes just now, like you just forgot you were wearing them? Heh, and you're in that feminist club and everything... Well, there's two Pink Circles I'd really like to see right now, you know..."

"Hey, I've got a good idea. What I'm seeing here right now is a woman who went back on her word. You told me, mm, that it's wrong for women to just show off their breasts for male enjoyment, and that you wouldn't get your tits out and rub 'em all over my car, but that's what happened... Didn't you kind of end up looking a bit piggish after all this?"

He leaned over her, grinning as he whispered into her ear, "A little piggy, itching for validation. Wanting even a second of male attention and willing to spread your legs for it. How about it, Fluttershy? Seems like right now you're no different from the girls who want to get into men's pants and get filled up with cock?" He waved the camera beside her head, then moved back and lifted it to his eye.

"It would be a real shame if these photos ended up being shown to your fellow ladies in the Pink Circle, right? They don't want to see one of their own members debasing herself for male attention, so I'll tell you what... Roll over, lie face-up, and lemme take one more picture. Then you can get outta here, okay? And I'll even forget you ever tried to trick me into getting this erection with your all-natural breasts and your pervy posing on my car. Deal?"

The already-embarrassed Fluttershy nearly turned crimson at the observations. As Klein mercilessly teased her for her predicament and her thoughtless actions, she had become acutely aware of her situation. As she fully realized her state of undress, what the camera had seen and the permanent consequences of its images, the feeling of the cold metal of the car against her bare chest and the semi-public setting, she could only shrink away more and more at his touch.

Fluttershy looked around in a half-panic for her sweater, not even noticing where it had dropped once removed. Unable to spot it, she instead scanned the carpark for any possible passersby. She couldn't be seen like this by anyone, especially her own club! But obviously, she didn't want Klein to see her either. Still... When he put it that way, with such a childish, yet naughty euphemism, maybe it wasn't so bad? He just wanted to see her "two pink circles"... And he made it sound so playful!

Though she stammered for a while, at a volume so quiet no words could even be discerned, her murmured pleas found little effect. Soon, she slowly and reluctantly rolled onto her back, hands clamped shyly and defensively over those two huge teats. Her soft, rosy areolae peeked out from behind her fingers. She did another quick, nervous glance around. "I... I guess that's okay," she nearly whimpered, "if you promise no one else is going to see..."

"I absolutely swear nobody will see," he said, smiling. "Now move your hand and give me a biiiig smile." The camera was raised up, his hand hovering just a short distance in front of her. She had to trust him, it was the only course of action available to her. She just had to put her trust in Klein's decency and his respect for her, as an independent, young feminist. When she hesitated, he leaned closer. "Hurry the fuck up, bitch. I want to see some titty."

That comment alone should have revealed his true nature and motives. It should have sent her running for her sweater and out away from the carpark, taking whatever shame might have come from it for some relative safety. But of course, she was too weak-willed for that. She couldn't put her foot down now, when it really counted. Too meek to say no and too gullible to realize what a bad idea it was, even in front of the lens of a waiting camera, Fluttershy found herself lying on her back, reclining on the hood of the car in just her panties, as her hands parted slowly, fingers fanning apart to reveal more and more of her soft, rosy areolae. At last she pulled them away and exposed her smooth, plump nipples completely... and in a place like this, no less. A powerful blush covered her face. "I-If you promise..." was all she managed to murmur, in her typical weak tone.

He didn't start taking pictures until her hands were fully planted on the car's hood and her legs were kicked out all the way down, feet hanging off the edge. Her smile, even if it was forced, was dazzling, and he actually found himself wanting to do something he'd never considered with another girl: taking pictures of her face.

It was hard to believe one of the most beautiful girls in the whole school was wasting her time on this feminism bullshit. Well, don't worry Fluttershy, he thought to himself as he finally took the last photo. I'll save you. I'll save you from this boring life you've chosen from yourself, and put that body to much better use. Oh yes~ "Mm, okay. You can go now. See you round, hey?"

The hesitant, stammering girl finally sat up, given the cue. He took her soft hand and gently helped the beauty down off of the hook of his car, drooling at the way her massive titties flopped for him. He continued without missing a beat: "Don't be a stranger... And if you change your mind, come by the carwash tomorrow and bring some jean shorts, we'll find you a spot."

She collected her clothing in a sort of daze, looking surprised, like she almost didn't expect to be let go. But it proved to her, of course, that Klein was a man of his word. Still, he had clearly gotten the wrong impression about her. He must think she's some kind of a total ditz, to mess up like that. Well, she'd just have to prove him wrong, she thought to herself, as she walked out of the carpark with her clothes in-hand, chest still bared.


"Fluttershy~ So good to see you!" a voice called out from behind her. She was crossing the university's courtyard with a stack of books sandwiching her huge breasts to her chest, hurrying to her next class.

The beautiful pinkette froze on the spot: ever since she'd been lured into that perverted photoshoot by the male, spread across his car, legs apart, obscene poses, the whole lot, she'd had more unsolicited attention from boys than she could possibly handle! Crude insults, hurled abuse and demands to see her tits seemed to follow the mega-chested little cutie everywhere she went nowadays... She'd planned to get Klein somewhere quiet and really give him a talking to, but the opportunity had never presented itself!

But now, here he was, the boy who'd made her reputation around the school take a nosedive: the tall, good-looking youth with the camera around his neck... Would she be able to find the words to tell him what a naughty man he was?

Wearing the heavy yellow sweater so typical of her appearance it might as well be her trademark, the top-heavy young activist spans on her heels, almost dropping her books as her hands shot up in reflexive surprise. She recovered quickly and brushed her long, flowing pink hair out of her face. "Oh," she murmured softly, tone as delicate as ever, "It's you."

She may not sound quite so thrilled to see him, but in a way, she was happy. She had stressed out over this for so long, and to see him now, smiling and pleasant, she was more convinced than ever that it was all just a big misunderstanding, and they could still see eye to eye with a little work. Sure, things got a little out of hand last time, but it wasn't TOO bad, right? She managed a frail little wave, the soft, vulnerable smile on her face completely genuine.

Only a girl completely pure of heart could still believe a man might have good intentions for her after what he'd put her through... It made the pig of a man feel lucky to be alive, knowing that there were always going to be girls like this to forgive him for his sins. It was enough to make that lewd trouser-snake he had tucked away in his jeans give a little throb of delight.

"It is me~ And it's good to see you again, that calendar we put together with your photos was a total hit!" As he spoke, she moved her mouth, but she couldn't get a single sound out.

"Um, actually," she began in almost a whisper, "That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Um, if you've got a few minutes, I mean."

"Oh, sure thing! And hey, I bet the feminist's club will be delighted to know all the college boys are locked up in their rooms, fisting their meats looking at your teats instead of out causing mayhem with the female student body, right?" With every sentence Klein spoke her face had turned redder and redder, and when he paused for her answer, she was tapping her forefingers together uncomfortably and murmuring something so softly he could barely hear it. She hunched forward slightly, as if trying to physically shrink from the situation, then glanced up and steeled herself. She's practiced for this! She's got her words planned out. She had to be concise, clear, and direct.

"Oh, but, um, yes, it is good that no one is doing anything violent to other people." she finished with a hesitant smile.

He gave her a nice, firm clap on the back. "Nice work! Couldn't have done it without those sweater puppies of yours, babe!"

She bit her lip, glancing back and expecting to see passersby staring, but the grassy, spacious quad was mostly empty this time of day. "I don't think you should have passed those pictures around, let alone put them on a calendar. So um, maybe, uh, I know you can't take it back, or anything, but you really embarrassed me, and I wasn't entirely comfortable with some of the actions and implications of what happened."

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