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The Professor's Women Ch. 07

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The story of a family with an interesting dynamic.
12.8k words

Part 7 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/01/2017
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This is the seventh installment of my story about a family with an interesting dynamic. Herein a dark cloud creeps over the family, and a father risks it all to protect his daughter.


Chapter Seven: Intrigue, Betrayal, and Deception

Jackson had completely forgotten about the 'package' he received earlier in the day until he opened his briefcase to put his 'homework' in it. He put away his papers, closed the case and headed for home. When he got there, he stopped in the kitchen to get a paring knife, remembering that it was wrapped in duct tape, and took everything to his office in the upstairs front bedroom.

It took him nearly fifteen minutes to cut through what turned out to be three layers of the nearly bullet-proof covering. When he finally got the 'package' open, he found a Ziplock baggie with numbers written on it that contained the Q-tip he swabbed the swimsuit with, twelve official looking documents on University letterhead with handwritten notes in the margins, nine pieces of lined notebook paper with chemical formulas that appeared to be several combinations of methamphetamines and psychotropic mixtures, and Xerox copies of cash register receipts and cancelled checks.

Lastly, there was a plain sheet of paper, typed, single spaced, with a long narrative summing up where all of the 'evidence' included seemed to lead the author of the note. The paper was signed 'Deep Throat'.

Jackson pondered the 'Watergate Conspirators' reference and chuckled to himself. He knew that his young, former student was not the source of this information, he was only a courier. He was sure that this went much higher, and was much more serious than he thought. He took out a large manila folder, sealed the papers in it and headed for garage. He closed the garage door and lifted the two foot square ½" thick hardened steel plate on the garage floor. He put the folder into the lockbox that was buried in the dirt floor of the garage, hidden under the plate. He locked the box and carefully replaced the steel plate and kicked dirt over it to conceal its existence.

He returned to the house after he had disposed of the remains of the 'package', burning it with some old newspapers in the steel 'burn barrel' in the back yard. Some of what he had just read and the names he had recognized were troubling him. 'Could this really involve people he respected and considered to be friends and colleagues?' he wondered. He lost track of time as he smoked his pipe and considered what to do next. Jackson knew one thing for sure, this was no trivial matter. Some very powerful people were involved the drugging of his daughter and if Vanessa was involved, she was only a pawn in a much larger game of chess.

His train of thought was interrupted by his daughter's excited voice as she burst into the house saying "Guess what happened to me today, Daddy!" She hopped on his lap and recounted her whole day from her college and scholarship news to her 'visit' with Judith and her friend.

First, she told him of her acceptance all of the schools she had applied to and her decision to go to ISU because of the extra scholarship. Then she told him about the rest of her day. She did not leave out any details, even the sweet, affectionate Black Lab, and the three-way with Julia and Lola's owner.

She realized her story was getting her daddy excited when she felt his growing erection under her and soon they were naked in bed doing what they both enjoyed the most.

When they took a break from their lovemaking, they decided to eat dinner at home. As they were waiting for their frozen dinners to heat up in the oven, a thought popped into Jackson's mind and he asked his daughter "Baby, that kid Jeremy that you were talking about some time ago, what is his last name?"

"His name is Jeremy Knuppel, why Daddy?" Traci said.

"Hmmm," her father said, and asked "By any chance is his father Raymond Knuppel, the chair of the Chemistry Department?"

"I think his father is a department head at the University Daddy, why?" she said

"And, by some chance was his mother Willa one of the attendee's at Vanessa's little soiree last weekend?" he asked.

"Yes Daddy, she was one of the women who got mad and stormed out because she wanted me to spend the night with her."

Jackson looked directly into his daughter's eyes and said sternly "Traci darling, what I am about to tell you is not to leave this house. You must not even hint that you know any of this. I have in my possession some information that the source of the drugs that were deposited on your 'costume' was the chemistry lab at the University. I cannot prove who actually manufactured the concoction because they have covered their tracks very carefully."

Jackson continued, "I am quite certain that this Jeremy Knupple appears to be carrying a grudge against you, and this makes him dangerous for several reasons. He may be a spoiled brat and an entitled asshole, but he has some very powerful and politically connected friends. I do not want you to have anything to do with him. Go out of your way to avoid him and his friends because they are as dangerous as he is. As soon as you graduate I think I will be sending you away from here, out East, to assure your safety if things get dangerous for you here."

He continued. "I am in the process of doing some covert research to find out how many people are involved in this conspiracy, and until I am sure who is and is not connected to this mess, I will not make any offensive moves. Right now the only actions I am taking are defensive ones, to make sure that the one person I love most is protected from harm. You are the most important person in the world to me, and the only one I trust completely, but I must keep you in the dark about what I will be doing this summer, so your ignorance of my actions will protect you from harm. Be wary of what you say, and who you say it to. I hate to say this, but even your best friends may be used against you."

"I know you have told some of your friends about our 'relationship' but you must stop talking about 'us' with anyone until I can be sure who we can truly trust. I will contact Julia and let her know why you won't be visiting her for a while. I know that you are thinking that I am overreacting, but if you knew what I do, you would understand." He concluded

She started to cry and sobbed "I don't want to leave you Daddy, I love you, and I need you!"

"I know sweetheart, but these are powerful people, and they would not hesitate to do us physical harm or destroy our reputations to save themselves. I know how much you love me and I know this will be hard, but you must trust me that things will be much better once I deal with these people on my terms, not theirs. They have lived their whole lives believing they could do anything they want without retribution from others. They believe that no one can touch them no matter what they do or say, but when the tables are turned against them it could really get ugly. When that happens, and it will very soon, they will strike at whoever is in their way. This is the reason I must remove you from the 'line of fire'." he said.

Jackson continued, "One of my cousins has a little place on the beach at Martha's Vineyard, and I'm going to ask him if you can stay there for a month or two. He has two daughters about your age, so you will have plenty to keep you occupied. Cousin Hector's place is on a secluded part of the island and is adjacent to a 'clothing optional' beach. He has told me that his girls are 'flexible' sexually, so I think you will have fun, and probably come home with a good tan."

Traci perked up and said "Wow daddy, that really sounds like fun. I will miss you terribly, but running around naked on the beach with my sexy girl cousins sounds like a blast! I understand why you need to take care of things this way, and will do as you ask. I will worry about you daddy, so please don't do anything dangerous."

"Of course, I must ask that you do not mention this to anyone." Jackson said, and continued "Your friends cannot know anything about what your plans for the summer are. If anyone asks you must tell them that you are not sure what you will be doing this summer. The fact that you have just 'disappeared' will add a veil of mystery and confuse everyone when 'all hell' rains down on the people who are responsible for this."

"I have not worked out all of the details, but as soon as I contact the family in New England, I will let you know. For now, just keep a low profile and say nothing to anyone about this. Tomorrow I will go to the registrar's office and get all of the necessary forms for your enrollment in the fall semester. You you can fill them out before you leave, and I will drop them off the first week of June." the professor concluded.

"I understand Daddy." she said, and they ate dinner talking about other things not connected to the 'Elephant in the room'. After dinner they went to bed and made love like they were the last two people on earth. They woke in the morning and repeated their usual morning routine, a morning sixty-nine followed by a shared shower.

The next morning he called his father and the two talked about the family getting back together during the summer. When Jackson heard some unusual clicks on the line, he asked about how Cousin Vinnie's lawyer brother-in-law was doing. His father picked up on the reference and told his son that Saul was doing fine and had moved to Chicago to become a senior partner in a prestigious law firm in the Loop. His father gave Jackson Saul Kauffman's new number and they said their goodbyes.

Jackson told his assistant that he was going to be out of the office for a while, and walked to a diner on the edge of the campus. He used the payphone in the rear of the place to call Saul's number using his long distance phone card.

When he got through to Saul and explained who he was and what his situation was, the attorney took charge. He gave Jackson his 'private' number and the access code. He cautioned Jackson to only call him from 'secure' phone lines with any information, and to never use the same public phone a second time. He told Jackson that he would make all of the arrangements with his family in New England. He also told Jackson that he would be the conduit for all communications between Jackson and his relatives back East. He ended by telling Jackson to call him back the following day to give him time to make the necessary arrangements.

The next morning, Jackson went to a café on the opposite side of the campus and used their payphone to contact Saul on his private line. After dialing the number and entering the access code, the voice on the other end said "Saul Kauffman". Jackson was told that all of the arrangements had been made, and all Jackson had to do was make the travel arrangements and give the details to Saul so he could pass them along to the family.

As soon as he hung up, Jackson took a bus to the Amtrak station in Bloomington where he bought a one-way ticket from Chicago to Boston in his Daughter's name leaving the Saturday after her graduation ceremony the following Friday. He paid extra for a sleeping room for segment from Chicago because it would be an overnight trip. He used the payphone at the station to pass the travel information to Saul, and took the bus back to the campus.

Jackson and Traci got home at nearly the same time, and over dinner he explained the plans he had made for her upcoming trip. He told her he would have George take them to Chicago in his limo. He explained that all correspondence between them would have to be routed through Cousin Vinnie's brother-in-law who is a lawyer in Chicago, and that she would be given his telephone number when Vinnie picked her up at the Amtrak station in Boston. He finished by telling her "I know this all seems a bit extreme, but I am taking no chances with your safety."

She hugged him and said "I know you love me and want to protect me daddy, and I understand why you have to do this. While I am really excited about this trip, I will worry about you the whole time I am gone, but all of this intrigue is making me horny. Let's go upstairs and fuck!" and they did just that.

The next week went by in a blur as they spent their days at their respective schools taking care of what to be done and their nights swapping bodily fluids in all ways possible. He watched her walk across the stage to receive her diploma after giving her salutatorian's speech. He watched as she said goodbye to her friends and begged off on going to an 'after graduation' party.

They went home and made passionate love until daybreak when they shared one more intimate bath and shower. They dressed, ate a quiet breakfast together, locked up the house and garage, climbed into George's waiting black limousine, and headed to Chicago. George waited in his Cadillac while Jackson escorted his daughter to the train. They checked her bags through to Boston's South Station, and shared a tearful goodbye before she boarded the train for New York.

She was escorted to the single sleeping room by the porter, and passed the time reading the notebook her father had given her and the Chicago Tribune they had bought on the way through the station. Jackson had filled the notebook with instructions about how to be more observant of those around her. She took her meals in the room at her father's suggestion. She remembered to not make eye contact or talk to anyone. It was difficult for the normally outgoing teenager to act this way, but she understood how important her actions were.

She spent the layover in Penn Station by buying a New York Times newspaper and drinking coffee at a small bodega inside the station. When the time for the train for Boston to leave, she gathered her things and made her way to the platform. She took a seat in the coach next to a little old lady from Connecticut who spent the entire trip telling Traci about her six children and fifteen grandchildren. The teenager was entertained by the old woman's colorful stories and was disappointed when she got off in New London. She moved to the window seat, and watched as the New England countryside rolled by.

Before she realized it the train was pulling into Boston's South Station. When the train stopped, she exited the train and made her way down the platform where she saw a familiar looking grey haired man wearing a blue suit and a funny hat, holding a sign that read 'NORMAL'. 'My father has a sick sense of humor' she thought. She ran up to the man and hugged him, kissing him on the cheek saying "Hi Cousin Vinnie!"

The startled man held her at arms-length when she broke her embrace and said "Holy Shit, you grew up beautiful, little girl! The last time I saw you was when you were five or six."

The couple made their way to the baggage claim area and retrieved her bags. Vinnie insisted on carrying her suitcase and garment bag to the cab but allowed her to sit up front in the ten year old Chevrolet cab as they drove to New Bedford. The entire trip, Vinnie asked her questions about her dad and mom, how sad he was about her passing, what Illinois was like, and dozens of other things.

They drove on to the ferry, got out of the cab, and walked up to the upper deck to enjoy the view. Traci had never been on a boat this big before and was overwhelmed by what she was experiencing. She thought they were in the ocean until she saw a large Island in front of them. When the ferry started approaching the harbor, Vinnie grabbed her arm and said "Let's get back to the 'caah'." and they returned to the cab. As soon as the ferry docked, Vinnie drove the cab onto the dock and through the small village of Vineyard Haven. They drove down the country lane until they saw a small hand painted sign that said 'Windy Gates Rd'. They turned onto a dirt road and soon saw an expanse of blue. "That be the Atlantic Ocean" Vinnie said.

Vinnie followed the road along the beach until they pulled up in front of a large sprawling grey beach house. As the cab came to a stop, two tanned young women with waist length jet black hair came running out of the house. As they got closer, Traci noticed that they were both wearing only bikini bottoms and had large firm boobs with large dark nipples and areolas that jiggled like Pam Anderson's on Baywatch.

As soon as they were in earshot they both started screaming "Traci!" over and over. They grabbed her and hugged her, and the three shared their entire life stories over the next fifteen minutes. Traci learned that her two cousins were named Staci and Kaci, that they were twenty year old identical twins, and that they were bisexual.

They grabbed the bags from Vinnie and he left as the three took the bags into the house, putting them in the room she was going to be staying in. As the three ate lunch, her cousins told her that Mum and Dad were staying at home in Fall River and they were the only ones staying in the house. They told her they were all going to the beach later.

After Traci changed into her favorite bikini, they told her to lose the top. 'I am really going to enjoy my stay here' Traci thought as she walked along the beach with her sexy cousins. They walked around a breakwater and saw a large throng of totally nude people of all ages, shapes, and sizes.

The three girls walked into the group and the twins introduced their 'Cousin from out West' to everyone. Next Staci put her tote on the sand and said to Traci "Bottoms off, Cousin". All three girls took off their bikini bottoms and stowed them in Staci's tote bag. Staci produced a bottle of sunscreen and the two twins lathered Traci completely from head to toe, paying particular attention to her boobs and 'nether' region. The three girls spent the rest of the afternoon playing volleyball, tossing a Frisbee, and swimming in the Atlantic Ocean.

They walked back to the house as the sun was setting, and didn't put their bottoms back on. As the three used the outdoor shower together they decided that clothes would not be necessary unless they went to town or if someone came to visit. Sitting on the couch after dinner, Traci asked her cousins "You two are nearly identical, and I can tell you apart by your voices, but is there some other way I can tell?"

"You didn't notice!" the two said at the same time and pointed to their smooth pubic mounds. Traci looked at the small tattoos there that spelled out 'Staci' and 'Kaci' in cursive letters about a half inch tall.

Traci started kissing the two on their tattoos, and after a two hour Sapphic three-way, the twins took their cousin to the hot tub on the deck. Kaci grabbed a chilled bottle of merlot and three glasses, and the three talked, drank, and played until the bottle was empty. The three girls talked about their respective sexual exploits and were surprised when a very drunk Traci admitted that she had only been with one guy. When they found out it was her daddy, they did not seem surprised.

They asked the teenager if her daddy's cock was as big as they had been told. When she said that the rumors were in fact true, they said they were having trouble believing her. Traci was determined to prove to her cousins that she was not exaggerating, so she got out of the hot tub, and grabbing the empty wine bottle and sat on it, neck first, until she had it buried into her, two-thirds of the way to the bottom, and rode it to a knee shaking orgasm. The twins sat, transfixed and watched the wine bottle as it slowly slipped from the teenager's distended vagina as she squirted 'girl-cum' all over the deck. They got out of the hot tub and started kissing, licking, and caressing their beautiful pale blonde cousin.

They picked up their semi-conscious cousin and carried her into their bedroom, placing her in the center of their large California king-sized bed, snuggling on either side of her, and went to sleep together.

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