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The Third Time's the Charm


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"But none of it was my fault," she said. "I think I need help. Dale growing up, I knew that I wasn't pretty. I also knew that I didn't have a hot body. I realized by the time that I was eighteen that I didn't want to be alone. So to get a man, I had to use what I had. I liked sex. I liked it a lot, and I was willing to let them do whatever they wanted. It made me popular, but only with men. Women hated me.

The first guy who really got to me was Andy. He was big and strong and handsome back then. I gave him my virginity on my nineteenth birthday, and we never looked back. But after Jeff was born, Andy changed, or maybe he reverted back to the way he'd been. He started to blame me for everything. And he left me several times. He always came back when he was tired of fucking whoever he had found or when he ran out of money and needed a place to stay.

As much as I loved him, it took me a while to realize that he never felt the same about me. So over the years, when he was away for too long, I got lonely and whenever he wasn't around, I offered what I had to other men. I guess I considered it my way of getting back at him for what he was doing to me. Both of us could cheat. It gave me a feeling of power.

Then I met you, Honey. You were like a knight in shining armor. I loved you so much that it hurt. And you loved me right back. But I was frightened, Dale. I was afraid that sooner, or later you'd come to your senses and find someone like Maggie. Or you'd leave me too. So ... I cheated on you first. Maybe Andy just twisted me to the point where I didn't see any harm in it. I always gave you as much pussy as you wanted. And you were the only one I ever loved.

Of course, I could never resist Andy. If he came around, we fucked, it was that simple. I always loved you more, but he was like catnip to me. Until you caught us. The second time around, he blackmailed me. He kept telling me that he was going to tell you. I had no choice, Dale. I couldn't lose you again. And it was just sex. I only let him have what he wanted so I could have you.

Today was the worst of all, though. I had no idea that you had gotten married again. I had no idea that you had replaced me. Or that my kids had forgotten me and adopted your new wife to replace me too. I just felt alone and unloved. I felt like I didn't matter, and no one loved me. So I went out and got drunk, and those ass holes took advantage of me." I noticed then that Brenda was acting oddly.

"I want us all to go to the past, back to the beginning," she said. "I want Jeff and the girls to go back to when they were kids. No I want them to go back before that. I want to push them back into my pussy, so they can be born again. And this time I want you to be their real father. I'm going to be a better mother to them this time, and everything is going to be perfect. This time they'll be perfect little angels, and they'll look like us. Except for that evil little bitch Shannon. We're not having her again. This time we're having two boys okay?"

Just as she said that she leaned over and put her head on my shoulder. I could feel her face twitching, and I noticed that only one side of her face was moving when she talked. She was also slurring her words a lot.

I leaned over behind me and saw Shannon there. She had heard her mother's rant and was about to say something. I looked at her and silently mouthed for her to call a doctor quickly.

"I love you Dale," Brenda said softly. "Take me to bed and I'll make it really good." She was slurring her words so badly I could barely make out what she was saying.

"I love you too, Brenda," I said. "I'll carry you to bed."

I picked her up and carried her towards the emergency room.


Andy pulled through. He made a full recovery, but still needed a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Brenda had a stroke. I had recognized the signs as we spoke and got her into the emergency room. The years of abuse and stress along with a lifetime of emotional upheavals simply were too much for her.

Though physically fine, except for a slight weakness on one side of her body, mentally the Brenda we all knew had left her body. She retreated into a world inside of herself. In Brenda's mind, she and I are still married, and we have three small children.

I visit her once or twice a week, and she asks me when we can go home and make more babies. She thinks that Maggie is her twin sister and warns me to watch out for her because she's sure that Maggie wants to fuck me.

Maggie and I are the only ones in the family who can visit Brenda. Whenever the kids visit her, she goes into a psychotic fit. Her mind can't accept them. Strangely enough, she has no reaction to Shannon. Shannon can stand right in front of Brenda and Brenda simply doesn't see her or acknowledge her presence. Shannon thinks it's a hoot.

Andy visits Brenda a lot. He combs her hair and feeds her. He feels a lot of guilt for how she turned out. Brenda thinks he's her brother.

Lauren and Greg are happily married with a baby on the way. Lauren works in the same pharmacy that Greg works in.

Jeff graduated with honors from a technical school. All the time that he and I spent together working on cars got to him. He wanted and got a career in automotive technology. After a few years, we plan on opening an automotive service center. He wants to specialize in performance modifications for car lovers.

Maggie and I are still very happily married. Shannon is still with us, in fact, no one was overly shocked when Shannon moved down the hall and into our room, but that's another story.

The end.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

I sort of like it but then again I hate what happened So many women are so full of self entitlement and delusionment (like 2 of my ex wives ) that I just hate women like that and maybe I hate myself because I too gave into them too easily (JB186)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

The pathetic fucking cuck chooses to fuck the whore after the divorce. Why doesn't he just forgive her and take her back for good? Why doesn't he just buy a chair he can place in their bedroom so he can watch her cheat like he obviously wants to? It doesn't make any sense that he doesn't just forgive her, he's already the biggest fuck in the site why not just commit to what he clearly desires? Why must he lie to himself that he doesn't want Brenda to cuck him? Genuinely baffling... If he were a true man the cuck would man up to his fetish and allow Brenda to put him in a cock cage.

Fuck Dale, shame she didn't give him a myriad of diseases because he truly deserved them. The story should have ended with his dick rotting off and Brenda laughing at him and crushing it flat into the ground after it fell off.

RustyReaderRustyReader2 months ago

Well done, reality based. Many will bring up the "cuck" weak crap. A loving, forgiving man seems often to be besmirtched in commentaries posted. I qonder if Brenda had not only a psychological problem(s) but inschematic strokes at sevearal points in he life, concussions aa well. Looking forward to th Shannon continuation

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

What a mess.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Good story although I was expecting Dale to marry Shannon, but the plot probably needed Maggie for the wedding scene.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The story was already way too long and vapid, and Andy deserved his fate. Brenda was a nutcase and had a stroke at the end. But the stuff with Shannon moving in their bedroom really jumped the shark and ruined the story. Unnecessary and grotesque. Yeesh.

ttjbjr54ttjbjr545 months ago

Good story and well written. Dale didn’t force Lauren to invite Brenda to the wedding. It was a suggestion to Lauren. Obviously some readers are not mature enough or have been through a divorce. When you’re a parent you want the best for the bride or the groom. In this case they were correct in inviting Brenda. It’s too bad that she wasn’t involved in the planning of Lauren’s wedding but she brought it on herself.

This story reminded me of my wedding to my wife. This is a second marriage for us and we’ve been together almost 40 years. With children on both sides and dealing with your not my father and you’re not my mother. This story hit home. Some of the readers have made silly comments and I believe that the reason that they do is lack of life experiences.

AceAureliaAceAurelia6 months ago

Dale is the villain of this story. First he pisses on the flames of reconciliation between Brenda and Andy by playing a white knight. It’s clear Brenda loves Andy more than she does Dale, there is no evidence of it being otherwise. Dale forced Lauren to invite her emotionally abusive mother (which he knew she would bring Andy). He also wanted to rub his new woman in her face. This wimpy tendencies with his passive aggressive nature is the true toxic trait of this story.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Some really excellent writing. It seemed like Brenda's biggest flaw was not being able to say no.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Couldn't finish this. Gave up half way. I tried, really I did. But god damned if he wasn't a pissy assed wimp through out the part of the story I read.

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