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The Substitute Husband & The Cougar


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Jackie took her free hand and gently pushed him back down to his seat. Then, using that hand, she started to stroke his cock with it, when she would move her mouth back and forth. Mike yelled, I can't hold it! I'm going to cum! With that, she stuck her finger farther into his ass to get at his prostate and message it.

Mike let loose with what he was sure was the biggest load in his 19 year old life. So much that his mom had some trouble keeping it contained. A few small dribbles exited the corners of her mouth. The sight of his sperm dribbling out of the corners of his mother's mouth excited him even more, making him ejaculate even more of his salty man juice into her mouth.

He finally quit convulsing. She kept his cock in her mouth for several more minutes; being aware of the fact that the head would be ultra sensitive from having cum. Finally she took it out of her mouth. She used a finger to wipe up the dribbles of her son's sperm from the corners of her mouth. She made a production of putting her finger in her mouth to lick it off, with a lip smacking noise, like she was finishing the whipped cream off a desert.

They talked a bit about how fantastic the event had been. Mike said he would have to take care of her in a bit, as she had made herself cum earlier and he had not been able to participate in her pleasure. She agreed to let him.

They had some errands to run. She was feeling most feminine at this point. She decided to fix them some steaks for tonight, and they went to the market to see what they could find. In the process, she stopped and bought a very nice bottle of wine for them to enjoy as well. She had a plan of course. Wine him, dine him and fuck his brains out!

After supper was done, Mike helped with the dishes as he often would do. Both went to their rooms to "freshen Up." Both emerged in as little a clothing as they could get by with in order to make a sexy appearance. She was in a t-shirt and panties, really just a thong, and he in a pair of shorts and sleeveless t-shirt. Both outfits showed the physical attributes they had, and were easily removed. There was no doubt that tonight there were no barriers, no questions, and no return.

Jackie had chilled the wine. When they came down from to the living room, she brought one of her sex "instructional" CD's. She just grabbed one, knowing they would only be looking at about 5 minutes of it anyway. It turned out to be the CD on how to fuck in the ass. She also had brought one of her dildos and a vibrator, as well as some lube. She intended to let the evening go where ever it went. She had not been ass fucked for a very long time. Most of the men she had seen were more interested in a cunt fuck and blow job, and since getting fucked in the ass was something of a sensitive operation, she had not pressed them to give her that attention. Now she was craving it and craving it all.

The good thing about a 19 year old man is that he can blow his wad, and five minutes later be up for another round. She and Joe had one day where they had fucked for about eight hours non stop except for food and potty breaks. He had spurted about a gallon in her, five times in that time. He was a little older than Mike, so Jackie wondered if she could break the record with her son.

She poured wine for them both, and started the CD. They were on the couch, and kissing passionately. Both were exploring the other with their hands, she had her hand on his cock and he was giving her a good hand job. Once during a "break" in the action, he looked over at the CD. He asked his mom about how she had manipulated his ass when sucking him off earlier. He said no one else had ever done that, and that is was beyond incredible. Mike told his mother that he had never felt anything like that before. He asked her if his enjoying anal attention was weird, and Jackie soothed his questions with, if it feels good, do it. With that Mike thought nothing more about any part of ass fucking to be off limits.

It only took a moment before they were both naked. Mike leaned back, and with an incredible look of lust and appreciation for what he saw, told his mom that she was the most beautiful woman in the world. She certainly appreciated the complement, and returned the compliment with telling her son that his cock was a magnificent example of male man meat.

They were all over each other. Hands were on every part of each others bodies, mouths were busy. Mike found that his mother was particularly appreciative of his attention to her breasts. At one point he commented that he wished he could remember when he was a baby, so that he could enjoy the memory of sucking milk from her. Jackie told him not to worry, he was doing a fine job sucking her now. As it was, she was one of the women in the world that always has a liquid in their breasts, and when stimulated enough, can have some discharge. At one point she reached that level and Mike was rewarded with a small dose of her feminine tit juice. When he first tasted it, he yelled "WOW" and sucked like he depended on it for his next meal.

It was not long before she was lying on her back, legs apart and Mike was astraddle of her. He looked down at his mother with an incredible gleam in his eyes, and stopped.

Mom, I want to fuck you now. I want to put my cock into my mother's cunt. We can stop now, and will technically not have committee incest. What do you want to do?

Jackie thought again how much a man her son was. That in the middle of this kind of passion and excitement, he could stop and ask. She considered it a very gentlemanly act. Much like his father had been the first time they had fucked. Just before he plunged into her, he had asked if that was what she wanted and if it was okay. Here was her son, doing the same thing.

Jackie, of course, was ready. She looked into her son's eyes and told him in no uncertain terms, son "FUCK ME." He said something about a condom and pregnancy, and she reminded him that the terms of this arrangement was wild abandoned fucking and that she was on shots for birth control, and to get with fucking his mother.

Mike put the head of his cock at the opening of his mother's vaginal. The very spot he had made his exit so many years ago. He tried not to tremble, but could not stop it.

Jackie told him, don't worry about cuming too soon. It will take a few times for you to build your control, just remember that I will expect an orgasm, by what ever means is needed.

With that Mike slowly entered his mother's cunt. He was surprised, as was she, when he bottomed out against her cervix. He thought, shit I'm going to be pumping sperm right into her womb, how can she not get pregnant.

That was the last concern he had. His mother's velvety vaginal walls engulfed his cock with the most incredible firm and luxurious grip he had ever had. The girls he had fucked before could not begin to compare. He knew he would blow his wad much quicker than he planned or wanted, but right now he did not care.

Jackie thought how great her son's cock felt; how every stroke bottomed out. How full she felt. It was actually as good as Joe, and Mike was bigger than Joe had been. Every stroke brought her closer to that delicious moment of orgasm. Her head began to spin. The very thoughts of what was going on, who she was fucking, who's cock was crammed up her snatch. Well it was all one incredible, exciting, forbidden delight.

After a few minutes of Mike's pumping in and out, and probably due to all the events and foreplay leading up to this moment, his mother quietly began to moan, getting louder with each moment. Finally through clenched teeth she stated the obvious. Son, I am Cumming, and hard! With that Mike could feel the spasms of her orgasm beginning to rise. I was more than he could stand. His cock exploded, shooting streams of his man juice into his mother. Sperm, sperm and more sperm, all shooting into his mother, right into her cervix as far as it felt to him as he was solidly against it with his cock. And he could feel her spasms hitting the head of his cock, making him come harder and harder.

For Jackie's part, she felt every one of her son's hot streams as it erupted from his cock. She wondered if ANY birth control could withstand this. It felt like he was injecting his sperm into her womb. She wondered if his hot streams would make a ninety year old woman pregnant, they were so strong with so much quantity. She thought her ovaries were probably taking a bath in his sperm. But, Jackie did not care, and just like with Joe when she got pregnant with Mike she sort of hoped in secret that it would make her pregnant. But the wisdom of that right at this moment was not so good.

When they had both finally come down from the intensity of their orgasms, they chattered like two school kids about how the very first time they had cum at the same time.

Mike told her that he did not think was going to last long enough to make it happen. He told his mother that he was so excited the second he entered her he nearly came right then. Jackie told him, that he was the best fuck she had experienced since his father died.

They watched the CD that was in, all about ass fucking. Jackie asked Mike if, when he was sufficiently recovered, if he wanted to fuck her in the ass. Mike said yes of course. But, Mike did ask her to guide him, as he was not experienced at it. Jackie told Mike, no problem, let your momma show you it is done.

A few minutes later, Mike's cock started to come back to life. Just to be sure, Jackie gave it a good mouthing. When he was well stiffened and ready to go again, she handed her son the anal lube. She told him what to do, to put some on his finger and work it into her asshole. The second he started to work it into her asshole, Jackie nearly came. It had been such a long time since she had real attention there. Pretty soon though, it was nice and relaxed, and she had put lube on her son's massive cock. She thought, this is going to be the biggest cock I have ever had up my ass, and thought about how much it was going to fill her ass.

Mike was ready, Jackie rolled over onto her stomach with her legs under her, giving her son just the right angle and total control and access to her asshole. He put the head of his big cock against the opening of her ass, and asked his mother what to do. Jackie said to hold just a second, while she continued to relax her sphincter as much as she could. Then she told Mike to start putting his cock in.

Mike put his cock up to the opening, pushed gently, as he was afraid of hurting his mother. A bit of pressure and pop, his cock slid in. His mother's sphincter was indescribably tight and clamped down on his cock. Jackie let out a loud yelp, and he thought he was hurting her. He nearly took his cock out, when she told him that she was surprised by the size and how enormous it felt, better than she had been used to having, since all she had used for some time was a dildo. She assured her son that he was not hurting her and to go ahead.

Slowly Mike pushed his cock into his mother's ass, until he was all the way in. She had business of her own to tend to, as one hand was furiously rubbing her clit. After a few minutes, Jackie told him to hold still a moment. She picked up a vibrating dildo and slid into her pussy. Double penetration, and she felt full in both holes. She told Mike to go ahead and continue to fuck her in the ass.

It was no longer that another few minutes before she began to spasm into an orgasm that could not be described. The intensity; the fact it was son; the lack of recent attention to her ass; the double penetration with her son's cock and the vibrating dildo; it all combined into a glorious mind bending orgasm. For Mike's part he unloaded in his mother's ass, nearly as much as the first time tonight. He wondered where he was getting the spunk from. He thought he had drained his balls the first time. Once again Jackie felt her son's every spurt, every spasm. She could feel the warmth in her bowels that was her son's pool of cum.

They were spent. Both had experienced so much today emotionally and sexually. They went to bed, of course in her bed together, as it would be from now on.

For the next couple of years, they lived like this and having a lot of sex. She started training Mike to not to call her Mom. If they were going to be like this, a dead give away would be for him to call her Mom at the wrong time. She too had started to call him Mike, so that she would not slip up.

Mike finished school and landed a job in a city a few miles away. A place no one knew them. They sold the house and bought a new one in the city Mike was going to work in. Mike did not understand the house that Jackie picked out, it was really much larger than the two of them would ever need, or so he thought. Then, just before they moved, Jackie had one more surprise for Mike.

A woman's egg does not care whose sperm finds it, a father; a brother; a husband; a lover; or in this case a loving son. And, it doesn't hurt that she had decided to stop her birth control shots.

They were sitting in the living room, having just finished a marathon sex fest. Mike looked at his mother. She seemed to have a special glow about her, and her breasts seemed to have gotten bigger.

Jackie looked at Mike in such a loving way and told him she had secret to let him in on. With that she told Mike, "I am pregnant with your child." Mike did not know what to say, he did not know if he should get up and dance, whoop, laugh, cry, or do all of at once.

They had bought the house in both their names, so when they moved to their new house, no one wondered about their relationship, after all they had the same last name.

He gave her his sperm, she gave him a son. His name was Philip.

All the guys at his new job were jealous about the incredible looking "Cougar" that he had snagged.

And that is where it is today, Mike and his sexy "Cougar Wife."

Oh and by the way, she knew what she was doing with buying such a big house; she is expecting his second child now.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Loved it light hearted and wonderful eternal love story!!! 5/5

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

ah! story that supports mexican immigrants! i wonder how many mexicans enjoy this story, especially illegal immigrants! as immigrant myself, but not illegal, i will say this story sucks!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

mexican man and white woman, eh? this is another example i've seen, example of how latino men are superior and attempting to breed out all white women. how pathetic and racist~

alo0ozalo0ozalmost 4 years ago
hated her fucking others when she was planning to fuck mike

hated it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Just a quick comment...

the word 'bowels' is NOT sexy

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