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The Punisher


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"I'm not... this is too strange! She would never say this! I'm not going to..."

Emma kept re-reading it, analyzing. "Yes. You should. She's not lying, she really does want you. You inspire honesty in people now. It's your defining characteristic, your superpower. If you tell her what you want, you might get it. Never lie."

I replied back with, "Thank you, ma'am. See you at 9."

I sloughed it off, mildly irritated by what she said, and went back to what I was doing, putting a jumbled pile of books I'd had on shelves in my room back on those shelves. We'd gotten it handled, but we couldn't walk around easily from the bags still on the floor.

For that matter, the floor was cold concrete. I had the area rug from my bedroom but it was rolled up on the (downstairs) kitchen counter.

Suddenly, I was really tired, and I knew I had to get a shower and get some sleep. We'd stayed up gaming too late, plus the oddness, then all the work, it caught up.

I switched back to find-it-now mode and went through things. "Okay. So. No bathroom bag."

Kara said (and I'll try to get her accent), "Oh, yah, ya know, I a-put-a-deh-bag in da bathroom, got-it a-there wit-a mine an-a Emma's."

Nothing about Kara was right, even her grammar. I glared at her. I'd been looking for that bag.

She opened her eyes more and got more stiff, "Sir. Kevin, sir."

I thought about it. She'd been in fast-react mode, we all had. I was getting irritated unnecessarily. We had to work on our communication - and I'd never had to share a room with anyone before.

"It's fine. Gotta shower now anyway."

She and Emma nodded.

I went to the bathroom and did my business, flushed, and realized I hadn't brushed my teeth that morning, being at Brian's. Where the fuck was my toothbrush?

There wasn't any need to look long. A pharmacy bag was on the counter with three toothbrushes in it, new toothpaste (not our brand?), a bar of bath soap, and a container of those disposable floss things.

Good enough for me! My mouth felt furry, and I quickly got that done. Looking in the mirror, though, it looked like my gums were way expanded, down over my teeth farther than I remembered. Opening up wider, I realized my fillings were missing, too, and... I had more teeth? I'd had my wisdom teeth out, but... It looked like they were back? It wasn't uncomfortable; all my teeth lined up perfectly (they'd never done before).

Suddenly I realized my scar was missing, too! My face looked different - whole, normal even, and actually better than I had looked before. My jaw stuck out slightly? I didn't remember having that strong of a jawline. Even my eyebrows were growing more neatly.

Magic face. Magic eyebrows. Magic teeth. Odd stuff, but so down the list of odd in a day it almost didn't bear mentioning.

Looking a little more, I needed a towel. One of the garbage bags complicating the bathroom floor was full of what might have been the whole medicine cabinet and closet shelf. Another bag had the rest of the linen closet, under-counter stuff, etc.

I grabbed a towel out of there, unwrapped the new soap, and got into the shower.

The wand was irritating and the bathtub was an odd shade of green porcelain. It was ancient. I never liked the basement shower, but it worked. I could finally get clean.

I got soaped, but for some reason there wasn't much hot water left. I had to bet Mom was doing laundry.

I finished rinsing my head, but as I did, I heard Emma's voice right next to me. "...and you can do that part."

Kara's voice piped through, "Fuck that. Be fast, bitch, I haven't showered in a week." Her voice wasn't exactly mean when she said that, more just irritated? I was pretty sure they just casually used the term 'bitch' with each other in a way that I could never do.

Just super-fast after that, the shower curtain slipped back behind me (noisy metal curtain rings) and she said (sounding startled, I think), "I can wash your back. Mama said that once... Sir."

I turned around and Emma was standing there. My head was tilted down from the shower water, so I saw her body, and looked upwards. Her eyes were kind of glazed, like she was super-tired, and scared, but also irritated, and this was just one more thing to do.

A sense of calm came over me, seeing her. It was almost like she was pathetic. I wasn't fearing her, I was... disjointed? A kind of disconnected calmness started flowing over me, looking at her.

There wasn't but a second to spare, the water was getting colder. I disregarded the offer, pulling the curtain back and ignoring the spray that leaked out as I stepped. Talking over my shoulder, I said, "Shower's yours. You have about 2 minutes before it turns cold, be efficient."

As I got out, Kara was right there in front of me, naked, but with a hip tilted like she was being put upon to be anywhere, holding my towel like it was hers.

I pointed, "Towel?"

She came to her senses and handed it to me.

The transformation from irritated to being surprised at being next to someone who was naked, while she was naked, played out on her face and her lips went pursed, her eyes downcast, and she got more meek.

Still, the emotions playing out on her face didn't stay long. Her meekness with me changed as she glanced at the shower curtain towards Emma, and she flashed back to being irritated.

I didn't care, I was on fatigue autopilot. Between their bickering over who would do what or get done faster, I dried off. This was not an ideal situation.

Emma stepped out and Kara got in.

There wasn't but one towel (without rummaging in a bag, and they'd put the bags outside the bathroom door), so I just handed my towel to Emma. As I did I could see she was shivering, and that her nipples were super-krinkley.

Even dry, I wasn't warm. It was cool in the basement, so I opened the door the rest of the way and walked quickly back to my... no, OUR room? It felt odd to think in those terms.

The cold concrete floor wasn't clean, either, and I stepped on some stuff, but at least there was one small throw rug (a bath mat?) next to the side of the bed. That was out of place, but welcome.

Not having my clothes anywhere close to unpacked, I didn't really have sweats or anything to sleep in. At least we'd put enough blankets on the bed. Sometimes (it was an autistic proprioceptive thing) I liked a heavy blanket on me, it was out of scale comforting.

I got in; the new sheets were crinkly and didn't quite feel right. It was like they were starched, like dad's dress shirts? I was confused.

(Later on, I found that that's exactly what they were, new sheets have starch in them but it's called 'sizing'. Odd stuff. Girls know the oddest things.)

All I could do was lie there. I'd forgotten to bring my clothes back from the bathroom, and that included my phone in my pants, but I was too damn cold and tired to get up and get them.

The girls didn't take but a few more minutes to come back, and I asked them to go get my phone and clothes, which Emma did as Kara came around to the other side of the bed to get in.

I just watched her walk.

She was seriously beautiful.

Emma came back and put my phone on a box that was a temporary bedside table, then shut off the light fast so she didn't have to be naked in front of me, I think, despite my just having seen them. She got in on that side, faced away from me and curled up, matching how Kara was positioned.

Their cold damp butts were against the sides of my hips.

After some minutes of shivering, during which I warmed up a little, they both turned around and hugged me from either side, throwing legs over in some attempt to get body heat.

Soft boobs were against the outsides of my upper arms. Arms were across my chest. Legs were across mine, delicious skin against me.

My fatigue was getting to me, but it wasn't making me sleepy, it just was pressing me into the bed, like extra weight. If anything, my awareness was more keen than ever.

Kara, on my left, started rubbing it around over my chest, leading to Emma doing the same thing. I could feel their hips on mine, too, and got a scratchy sense from Kara that I figured out was her pubic hair.

That was new. I'd never touched any (not-mine) pubic hair before.

Kara told Emma, "Now, I'm first."

"I know."

Kara continued, intrigued, "My body feels kind of numb, but also super turned-on. Since, like two hours ago... Ever since the kitchen, when she said that."

"Same here."

Kara inhaled and I felt her hand move down, rubbing around and down, then started stroking down my penis, already very hard at the possibilities. "Nervous."

I managed to say, "Me, too."

My ring was feeling more and more warm and uncomfortable.

Somehow, I knew the pain level would increase until I'd ... made love with these two.

Would it be making love, or just sex?

It would be my first sex, for sure, and I wanted it to be special, but could it be more special than this? Sex by divine mandate? Even if I didn't like them, even if they were morally repugnant, we were trapped in this thing together and I was going to have to live with them.

Kara shifted up (and Emma pulled away) so she could straddle me, climbing over and lying atop me. She whimpered as she did, a want-based thing. Getting over my face, her hair still wet, she bent down and realized she was dripping on my face. "Oh... Sorry. Wet hair, I didn't mean to do that."

It surprised me a little, that she would apologize, for almost anything.

Still, I nodded, feeling her body on me, but as she got there, I tried to move around and shift, but my limbs just felt incredibly heavy, so I couldn't move.

All I could say was, "Understand," and breathe. It wasn't her weight that was pressing me down, it was some kind of spiritual weight? I couldn't explain it, but I was where I was supposed to be, and I wasn't going to be able to move.

She finished her bend downwards enough to lean in and plant a series of kisses on my cheeks. Her face moved, the kisses became like slow and soft lip-presses, with some stutter-breath exhales to go with them.

Below, her hips were moving as she did this, and it pressed my cock up between us. I felt myself poking or pushing into her abdomen, but it was short-lived. She had Something To Do.

Pulling away and shifting down to let the blankets slide away, I was cold again, but she kept moving until she got her head down to my stomach, and then farther, and over, and enveloped. Then, bobbing down quickly, she did several more.

I was loving the sensations. I also loved that I didn't have to see her face, except the vague outlines from a distant night light.

Moving up again, she reached down, positioned me, but then just kept shifting her hips around.

Emma said, "Do it, Kara. It's time. My ring is burning."

"Mine, too." She inhaled. "It's right, but at the same time, wow."

I waited, and a moment later, she sat up and down, fast and hard - and screamed! LOUD!

My brain didn't like screaming. Still, it was a one-time thing, so I recovered, but then realized she'd sat down ON me, super hard, jarring the length of my dick like if I rammed it against something lengthwise when I was erect.


The brain was working again.

Kara had been a virgin.

How was that even possible? She was in the popular crowd, hanging out with Roddy?

The feelings flowing to me from my half-encased hot, wet, caressed-by-soft-pussy penis? Oh yeah! That was something!

She moved, and the feelings went from yum to WOW, and her shifting got better and better.

Leaning down to put her hands on my chest, her hips rode up and down on me first in small motions and then longer ones, then ones almost long enough to come off but not quite.

I had enough energy to raise my arms again, and could reach to caress her legs astride me, then up to her small waist, to her rib-undulating sides, and around to her front, and up.

Her boobs were firm to the touch, though the skin was soft and I could press in and grasp to deform them, they were resilient and came back when I released. The feeling was nice, too, an accent to the overwhelming sensations coming from my cock as she rose and fell on it.

On my shoulder, another hand touched me - it was Emma, holding me and squeezing like she was double-checking if I was real.

It was real.

I was INSIDE her. My cock was UP, Inside Of Her!

The sensation on me was like, if I was erect, and then I grabbed my penis with my fist and squeezed, but then I could still slide my fist up and down without grabbing on my glans too much? Sooooo tight!

My hips started bucking up and into her to meet her downthrusts, bouncing her with the impact, and building it faster.

Maybe in a couple of minutes of exquisite delight, we just moved, and breathed, and I watched the outlines of her breasts swaying the meager light.

Soon, though, it got to be too much, and I ... I .... I.... CAME! "oooooHHH-MYGODDDDD YESSss.... YES.... Oh, fuck that's great, YEssSS!!! Hrrrrnnnnngggg! uh....Rnnnnnnnnngggg!!!!"

I held her as I came, pushing up and wanting it, and I could tell she was wanting something, too, but she just said things that were more encouraging, like, "Yes, that's right, push that, feels so good, good job, yes..."

Even at the time, it sounded corny, and it took me until well after I'd come and was still breathing hard and relaxing, to figure out why. The why was, I think that's what she figured I wanted to hear.

As we relaxed and got our breath again, she pulled off me and said, "Oh, drat. I think I'm dripping."

Emma pulled away and got up, moving quickly (complete with tripping over something), and came back a minute later with a towel, handing it over. Kara put it between her legs.

I remembered something about breaking a hymen making blood, so I figured that's what they were worried about, but then worried I might drip, too, if she left some on me, so I said, "Me, too?"

I meant it as a question, but my ring got suddenly hot, and Kara said, "Ouch! My ring! Oh - yeah."

I couldn't resist touching my ring anymore, and when I did, again, spark-shock. At that moment, Kara leaned in fast over me and pulled up my cock, sucking it in, slurping up all around it. She was licking it clean, not licking to stimulate, even going around my abdomen where maybe drips were.

She finished that, then, and lay back.

Emma got up and disappeared again, and came back with another towel, pulling back the covers to lay it on the bed beneath where she'd lain, folded double but well big enough for her hips. She got back in, and pulled up the covers.

Kara was done licking, but as she did, she leaned up over me and said, "Kevin. Sir. Thank you," and kissed me on the lips, light but dragging slowly.

I didn't really feel like kissing her back, but I might have, a little.

Blankets up again, Kara was still away from me, but Emma moved in closer. Her bigger boobs were more encasing on my upper arm, and I could tell she was fidgeting here and there.

Maybe ten minutes later, she shifted over and kissed me, then went down my front, playing with my dick like it was fun, but then getting more breathy as I enlarged. In the end, she bent down and sucked me in and up, bobbing her head down on me with some kind of practiced motion. I had the sense she'd done that before, though I was no one to judge.

It didn't last more than a minute, and she reached over to grab my opposite arm, pulling me. "Kevin sir? Please, on my back? I'm not brave enough... Please?"

My own ring was getting warmer, and I knew if I didn't, there'd be pain, so I obliged and moved over to lie over her, planking so I didn't push down too much.

"Oh, no, give me - your weight? Sir? Press down on me, let me... have you. I'm sturdy, just lie... on top..."

I took off the weight from my arms and let myself press down on her, to which she approved and bent up to kiss me, again on the cheek like Kara had.

"Now, please? My ring is burning soooo much, I can't stand it, please? Just get there? I need this. I'm ... yours? I guess?"

With my own ring annoying me, I pulled myself up again, reached down between us and moved my cock up to be between her legs, spread for me widely and shifting to buck against me in an anxious move.

"Almost... yes, closer, down... yeah, there, that's almost - but wait?"

I was positioned, and returned my arm to hold me steady against the mattress by her side.

"Whenever - but then stop a moment? Mom said once, the first time, it's supposed to be a thrust and wait thing, a minute, maybe two, okay?"

I agreed, with a nod and a half-smile, and said, "Tell me when to go, say, 'Go'. Or, say, 'Stop', and we can try later, or not, up to you."

She looked at me with this thunderstruck face face, utterly confused, but then said, "It's... Okay. Uh..." Taking a big inhale and exhale, then clenched her jaw and said through gritted teeth, "Go."

I bent down and kissed her lightly, and pushed as a jab.

The resistance was brief and then gone, and her exclamation was more like someone stubbing their toe really hard - a kind of "Ahwwwhhh-ooof!" sound.

Her request had been to pause, so I did, waiting calmly. Her hair was in her face, so I moved my arm slightly and brushed it away.

Her eyes had tears in them and her breathing was initially stuttered and fast, but she calmed down and took more purposeful breaths before saying, "Sir, you can go now. Slowly, please."

I gave her that, moving slowly, having more of an idea what to do now that I'd had some previous experience.

Her arms tugged at my shoulders, then one hand came around my back to pull me closer to her. I settled in and down, and let my weight ride on her since that hadn't been a problem before. Rocking into her very slowly over a 2 or 3 count, I took almost as long coming out, until I was making long slow strokes.

Emma's eyes were boring holes into mine, still confused but half-smiling at me.

Like Kara, Emma's grip on me was super-tight, far tighter than when I masturbated, but one of the things that got to me more than that even was the full-frontal contact of making love with her staring her in the face, her boobs as soft pillows pressed up against my chest.

I had to close my eyes. I had emotional baggage with her.

Gradually getting faster because it just FELT right to do that, I also increased the strength of my thrusts, UP and INNNnn and wow this was good!

I felt my cum rising, and OH GOD this felt amazing, SoOOO good, soooo right... and yess, that, and yes, and Ohhhh fuuuuck and YRSZZZZZZ FUUUUUCKKKKK!!! I SHOUTED, loudly, Feeling the booming of my voice and the expression of joy that came out with it, it was Right and GOOD and FUCK that was great.

Stopped, we caught our breaths and I rolled off of her, back to the center, and just waited.

Relaxing after coming feels really good, I got kind of floaty.

Emma turned to me and said, "Sir. Thank you."


Kara whispered, "Clean him. It's a rule, we both felt it."

Emma made some noise and I felt her shift over me, then start kissing around my declining length, then licking up the side, then sucking me down with slurps, the kind of swirly that says the purpose is to suck the liquids off and not make me erect again.

Obviously being satisfied, they pulled the covers up on both sides of me and...


== St. Albans Church ==

My normal Sunday alarm at 8 woke me, and I rolled to get it. I had to adjust - the bedside-table (a temporary set of stacked boxes) wasn't my normal setup.

The girls weren't there, though the towels still were. I chanced a look and did see a set of bloodstains on each, though they were dark towels anyway.

Knowing I'd better have a nicer shower than the previous night, I walked brazenly naked across the basement to the bathroom and found there was at least some organization. Three shampoo bottles (my very old brands) and two conditioners (ancient also and maybe my mother's?) were lined up along the end of the tub, and a razor and shaving cream I didn't recognize were on the side of the tub, too.

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