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The Resonance Ch. 21

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In which Fiona and I check out a sex club.
11.6k words

Part 21 of the 25 part series

Updated 03/30/2024
Created 03/25/2023
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At this point, frequency of sex was limited only by how interested I was. It was easy to find willing partners, especially with a stable of four very interested women. And, it was easy enough to get others interested, pretty much wherever I went. A little of the novelty of that had worn off, to he honest. I was not bored, it was not that. But I suppose I was interested in something new and interesting.

I had talked to Fiona about that, since she had been in the succubus business for a while. Her experience was quite different from mine, for the most part, since she had safety issues to be concerned about as a female, but I figured she knew some things I did not and it turned out she did.

"Well, there are sex clubs you can visit."

"What is a sex club?"

Fiona seemed a little surprised that I did not know, but once it became clear my question was legit, she responded, "Well, there are clubs in some cities where people get together and fuck. You have to have an invitation, and those are not always easy to get, but people essentially have sex with other people there. Only attractive people are able to get invitations, to be honest. Sometimes they bring a partner and have sex with them. Other times people swap around. Some people arrive without a partner, but most people have one. Sex is pretty public. It's not like there are bedrooms or anything. It's a little like an orgy actually.

"There's quite a bit of masters bringing their submissives. Submissives are often put on display. They are sometimes made to service others. Most of the time, the people are pretty wealthy. I suspect the diversion and the arousal, and of course the sex, is a particular draw. You'd be surprised what plays out there. It's quite a turn on."

I asked, "So you have been to any of these?"

She responded, "A couple times. It was pretty exciting, but I was brought by a guy who was used to controlling people and I'm not fond of being controlled. At least not by someone I do not trust. Anyway, I only went twice."

My interest was piqued. "Would you go again? Was it a positive enough experience that you would want to?"

She said, "If I went with someone I trusted, I would. It was hot as fuck. I'd go with you. It's best for a female to be there with a guy. Lots of guys there who are used to power. Belonging to someone has certain rules about it, and men won't break those. Why, do you want to go?"

"How would I get an invitation?"

"Oh, I can do that. Having been there and participated makes me safe. And, frankly, I'm pretty enough. Already vetted, you know? If you have been there and there were no problems and you want to go back, it's not hard. They already know you will fit in."

And that is how I found myself driving to a sex club in the city. Turns out it was only about 30 minutes away from where we live.

Fiona was excited, and a little nervous. I'm sure she was concerned that I might not like it or that it would not work out. I had assured her that it was okay with me either way and that it would not be her fault if it was a dud, but she was still anxious. She said that the people there were a little intimidating, but that she was glad she would be there with me. That was mutual, since she knew her way around things. I was not anxious, but I was excited.

We parked not far from the place and walked. There was a walk-down entrance, very nondescript and mostly unoccupied. No lines, no bustling, nothing like that. The door looked more like an old factory door more than the entrance to a club. Just a low light and a man standing at the door.

The man was not a small fellow. He had on a black turtleneck, black slacks, and a black jacket. He did not say anything, but Fiona handed him the invitation and he looked at it closely before looking up. He did not look at Fiona, but at me. I handed him a $100 bill as a tip, and then he stepped to one side and opened the door. He said, "Welcome, sir. Please enjoy your stay."

The door led inside to a small hallway. The hallway was quite different from the outside. There was rich, warm colored wood on the walls. The lighting was indirect and quite pleasant. After about eight feet, there was a turn to the right. Going around that corner, there was a room with a counter on the right. It reminded me of a hat check counter, and it did function something like that.

There was a young woman there, perhaps in her mid-twenties. She was attractive, wearing a black silk top and a black skirt, both of which set off her blonde hair. I handed her an envelope with ten hundred-dollar bills in it. She smiled and handed me a wrist band of sorts. There was a medallion on it, a little like a watch, but much smaller.

"Good evening, sir. Welcome. Down the hallway you will find a room where you can change. Your wrist band will open a locker for your things. It will also let you into the main room. Please enjoy your stay."

She did not talk to or even look at Fiona, really. It did not seem to surprise or bother Fiona, so I guessed it was normal for the guy to be the figure of importance. I'm sure he was usually the one with the money. Access wasn't cheap, something I imagine helped screen people.

I thanked her and tipped her $100, too. Ten percent, both times. We turned and walked a few feet further down the hall and came to a door on the left. I went to push on it, but it did not open. I thought to hold the medallion up to the small box on the left and heard a click. The door opened.

Inside was a sort of locker room. There were benches in the middle and doors on either side of the room. Each was numbered and I looked at my medallion and saw the number 12 on the inside. Holding it up to the door with 12 on it produced another click and the door popped open.

Inside was essentially a small closet. There were hangers, a small cabinet for wallets and jewelry, watches, or whatever one might not wear. There were several white silk robes hanging there. Fiona began to disrobe, always a pleasant sight, hanging her clothes on hangers. She was not wearing anything underneath her blouse and skirt, so in moments she was standing there in the buff, wearing only her shoes. She removed those, and stood there barefoot and naked.

She then took one of the robes and put it on, tying it shut with the silken belt attached to the robe itself. It was cut so that even tied shut, much of her chest showed. That was a pretty good look, to be honest. One tug on the belt and her tits would pop out. I could see enough of them as it was that I was quite tempted to give the necessary tug to set them free just to watch that happen, but decided to wait.

I followed her lead and removed my slacks and shirt. I was not wearing anything beneath my clothes either, though I was wearing socks with my shoes. Once I was wearing nothing, I, too, put on a robe and tied it shut as well. Again, my chest showed, though the bottom managed to cover everything else. My robe was halfway to my knees, while Fiona's barely covered her ass. I thought she looked splendid. She turned to me and put her hands on my chest.

"You look handsome. Are you ready?"

I said, "I suppose so." I closed our closet/locker and said, "Let's go."

At the far end of the locker room was another door, clearly the way out. I did not know what was on the other side, but I could easily pick up other people through the resonance. I could pick up on a fairly pronounced level of sexual arousal and tension, too. I held my wrist strap up to a sensor and heard a click. I pushed the door open and we stepped into the room.

The room was not huge, but by no means crowded. The lighting was low and there were different areas more and less well lit. It created a warm, intimate feeling. The way it was set up, it was like there were three rooms with a large open doorway in the middle connecting them. We were in the first room, but we could walk though a wide doorway into the second, and through another wide doorway into the third. On the far end was a wet bar with a bartender. She was naked, at least from the waist up. Like the "hatcheck girl," she was in her mid-twenties. She had a black bowtie around her neck.

There were people in all the rooms, though it was hard to say how many in the second and third rooms. There were probably close to thirty people altogether, but it was hard to tell. Most had their robes on, though several had theirs untied leaving the front view largely unobstructed. There were also two men and four women who were completely naked.

One of the naked women was sitting by herself. One was embracing a man with his robe open. His hands were on her ass, pulling her towards him. They were kissing pretty enthusiastically.

One of the naked men was standing with a group of robed women. His penis was at half mast. One of the women reached down and grasped his cock and held it, coaxing it to stiffness.

The room had several sofas against the walls, and a number of armless chairs. Well, kind of chairs. A cross between a chaise lounge and a sculpture of some kind. They were pretty narrow and had curved shapes, a dip in the middle and rounded on the ends, higher on one end than the other. I recognized them as sex chairs only because I had seen an ad for one. They were called Tantra Chairs. Their website has a very inspirational video demonstrating what one does with one. No one was doing anything with any of them at the moment, but I was curious to see if anyone did. There were quite a few of them here and there, so I guessed people used them.

All in all, the scene was relatively tame. Except for the right side of the room we had walked into. There, well, a strange setup there, hard to describe. There was some kind of narrow cushioned platform, less than a foot wide and maybe almost three feet long. It was about waist high. Surrounding it were four posts sticking up from the floor, each about three feet from each corner and about two feet high. The center piece was arched slightly and mounted on it was a small Asian woman. She was on her back and was secured to each of the posts with leather straps that pulled her arms and legs out and down. Her legs were spread wide. Very wide. Her back was arched some. Her tits were thrust up and her head leaned back against the cushioned end of the mount, exposing her throat. Her mons was thrust up as well, and every thing between her legs was quite accessible. As was her mouth.

She was stunning. And damn, was she inviting. I so wanted to go over and slide my cock into her mouth. People would walk over and stroke her nipples or her slit, eliciting moans and groans from her. I could tell through the resonance that she was highly aroused in large part due to her own powerlessness, not just the teasing and stroking and pinching she was receiving.

I had to force myself to walk further into the room and see the rest of it. Going through the wide doorway into the second part, the room opened up on the right. There, too, was an attraction, such as it was. Close to the wall there was a woman with wrist cuffs, suspended so that she could just touch her toes to the floor. She was swinging a little, rotating, as she tried to stabilize herself. Her tits were large and full, swaying and jigging slightly as she moved. Her ass was well-defined with round cheeks and a gap between her legs that allowed her nether lips to be visible from the rear. Her asshole was inviting, begging to have a cock buried there. I would have loved to do just that.

Again, people were walking up to her and pinching her nipples or sliding a finger up her slit. There was a small table on her left with a flogger on it. One woman picked it up and swatted the girl's tits a few times, bringing a little pink to them. She set the flogger down, only to have a man pick it up and use it to swat at her ass. He was a little more ambitious, and her backside began to get a lot pinker as well. She moaned and yelped a few times, but she too was enjoying her own powerlessness. And the attention. Being on display. She was horny as hell. I could pick that up through the resonance easily enough. Or, I could just look at the glistening seam of her labia, if I could not tell any other way.

I watched for several minutes as people approached this young woman and stimulated her in some way or another. I could also tell that Fiona was more than a little aroused. Of course, so was I. I was focused on what it would feel like to plant my cock in her perfect ass. I'm pretty sure it would have felt wonderful.

Still, again I pulled myself away and walked into the third part of the room. Straight ahead was the bar and the lovely nude young woman mixing drinks. To the left was another display.

This one had two short padded bars maybe a foot long each on two stands. They were about two and a half feet apart, parallel to one another. Again, a young woman was mounted there. This time it was her shins attached to the pads, her feet hanging off the edge. Because the bars were so far apart, her legs were spread quite a ways apart, each coming down at about 45 degrees or wider. If her legs had been together, she would have been sitting on her feet. Spread as they were, one could walk up behind her and easily access her exposed sex.

Her arms were cuffed behind her and pulled up to a chain hanging from the ceiling. It was pulled up so that she was leaning forward and down, leaving her ass only slightly higher than her head. Her full tits hung down and her upper body was suspended only by her arms. She leaned out so that her chest and head were suspended out in space while her legs were folded and spread on the pads.

With her legs being spread so, her sex was slightly open. It was wet and glistened, and it was tempting to walk up between her legs and slide my cock into her. Of course it was also inviting to go around her other end and slide my cock into her mouth. Both were at the right elevation to accomplish such sliding.

While I watched, one woman walked up to her and pinched her labia with her finger and thumb, tugging at it. Eliciting a gasp and a moan. The woman grasped the other lip and did the same, then pulled them both out and apart, exaggerating the wet chute in the middle. Then suddenly, she used her thumb to hold her middle finger back until she let it loose and flicked the tender little bean at the apex of the poor woman's gaping vagina.

She let out a yelp, jerking away as best she could. That set her tits into motion. I'm sure she would have wanted to rub her tender little nub, but of course she was powerless to do anything of the kind. Being connected with her through the resonance, I got quite a zing as well. It stung, but it felt good as well. It certainly made the woman receiving the flick a great deal more stimulated and aroused. Like the other two, part of her arousal was because of her powerlessness, and like the others, she was about as powerless as she could be.

It looked like the woman next to me was about to repeat her move, again flicking the bound woman's clit. Before she could do that, I patched her in through the resonance so that her flick did more than affect the bound woman and Fiona and me. It affected her as well.

Perhaps because she actually had a clit of her own and perhaps because I was used to being tuned into what others are experiencing, the resulting flick hit the woman doing the flicking pretty hard. Harder than it did me. She yelped at the same time that the bound woman did. She bent at the waist a little, and her hand went to her crotch.

She rubbed herself for a second, then reached up and stroked the bound woman's clit gently. That felt good. The owner of said clit enjoyed it, and of course so did Fiona and I. And so did the woman doing it.

Now she began teasing and stroking the bound woman more gently, enjoying the sensation herself while she did. I walked around to the front and reached down and stroked and pinched the bound woman's nipples. I had an eye on the woman at the other end, and sure enough she felt that, too.

She was still wearing her robe, but she reached down and untied the belt, allowing it to fall open, exposing her breasts and lower down, her belly and her mons. She was attractive, thin with blonde hair. Of course everyone I had seen so far was attractive. I'm sure that was one of the criteria for being admitted. Fiona had indicated as much. Still, she had nice tits, firm and defined if not huge, and the flat stomach of someone who spent real time in the gym. Her hips were wide enough to leave a gap between her legs, where her bare, rounded mons drew my eye. That and her clitoral hood, which poked out between her lips. A delightful sight, honestly.

When I looked up she was looking at me, obviously interested in some attention. She was more than a little aroused. I walked over to her and just cupped her mound with my hand. It was warm and smooth. I slid my finger up between her lips. Her eyes opened wider, surprised, I think. Certainly appreciative. It felt quite good to her.

I let my middle finger penetrate her, then pulled it towards me, separating her labia and sliding my finger up until it grazed her clit. That got a pronounced gasp and she closed her eyes and allowed herself to just experience my finger sliding up and down her wet slit. I gently stroked the inside of her labia. I love the smooth, slick feel of the inner labia. I paid special attention to her swollen nub at the apex. She began to moan.

With my left hand, I took one of her nipples between thumb and forefinger and twisted slightly, tugging and pulling. She threw her head back, giving herself to the experience. I continued all this for a couple minutes until she was close to orgasm. Then I removed my finger and put it in her mouth. She licked it clean, eagerly sucking on it like it was a small cock.

Then I walked away. She was as fired up as she could be, which I expected would enhance anything else she was likely to encounter in the next little while. I walked back towards the front of the room where we had come in.

This time as I went through the rooms, I noticed that more people had abandoned their robes. Perhaps half, or maybe more were naked, and several more were like the woman I had just left with their robes untied.

There were people standing and kissing and fondling. There was one woman sitting on a couch with a man in front of her between her legs, enthusiastically performing cunnilingus while she held his head, her own head thrown back.

There was a man standing off to one side of the room with a woman on her knees slobbering on his cock. One other couple were actually fucking, her over the arm of a couch and him grabbing her by the hips and vigorously pistoning in and out of her.

Fiona had been by my side all this time, and had felt the woman's flick as well. She said, "That was so cool, getting that woman tuned into her slave. I expect things will be interesting for them for the next little while."

I said, "She was her slave?"

"Yeah, each of the restrained women are slaves. Their owners are putting them on display. People are only allowed to touch them, not to actually fuck them. The one with the flogger is giving permission to strike his slave, but mostly we are only able to stroke, pinch, lick and so on. Without permission."

"How do I get permission to fuck that first girl? Damn, she is hot. I really want to fuck her mouth. I want to bury myself balls deep, actually."

"She's really pretty, isn't she? And sexy, bound like that. Now that I've gotten over not liking women, I find I'd kind of like to fuck her myself. I'll have to find the owner and introduce you."

Fiona just walked off with purpose. I also noted that she untied her robe as she went, probably to make her appeal more appealing. I always found seeing Fiona's tits motivating, and I expect others came to the same conclusion. I again stopped to look at the woman hanging from her wrists. People continued to slide their fingers into her slit from time to time and once in a while someone would pick up the flogger and swat at her some. She her breasts were pink enough that it was clear she had been stroked a number of times since I was by last time. In fact, she was pink all over, really, her belly and her legs as well as her ass.

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