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The Tattle Tale Ch. 05

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Kelly gets collared.
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Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 03/03/2023
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The Tattle Tale

Chapter Five

The next morning, I woke up long before Melissa did. I wanted show her how invested I was in being an obedient sub that I was going to make her breakfast and present it to her. It was a debate I spent a long time on but decided that if she had it available, she would be more likely to enjoy it. There was no guarantee, but the risk was part of the excitement. With that, I strode naked into the kitchen and began my work.

I cooked eggs with some extras added in since there was no bacon, sausage or other sides to speak of. I kept as quiet as possible to hear when she woke. I wanted to present myself along with the food I had prepared. Eggs by themselves have little aroma, but the butter, salt, pepper and other items of aromatic value did the trick.

She walked into the kitchen with little fanfare. She was beautifully nude but presented herself as if nothing was amiss. She paused on her way to me, stretched her arms wide and yawned loudly. As her composure returned, her hands seemed to mindlessly cup her breasts, squeezed them, pinch her nipples, then fall to her sides. It was the second time she did that. I didn't know if he was just something she did without thought or she did it because she yearned for that feeling.

When she approached me, I turned, bowed my head and waited for her permission to continue. It was like I needed her acknowledgement and approval.

"I've made you breakfast. It's not much, but I can improve if you allow it," I said with my eyes set to the floor.

She moved close to me and inspected me, the food and finally, the smell in the air.

"I don't have much, yet you managed to wake me with this amazing smell," she told me.

My heart swelled and a moment happened inside me. I was so proud of myself for pleasing her. It was like nothing else in the world mattered. Had she been less than impressed with my efforts, I would have gone beyond the moon to fix what I messed up. It left me with a hole in my soul at the same time. Joey was at home, no doubt waiting for me to come to him. He had no idea that my mind was swirling around the possibility that I had found the dom that would take me further than he ever could.

"Why did you do this?" she asked.

Still looking toward the floor, I replied, "I want to make you happy."

She put her curled finger under my chin and lifted my head up.

"Your life is not about servitude. You'll learn how to make me sufficiently happy and then some as we live our lives together. You're not my slave, please don't act like it."

I nodded lightly.

"Don't let the food burn, Kelly."

I liked that her casual reminder came across also as an order with the two disguised within each other.

I quickly returned to my meal preparation. I served it the best way possible with what I had. I put the dish in front of her and stood silently waiting for her to guide me further. I stood by the table and waited for her to tell me how she liked the food I prepared. After the first bite, she looked up at me and asked me what I was waiting for.

"I... I figured I would wait for your approval in case I needed to make you something else," I said quietly.

She dropped her fork in frustration. She turned her chair toward me and took my hand in hers.

"You need to learn that you're not a slave, Kelly! This is about who is in charge and who's not. You'll figure it out. Go get a plate and sit with me."

I was learning with every word she told me. I prepared my own plate and sat across from her. I began to think about the activities of the day and what might follow.

"What mischief can I get into today?" I asked cautiously.

"The sky is the limit," she told me. "Remember, though, there are consequences to every action. Remember what I said about training, punishment and everything in between. I'll train you when you need it. Also, remember that it's not always about causing trouble. Don't build your life around the punishment. You have a lot to learn, Kitten. Enjoy the journey!"

I smiled and acknowledged what she said.

I knew enough by that point to keep that excitement to myself. In the midst of that excitement, my thoughts went back to Joey again. He was home alone and likely waiting impatiently for my return. It seemed the concern I had was written all over my face. I cursed myself for wearing my emotions on my sleeves so much that I couldn't even keep a single thought to myself. I knew then that I would be good for Melissa. My heart jumped in my chest when I realized I was as good for her as she was for me.

"What's wrong?" she asked plainly and almost put out that she had to ask.

I blinked and a tear fell down my face. I shook my head vigorously in refusal of her question.

"What's wrong?" she asked in a tone that suggested I should not make her ask again.

I stifled my tears and attempted to answer her.

"What about Joey?" I asked in emotional pain.

"What about him?" she nonchalantly replied.

I sniffled and cried a bit longer before replying.

"He doesn't treat me like you do," I sobbed.

It seemed the talk I had with my husband about that very concern only temporarily soothed my fears over my changing emotions. She came to me, stared into my eyes and let me cry. I was truly at a loss because of how she made me feel. In the moment, I felt like she had become my whole world, but she was about to set me straight.

"When you're done being emotional, let me know."

I let myself be that way a tad longer and finally nodded to her when I was done.

"Good. It's okay to be emotional, Kelly. I'll strive to never make you feel bad about that. You're getting caught up with a lot of feelings right now and you should know it's normal. I'm not replacing Joey at all. He's your husband and you married him for a reason, yes?"

I sniffled and nodded at her again.

"Were you ever this emotional about him?" she asked.

Again, I nodded.

"You're being a little extra right now because not only have you always felt a certain way about me as your friend, but now we're getting intimate with one another. Plus," she added, "I'm helping to fulfil a need that's been buried inside and has only been let out slowly until now. I came around and opened the handle to the faucet that was only leaking before."

I wiped my eyes as I listened to her rationalize my feelings.

"Joey still has a place in your heart, and I'd rather walk away from you right this moment than know you broke that apart over me. If everything goes well, then I'll be a happy addition to your life, not a replacement for something we both know already makes you happy."

She was telling me all the right things. I went to hug her, but stopped abruptly knowing I didn't have her permission just then. Instead of telling me I had permission, she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close to her. Her bare breasts pressed against mine and I found my hands wandering over her silky-smooth skin and down her back.

"Easy there, Kitten. We have things to do today."

I cupped her ass in my hands and just held them there. I didn't squeeze her, I just held her. When she realized I wasn't attempting to molest her, she rested her head in the crook of my neck and just stood with me in the middle of the kitchen. I think we both knew what was brewing between us. We stood there for several minutes before she broke the silence.

"I have something for you. Come with me."

I walked with her to her room where she dug through her drawers and pulled out a fistful of items. She walked up to me and one by one, she wrapped things around my neck.

"You're a beautiful woman and should be adorned with beautiful things," she said as she wrapped the first one.

"Leather isn't your style," she said after inspecting me.

She took that one off and tossed it aside.

As she put another on me, she spoke again.

"Gold isn't classy for you. Platinum is pretty and clean," she said as she stepped back to look me over. "Purple and blue gemstones."

She took that one off and set it on the bed next to us and put another around my neck.

"Silver is subordinate to platinum. Ocean blue and a deep red? No. No gemstones," she said taking that one and tossing it with the first one.

She retrieved another and placed it on me.

"Ornate tungsten with inscription. This one is unique and never been worn for the purpose it was intended. I wore this one once during a time when I was still figuring out who I was in the world. It means a lot to me."

She stood back and looked me over, focusing on my new ornament and how it complemented my nude body. She turned me toward the mirror and stood behind me. She wrapped her arms around me. One hand was placed on my tummy and the other cupped one of my breasts.

"You look beautiful, Kitten."

I was speechless. She knew I was overwhelmed but decided to tease me. She placed her lips against the skin of my neck as softly as anyone could imagine and exaggerated the sound of her kiss.

"I want sex," I told her frankly.

"Later," she said, releasing me and walking toward her bathroom.

I stomped my foot like a child and repeated my demand. She turned and approached me until she was in my face.

"What made you think that response was okay?" she asked.

I shrugged like an indifferent teenager. She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Joey may provide you with what you want at your demand, but I will not. We could have played in the shower a little, but you wanted to be a brat. Now you lost that privilege. If you keep it up, you'll lose more than that," she told me in a soft and caring voice, despite handing out her punishment. "Let's go. We need to shower before we head out for the day."

I followed her, still wanting sex, but not wanting to test her anymore right then. I desperately wanted to push my luck with her more. Watching her standing in the shower naked, bathing herself was such a turn on. I didn't know how she regarded the day ahead, but I knew it was going to be a big one for me. With that in mind, I behaved myself and allowed us both to finish the shower and leave the house without any further delays.

We went out for the day and spent our time almost entirely on conversation. Melissa had some reservations about her quick collaring of me and she treated me to a lengthy lunch to sit and talk about it.

"So, you realize the collar your wearing could be considered premature, yeah?" she asked out of nowhere.

I looked around nervously, unsure what to say.

"No, not really. I'm also very uneducated on this, so my opinion here probably shouldn't hold much weight, right?"

"Yes and no. A dom/sub relationship isn't black and white. Not even a little bit. Everything about it revolves around those involved, their communication and the rules you set up. Can we go over those today?" she told me.

"Of course! You made me realize that the game Joey and I were playing was only opening my eyes to an entire world where I now know that I truly belong."

"I think that, too. So, the first thing we should set up are rules. What rules do you have?"

I thought for a moment, shrugged my shoulders and said, "I don't think I have anything unique for you that I wouldn't expect from Joey."

"Okay. Can you list some of those as they would relate to our relationship?"

"Yeah. I won't normally consider your tone offensive or demeaning. I know that the way you talk to me will not intend to demean or make me feel not worthy of love or value. I will not be screamed at. I will not be humiliated intentionally or even accidentally. I will not deal with violent physical behavior. What I mean by that is if you're frustrated with me, you need to use words. Punching inanimate objects, walls or anything else will be an immediate problem.

"It should go without saying that assaulting me is an immediate deal breaker and I will walk away with the expectation that you will never contact me again. That said, nonviolent punishment is obviously okay. I would like us to take that concept a day at a time, if that's okay?"

Melissa nodded in approval at everything I said but asked for clarification on what she meant by taking it a day at a time.

"I mean that I want you to handle and punish me as required and I will let you know if you've crossed a line. If you don't do something I've already said is a deal breaker, we can just treat it as a learning moment for both of us. Hell, I could even come to accept certain things but only if we can talk about it. This style of conversation will be the most helpful but any conversation where we learn is what I'm looking for."

Melissa nodded again and told me, "Of course. You already know some of my rules, but I'll repeat them for formality's sake. I don't take this as a game and expect you not to as well. You will obey me at every turn. You will never touch me unless I give you permission. You will always communicate with me. That one is a deal breaker, Kelly. I cannot control you if your body is speaking a different language than your mind, understand?"

"Yeah, I like that rule, too. I also need you to talk to me and help me understand things if I tell you I am confused or don't understand. I also expect that you will teach me properly so that as time goes on, I will become less and less confused and one day be perfect for you."

Melissa chuckled lightly and said, "Kelly, your flaws make you perfect to me but, I know what you meant. Are we good so far?"

I nodded enthusiastically.

"Great," she said before suddenly shifting her chair over until she was seated directly next to me, "now tell me what you think might humiliate you."

I knew that instant that I didn't have enough experience to tell her exactly what I meant. I only knew I didn't want to feel that way. I tried giving examples regardless.

"I don't have specific examples to give you. The idea of being humiliated gives me feelings of dread. A small degree of negative public attention wouldn't qualify but, for example, if you screamed at me right here and dumped my food on me and walked away, I would walk away and never speak to you again. If you did something similar at home, I would be embarrassed. I would look at the events that led up to that and go from there. If it kept happening and I lost hope that we could stop that behavior, I would leave.

I looked at her for a moment and noticed my developing tone as being overconfident.

"Not that I think you would ever do that to me," I squeaked shyly.

Melissa looked to be in deep thought.

"Take off your panties and hand them to me," she told me quietly.

I instantly moved to indicate I heard her orders but slowly to figure out how to execute them. I moved uncomfortably in my chair and reached under my dress. I took hold of whatever part of my panties I could without drawing attention to myself and pulled them down my legs. She stared off into the distance oblivious of my actions and paid no attention to those in our immediate surroundings. I focused intently on those dining around us until my panties were in my hand and then hers.

"Good girl. Was that humiliating?" she asked.


"Good. Now I'm going to tell you what the rest of today has in store for you and I want you to masturbate as I tell you. Do you understand?"

"Yes," I responded nervously, looking around.

"Don't look around at everyone like you're hiding something. I will keep an eye on the people. You focus on your duties. If you do not cum by the time I am done, I will punish you when we get home."

I was giddy with excitement and sweating with nervousness at her command. I put my hand on my knee and brought it slowly up my leg, spreading them and curling my wrist until my fingertips made contact with my clit.

She began speaking to me in a casual, near whisper.

"When we leave here, we're going to find an ornament. I picked out your collar, but you will pick out the ornament that will adorn it one day. That is a token you will earn only when you've earned my complete and unwavering trust. From there, we will go home. Are you wet?"

I nodded.

"Good girl. When we get home, I'm going to give your husband another chance to fuck me. He simply needs to ask, and I will allow you to take my clothes off for him. You will then prepare him to fuck me and me to receive him. Tell me in your own words what I just told you."

"Joey will get a chance to fuck you and I will get both of you ready," I told her.

"That's what I told you," she sternly told me, "in your words, tell me what I said."

I pressed my finger into my clit a little harder, using my readily available juices to make circles around my sensitive button.

"If Joey convinces you to let him fuck you, I'll undress you and lick your pussy. When you're a sloppy mess, I'll suck his cock until he's covered in my saliva. I'll then guide his hard cock into your pussy and watch him fuck you."

"That's better," she said in an encouraging tone.

I became ignorant of everything happening around me. I had not yet felt the signs of orgasm approach, but I knew I was lost in my deviant behavior.

"You'll stand there naked as the day you were born, and you'll watch your husband fuck me. You will not masturbate. If you get wet watching us fuck, you'll let it run down your legs. Is that humiliating?"

I shook my head quickly and squeaked out the best and quietest response I could.

"Good. Sooner or later, he'll be ready to cum. His balls will be full of hot seed, and he'll want to know where he will deposit that load. Where will he do it?"

I opened my mouth to try and answer her but the images she installed in my head were quickly bringing about an orgasm in the middle of a restaurant.

"Don't stop. Will he cum inside my wet pussy?" she asked.

I reached over and took her hand in mine, squeezing it hard as I continued building toward release. I shook my head, opting to not speak less I bring attention to what I was doing and kill my progress toward release.

"I see. Will he cum on my tits?"

I repeated the same gesture.

"Uh-huh. What about my mouth? Will I quickly get on my knees, hold out my tongue and watch him jerk his cock until rope after rope of his semen launches into my waiting mouth?"

I squeezed her hand harder.

"Oh, feels like you like that idea. What about you? Did you want him to cover you with his spunk?"

I released her hand and gripped the table, begging my orgasm to not be weak and unsatisfying while I imagined Melissa on her knees receiving my husband's cum down her throat. She put her hand on the knee closest to her and squeezed it.

"Is that it? You want to watch his seed fill my mouth and overflow down my chin and onto my tits?"

I took her hand again and held it as my orgasm exploded. It took everything I could to ride the wave and not draw attention to myself. My legs snapped closed, and I lowered my head to hide the expression of ecstasy I knew was on my face. I wanted Melissa's encouragement, but she remained silent.

As I came down, she petted my hand and told me she was ready to go. I was confused at first but realized soon enough that she wanted to walk me around and expose my post-orgasmic condition to everyone that would notice it. We did just that. She tucked my panties in her pocket and walked me out of the restaurant with our arms interlocked.

"Let's go get that ornament," she said happily.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Thank you, great story.

FHX1274FHX1274over 1 year ago

Love where this is going so far. Can’t wait for the next chapter.

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