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The Right Woman

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He waits to attack, but will he find the right woman?
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This story was inspired by a kinky chat I had recently - It really got me going, and I decided to try to flush it out into a story.

This story is shorter than a lot of my other ones. And it is definitely non-consensual, since the whole thing is pretty much about an assault. If you do not like this, or if it will trigger a traumatic response, please read no further.

Special thanks to the friend who inspired this - I hope I did alright by our little fantasies.


Someone was coming. Would this be it? Would it be the right woman? The man felt his heart pounding as he thought this might be the moment. After all of his fantasizing, was it about to become real? He cowered deeper in the bushes and watched the trail. It was a woman, but he could tell that it wasn't the exactly right woman. A little too tall, a little too curvy, not quite what he was waiting for. Then he noticed there was a guy jogging with her, so this definitely was not his opportunity. He edged deeper into the bushes and stayed still as they jogged past him. He would wait longer to make sure it was the right woman.

He felt hot and sweaty under his camouflage sweater and mask, but he couldn't risk being seen before he was ready to make his move. This trail was only sparsely used, but obviously he had picked one that had enough people so he'd be able to find his target. That meant that there was some risk of being caught, so even if he was uncomfortable, he had to stay hidden.

After twenty incredibly long minutes of waiting, no one else had come up the trail. He was getting worried this wasn't going to work out. After all of his planning, he had really thought this was going to happen today. He grappled with disappointment, but kept himself hidden, still hoping his opportunity would come. Just as he was about to crawl out from the bushes, he spotted movement on the trail below. It was another trail runner, coming up the trail quickly. Could this be the right one?

It was a woman, and she appeared to be alone. Lean, tan legs moving at a quick stride beneath short running shorts. Her tight t-shirt and sports bra showed off her flat tummy, and from what he could tell, just the size of tits that he liked. Her long brunette hair was in a ponytail that bounced vigorously as she ran. Yes, she was his type, this was the right woman. He did a last double check to make sure no one else was coming on the trail from above or below, and as she passed he sprung into action.

He rushed up behind her, pulling the knife from his belt. She didn't even realize he was coming until right before he grabbed her. His left hand wrapped under her arm and came up to cover her mouth. His right hand flashed the knife in front of her eyes, and then moved to press the point against the side of her neck. Not to cut her, but to make sure she knew he was not fucking around.

"Okay listen close, you cunt. I don't want to hurt you," he growled in her ear. "Do what I say, and you will be okay. But if you scream, or you keep struggling, and I will slice you from ear to ear. You understand bitch? Just keep still!"

He shook her harshly to emphasize his point. She stopped struggling, at least for a second, so he wrapped the knife arm around her waist, lifted her up, and moved as fast as he could off the trail towards the tree he and prepared. Once she realized what he was doing, and that the knife was no longer at her neck she started to struggle again, and to try to yell through his hand covering her mouth, but it was too late. He was more than six inches taller than her and probably had 75 pounds on her, so it was not hard for him to manhandle her. He carried her through the woods at a sprint, getting her far enough away so they couldn't be seen from the trail any longer. He pressed her face first against the tree he had prepared, and leaned his hip against her to pin her to it He used the hand on her mouth to pull her head way back, and put the knife against her throat.

"You want to get cut, bitch? Did you not understand me, you stupid cunt?"

He pushed her hard against the tree, making her let out a small whine. She stopped struggling again, and he put the knife back in his belt. He let go of her mouth, grabbed her wrist, pulled her arm up, and snapped the handcuff that he had tied to a branch around her wrist.

"No... puh...please," she managed to stammer out once he took his hand off her mouth. "Please let me go."

In less than five seconds both her wrists were in the handcuffs secured to the tree high above her head, and he spun her around to face him. He covered her mouth again, pushed her head firmly against the trunk, and looked into her eyes. Her face was gorgeous, even while it was contorted by fear. And her brown eyes, filling with tears, just made him more aroused. He used his grip on her jaw to shake her head vigorously, and growled at her.

"I told you to keep quiet you slut," he squeezed her cheeks forcefully, distorting her face. "We could have done this the easy way, but you want to do it the hard way, eh?

He pulled a ball gag from his pocket, and forced it into her mouth. She tried to resist, but he persisted, and she was no match for his strength. Soon the ball was in her mouth and buckled securely around her head. He felt himself relax slightly, knowing there was no way she was getting away or screaming for help.

He looked into her eyes, could see her confusion and fear, could see her trying to discern his face under the mask. He tossed the knife away and used his open hand to slap her face several times. Not hard enough to bruise, or even to jostle her head that much, but enough to sting and remind her how helpless she was. After the fifth slap her eyes were brimming with tears and she whimpered into the gag.

He pulled a pair of scissors from his pocket, the kind that paramedics use to cut off people's clothing, which is exactly what he intended to do now. Her eyes went wide as he used them to snip the air in front of her face. She shook her head wildly, but he leaned his hip into her pelvis, pinning her against the tree, and began to cut away her t shirt. He took his time, delighting in her muffled protest, the fear and embarrassment he could see in her face. He cut the t-shirt all the way up her left side, being careful to avoid her sports bra. He cut under her arm, all the way out the sleeve.

He used the opportunity now to squeeze her tit forcefully, and he relished her squeal as he mashed it inside her bra. He pushed his face close to hers and groped her boob.

"You're helpless now bitch," he taunted her. "I can do whatever I want to you now. And I'm going to enjoy it so much."

He shifted around and began cutting her t-shirt up her right side, all the way out under her arm again. He moved to cut from the top of her sleeve over her shoulder, and along her collarbone, causing the shirt to fall away, only kept up by the strip across her left shoulder. He could have pulled it away, but he wanted to make a show of it, so he cut across that shoulder, separating her shirt into two pieces. Then he stepped back, held the two pieces up to her, and cut them into several small pieces. The message was clear, no matter what happened here, she wasn't going to be wearing that shirt again.

She almost caught him off guard, but he saw her leg coming up towards his crotch just in time. He was able to pivot at the last second, and her foot struck his thigh and not in his crotch. It still hurt like a fucker, and he grunted in anger. He moved back in against her to hold her against the tree, his hip against her pelvis, his elbow poking hard into her tit. He slapped her face several times again as he taunted her. Still not hard enough to bruise, but he was sure it hurt.

"You wannna..."




"Games? Eh?"

Slap... Slap

Tears flowed down her cheeks, and her nose was runny as she fought back sobs. She looked at his face again, like she was trying to see him beneath the mask. He went over to his duffel back, and got out a cut-off broomstick and some climbing rope. He had prepared the broomstick himself, cutting it down to about four feet long and screwing eye-bolts into either end. He wrapped the line around her ankle a couple times, tying it off with a couple hitches, and threaded it through each eyebolt. He tied her other ankle in a hitch, securing it to the end of the broomstick, and finished the whole thing off with a knot the middle of the broomstick. With her legs forced wide by the homemade spreader bar, now not only could she not kick him but her crotch was completely open for easy access.

She had stopped trying to talk to him through the gag and just stood there sniffling. She couldn't stand as tall with her legs spread wide, so her arms were held taut above her, and her lean tummy looked incredibly sexy stretched out like that. He leered at her and pulled the leg of her shorts away from her thigh. She shook her head fervently, but he ignored her and cut the shorts from thigh to waist. He cut the other leg and the shorts fell away, exposing a white thong underneath. He held the shorts up in front of her and cut the remaining fabric into small pieces. He could tell she was cursing him out under the gag, so he put his left hand around her throat, pushed her back against the tree trunk, and squeezed just enough to scare her. She shut up again, the only sound coming from her now was of her sniffling and labored breathing around the gag.

He ran the scissors along her side, and cut the side of her sports bra under her arm. He did the same on her other side, so her bra was hanging loose from her shoulders. He took a few moments to admire her tits, lifting and jiggling them. They were natural and firm, milky white compared to the rest of her tan skin, with pencil eraser nipples and dark pink areola. He mashed them around, squeezed, them, and gave her nipples a few hard pinches. She moaned in distress, although it wasn't clear if was from pain or embarrassment from being so openly groped.

He moved on and cut the shoulder straps of the bra. The straps fell away, and he was left holding just the bra cups, which he cut into four pieces. She was now in just the tiny white thong and her running shoes, with her arms secured high by the cuffs and her legs held wide by the spreader bar. He moved in and nuzzled her ear, roughly squeezing and crushing her tits.

"God, you've got great tits, you slut," he taunted her. "I love slapping tits like this around. You like having your tits hurt? Should I use my knife on them?"

At the mention of the knife, she started shaking her head and pleading into the gag. He laughed and slapped her tits to watch them jiggle. He grabbed her nipples, squeezing and twisting hard until she wailed out loud. He pulled them hard to stretch her tits out, and then crushed them back against her rib cage, making her dance around trying to avoid the pain. He gave her tits several glancing open hand slaps,

He moved so his left thigh was behind her legs, pushing her hips forward. He placed his left hand at the small of her back, forcing her to arch her back, presenting her tits for his attack. He went to town, slapping and flicking her tits. He kept up a steady rhythm, slapping steadily harder and harder, the ripples in her flesh cascading across her breasts as he increased the tempo. She moaned and wailed into the gag, but he was obsessed with punishing her boobs, striking them from every angle. Sometimes fast glancing blows to the nipple, sometime powerful strikes to the bulk of her breasts. This was even better than he had dreamed. His wife would never let him do something like this, to be so dominant, so abusive. The power was like a drug to him, and he could feel his cock harden against her thigh.

Without warning, he grabbed her hips and lifted her, spinning her so she faced the tree as he set her back on her feet. He took a moment to admire her butt. If anything, her ass was even sexier than her tits. Firm and toned, with clear tan lines from her bathing suit covering more than this thong did. He pulled the thong up sharply, lifting her off the ground briefly, digging it into her crotch, and exposing her ass cheeks completely. Just like he had with her tits, he began methodically spanking her ass. He started with sharp, upward glancing blows, enjoying the way her ass jiggled and bounced. He moved his blows around, hitting her harder and more directly. She cried out loud into the gag, but it was so muffled he was not worried about anyone hearing.

He stopped spanking for a minute and rubbed her crotch through the thong. She flinched as he pressed his forefinger against the gusset of her panties and diddled her through the fabric. Was she grinding against his finger? He wondered if maybe she was getting aroused by all this.

"You enjoying this slut?" he whispered, "I'm enjoying using you. Doing whatever I want to you. I'm gonna make you scream into that gag."

He went back to spanking her, even giving her a couple spanks on her crotch, causing her to twist and pivot to protect her most sensitive areas. Tired of her thrashing, he used his left hand to get a crushing grip on her nipple, he yanked it up sharply, eliciting a shriek from his victim.

"Stop fucking wiggling, you cunt. I'm going to beat your ass and cunt, and there is nothing you can do about it. Stay still or I'll get my knife and gut you like a fish."

He pulled her nipple hard, crushing it savagely. He pressed his hand high up against the tree, essentially hanging her by her tit and holding her in place. Once she was immobilized he began spanking her in earnest, with hard slaps all across her ass cheeks, and several falling in between to hit her crotch. She still thrashed and twisted a bit, but every movement caused her tit to stretch and she always moved quickly back into position. He kept twisting and rolling her crushed nipple between his thumb and finger to make sure she couldn't get used to the pain.

Finally, after her ass was a deep red, and she was sobbing continuously, he decided it was time to move on to the main event. He released her nipple, making her shriek again as the blood flow resumed, and moved behind her. He got a good hold on her thong at either hip, and used it to lift her several times, digging the crotch into her tender flesh. He grabbed one side of the thong in both hands and pulled apart as hard as he could, ripping it completely. He grabbed the other side, and jerked it up violently several times, digging the crotch in even deeper before the flimsy fabric gave out entirely and he pulled it off her and tossed it away.

He pulled her back by the hips, forcing her to stick her ass out. His right hand squeezed and pinched her tender ass cheeks, then moved down between her legs to explore her uncovered slit.

"Oh... fuck," he exclaimed, "what a slut you are. You're fucking soaked!. You love the rough stuff, don't you slut? DON'T you?"

He couldn't believe how wet she was. Her pussy opened easily, and his middle and ring finger slid into her slippery hole without resistance. He finger fucked her hard, reaching around with his left hand to diddle her clit while pounding her from behind with his right. Her moaning now was not of pain, but of pleasure, and she ground her pelvis down on his hand. He took his fingers out and spanked her ass several more times, and then slapped her bare pussy right on the clit. She shrieked when he hit her cunt, but when he went back to finger fucking her, she was even wetter. He was amazed how she was getting turned on by all the abuse.

His cock was so hard he thought it might explode, and he knew he couldn't wait any longer. He undid his pants, and positioned himself at her entrance. With a single stroke he slammed his cock all the way into her slippery pussy. She grunted at the rough penetration, and then with each stroke as he began thrusting into her without mercy. He loved the feeling of power, that he could do whatever to her, even get her pussy wet against her will. He was always the guy who followed the rules, who never did anything cruel or disrespectful. Now he felt like he was breaking free of the chains that had held him back.

He grabbed her tits, squeezing them hard against her ribs, and used them as leverage to pound his cock in and out of her. She started moving to fuck him back as she moaned in a way that he couldn't tell if it was pain or pleasure. He pinched and twisted her nipples mercilessly pulling her back onto him as he kept rapidly fucking her

He pulled out and slapped her ass several times, just to make sure she still knew he could do whatever he wanted with her. He wrapped one arm around her and reached up to untie the handcuffs from the tree. He lifted her to turn her around violently, and pushed her down onto her hands and knees.

"Face down in the dirt, cunt," he pushed her head down, "keep that ass up in the air, I'm gonna fuck you until you can't see straight."

Once she was in position, he got behind and rammed right back into her open pussy. He got on one knee to maximize his leverage, and pistoned in and out of her hard and fast. She was panting and grunting around the gag, but she stayed in position as he plowed into her pussy. He slapped her ass as he went, feeling exhilarated by the lack of constraints. He sucked on his thumb for several seconds, and pressed it firmly against her asshole, another thing he could never do in his regular life. She shook her head as he pushed against her anus, but he kept going, working first the tip in, and eventually getting his whole thumb up her poop chute. She bounced around wildly as he penetrated both holes, and he yelled at her to take it like the bitch she was.

His legs were getting tired, and he was getting close to cumming, so he pulled his thumb out of her ass, grabbed her knees, and pulled back, forcing her to lay flat on her stomach. He climbed on top of her and re-entered her pussy, fucking her slower now. He got one hand under her to squeeze her tit, and wrapped the other hand around her neck, holding her in place as his dick pinned her down. Now she was openly grinding back against him, moaning as he fucked her. He squeezed her throat, not hard enough to choke her, but firmly enough to keep her under his complete control. He worked his hips, fucking her relentlessly as he squeezed her throat and her tit.

He was so close now, he didn't think he could stretch it out any longer. He wanted to cum so badly in this hot little minx. He was shocked what a slut she was, fucking him back as he rutted on top of her. He wanted to show his total control over her. He needed to mark her as his. He nuzzled her neck and shoulder, nipping at her flesh there. He could hear her moan as she felt his teeth on her skin. He kept fucking her, getting closer and closer to his own release, until he felt he couldn't hold out for one more second.

He sucked on the tender flesh between her neck and shoulder, and then all at once, he bit down hard. Harder than he had ever dared bite a person before. He didn't think it was enough to break her skin, but he was honestly so far gone he didn't really care. He just clamped his teeth down and kept fucking her mercilessly. Her initial scream from the bite faded into moans. But her moans escalated quickly, and she started thrashing underneath him. Suddenly she tensed up, her legs going rigid under him. She arched her back and her muscles began spasming.

"Holy fuck," he thought to himself, "she's cumming! She's right in the middle of getting raped, and she's cumming like a banshee!"

As she flopped and spasmed underneath him, he clamped his jaws a little tighter on her shoulder and picked up the pace of his fucking. Within seconds he hit his climax as well, and he shot stream after stream of jism deep inside her womb. He was lost in ecstasy, this was the hottest thing that had ever happened to him. He jerked uncontrollably as his orgasm went on and on, his cock felt like it was spewing gallons of sperm into her.


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