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The Pink Circle Ch. 01


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"Um," she murmured. "I think these might be a little big. They feel a little big."

The ridiculously busty young girl finally seemed to get the adjustments right, and with a little hesitation and a shy, blushing glance up at Klein, she began to pull off her sweater. At long last, just what he'd been waiting for. When at last it came off over her head, those huge - impossibly huge, really - tits were finally out in the open, after all this. True, she had pasties plastered on tightly, but the full heft, the shape, the size of those massive, fat cow udders was finally exposed. All that pale, almost white, smooth flesh... it could have given a lesser man a heart attack. As for the pasties themselves, they were lovely, and certainly not too big. They seemed to only just barely cover up her broad areolae, which in itself was a bit unfortunate. Foolishly, she handed over her beloved sweater, for the young man to... keep safe, no doubt. Every time Fluttershy discarded an item of clothing, it quickly disappeared... somewhere, who could say~ She certainly wouldn't have the faintest idea where any of it was going, and he intended to keep it that way. Girls were so much charming when they were only wearing boy-approved clothing, something they usually seemed quick to learn around him!

Back to the pasties, though! The bees were on a short bobble and as she tested them out with her subtle, gentle motions, they seem to only sway a little bit - just like her tits. Of course, more vigorous motion was sure to bare her nipples more promisingly, and should they lose their perkiness, those pasties were going to come right off entirely! Once they were fully on and the adorable, innocent bees were "protecting" her innocence, she turned back around, smiling. "These are so cute!" she beamed. The rosy pinkish-red hue of her broad, soft areolae peeked out behind the edges of the petals, really calling great attention to her huge tits as a whole.

"They look amazing... Now turn sideways and let me get a profile shot." He zoomed the camera in all the way until you could barely see anything but her chest!

As he was taking pictures, he happened to glance towards her handbag and saw a glowing light emerging from within... Her mobile phone, a very adorable pink one, was vibrating, and she didn't seem to have noticed yet. He read the caller ID, which just said, "Darling~" and he quickly cancelled the call. He'd earned a short reprieve, but who knew how long he had until her boyfriend called again. Klein's worst fear was that she'd forgotten to attend some appointment and he was calling to tell her to haul ass over to him. That would mean an early end to their fun little photoshoot!

"Sure," she smiled sweetly, enjoying the freedom of movement she had without that sweater.

She posed obediently both standing and on all fours, turned to the side to give the camera and its operator a great impression of just how full the curve of her heavy white tits really was. And with every movement, however slight or subtle, those breasts would move, too. Not a perky, B-cup jiggle, but a full, heavy, pendulous sway, great udders swinging beneath her as she moved. It was a mesmerizing sight to behold.

"What an amazing body you have, Fluttershy... I have some pasties for your bottom half too, if you're interested!"

Thankfully, with her phone on silent, she didn't even think to check in with her lovely, considerate, understanding boyfriend. She just kept going along with the shoot, which was already spiraling out of control. "Does that mean I have to take my bottoms off, too?" she inquired innocently, no tone or implication whatsoever in the totally honest question. She was too much.

But the real loveliness began when she spoke again. "I can't get these to sit right..." She was fidgeting with the perverted pasties, the slightest motion making those cutesy bees wobble and sway!

He placed his camera down on a rock in front of them, pointing it at her. "Mm, let's have a look at your chest."

He walked over to her, standing behind little Fluttershy. He reached around from behind her, palming a great, heavy breast in either hand. She was relaxing into his arms when she was startled by the familiar sound of his camera clicking and whirring, the shutter's announcing it was snapping shots of all this! It seemed like he had it set to take a picture every ten seconds or so and it was only a few seconds before another shot clicked loudly. It got plenty of her squirming and panting as he played with her tits.

At this point the poor girl was panting slightly, squirming and struggling not against, but with the eager young man, to help pop the pasties off. With all this playing, her nipples would certainly be perky enough to keep them on by the end! The camera was getting entirely the wrong idea, of course. At least, that's how she'd see it. Obviously, Klein was just helping her get these stubborn things off. There was nothing wrong with that! In fact, this clear help was exactly what she needed.

The perverted lout was quite ruthless with her fat breasts... He held the flowers tightly and lifted, even when it had the effect of dragging her melons off of her ribcage, tugging them up and stretching them out! After wobbling them teasingly from side to side, he even let them slap back down onto her body with a loud, lewd clapping sound. Her poor cooper's ligaments seemed to go totally uncared for by this most brusque gentleman~

Finally, after much struggling to remove them, and much, much more indulgence disguised as struggling, Fluttershy managed to press a finger down hard against each of her huge tits, near the nipple, to softly dimple the flesh and release the seal, popping the pasties off instantly. For a brief, wonderful second, she stood there out in nature, totally topless, before quickly covering herself with both hands, her palms pressed firmly over her large, now quite perky nipples. She blushed lightly for her predicament, but took some solace in the fact that Klein was behind her, and couldn't see anything. And as for the camera... surely it couldn't have timed that perfectly. With a ten second interval, it's hard to imagine she had exposed herself at the worst possible time, so she didn't think much of it.

And then there she was, topless, panting, nipples fully erect after such a lurid little playtime. The pressure from the tightness had turned them slightly red from where the delicate skin had been tugged on again and again, making them extra eye-catching! When Klein went to check the camera's hard-drive a little while later, he'd find not only was there a magnificent shot of a very bare-chested Fluttershy, but the shot had also managed to catch her camera just barely peeking out of her handbag, the screen lit up and "2 Missed Calls" clearly written across it.

It was an unintentionally amazing shot, and there'd be plenty more like it in the near future. Poor, poor boyfriend. You had your chance, now it's Klein's turn to try to spread her thick thighs apart.

"Want me to turn around while you put them back on?" He finally went to his bag, looking for something to cover her pussy up with.

"Thanks!" she panted, still trying to catch her breath. She felt pretty confident that she had been exposed for such a really brief moment that there's no way the long-timer camera could have caught anything. Too confident, obviously. But she seems really encouraged and comforted by the fact that this young, polite gentleman taking her picture was so considerate he offered to avert his eyes without even having to be asked. So Fluttershy spun around, her oversized, almost laughable tits swinging with her, swaying heavily with the exaggerated motion. And with her back to Klein, she popped the pasties back on.

"Oh, before we do anything else, I should probably call my boyfriend. I didn't get a chance to talk to him earlier. I'm sure he's worried sick!" she fretted.

"Let's finish your ensemble before you do that, then I can take some pictures while you're on the phone! Alright?"

Without waiting for her answer, he stealthily slipped her phone into his back pocket. The Missed Calls count was already up to 3 and now messages were beginning to pile up as well! He wondered how high it would get before he finally let her answer.

He had a plan for that phone, a particularly perverted idea that had just popped into his head, so he wouldn't be passing it over to her juuuust yet. He walked back to Fluttershy and held up a very cute green pussy pasty that would be plastered directly onto her plump lower mound. Across the front it read, "I LOVE THE ENVIRONMENT."

He hooked a finger in her skirt and whipped it off her, exposing those soft hips, that extremely creamy, fat bum of hers, tight and high from all the exercise she did, and of course the holiest of holies throbbing between her thighs. Her pussy. The thing he wanted the most from her, the hot burning fucksheath he wanted wrapped around his rod. It was so close he could almost taste it. "Take your panties off and put this on, okay~?"

He stood behind her again, meaning she got to choose between facing towards him and exposing herself to the man, or facing his camera and having her shot snapped every 10 seconds!

"Okay... but not too long, okay? And if he tries to call, listen for it! He gets really worried if I don't answer." She seemed to be so attuned to this photoshoot that she didn't even really respond to that latest command... And what other chance would a guy have to tell her, consequence-free, "Take your panties off?"

She obligingly took the cute green pussy cover-up and held it over herself, outside of her panties, as if testing it. Her underwear was awfully plain, just simple white cotton panties with no frill or lace or anything special, and even the cut was, in Klein's eyes at least, far too generous. But wasn't that exactly why he'd brought his own outfits for her?

Again, Fluttershy chose to face the camera, this time wearing her flower-and-bee pasties very neatly. She waited for the click, managing a cute smile at the camera, then quickly set about changing, hooking her thumbs into the waistband of her panties, shoving them down, and spreading her thighs out to immediately apply the pastie. It turned out to be quick, simple work, but the speed she worked at soon had bobble-bees bobbling more than she'd really like! After she gives the pastie a few very non-sexual rubs to make sure it's firmly secured in place, she turned to the young man with a kind of shy, reserved "ta-da" gesture. She was totally nude except for those pasties now, and while certain lovely details were far too obscured for his tastes, the entirety of her figure was now on display, every curve and inch of smooth, soft skin. She certainly looked great in this "back to nature" style, though despite the natural look, he's maybe a bit surprised to see only smooth, hairless skin all the way down between her legs.

God she looked good. He could probably look his whole life and never find a girl as perfectly domestic and submissive as this wide-hipped goddess in front of him. He wanted her all to himself, he wanted to make her his girl. The urge to hurt her boyfriend was there, growing naughtily inside of Klein. He wanted to pick on and bully a boy he'd never even met! To think she was still a virgin with a body like that, it drove him wild. It shouldn't be her decision whether her legs were closed or not. Anything Klein did to her would make her feel good, so she should just open up and accept him inside~

The camera clicked again and again as Klein talked Fluttershy into more lewd poses... Turned away from the camera on all fours, on her back with her legs spread... Anything that came to mind!

"That's good! You look so good, Fluttershy, so very in-tune with nature. Now, just one last change... I'm going to hang a cute little tree off of you down here. Don't move a muscle!"

As she lay on her back in the grass, innocently smiling up at him, Klein knelt down between her thighs and got to work. His hands were shaking as he got slipped her mobile phone out of his back pocket, exactly what he was doing hidden out of her line of sight by her own ridiculously massive chest. A flatter girl would have been alerted to his trickery almost immediately, but once again her insanely-perfect breasts of staggering size made it all the easier to make her into a perfect little sex doll. This was how it should be~

Just as cute as the rest of her, her smart phone was large and rectangular and sat in a very adorable case. He gently placed it right between her thighs, settling it on the swollen mound of her plump mons. The screen was prominently displayed, still lit up and clearly saying, "7 Missed Calls." Hanging between her thighs, it had obscenely turned Fluttershy's body into a billboard to advertise her adulterous ways.

Not only was she not answering her phone, she was using it in such a lewd way as to teasingly cover up her otherwise exposed pussy~ The writing that had once said, "I LOVE THE ENVIRONMENT" was now partially covered up by the phone and her thighs, so it just read something so much more crude! As he snapped the first of many photos, it seemed like the pasty between her thighs read, "I LOVE MEN."

He knew that the next time the phone rang, the vibrations would send shocks of pleasure through her lower body, so he worked quickly to capture this obscene act of cuckolding. Her boyfriend would make the connection between the 7 unanswered calls and having Fluttershy answer him on the 8th call and his heart would just ache... It made Klein's toes curl just thinking about it! He quickly set to work making the perfect little photo set for her boyfriend. He wanted that silly little boy to see his girlfriend had been luridly slutting it up while blatantly ignoring answering his calls.

The over-busty young co-ed shook her head idly, her long, bubblegum pink hair falling back over her shoulders. "This is a really cute pastie," she smiled, speaking solely to the text, rather than the shape, size, or make. "I love the message! Speaking of which, are you going to make these photos into a calendar, too? Or something else? Are you going to sell it? Because if you are, the proceeds should go to a nature charity. That would be just perfect!" she beamed in her cartoonishly sweet tone, rocking on her toes with enthusiasm, making her pale white, oversized jugs bounce and bobble tantalizingly, the pasties jiggling as their attached bees swayed just enough to reveal the soft, naked pink flesh underneath, even if only for a fleeting moment. A fleeting moment that could be captured forever, if the cameraman was quick enough.

Just as she got down onto her back, glancing down and spreading her thighs just slightly, the phone rang again. This time she certainly noticed it!

In hindsight, perhaps Fluttershy should have taken a moment to stop and think rationally about what her phone was doing between her legs, but she was much too startled by the sudden ringing to pay it a second thought! She popped it to her ear quickly, mouthing "it's my boyfriend" to the camera as she answers. Predictable calming small talk follows. "Hm? Hiiiii darling! Hmm? Oh! I'm so sorry! No no no, I didn't know! Well, I didn't hear it ring, of course. Oh? Okay! Well, I'm out with a friend right now..." This might take a few minutes.

Laying back in the grass, practically nude and with her legs spread, Fluttershy chatted cheerfully and amicably with her boyfriend. Klein smiled sweetly her way, then picked up the camera and came a little closer, kneeling down between her thighs. When her attention wasn't on him, the pervy male decided to get a little more frisky.

Under the guise of leaning closer to her to whisper, he placed a hand on her tummy and leaned over her, moving his other hand to her shoulder. He leaned all the way over until his chest was brushing her tits and the bulge in his jeans was inches from her pussy, then he said in a not-so-quiet voice, "I'm going to get you something sticky and wet for your mouth, alright? We'll make those lips look extra thick and glossy!" It was definitely audible to her boyfriend, that was for sure, although the exact wording might be just missed out on.

Besides, she'd already said she was with someone, what did it matter if it were a strong-sounding, deep-voiced man?

"Okay, thanks! That would be just fine!" She chirped, ignorant of the innuendo.

"Hmm? Oh sweety-poo, don't be silly," she continued in her soft, delicate tone. "No, of course I would have picked up if I knew you were calling! But my friend and I are way far away from town, out in the wilderness, so maybe the reception is bad? No, way out, like in the woods. What? I don't know what woods, sweetie, does it matter?"

The pink-haired, walking pair of tits continued to chat with her boyfriend, rocking gently back and forth as she did so. Her huge tits swayed with the effort, those bobbling bees again tantalizingly dipping away from her nipples for brief, lovely glimpses. Blink and you'll miss it!

Klein indicated for her to lie down on the grass on her tummy, and the ditzy airhead girl instantly obeyed. He knelt down behind her, and while she rocked back and forth, kicking her legs in the air and chatting up a storm, he was getting to work on making a nice batch of lip gloss for her~

The man fished his long, fat cock out of his pants, fully erect by now, and stared down at Fluttershy as he began fisting it roughly! He jacked off his own shaft mercilessly, choking it like it was his own worst enemy, and keeping his eyes glued to the perfect vista of hot flesh laid out on the ground before him. Nnnn, she looked so good, so innocent!

He dribbled a few droplets of precum down her back, before he shifted positions, standing over her... "Okay, I got the tub of lotion, Fluttershy..." he huffed, before his balls tensed up and the male got ready to let his messy goo fly~ He stifled a cry of pleasure as he orgasmed, and she'd suddenly gasp as her phone was splattered with a ridiculous amount of semen, hitting the glass so hard it was a wonder it didn't crack! From the centre impact point, it splashed outwards, getting some on her hand, as shot after shot of semen hit her mobile phone and drenched it completely!

"Oh no, I spilled it~" he play-acted in a tone of mock-concern. "Quick, get as much of it on your lips as you can!" he said, already pulling his pants back up. "I'll throw the tub out, but that's really expensive stuff! Don't let it go to waste!"

"Oh no! It's everywhere, what a sticky mess!" she exclaimed, perhaps to the surprise and confusion of her boyfriend on the other end. He might get the wrong idea. Or the right one, rather, since it was only poor Fluttershy who seemed naive to the happenings.

"Honey, I'll have to call you back. There's a big mess here I have to put on my lips." she clicked the phone and without another word the screen went dark - "CALL ENDED". But Klein could tell the boyfriend would be calling back within a minute or two, no question about it.

Meanwhile, the gullible girl was doing her best to scoop together the gooey white mess all over her hand and her phone. When the eager, pleased young man returned, she rolled onto her back, breasts parting against her chest under their own weight, those racy pasties still bobbling with her jiggly, tit-heavy motion. She took some makeup he offered in her clean hand, applying it immediately, feeling rushed by the smear of gooey "lip gloss" accumulated in her other hand.

"This is going to look just awful," she bemoans partway through, the mascara applied thickly around her lashes, as she pops the lipstick tube open and puckers up her plush, pillowy lips. "I'm rushing it and it's going to look bad, and plus, whenever I do it without a mirror I always put on too much. Oh, I hope it doesn't look terrible!" Finally, after smearing on a clean but excessive application of showy green lipstick, she quickly slaps on the drippy cum she's been keeping in her hand, glossing her lips quickly, leaving them visibly drippy and slick. "There," she says, wiping her hand dry on the grass, "I think I'm done."

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