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The Pole

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My experience assisting with a sorority hazing.
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My fraternity's house is next door to Sigma Epsilon Xi sorority house.

The Sigma sisters would frequently attend our parties and would invite us to theirs. We all had a great time together and many of my brothers were involved with one or more of the girls at Sigma.

One day, Tanya, the president of Sigma came to our house and asked to speak with my friend Tom and I in private. Tanya explained that two of their pledges were having problems meeting the requirements to become Sigma sisters and were not close enough to not qualify by the end of the semester.

Tanya explained that somehow, the two girls had found a very old Sigma rules book somewhere in Sigma house and that they had discovered that in the past, Sigma had given "extra credit" to pledges willing to go through a hazing ceremony. The two pledges had gone to Tanya and pleaded to use this old rule to become full Sigma sisters. When Tanya hesitated, they begged her to take their proposal to the local chapter's officers.

Hazing was now strictly forbidden by the national Sigma organization and the university and was also against state law. But Tanya took their proposal to the local Sigma chapter officers for discussion. Tanya agreed to bring the two girls proposal up at the next chapter officers meeting. Tanya not only discussed the girl's proposal, but also reviewed the chapter's old hazing rules and procedures with the officers. After much discussion, the girl's proposal to submit themselves for hazing passed, but only by one vote.

Before coming to see Tom and me, Tanya had secretly researched the old hazing rituals and had determined what would be necessary. She said that in the old days, the girls would have been paddled by each member of the sorority and then fucked by their boyfriend in full view of the entire sorority. She then said that she had asked to speak with Tom and me because the two girls were Bethany, Tom's girlfriend, and Allison, my girlfriend. Tanya said she had discussed a minor revision to the old hazing ceremony with the other Sigma officers and that they had agreed to a few changes.

Tanya continued by saying that due to the extreme sensitivity of the situation and the risk involved by conducting a hazing, all of the officers had decided that only the Sigma officers, Bethany, Allison, Tom and I would be involved. The process was discussed with the 2 girls and they had agreed. She then said that Tom and I were also free to refuse to participate if we felt the risk was too high.

Tanya then told us what our role would be and re-emphasized that this is against the rules of both Greek organizations as well as the university and state law. She further emphasized that if we were caught, Tom and I would be kicked out of our fraternity and expelled from the university. And that both girls and all of the Sigma officers would also be expelled and that Sigma's national organization would probably disband the local chapter.

Tanya then asked that given all this risk, are both of you willing to help Bethany and Allison become Sigma sisters?

I agreed because I really liked Allison and wanted a chance to develop a closer relationship that would allow me to start fucking her on a regular basis. Tom said that he would need to think about it and to talk with Bethany.

He came to me to discuss the proposal and also spent a great deal of time with Bethany before going next door to see Tanya two days later to tell her that he would do it for Bethany.

The Hazing Ceremony

Tom and I were told to come to the back door of the sorority house on the night when the hazing would take place. The back of our house and Sigma house were both was very dark, so we were able to slip out the backdoor of our house and over to the back of Sigma house. We were told to wait at the back door until an officer came out to get us. When the door opened, it was dark inside but we could see that the officer was not Tanya and that she wearing a long white gown.

She didn't say anything. She just motioned us to come in and quickly closed the door behind us. No one else was inside, just the officer. She led us down a short hallway and opened a door that went down to the basement. She silently motioned for us to go down and then closed the door behind us without following. It was so dark that we had to feel our way down the stairs and we tried to be as quiet as we could.

When we got to the bottom, it was still dark but there was a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling near the center of the room. In the center, there is a steel structural pole rose from the floor to the ceiling. It appeared to be about six inches in diameter and had two hooks about 7 feet above the floor. Bethany and Allison were standing facing the pole wearing only their bras and panties and they were both standing on six inch platform stiletto heels.

Their hands were bound above their heads with a rope that also passed over the hooks at the top of the pole. The ropes had been tied to something on one wall and were tight enough that the girl's heels were barely resting on the floor. They were both sobbing when we came in. Allison's back is to me and even in the dim light, I can see that her ass is quite red, so they have already taken their swats from the chapter officers. I couldn't imagine what the beating that they would have received if the entire chapter had been involved.

The officers had already left the room. At first I thought that Bethany, Allison, Tom and I were alone in the room. But then Tanya walked out of a deep shadow to let us know that she would be monitoring this next phase of the ceremony. Tanya was also wearing a white gown that matched the gown of the officer that had met us at the door. She was also wearing slippers that allowed her to move so quietly. Apparently, the white gown must have been the uniform from the old Sigma ceremony.

Without saying a word, Tanya then quietly stepped over to Tom and handed him a pair of scissors. Tom walked over behind Bethany and used the scissors to sip the sides of Bethany's panties. As he finished, her panties dropped to the floor. Then he handed the scissors to me. I moved close behind Allison and decided to take a different approach and snipped the crotch of Allison's panties and then lifted the back and tucked it into her waist band.

As I was doing this, I heard Tom unzip the fly of his jeans followed by the sound of a condom package being opened. Shortly after that I heard Bethany gasp as he apparently pushed his cock into her and started roughly fucking her pussy. I knew he was being rough because I could see his hands on her hips and could hear her belly hitting the pole with every thrust.

After I had tucked the bottom of Allison's panties into her waist band, I lightly ran my hands over her ass cheeks to try to reassure her. They were very hot and most certainly were very painful at that moment.

I leaned forward and whispered to her that I wanted us to be together after this, so I will try to take it as easy as I can, but Tanya told me what I need to do. Then I said, nod if you understand?

She nodded to indicate that she understood.

I unzipped my jeans and pushed them down below my butt so that they wouldn't rub against her red ass cheeks. I took a condom out of my shirt pocket and rolled it onto my very hard cock. I had also brought a bit of lube in a plastic bag with me, so used it to lube up my cock. Since she was 6-inches taller than me in her heels, her pussy was above the level of my cock, so I was easily able to enter her from behind without having to squat down.

I slowly fucked her pussy by lifting up onto my toes rather than grabbing her hips pushing against her ass like Tom was fucking Brittany. Allison sighed and seemed to calm down at this tender treatment. After a few minutes, I leaned back so that I could unhook her bra. I lifted the front of it so that her boobs were now below the cups of her bra. I tenderly took a boob in each hand, lightly groped her boobs and played with her nipples while I continued to slowly stroke my cock in and out for a little while.

I then released her right boob and dropped my hand and start rapidly stroking her clit. Suddenly, she shuddered and her knees buckled so that all of her weight was on her hands. She was now completely suspended from the hook. I placed both of my hands below her rib cage and then use them along with a push from my cock to lift her back up onto her feet.

I then leaned over and whispered into her ear that the rules say that I also need to fuck your ass.

She rapidly shook her head back and forth.

So I whispered that I can quit now if you ask me too, but you won't get the extra credit that you need.

She thought about it and then whispered back that it was okay, but please don't hurt me.

I told her that I wouldn't dream of hurting her. That I wanted to make this as easy for her as I could and then I added that who knows, some women claim that this next part is enjoyable.

Then I told her that the part that may hurt the most is when I first enter your ass. It will hurt less if you relax your asshole and keep it relaxed until the head of my cock is inside of you. Nod when you are ready.

I pulled out of her pussy and touched the tip of my condom encased cock to her asshole and moved it around a bit to get her asshole wet with pussy juice and then waited. After a few seconds, she nodded and I slowly pushed my cock in. She cried out in pain as my cock head first entered her ass, so I held still until she calmed and nodded for me to continue.

Then I slowly pushed in and pulled out part way. I continued to massaging her boobs and play with the nipples with my left hand and played with her clit with my right to try to make her feel like I was making love to her ass rather than just fucking it. I did this for a few minutes until one time when I pushed in most of the way, she suddenly shuddered and her knees buckled again. I am not sure, but from the way that her asshole clenched around my cock, I think she had just had an anal orgasm. I put my hands under her arm pits to help support her until she could regained her balance.

I then pulled out of her ass, striped off my condom and dropped it to the floor and pulled my jeans up and zipped them. I put my left arm under her arm pit, around her chest and put my hand under her right arm pit to support her weight. I then used my right hand to undo the bindings around her wrists and slowly lowered her.

She then leaned against the pole and started rubbing her arms and shoulders to get the circulation back into them. While she is still facing the pole and Bethany, I pulled her bra back down over her boobs and re-hooked the clasp. About the time that I finished with the clasp, Tom was pulling out of Bethany's ass. She was in tears. I moved around to undo her bindings while Tom supported her.

I then turned back to Allison and helped her turn so that she could rest her back against the pole.

I held her in a tight embrace and whispered in her ear to ask if she was okay? She rubbed her ass cheeks and said that she would be. She thanked me for not only helping me out, but also treating her so kindly. She then wrapped her arms around my neck, bent over a little so that we were face to face and gave me a passionate kiss.

At this point, Tanya suddenly appeared out of the darkness carrying two bathrobes which she handed them to the two girls. She also pointed to a different door from the one that we had come in and told Tom and I to go upstairs and wait in the parlor for them. She told us not to talk with anyone else, especially not any of the other girls.

Then Tanya led Allison and Bethany through yet another door and closed it behind them. I retrieved my condom from the floor and put it into my pocket before following Tom upstairs. I didn't want to leave any more evidence in the basement than I needed to.

After Tom and I had been quietly waiting for about 15 minutes, Allison, Bethany and all of the chapter officers all enter the parlor. They were all wearing matching white gowns. Tanya closed and locked the door behind her.

Tanya then said that all of you swore an oath of secrecy before this started. She said that she wanted to remind all of us of the dire circumstances that will fall upon each and every one of us if word of this ever leaked out. She then sternly looked at us as she slowly scanned from one of us to the next.

Tanya then smiled and looked at Allison and Bethany and congratulated then of becoming Sigma sisters thanks to the help of your boyfriends. She said that Allison and Bethany had now passed all of the requirements to become full Sigma Epsilon Xi sisters.

Tanya then asked Tom and me to let ourselves out the back way without speaking to anyone and to return to Sigma house at 1PM tomorrow afternoon.

The next afternoon, when Tom and I returned, Tanya called us into her office and closed the door. She thanked us both for risking our own futures for sisters Allison and Bethany. Tanya told us that the two of you must really love them.

I told her that I cannot speak for Tom, but that I do love Allison and sincerely hope that her feelings are mutual. She smiled and said that she is pretty sure that they are. She then picked up her phone and called Allison and Bethany and asked them to come to her office. When she hung up, she got up and went to open the door.

When Allison and Bethany arrived, Tanya quickly closed the door behind them. Then Tanya told Allison and Bethany that the two of you both owe a great deal to these boys for taking the risk that they have taken for you.

Tanya then turned to Tom and me. She told us that word of this next part can never get out, but this morning, the officers of Sigma voted and the two of you are now honorary members of this Sigma chapter. She told us to please don't ever say anything of this to any of the other members of Sigma and that only the five of us and the other officers shall ever know.

Tanya then told the two girls that the two of you need to take your boyfriends out for a walk. Find a private place on campus where you can sit and talk. You went through a traumatic ordeal last night and you need to discuss the experience with your boyfriend so that they can help you to recover from the trauma.

She smiled and just said "GO!"

Allison and I walked hand-in-hand around campus for about 15 minutes until we found a secluded spot beneath a big oak tree. We sat down on the grass and Allison grabbed my neck and gave me a huge kiss.

Allison smiled and said that she wanted me to know that she appreciated the risk that I am taking for her. She also wanted me to know that other than the point that I had warned me about the pain; that she had enjoyed sharing her body with me. She told me that I was so extremely kind and the idea of having me drive me to orgasm not once, but twice when you could have simply raped her like Tom to Bethany did is beyond any anything that she can say other than thank you.

I simply squeezed her hand and pushed her back onto the grass so that I could start making out with her again. After a while, I raised my head and grinned. I told to her that I think that I know a couple of ways that you can thank me. She smiled broadly and told me that she knows of two ways other than this that she would like to thank me in the future and then she pulled me back down.

Mid-semester break -- My roommate has gone home for the break. Allison has been coming over each evening so that we can fuck. Condoms are getting expensive.

About 20 % of the time, after we get into bed and start kissing Allison told me that she wanted you to come in her ass tonight.

She has learned to love anal fucking and has orgasms that way that are stronger and much more frequent than when I fuck her pussy now. I still love playing with her clit until she comes, but I really love the tight feeling when she clenches her ass around my cock to make me come.

One year later -- Allison and I learn that Tom and Bethany broke up late last spring and that both of them have transferred to different universities. Apparently, Brittany never accepted that way that Tom had treated her during the ceremony and the stress surrounding the risk of expulsion was too much for both of them. Where the experience had brought Allison and I much closer together, apparently it was too much for their relationship. As for Allison and I, we spend as much time together as we can, be it studying, partying or making out in the glen beneath "our" oak tree.

Two years later -- I moved out of the frat house and into my own apartment at the beginning of the semester. Allison was coming over and spending the night at least 3 times per week. Then midway through the semester, Allison moved in with me. She has also just started on the pill so that we can each other every night without the need of a condom. Most of the month now, I fuck her pussy. But we switch to her ass during her period so that we can both enjoy sex every night.

Four years later - We both graduated yesterday and have a lunch date today. I asked her to meet me at 11:30 at the glen under "our tree" where we had first talked after her hazing. We had been visiting the glen frequently over the years and considered it our special, private spot. When she arrived, I asked her to have a seat and then rolled over onto one knee and pulled a ring box out of my pocket.

I opened it and asked her to you marry me? She screamed, started to cry and wrapped her arms around my neck to give me a big kiss.

When she finally pulled away for air, I her that I guess that is a Yes, which earned me a shove onto my back as she rolled over onto my chest and kissed me so hard that it felt like she was trying to force her tongue down my throat.

Once she finally pulled away, I retrieved the ring box from the ground where it had fallen, pulled the ring out of the box and put it on her finger. She held her arm out in the way that all newly engaged women do to admire her ring. She then laughed, pushed me back onto the grass and jumped on top of me again and started smothering me with kisses.

After about a half hour of this, she jumped to her feet, pulled me up and told me that we have to go to the Sigma house right now so that I can show everyone. I guess that is a burden that every newly engaged guy has to go through.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I really hope this isn’t a real experience

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