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The Reunion

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A lonely girl is held captive, to her delight.
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At -10 it was a relatively warm night in Grand Forks, Saskatchewan. There was no comfort in that for Amy Thibodeau who was just getting home from the gym. She'd been working 12 hour days since she moved here two and a half months ago, partly out of necessity. When she'd been offered the position by corporate, she knew it was a big chance they were taking, and it was a big jump for her. She was determined to turn the plant around as the new production supervisor, but constantly butting heads with the entrenched plant management was taking it's toll. At first the gym had been her refuge, but even now it was starting to become another burden.

What she really needed was her husband, Steve. She'd left him behind after only 8 months of marriage to sell their house in Ontario and move their things. He was scheduled to arrive in 2 weeks, and they talked online most nights, but it wasn't the same. And she hadn't been able to get a hold of him for 2 nights now. Her other friends avoided the subject and the niggling thought appeared that maybe he was stepping out. They had had a whirlwind romance after she met him, while she had been dating his brother, Ted. She was very fond of Ted, but they'd both known they had no future. Ted was pissed a bit when she split with him, but now he was genuinely happy for her and Steve. But now even Ted wasn't answering his calls.

At least it was Friday. The plant manager had specifically instructed her to take the weekend off, so she could maybe get caught up on her rest. When she allowed herself to think about it, she was so fucking horny, too. She and Steve had cammed a couple of times a week, but for the last 2 weeks he'd always had some reason not to. She was so upset, and to top it off all the guys here figured since she was solo, she was available.

She was bordering on exhaustion as she fumbled with the keys to her apartment. She dropped them and when she bent over to retrieve them she stifled a sob of despair. But when she stood up she couldn't stifle the shriek that escaped her lips before the heavy glove covered her mouth. There was a man standing in front of her wearing a ski mask. He peered intently into her eyes for a second, then whispered in an exaggerated disguised voice.

"You are in no danger. Just behave and keep your fuckin mouth shut and we'll have some fun." He turned her to the door and pushed her hand with the keys towards the door.

Amy was shaking so badly as she tried to get the key in the lock, it took her three attempts. Once they got inside the man pushed her backwards onto the couch. She could barely make out his form in the dark as he approached then suddenly she couldn't see anything. She felt her eyes being covered and something being done behind her head and she realized she was being blindfolded. She was finally galvanized to action and she jumped up intending to dart for the bedroom. Her hands reached for the blindfold but she was stopped by a sharp pain in the back of her head. She knew she lost a few hairs there and tears sprang to her eyes, from the pain and from what she knew was coming.

A voice came from beside her head, this time through a modulator, "I told you to behave, bitch. You're going to pay for that."

Amy was lifted by an arm, then both her arms were forced behind her back where her wrists were clamped together with padded handcuffs. A feeling of relief, however small, swept through her because of the handcuffs; she realized the man really didn't intend to hurt her. She stood motionless as she heard the man walking around the apartment. She heard a drawer clattering in the kitchen, then he was beside her again. She felt cold steel against the small of her back and with it a shiver of panic pierced her heart. Her blouse was tugged away before she heard the scissors cutting the cloth.

"You fucker!" Amy surprised herself at her protest. "I paid 80 bucks for that blouse!"

Her head rocked at the retort, a sharp slap across her face, again drawing a few fears. Even if the man meant her no harm, he wasn't reticent about punishing her.

He continued cutting and she felt the cool air of her chilled apartment as her back was bared.

"The thermostat's on the wall by the kitchen." Amy kept her voice low and non-confrontational.

The stranger complied by leaving for a minute and Amy heard her baseboard heaters click on. When he came back he continued. He liked to take his time, caressing her skin as each new section was revealed. After he unsnapped her bra he cradled her breasts almost lovingly for a minute before he pushed her top forward and off her arms. The stranger moved in front of her and she heard his ragged breath while he obviously stood looking at her. He undid her belt and the button of her slacks when the enormity of her situation hit her again. She was about to be raped. No matter how solicitous this man was, he was going to rape her. She felt a brief twinge in her pussy before the panic set in. She'd had a rape fantasy that she played with Steve, but the reality was much more frightening

"No, no." Amy whimpered. "Please don't. I'm married."

That modulated voice again, "I know you're married. He'll never know if you don't tell him."

So, he'd been watching her. Was it someone she knew? Someone from work, or the gym? She'd been so focused since she got here she hadn't even noticed if anyone was paying any attention to her. He had her slacks unzipped and was worming them down over her butt. She had a passing sensation of embarrassment when she realized she was wearing her granny panties. She hadn't packed anything sexy and her regular panties were all in the wash. The ones she had on now were a pair she wore when she had her period, frayed, stained, and stretched.

When her pants were around her ankles the man helped her step out, steadying her as started her moving forward. She knew he was guiding her towards the bathroom by the turns they were making. Amy could see some light through the blindfold and he walked her up to the tub.

"Do you have to pee?" he asked. Amy shook her head negative.

"Umm, poop?" Amy laughed at the thought of the big mean sociopathic rapist balking at crude language.

"You mean shit?" Amy asked. "No." She had a brief moment of panic, again, at what would happen if she did have to take a crap. Would he uncuff her? Would he clean her?

She felt the man's warm body lean past her and turn the shower on. He adjusted the temperature and helped her into the tub. She felt odd, still wearing her panties, but she was comforted that she wasn't fully naked. After a minute standing under the water, the man joined her. He took up her sponge and applied soap to it, then washed her body.

"Lean on me." He whispered hoarsely. He'd taken his modulator off so Amy tried to get an idea from his tone and inflection, who it might be. She leaned her hip against his shoulder and she felt his hands washing her legs. He paid attention to details, taking the weight off her feet and washing between her toes. She got tense as his hands climbed her legs, massaging her calves, caressing the back of her knees. Despite herself she had to admit it felt good. It had been so long since she'd felt another person's touch. After the stranger washed her thighs and hips he bypassed her bum and pussy and soothingly stroked her stomach.

Amy actually heard him groan as his lips traced a trail along her caesarian scar, and she felt a wave of sorrow at the life she'd lost, in there. Her son had been full term, stillborn and it had taken her a decade to get over it. Only her husband, his brother, and her parents knew about it as the father, her first love, had disappeared before she'd even told him she was pregnant. The stranger put his arms around her and hugged her with his head against her belly. She felt comforted by his gesture, although he couldn't know what it meant to her. Could he?

The stranger stood and turned her and continued with his cleaning, He stroked her back and kissed her shoulder blades. He ran his tongue down the nodules of her spine, stopping every three or four vertebrae and kissed and nipped her skin. He knelt down again behind her and she felt his hands on her hips when his tongue got close to her panties. Despite herself she could feel her body warming to him.

"Please!" Amy implored, although even she wasn't sure whether she wanted him to stop, or keep going.

The stranger pushed forward on her lower back, with one hand still on her hip. Amy bent at the waist and he nipped at the twin globes of her ass, poking his tongue at the taught material spanning her crack. This time she had to bite her lip to keep from moaning. How could she feel like this? A married woman, and 15 minutes after being subdued she was becoming aroused by her captor. He only spent a moment worshipping her ass when he stood again and turned her around. She was shocked when his lips met hers and his tongue probed at her mouth. She responded by opening her mouth, before remembering what was happening.

"No, no, no!" Amy shook her head. "Get the fuck away from me!" She tried to turn away.

"Help!" she screamed. "Dear God, help me!" Again she felt the sting of his palm, this time across her ass. Twice more he struck her and she quieted down.

"I told you!" he hissed.

The stranger resumed cleaning, once again. He soaped her shoulders and upper chest, then moved to finish cleaning her torso. When he was done with the cleaning he moved to her breasts. Again she heard him moan as his hands cradled her B-cups. He leaned in and nipped at her lips but didn't force the issue, licked lightly around her mouth, then kissed his way down her neck. As he brushed her hair away from the nape of her neck and nibbled on the skin there, his hands fondled her breasts, tugging and twisting at her nipples. He turned her around again and, for the first time, pressed himself up against her. She felt his cock, hard against her bottom, and she whimpered out loud.

Amy knew he knew he had her. He turned her around and kissed his way down her front. His lips worked her breasts kissing and licking her curves. This guy was good, he knew his way around a woman's body. He finally zeroed in on her nipples and sucked hard on the tight little nubs. He alternated back and forth between her nipples until she lost control and cried out. As soon as she did he stopped. He kissed his way down her stomach, not going slowly this time, and when he got to her panties he buried his nose in the front.

Amy felt mildly ashamed because her arousal would be very evident. She knew he would be breathing in a big breath of pussy juice, and piss. As she got older she found herself leaking a bit of urine very time she sneezed or coughed and usually by the end of a long day she was very fragrant. Fortunately Steve appreciated her scent, although no matter the circumstances, she was embarrassed this stranger would smell her like that. The stranger snuffled into her and she felt his tongue poking at her clit through the cotton. His hands went up under her panties in the rear and he cupped her ass just before he grabbed her panties and pulled them down. She cried out again as she stood there naked. His fingers poked between her buttocks and she felt him rinsing out the sweaty residue left over from her long day. Presently he turned her around and his tongue followed his fingers, he held her cheeks open and delved deep into her anus.

"Oh God!" she cried out. "Please don't!" Her mouth was protesting but her body was eager. She pushed her bum back at his tongue. She'd always wanted to try anal sex with Steve, but he'd never been interested. This man certainly seemed to be. He kept licking and probing her bottom and his fingers moved around to the front of her hips, teasing at her pussy. She could feel her own wetness seeping from her vulva as his fingers stirred between them. Her knees buckled briefly and he held her steady for a minute before resuming his ministrations. He pushed her towards the back of the tub and her head rested against the tiles. This time he attacked her vigorously, his tongue on her anus, his fingers on her clit. Within seconds she felt her orgasm washing over her.

"Oh, God! Steve, I'm so sorry. It feels so fucking good." She shuddered under the strangers touch and gave herself over to the sensations.

"Yes! Oh fuck, yes!" she whimpered. "I want your cock." With her ass stuck out, the stranger took her at her word. He stood up and without preamble drove his cock into her. He held her hips as he hammered away, no pretense of subtlety. His jack-hammering cock drove her to new heights of passion and she felt her pussy clenching over his glass hard rod.

"Oh God, fuck me! It's been so long." She lost the capacity for words and just shrieked and moaned, her cries echoing in the small room. Finally she felt the strangers cock swelling more and he exploded, flooding her with his cream. His ejaculation triggered another spasm of pleasure from her and she wept with her release.

As the lovers' sounds of passion died down Amy's sobs of pleasure turned to pain, and grief. She stood there with her head against the tile and wept. Her betrayal of her husband's trust, by enjoying another man's passion made her feel heinous. The stranger pulled his cock out and she rejoiced at her pussy's emptiness as she felt her betrayal pour out with his seed. Amy was inconsolable, so the stranger stood her up and cleaned her again. He washed her pussy and her legs, and this time she felt no pleasure from his touch. He helped her out of the bath and dried her off as she stood there silently weeping, occasionally trembling through her sobs.

When Amy was dry the stranger lead her into her bedroom and undid her handcuffs. He cuffed her with a new pair to the bed, after putting a flannel nightgown on her. He laid beside her and held her as she dozed off.

Amy awoke several hours later needing to pee. She moaned and the stranger, still beside her, stirred.

"Hunh?" he grunted.

"I have to pee." Amy said, listlessly. The stranger stood and uncuffed her from the bed, leading her to the bathroom.

Amy was still wearing the flannel gown so she just sat down when the stranger lifted her hem and positioned her. Even though she couldn't see him, she looked away as she started to pee. When she was done the stranger patted her down with toilet paper and lead her back to bed.

"Are you hungry?" he asked, his modulator in place.

Amy thought a minute and nodded.

The Stranger took her into the living room and cuffed her to the couch while he cooked her an omelet. He fed her bite by bite, until she was done. After they finished he took her back into the bedroom and he eased her onto the bed. As he cuffed her to the bed on her stomach, she softly whispered, "Ding, ding."

"Pardon?" he asked, his voice warbling.

Amy cleared her throat. "I said, 'Ding, ding.' Round two is starting."

"It is indeed."

She heard him leave the room, then she heard clattering from the kitchen. Several minutes later he came back in the room and knelt over her, his legs straddling her thighs. Amy felt some warm oil filling the concavity of her lower back. The stranger rubbed the oil around until her back was coated. He began expertly massaging her, stroking and probing her muscles until, despite herself, she felt herself relaxing. She almost dozed off in the time he spent on her back alone. Then he moved on to her legs. He was giving her a real massage her, not just copping a feel, digging deep and searching out the knots and pinches. After he was finished with her legs he rolled her over and did her front. He worked his way up her legs, her groin and abdomen. Amy was getting uncomfortable now, until she finally had to speak.

"Umm, hey." He stopped massaging her.

"Umm, I have to go."

"Go?" He warbled.

"You know." She wiggled her butt. "Go, to the bathroom. Number two."

"Oh. OK." The Stranger uncuffed her from the bed again and lead her into the bathroom. He sat her on the toilet and cuffed her hands in front of her and waited.

"Can you leave?" Amy whispered, humiliated.


Amy tried to hold it, but her need was overwhelming and she let it go. She was thankful it didn't stink and when she was done she tried to rise. The Stranger undid her cuffs and twisted one arm so it forced her into an awkward position and she wouldn't be tempted run. But this allowed her to wipe herself with her other hand and she was thankful he didn't try to do that for her.

After she washed her hands he took her back to the bed and cuffed her on her back. He continued her massage, moving up her abdomen and into her pectoral muscles. After he did her arms and hands he softened his touch and did the front of her shoulders. He finished her off by rolling her over again and doing the back of her shoulders, up into her neck and scalp.

The stranger again straddled her hips and this time he let her feel his tumescent organ in the cleft of her buttocks. He let his finger tips trail down her torso, tickling her lightly. He felt her ribs, felt her muscles tense under his touch. He'd wanted her as long as he'd known her and this was the perfect opportunity to enjoy her without distractions. He laid on her back, the tip of his cock touching her pussy. He could feel her starting to get wet again. God, he loved how responsive she was. He moved his hips a bit, just poking her and he heard her try to stifle a moan. Moving back onto his knees he kissed his way down her back, softly, slowly. He ran his hands over her waist and hips, letting his finger tips dangle over the generous curves of her ass. He cupped it, loving her shape. He spread her ass cheeks and looked at her rosebud, so tiny and enticing. He let a finger trail over and saw her clench.

"No, please." Amy whispered without conviction. She knew he would do as he wanted. She felt his weight shift, then felt his tongue on her anus. She also knew she wasn't going to win this one either, as her hips shifted backwards of their own accord. His hands held her cheeks wide apart and he played with her ass for over ten minutes, driving her to new heights of desire. He was like an explorer, looking, touching, licking. She felt his finger invade her a little and knew he was staring as the tip went in and out. She also felt shame as her arousal became more evident. She knew the moisture was seeping from her swollen labia.

The stranger dipped his fingers in her juices and reapplied them to her anus. He pumped a finger in and out and probed her pussy with his other hand.

"Yesssss." She hissed. Her passion was growing and she knew she was going to succumb to his skill, so she gave up.

"You cocksucker!" she screamed at her assailant. "I hope you're happy, I'm cheating on my husband."

The Stranger answered calmly, in his distorted voice, "You're not cheating if I'm forcing you."

"But you're not forcing me." Amy whispered, now. "I'm asking, begging for it. Please fuck me."

The Stranger stopped. He kissed Amy's cheek and threw a blanket over her. "Not yet, little one."

He left her alone and she thought about what was happening. On one hand she'd been raped, most assuredly. But her rapist was a consummate lover and had drawn out her secret desire. Now she was an accomplice in her seduction and she was willing to cheat to assuage those base desires. But the rapist had made her this way. If it wasn't for him and what he'd made her do, done to her, she wouldn't be begging for it. She was tired and confused.

"Well," she spoke out loud, "I'll just have to admit it when Steven comes, and hope he forgives me." As her thoughts continued she slowly dozed off. When she awoke she was no longer cuffed, but she couldn't move. After tugging on her limbs she realized she was tied with soft ropes to the corners of the bed, spread-eagled on her belly. The stranger must have been watching, because within seconds of her movements he was back at her, stroking, caressing, kissing. This time when he went to kiss her mouth she responded in kind, her tongue probing his.


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