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The Plan

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John's wife has an affair, cots him off for the better sex.
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My name is John Sanders, and I have just been replaced by another. I am a lousy lover according to my wife. I have been married to my wife Christie for two years. She had cheated on me with a colleague in my department. I work for a company that supplies mining equipment, as well as equipment to the oil industry.

"John, Dale will be the only man that fucks me until you learn how to please me, okay," Christie berated me, completely turning it around on me.

I felt defeated and numb from the shock of discovering her infidelity. Dale was black and had a ten-inch cock, I have eight inches, but I have only had Christie. I have begged her on numerous occasions to teach me, help me understand her needs. It was clear, her need was to replace me or dominate me. My wife just opened up our marriage, except I get no sex and no say. Dale grinned as he watched her dress me down, he had always competed with me regarding internal sales.

Yes, I am a lousy lover, I acknowledged to myself as I listen to my wife exclaiming her pleasure later. She was petite, blonde with large breasts. I sat on the back porch nursing a beer and my bruised ego, knowing what this meant. I was conservative, and would never step out on Christie, so I was fucked, figuratively.

There was no way for me to get better, as far as I can see. I heard Dale drive away, and Christie found me with a beer. I looked at her and it was different, the way I saw her. I felt no respect for her now. But part of me remembered how much I loved her.

"John, I know you feel lost, but just get better. The moment you please me Dale is gone because I love you."

"Why did you not teach me all those times?" I asked.

"You are a man, you are supposed to know."

"But if I slept around before our marriage you would not have married me, you told me you wanted someone pure, I was." I was genuinely perplexed at her reasoning. All I could see was that she was intending to cheat, now blames me.

"True, I would not have considered you."

"But Dale has slept with so many women."

"I do not love Dale John, so that does not matter."

"It matters to me, that you are doing this to me, Christie, because tomorrow the whole office will know that he has taken my wife."

"He has not taken me."

"Will I get to make love to you?"

"Not until you know you are better, I really cannot stand bad sex now that I know good sex."

"Fine, but that also means I do not sleep in the same bed as you, sorry."

"We are married, you will."

"No, I won't Christie, because it will be full of his funk. Sorry, not going to happen. You make me fucking sick." There was no way I would consider it, and my tone must have made sure she knew. This is a shitstorm I will unleash. Part of me started to plan my exit.

"Please John, we cannot sleep in separate beds."

"I will not sleep with you Christie, and if you want to sleep with me in the guest bedroom you will make sure his cum is out of you, that is also non-negotiable."

"You are being unreasonable."

"Oh, and me being cut off from intimacy by my fucking wife is not unreasonable?" I looked at her face, she had no idea what she was doing to me, she only thought of her pussy. I suspect the calm demeanor in which I spoke gave her a false sense of bravado.

"You are not being cut off, just punished."

"And what do all your bullshit books say about using sex as punishment."

"I am not being malicious,"

"I am going to bed. This conversation is going nowhere. I will give you your extra-marital fling but do not cry if it backfires Christie. You have cut my pride, my dignity. Keep that in mind." She stood without emotion. "Think of reasons why I should stay with you, Christie."

I got up and went to the guest bedroom after getting a set of work clothes and sleepwear from the master bedroom. I showered and got into bed. Tomorrow is going to be a special kind of hell for me. I started considering the list of openings across our other branches. There is no way my psyche will handle this, and I will move alone. The other option open to me is to have an affair, maybe use a prostitute. I was sure they would know what I need. I shuddered at the idea because it cut deeply into my principles. The idea of getting my wife back did not sit well either, because now I know she will never be the only mine. In my mind, she will be Dale's. She slept alone, and I did not greet her as I left for work.

Samantha, my secretary was already in the office.

"John, morning. Coffee?"

"Please, Sam."

She was a school friend's little sister, my junior by three years at twenty-two, and she was pretty. Dark hair at shoulder length with piercing blue eyes and a very well-toned body and AA cups which I liked. She came in with my coffee and grimaced as she looked at me.

"John, what is wrong?"

She had known me for almost eight years, nearly three times longer than Christie.

"It is embarrassing. I need a prostitute," I blurted it out and saw the utter shock on her face.

"Are you fucking nuts, why?"

"Christie has started fucking Dale and says I cannot get back into her unless I learn to please her as he does. I have begged her to help me, I wanted to be better."

"That fucking bitch, jesus."

Sam was not even close to fond of Christie, "Fuck the prostitute, I will teach you, John. You have been my savior on so many occasions in my life, please allow me to do this?"

"I have no idea, but I think I like your idea. The idea of me and a stranger does not sit well. Can you kind of drive it, because I am a little obtuse?"

"Sure, I know your schedule, but you will start to work late a few times a week."

"Fine by me if I am not there to hear them."

"They are in your bed?" Samantha all but spat the words out, and I had to admit that her rage was rubbing off.

"Yes, I told her until it is over I am not sleeping in that bed again, and if she wants to sleep next to me she washes his funk out."

"Good. Lunch at my place so I can assess what the job requires."

I sensed Samantha's pride at my taking some form of stand. I was starting to realize that I was a bit of a weakling by the way I was so easily subdued. Maybe I will blow up tonight and throw Christie out because she fucking deserves that.

"Thanks, Sam, for being a friend too, that means a lot. Work is going to be hell for me."

"Some of those evenings you will actually be working John, I have a few other ideas too, not just sex. Your pride and dignity also need to be restored, so yeah. I know you are not a weakling, but right now I have got you, my friend," Samantha smiled, and it reassured me.

"Thanks, Samantha, I have no coherent thoughts right now."

"I know, so I will keep you busy with work," Sam promised with a compassionate look. Sam was true to her word, and I was immersed in files soon enough, calling depots and getting my efficiency up. Dale did come and gloat, but I was on a call, so he left again. Sam kept me in coffee so I did not need to go to the break room. At lunch, we drove to her apartment and she stripped me.

"Come, John, I know you like me, so make love to me," She said sweetly. I did, my way. It was wonderful being with her, so I stayed in her, and went again, with less rutting, and she orgasmed.

"Okay John, you are quite bad, but not hopeless."

The way Samantha said it did not inflict any more hurt, her tone was gentle. She spent the rest of lunch showing me places she likes to be kissed and showed me how to kiss them correctly.

"My pussy can be kissed tomorrow, your cum is in there," she said.

"Is it important to kiss your pussy?"

"Yes John, very."

"Then I kiss it now Sam, will it make you cum again?" I looked into her eyes, and her look gave me confidence.

"Yes, if you listen to me," she answered. She was absolutely stunning, and I could hardly believe she was with me willingly.

"Then I absolutely want to kiss it." I saw her smile at me, then nodded. She showed me where to kiss. I tasted what had to be my sperm, but her pussy tasted nice so I did not mind. Christie never wanted me to lick her pussy so I had no idea what was to come. I was shocked as Sam had three orgasms, then pull me back up, drawing my now hard again cock back into her.

"Go slow John, two counts in, two counts out." I focussed on the counting, and she orgasmed.

"John, look in my eyes, kiss me softly, I know you can be gentle."

Again, I followed her instruction, hearing her make noises even Christie had never made. I loved hearing them, knowing it was because of me.

I looked into her eyes, kissing her gently as I kept the rhythm. She had another orgasm, and I came hard, right at the end of hers. I kissed her as I was deep in her, pumping my cum into her. She held me close, returning my kisses with lots of eye contact.

"Well done John, you listen well." She was sincere, and I felt amazing. My thoughts turned to my wife, but now I felt indifferent, and it took an hour with Samantha to reach this point. Had Christie done what Samantha just did I would not have a marriage made of shit.

"So will I be good enough for her?" I had to ask because that was the goal. But a large chunk of my emotional process was now switched to me just getting rid of Christie.

"Not yet John, give it two weeks. It has to become instinct, you need to read me, today I told you, but soon my body will tell you," Samantha looked at me with apprehension, then smiled as I nodded, "But you listened well, I can see you want to get it right."

"Okay, and thanks, Sam."

"Sure, now John. You used to run long distances at school, so pick that up again. It will improve endurance during sex, and help your mind. Run in the evenings, so you do not have to listen to them."

"Okay, I understand the running."

We uncoupled after I carried her to the shower and we cleaned up. We were ten minutes late from the lunch break, but nobody noticed. I did catch the snickers, but Sam would walk in and the feelings of shame would fade. I work hard to the end of the day, working the lost ten minutes in. Then I went home, took my running clothes, and went for a ten-mile run which hurt a lot more than I expected. I got back just after eight and made a sandwich, as Christie did not cook. I heard Dale leave just after nine. I had just finished my sandwich and beer when Christie found me.

"Where were you?"

"I went for a run."

"I was worried, want something to eat?"

"I sorted myself." My tone was cold, I could not help the resentment I felt.

"If you are not sleeping in the main bedroom then Dale can sleep over, okay?"

"Do that and I will fucking divorce you, okay?" I made sure she saw my rage. I might not be wanted by her, but this is my house. Part of me was verging on kicking her out right now, "You and he will fucking end up on the street Christie. I am so fucking close."

"Okay, he won't." Her eyes were the size of saucers as she saw my naked rage.

"Somehow I doubt that you will keep your word Christie, I am seeing a very different side to you."

"I promise you he will not."

"Remember my promise, and I will also smash his face in if I catch him in my house in the morning, clear."

"No need to be violent."

"Christie, he is getting off on the fact that he is fucking my wife, and he will keep pushing the boundaries. You have no idea what you have unleashed. I will fuck him up in the worst way possible."

"I promise you, John."

"Okay, I will trust you on this," I lied and went to bed. There would never be trust again.

Christie did climb in next to me, she had showered as I demanded. I slept well, a combination of the sex and the run. She kissed me as we woke, just a peck. I was out the door twenty minutes earlier than normal without greeting her and was hard at work when Samantha came in.

"She wanted Dale to move in. I told her that I will divorce her for sure if that happens," I told Sam after we both had coffee.

"Good, lunch again?" Sam barely registered the escalation by Christie, as if she expected it. I had to admit that in hindsight I should not have been surprised. Hindsight also started to explain why Christie was a whore. She never had any respect.

"Yes, please," I smiled at the idea of Sam's naked body and felt a need for her. The very thought erased my rage.

After the office got busy, I handed out a list of tasks to the clerks. The bullpen workers smirked at me, but I shrugged it off. Yes, I was probably a cuckold by my wife, but Sam is by far the hottest woman, and I get to make love to her so I was not even bothered anymore. I decided to get some books too, seeing if I can practice what I read on Samantha.

Lunch came and she asked me to make love to her. I started differently, carefully taking her clothes off as I kissed everywhere she showed me the day before. I had gleaned from the previous day that I need to listen to her breathing and noises. This time I also made sure her pussy received some attention from my tongue and fingers, and I loved her taste without my cum in her. I pushed my tongue into her hole, and she exploded, bucking her hips as she moaned loudly. Only then did I move up and pushed into her, making sure to keep the rhythm as I kissed her and watched her.

"Try different angles. My clit touching the base of your cock is a goal John," She instructed and I did, quickly realizing which angles gave her the best pleasure. She came a lot, way more than Christie. I decided I needed to see how many times Dale makes Christie cum, but for now, I was with Sam, and she had my attention, all of it. I eventually came but kept going as she was heading for an orgasm, I stayed hard in her and decided to speed up, just to see. This made her orgasm harder a few minutes later.

"Yes John, oh god. This is so good. Yes, oh you are getting good."

I came again as she came. I stayed in her as we kissed. Sam never stopped guiding me and praised me as I listened to her instructions. I also realized I might be becoming a different kind of submissive, to Samantha.

"Well done John, we are getting somewhere."

"Was that not good enough?" I asked, dreading her saying yes.

"It was good John, when we are done you will be exceptional, okay. Good is not good enough. You want her to never even consider another man's cock again."

"Yes. Thanks, Sam, this is such a big sacrifice."

"What? I get to orgasm and they are good. If you were bad It would have been a sacrifice. I cum enough for me to like teaching you."

"Thanks, Sam, that means a lot to me, I promise you," I felt the emotion connected to her unexpected praise. We cleaned up and dressed, this time arriving back right on time. I worked ten minutes late again, finishing the next day's task assignments for the clerks and avoiding the banter as the staff walked out.

"Tomorrow we work very late." Samantha grinned, then kissed me softly before we left the office. I did not expect it but did not mind it. I gave her another kiss, and she smiled happily. We walked out, each to our cars and I went home. Christie was getting dressed when I got home.

"Hi, Christie, going out?" I asked tersely.

"Yes, Dale asked if we could have drinks with the boys from the office." I knew this was to humiliate me.


"Will you be there?"

"Nope, not invited. He wants to prove he owns you Christie, but do fucking carry on." I put my running clothes on, and headed into the street, ten miles is the goal. I came back to a dark house, so I ordered pizza, and had two beers. They came back at eleven, fucked until one. I heard Christie struggle to get him to leave, so I got up and opened my door.

"She asked you to leave Dale, get the fuck out."

"Okay okay. See you tomorrow night my slut," he said as he looked at me for reaction.

I watched as Christie blushed and kissed him goodbye. Dale walked towards me and tried to shoulder me, but he lost as I shoulder slammed him hard, and I saw him lose his cockiness. He will know that he was there because he is allowed, not because he is in control. I made eye contact with Christie, and she looked surprised. I walked him out, locked the door behind him. I had another beer on the back patio and found Christie in my bed.

"Thanks, John." She tried.

"He will try again. So, did you guys have a good laugh at me?"

"I did not."

"But my office did, and I am sure they will all want in on the action soon, brace yourself."

"I won't let them," I grunted at her reply, she will allow them. I turned the light off and we slept.

"I am working late tonight, okay," I said as I left the next morning.

"Okay John, when will you be back?"

"I don't know."

"Let me know when you leave."

"Okay." That was my greeting when I left. I heard her call out for me to enjoy my day. I might have sworn softly.

At the office, there were a few more chuckles and some open ridicule. I shrugged. Lunchtime with Sam was even better, for both of us. I found that the more I saw her pleasure, the more intense my orgasms became. As it turns out we worked late, she had extra files and we were catching up on a backlog. I left at eight, texting Christie. I arrived home and frowned. She had multiple guests, looking at the dishes she was washing. I instinctively knew some of the guys from the office were over. Dale was still there, drinking a beer. I put on my running clothes and left on my run, this time fifteen miles. I got back just before ten and showered. Dale left as I came out, and he avoided me in the corridor. I looked at Christie and saw her guilt. She had a gangbang, that was evident. She did not sleep in my bed that night.

The next morning she told me she was going to the club to play tennis. I shrugged and then arranged for a security company to install cameras in her absence. I want grounds for divorce, with good evidence.

At the office, I was now openly ridiculed, until I handed out the day's tasks.

"I want it done by five, clear," I commanded. They might have fucked my wife, but I was still their superior. Dale came out.

"Hey John, that is a bit harsh. It is a lot of work."

"Dale, there is a backlog that needs to be wiped out."

"I am well aware." I turned to the bullpen.

"Five." I said loudly, ignoring Dale, and there was no mistaking my tone. I returned to my office and started to work, Sam again filling me with coffee. I received an email with the login details of the camera system. I checked it, and it worked well. Lunch with Sam was just getting better, and she praised my progress. She also suggested we work late again the following day. I realized that a part of me was now feeling disgusted with my Christie, and any thought of intimacy triggered my gag reflex. There will be a divorce, that was sure. I just wanted more evidence, as her family will get the evidence. I wanted to burn her world now. For now, we are nothing more than roommates.

'Fucking decrepit bunch of bigots,' I muttered to myself as I thought of her family.

That evening Dale stayed extra late but left when he was done. I smiled to myself, he is trying to punish me. I was not sure for what though, he possibly thought he still affected me. My mind was on Samantha, and we texted whilst they were trying to get a rise out of me. I had changed my passcode on my phone, but I did not let Christie close enough to even see my screen.

Somehow, Dale was still under the impression he was getting under my skin. Christie slept next to me, so I informed her that I will be working late again, catching up on a massive backlog. I expected I would probably be working again, not making love and I was right. I checked the camera and watched four guys from the office at my house. They banged my wife in the lounge. I listened as they made her say how much better they are than me. She complied like a wanton slut. I texted her that I was on the way, and I watched as they all dressed and left.


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