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The Red Box

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It's a battle between good and evil.
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A cold beer in hand, I crashed down onto my computer chair. Thankful that yet another workday had ended. Turning on the computer and quickly hooking up, I was looking forward to some escapism. Little did I know?

It only to seconds to realize that today would not be like the last. My eyes couldn’t seem to focus. The screens glare almost burning them. It was strange to say the least. I even seem to notice what I thought was a red box hovering over the computer screen. It was even pulsating, as if begging for my attention.

I rubbed my eyes and then gulped down another mouthful, laughing at my liquid excuse. It just had to be, didn’t it? I was still laughing inside when the box slowly opened up. No old hinges here, as it opened with nearly a sound.

My jaw dropped in amazement, while being met with the realization that my eyes could now focus. Only now they were focused solely on the opened red box. I was still stunned, but I had no choice but to look now, as somehow it had me in its grip.

When the box opened, it seemingly unlocked a key to my soul. Emotions started flowing like wine. It all started with green eyes staring back at me. A creepy eeriness quickly consumed me. Focusing, my fears realized, they were indeed my eyes looking back at me.

Suddenly the movie Taxi Driver flashed in my head. Not the whole flick, just the part with De Nero and his famous lines, to which I repeated.

Indeed they were looking at me, but it was me, looking at me. Confusion abound, I kept on focusing. Boy did I need a shave, was a strange first thought. More focusing and a painful realization that a few pounds have crept up on me, over the past few. But I was older, not a kid anymore.

“What did father time expect?” I gasped. My voice echoing into my ears. “Wow, is that what my voice really sounds like?” I chuckled.

The green eyes swirled their gaze around the bedroom. Walls, four by four, not walls made up of steel bars, but of Sheetrock, painted gray. A self-imposed prison cell nevertheless. A lone window, which sheltered me from the cold while offering a small glimpse at the world outside that often times left me spinning, darkened.

They focused back on the lonely man, who sat in the corner, staring above the screen, seemingly frozen. Yet a naked woman projected on the screen, doing ungodly things with another, seemingly unfazed.

The sound of music suddenly filled the air. Why were The Talking Heads playing in the background and where was my beautiful wife? I pondered. A painful reminder perhaps at the length of time since a female creature had occupied my time, or maybe more importantly occupied the unmade bed against the far wall.

More focusing, as I asked, “where my eyes always that sullen looking?”

Shifting my gaze to the collection of empty beer bottles that collected by my sides, searching for a clue. Didn’t I know that the answer never lie at the bottom? Many a man has bought into that lie and I yet another victim.

A sudden crushing pain enveloped me. Breathing became difficult. Could this be my last day among the living? Is this what this was all about? A flutter of nervousness followed my questions, but as sudden as it came, it went. Yet I was left in a panic.

My mind was telling my legs to run now, but they weren’t listening. Closing my eyes was also futile. It was as if someone or something wanted me to see what a wreck my existence had become, but deep inside I already knew. The pain well hidden by a friendly smile. I was the one you would never expect to make the headlines. He was such a quiet boy, they would profess, but did they know? Does anyone ever?

The focus suddenly shifted. I could suddenly see into the window of the house next door. (How, seemingly cast aside.) Not just any window, but it was the shorthaired blonde, with the porn-starish body‘s window. She had used that body to tease many a man over the last few years, I among them. Her dirty looks, when she caught my hungry eye, aside, I knew it was wrong. However she was legal now, her 18th birthday not so long ago and yet I still knew it was wrong to want her so, but I was hungrier now more than ever.

I could suddenly see her lying on the floor, doing some leg exercise. I see now how she kept them so lean. Dressed for a workout, she wore tight black bicycle shorts and a red sports bra. Simple but oh so sexy.

She turned over on all fours and started pressing one sneakered foot into the air. Her tight pants molding her ass cheeks perfectly. She was simply built for sin and judging from the steady stream of male suitors to her house, I would say she knew it too.

She started using the other foot now, up and down it went, my body pulsating with every thrust, until suddenly she crashed face first to the floor. I let out a gasp, as she was obviously trying to get up, but something had her pinned. She managed to turn her head to the side, a sheer look of horror etched on her face. Suddenly her legs began to rise until she was on her knees, but her shoulders were still pressed to the floor. She appeared to be screaming, but no sound came out. The only thing heard was her workout music playing in the background.

I joined her tremble with fright, as her shorts began to lower, first over her hips and then down around her thighs, finally stopping at her knees. I noticed that tears were now rolling down her cheeks. Strange how crying looks like laughter without the sound, I thought and I also thought it strange, how her horror didn’t sicken me more.

Her sports bra suddenly went flying across the room. I felt so helpless. I wanted to at least explain. But what would I say?

I simply watched as her body started bucking back and forth. I could also see her ass cheeks quiver with every thrust. It took a second or two to register, but I knew now that she was being fucked, big time. I just didn't know what was fucking her and judging but her horrific expression on her face, as she looked over her shoulder that she didn’t either. From her position, I also didn’t know if it was fucking her in her pussy or ass, or both perhaps. while I also didn’t know why that was important to me!

I began to feel a strange change in me, as I watched her being flipped over. Her body repositioned, giving me a good look at her perky breasts, pointing to the ceiling, for the first time. Focusing, on her pink nipples, each one appeared to be pulled away from her body and then snapped back, several times. Her face letting me know when she was entered again. I knew the difference between right and wrong, good and evil. I knew I should be trying to help her escape from her evil invader, but I was strangely jealous.(that must have been the change I started to fell earlier.) Jealous that it wasn’t me doing the invading. I wanted to be the one using her solely for my pleasure, tossing her body into any position I wanted. Not in the name of love but pure sinful lust. I didn’t want to know her favorite color or food. I didn’t want to know her goals and aspirations. No, I just wanted to fuck her, and fuck her, until she screamed out, screamed out my name.

I lost tract of the number of different position she was put into that day, but each one was locked into my memory, for future reference. I watched as she finally fluttered on the floor, obviously enjoying an long overdo orgasm that she had probably been fighting so hard to avoid. Her naked body, now glowing in perspiration, slowed until she lay still for several minutes, except for her heavy breathing and some soft weeping.

“I guess she got more of a workout than she planed today,” I said to myself with an evil chuckle, to which I couldn’t believe. “What’s happing to me?”

I watched as her body was flipped over on her stomach again. She wore that not again look, as her knees were raised. “Oh yah give it to her again!” I snarled, but suddenly my view started getting smaller and smaller, as I screamed, “WAIT!” over and over.

And just like that she was gone. Gone from my view and from my thoughts. Suddenly different faces began to dance in my head. There was Mrs. Johns, (my 7th grade teacher) Beth,(my favorite bartender) Judy,(my friend’s new wife) and April,(my 19-year-old sexy niece) and many more, all waiting for me to visit them,(in my own special way) ready or not.

Funny what you think of when you feel that you won’t be held accountable for your actions, or when you’ve conceded that you’ve lost the battle between good and evil.

And what about me? I knew it was a battle that took place over time, but had Satan lone since conquered this soul? Where his meat claws buried deep within, waiting for the right day, waiting for a final breath? His offer for yet another beer, another slice, maybe a burger and extra fries, bringing me yet another step closer. His laugh, with every poor decision, seemingly always ringing in my ears, even if I didn’t always hear it.

Still focusing, with my head throbbing, and the hands of time pressing on my shoulders, seemingly weighing me down. It was almost too much to bear, almost, but tomorrow is a new day. The sun will come out tomorrow, the red headed girl sang, and hopefully I will find another reason, another reason to be, or was this a sign that tomorrow would be my last. A day to make the back pages of the newspaper, or would I make the front? Would tomorrow be the day that everyone finds out just what evil lies buried deep within this quiet man?

The red box suddenly snapped shut and disappeared in a flash. My body shuddered, my eyes back to a single pair. My dream over, or had it just begun?

The End

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