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The Teacher's Pet Ch. 13

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Amber spends another Saturday with Polly and Tanya.
13.9k words

Part 13 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/09/2019
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Author's Note: This builds upon the events of the previous chapters. I would recommend reading them first, before diving into this chapter.


Saturday, February 7

While sitting alone on the same playground bench I had occupied one week earlier, I tried to prevent thoughts of vengeance from poisoning my mind. However, it was a failed endeavor. Although I had mostly gotten over the anger resulting from Tanya's recent behavior, a certain text I received this morning rekindled my fury to the ultimate level. It had made me so upset, I needed to take another walk - which was how I arrived in this spot yet again.

It had to be the blonde bitch's handiwork. It just had to be. There was no way those words could have been typed by Polly, unless Tanya made her do it. Then again, perhaps she did it as a joke. No, she wouldn't play a prank on me. That was more in line with her best friend's modus operandi. If it was indeed some sort of gag, it wasn't the least bit funny.

All of this began when I was about to eat breakfast. My phone had been charging overnight in the kitchen and I grabbed it before I started consuming my meal. I smiled at the sight of a text from Polly, which had been sent only minutes earlier.

"Good morning, Miss. I'm really sorry I fell asleep before you left my house. But I want you to know I've been thinking about you and can't wait to see you today. I just hope it's not as crazy as yesterday. I love you."

I chuckled at her reference to 'crazy', given what she went through at the feet of three women. However, my heart was warmed and my mind was reassured by her message. She hadn't spent the whole night making out with her friend. She'd been focused on her love for me.

With this in mind, I composed a reply.

"Good morning, my sweet girl. I too apologize for not saying goodbye to you yesterday. And your adorable smile has been on my mind ever since I saw Tanya tucking you in. We'll have lots of fun today, I promise. See you in a few hours. I love you too."

After sending it, I finished eating and cleaned everything up. I then proceeded to wash myself - including my feet - and get dressed for the day. Once I was back downstairs, I realized there was another message on my phone. Assuming it was a cute response from Polly, I was eager to read it. However, I almost fell over from shock when I saw the message from her mobile number.

"I'm looking forward to another fun day. I hope I get to play with your sweaty feet. And Tanya's too. Maybe the women at the salon will let me rub theirs also. That would be awesome! Heck, how about the waitresses at the place we have lunch or dinner? I bet their feet are really sore, and super ripe! I can smell them already. Dang, now I gotta go, um, take care of something. See ya later!"

I stood there in horror for a short time, wondering whether Tanya had seen any of our previous exchanges. However, it wasn't long before my fear was replaced by a growing vitriol at the realization of what she had done. The bitch was making fun of Polly for her fetish.

Why the hell would she do that? She was supposed to be her best friend. Now she was no better than those jerks at school who bullied the poor girl. No, she was actually worse. At least the bullies weren't being nice to her one day and teasing her the next, like a certain traitor.

The longer I thought about it, the more rage welled up inside of me. The nerve of her! A few moments later, I slammed my hand on the kitchen counter and stomped toward the door. I let out a scream, snatched up my keys, and stormed out of my apartment.

Within minutes, I had made it to the playground and plopped down on the bench to catch my breath. Despite the lovely weather and beautiful scenery around me, I couldn't help but continue to seethe. I wanted nothing more than to strangle Tanya. Her games had now gone too far and she needed to be stopped - preferably in a humiliating and painful way.

As I began concocting a scheme involving the little bitch's suffering, I heard the sound of approaching footsteps. It snapped me out of my thoughts and I turned to see who was coming toward me. To my surprise, it was a familiar face.

"I thought that was you, Amber."

"Hey, Linda. I didn't expect to see you here."

She smiled and sat next to me. "Well, I only live a few blocks away and I was out for some exercise... you know, trying to get myself in better shape." She tilted her head. "What about you? I've never seen you here before, either."

"Oh, well, my apartment complex isn't too far from here. And I was just getting some fresh air. It's a really nice day."

"It is," she said with a nod. "I wish it would be like this all year."

"Yeah, if only." I sighed and looked away.

A few seconds later, I felt a tap on my arm. I gazed in Linda's direction and noticed her concerned expression.

"Are you okay? You seem troubled by something."

I shrugged. "It's nothing."

"Come on, Amber." She raised an eyebrow. "Tell me what's wrong."

"Okay." I let out a deep breath. "I'm kind of having a... disagreement with a friend."

"Is it anyone I know?"

"I don't think so."

"All right." She placed her hand on mine. "Do you want to talk about it? Maybe I can offer a little advice."

Gazing into her eyes, I could see her concern was genuine. However, I wasn't sure what to say to her. I didn't want to mention what I was doing with two of my students - in particular, my romance with Polly. However, I was also eager to get some input regarding how to handle my situation. Before I allowed my silence to linger too long, I came up with an idea for how to explain this to her.

I glanced down, exhaled loudly, and looked back up at her. "Sure, I can tell you. It actually involves two women I used to go to school with."

She nodded. "Go on."

"So, I got together with them last night, for the first time in a few months. And the one seemed like she wanted to tell us something, but was really nervous about it. It took a couple hours of convincing before she finally agreed to spill the beans."

Linda raised her eyebrows. "What did she say?"

"She told us that she likes girls."

"Did she?"

"Yeah, but we sort of already figured she did. What we didn't know is the next thing she told us."

"Oh," she said as her eyes went wide. "And what was that?"

"You're not going to believe this. She said that she had..." I leaned in and spoke in a soft voice. "...a foot fetish."

She jerked her head back with a surprised expression. "A what?"

I signaled for her to be quieter, as I repeated myself in a whisper. "A foot fetish. You know, she likes feet."

"Um..." She slowly shook her head, appearing to be at a loss for words. "...I, uh—"

"Look, I know. It sounds... weird."

"Uh, yeah."

"Right, but, I mean, she's my friend. Even if it seems strange to me, I need to support her."

She shrugged and then gave me a half-smile. "I suppose you do."

"Exactly, and once I got past the initial shock, I told her that I was proud of her for telling us. And that I don't think anything less of her."

She patted my hand. "Well, you're a great friend, Amber."

"Thanks, Linda. I just wish my other friend was like that, too."

There was now a concerned look on her face. "Why? Was she mean about it?"

"Not right away. In fact, she also seemed pretty cool with it... at the time. However, I got a text from her this morning that was..." I let out an enormous sigh. "...very insulting."

"What was it?"

"She basically trashed her for being into feet... saying things like 'who the hell likes feet', and 'so now the perv is gonna try doing stuff to ours all the time', and 'I can't ever take off my shoes when that foot freak is around', and, you know, stuff like that."

I dropped my head to show her how this type of attitude upset me. Even though it was a bit of an act to go along with my made-up story, it did reflect a lot of my true feelings toward Tanya.

After a brief silence, I heard Linda's voice. "I'm sorry she did that. If you want my opinion, I'd say she's not much of a friend. I mean, not if she's acting like such a bitch behind the poor girl's back."

I lifted my gaze to meet Linda's. "You're right. I'm just wondering what I should do next."

She rubbed her chin. "Hmmm... well, if I were you, I'd have a private chat with the bitch and try to set her straight. If that doesn't work, let her go. You don't need friends like her." She squeezed my hand firmly. "Just make sure to be there for your friend with the fetish. Your support and encouragement are very important to her now."

My lips curled into a smile. "Thank you so much. I think I'll follow your advice. It's very helpful."

She returned a grin. "You're welcome. It's the least I can do, after everything you've done for me."

I gave her an appreciative nod and noticed her eyebrows being raised.

"Speaking of that, I'm planning to visit the outlets tomorrow. I want to do some shoe shopping, and maybe pick up a few pairs of those silk stockings you recommended."

"Oh, that's wonderful! I'm sure you'll find some that look great on you. They have plenty to choose from."

She peeked at my legs, which were donned in black-patterned stockings to complement my maroon skirt, black blouse, and crimson heels. I smirked at her and she shrugged with a giggle.

"I see you like the ones I'm wearing." I extended a leg and flexed my foot, popping my heel from my shoe. "I bought them there a little while ago. They might still have more like these... I mean, if you're interested."

She blushed, appearing to be a little flustered. "Um, yeah. Those are... nice."

I nudged her with a naughty grin. "Are you sure you aren't checking out my legs? Or maybe something lower, like my friend who has a fetish?"

"I, uh..." She slumped her shoulders and sighed. "...okay, you do have really nice legs. And I'm not into girls or anything. It's just, um..." She turned away from me with obvious shame.

"I'm sorry," I said while placing a hand on her arm. "I didn't mean to make this awkward."

She glanced at me and let out another deep breath. "No, it's... I'm not even sure how to describe it, but..." She bit her lip and peered up at my face. "...there's something about the way your legs look in those type of stockings that I find—"


With a look of resignation, she nodded.

I grasped her hand. "Don't be embarrassed. I'm flattered that you think my stocking legs are sexy. And besides, I always stare at a pair of pretty legs."

She cocked her head. "You do?"

"Of course." I gazed at our surroundings to confirm nobody was nearby. "I'll let you in on a secret." I moved my lips close to her ear. "I'm bisexual."

Her eyes widened and she coughed. "Oh, so, uh, you like... men and women?"

She now seemed quite nervous at being sat close to me, so I attempted to reassure her.

"Yes. But I'm not trying to hit on you. I'm just saying that I'm totally fine with you looking at my legs."

As I gazed at her intently, she fidgeted while avoiding making eye contact with me. This went on for almost a minute, and I became worried that I had said too much.

Eventually, she shrugged and faced me. "I know I'm acting weird, and I apologize. I'm sort of... confused about these feelings I'm having. And then on top of it, I find out you're bi."

I frowned and slowly shook my head. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have been acting all flirty with you. Then I made it worse by telling you I like girls. Ugh..." I smacked my forehead. "...I'm such an idiot." I turned away from her and sighed.

Seconds later, she bumped me with her shoulder. "Hey." She waited for me to look at her. "Don't feel bad. I'm not upset at you. It's more like... ever since the other day, when you showed me your stocking tops, I, I haven't been able to get the image out of my head." She bit her lip and glanced at my leg. "Now, here you are in another gorgeous pair of stockings. I'm, uh, kind of wondering if maybe I really am attracted to you."

I took hold of her hand. "Well, if you are, then you have exquisite taste in women."

She giggled and then we both burst into laughter. Once we calmed ourselves, she nudged me again.

"Don't worry. I'm not planning to ask you out anytime soon. Not that you'd want to date a fat, boring lady twice your age."

It was my turn to nudge her. "Come on, Linda. You're not that heavy, and you're much more interesting than you think. Heck, you'd be an amazing catch for anyone, including me."

She chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Thanks, Amber. But I'm not exactly fending off the guys these days."

"You will be soon, if you keep doing what you're doing." I leaned against her and spoke in a sultry voice. "And my hands will be all over you, too."

She smirked at me. "Then I guess I better get back to exercising."

I couldn't help but giggle. "Well, it's definitely working for you."

"I'm glad you think so," she said with a warm smile. "Hopefully by summer, I'll be back down to the weight I was before I broke up with that... jerk."

"I know you can do it. Once you've accomplished your goal, we'll find the jerk on social media and send him a picture of you and me, dressed in sexy lingerie, with the caption 'Look what you missed out on, loser!'"

We laughed again and she clutched my hand. "I really appreciate your friendship, and your support."

"Likewise," I said while nodding.

"And regarding that situation with the young woman you know who has a fetish, I'm sure you'll do the right thing."

I squeezed her hand and smiled at her. "I hope so."

She patted my leg and rose from the bench. "Well, I need to get going now. But it was really nice chatting with you."

I also stood up. "It was great talking to you as well."

"Take care, Amber," she said while starting to walk away. "I'll see you on Monday."

"Bye, Linda. See you then!"

As I strode toward my apartment, I contemplated what had just occurred. My co-worker and friend had noticed I was troubled. She sat down, listened to my problems, and gave me some very good advice. It brightened my mood, as well as my outlook toward dealing with Tanya.

There was, however, a niggling sense of regret about how I'd let my mischievous persona take control of me again. Why did I feel compelled to tease Linda with my legs and feet? Shouldn't I have known the effect it would have on her, before the naughty words poured out of my mouth? Were my kinky desires so much stronger than my ability to reason?

When I walked through my front door, I was muttering to myself. I sunk into the sofa while considering what type of woman I was becoming. However, it didn't take long for me to figure it out. I realized my recent behavior was eerily similar to that of a certain blonde girl - one who I wanted to punch. I gasped and sat up straight.

Dear God, I was turning into Tanya!

Within moments, I was off the couch and pacing around my living room. The idea I was anything like the little brat made me feel terrible. After I had circled my sofa a few dozen times, I happened to catch a glimpse of the clock. It was time to head over to Polly's house.

Letting out a heavy sigh, I grabbed my purse and walked out to my car. During the drive, the thoughts in my head made me cringe. I pictured myself with an arm around Tanya and we were pointing at my girlfriend - laughing at her, while she was red-faced with shame. Then I saw Polly on her knees. She was begging us to stop tormenting her, as her tears fell on our shoes. Yet, we persisted in mocking and humiliating the poor young woman.

Upon reaching my destination, I shook my head to rid myself of these disturbing mental images. It was clear what I needed to do. First, I had to vow not to be like that toward the people I cared about. More importantly, however, I had to find a way to get Tanya alone and try to determine a few things.

What did she know? Why was she teasing her friend? When would she stop getting under my skin? What the hell was her problem?

After taking a minute to calm down a bit, I stepped out of my convertible and approached the front porch. With some trepidation, I rang the bell. I feared Polly was distraught from what her supposed best friend had texted me. Perhaps I was about to walk into a very tense environment, or maybe something worse. When the door began to open, I shuddered from the prospect of what I would witness. Instead, I saw the smiling face of my adorable lover.

"Hi, Amber!"

"Hey, Polly!"

She ushered me inside. As I entered the foyer, I noticed her looking around for a moment. She rose up on her tiptoes and kissed my lips. It was nice to feel her affection and it relaxed me a little.

While I removed my shoes, I heard footsteps on the stairs. Tanya was bounding toward us, and she appeared to be glad to see me. I rolled my eyes at the nerve of the brash blonde. She should have been scared to get anywhere near me, instead of acting like we were on great terms.

She dropped her handbag on the floor and patted my arm. "It's great to see ya, Amber!"

"You too, Tanya." I gritted my teeth and did my best to fake a grin.

"I'm really looking forward to our girls' day out."

"Me too."

"So, um, what are we doing first? The salon, or shopping?"

"We have a one o'clock appointment at the styling salon and a three o'clock appointment at the nail place. After that, we can head over to the outlets."

"Cool! Does that mean we're going somewhere for lunch?"

I nodded with a smirk. "Sure, how does McDonald's sound?"

She and Polly both grimaced at my suggestion, and I chuckled. "Seriously, where would you like to eat?"

The two girls looked at each other for several moments. They shrugged, but then Tanya's eyes lit up.

"Ooh, I know! What about that new diner near the shops? I heard it's really good."

"Fine by me."

"Yeah," Polly said. "Let's try it."

"Great! In that case, we should leave soon." I gazed at Polly. "But first, I want to say hi to your mom."

She giggled. "You can find my parents in the kitchen."

"All right," I said with a raised eyebrow. "I'll be back in a minute."

As I headed toward the kitchen, I detected hushed laughter from behind me. I wondered what they thought was funny, and became concerned about the scene I would encounter. When I turned the corner, I had to put a hand over my mouth to stifle myself.

Martin was standing by the sink, wearing his pink apron. The color matched his skirt and tights. While he wasn't wearing shoes, Steph stood next to him in black heels which were several inches tall - making her height a bit closer to his. She had her hand on his butt and she was whispering into his ear.

I stopped in the entryway and watched them, since they didn't seem to notice me. Whatever she was saying made him tremble and caused him to pause in his dishwashing duties. She then pinched his backside. He let out a whimper and refocused on his task. Moments later, she resumed speaking softly to him and the process repeated.

This kinky display had me mesmerized, until I noticed Steph's gaze meeting mine. She put a finger to her mouth and motioned for me to come closer. I crept toward them, ensuring I remained quiet. When I was positioned directly behind Martin, she whispered to him once more - but loud enough that I could also hear.

"If you continue to be an obedient puppy for me, I may release that little thing between your legs from its prison tonight." She glanced at me and bit her lip. "What's it been... five days since the last time it came out to play?"

He shuddered and let out a ragged breath. "Y-yes, mistress."

My eyes went wide and Steph's lips curled into a devious smile. "Mmmm, you must be soooo desperate for release."

"I, I am mistress."

She placed her other hand on his crotch and rubbed it. "Well, if you're a very good slave today, I'll consider making use of my cock." She gave it a squeeze. "After all, I own it, and I get to decide what happens to it."

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