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The Thorns Upon the Roses Ch. 02

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Joshua's first day of classes is also his last...
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Part 2 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/10/2023
Created 08/30/2022
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Chapter 2 - A Rose by any Other

4 A.M. decided they wanted to have a chat, so I rolled over and shook the sleep out of my eyes.

I had fallen asleep with the lights on, so I felt like I had been flash-banged as I sat up. Naked, exposed, infiltrated.

Despite my best attempts, I hadn't woken up from a nightmare to return to my apartment in the city. Instead, the reality of my situation became more clear and tangible. Thoughts about fleeing, ending it myself, fighting my way out... They all waged war against one another for control of my attention, but in the end, the numbness over my eyes won the day. I couldn't move, or more specifically, I didn't want to. But then my stomach rumbled, and the pain that followed shook me to my core.

When was the last time that I had something to eat? I couldn't remember eating yesterday at all during the tour and introduction of this insanity campus. Food. Water. Something!

My eyes took in the room again, similarly to my awakening yesterday, except this time I found my room staring back at me. The boxes that sat throughout the room where bulging with whatever was packed inside. My desk gleamed, and the notepad atop it sat white as a spotlight. My dresser...

My dresser had a tray sitting on the top of it, and I could see the apple boldly presenting itself as if it were waiting for me to eat it. I practically jumped out of bed. As my feet hit the ground, I felt the metal between my legs again, and for a moment I wanted to tear it off, no matter the consequences, but hunger overtook me, and I scanned the tray. An apple, a handful of baby carrots, a slice of bread, and a packet of cookies next to a large bottle of water. In less than 5 minutes, there was no trace of anything upon the tray. I gulped down water, and as I set it down for a breath of air, I noticed an aftertaste that disappeared as quickly as I noticed it.

I shivered in the room. I needed to put on clothes, but out of some silent form of protest against the Doctor, I decided to wrap myself in a blanket instead like a poncho. A mirror stood over the dresser, and for a moment I felt that I looked like The Man with No Name, and I flicked my poncho back as if I were reaching for a revolver. But I saw my body again, and reality decided to rip me from fantasy yet again.

"Between us girls, you're kind of making them freak out. Coop is going crazy trying to figure out why you're still being sarcastic. Keep it up. I like it."

Kripke's words echoed in my mind. Maybe there was a gleam of hope for me. I took another look at my room, and it seemed more homely this time. The note on the desk appeared out of the corner of my eye. It read:


Please find the time soon to unpack your room. The boxes contain clothes, hygiene products, pastime materials, and anything else you may need to fill your dorm room to make it feel like your new home!

Again, class begins at 8 o' clock sharp this morning, so be in the study room and ready to learn! There is no dress code for tomorrow, but for days to follow, I will provide detailed expectations of attire.

Further, try to find it in yourself to enjoy these 18 months! Time passes more quickly to those enjoying every minute.

With love,

Your favorite Doctor.

I read the note a few times over just in case I missed any info about how to leave or opt out without finding myself at the wrong end of a gun.

How strange, she signs it "Doctor." No names at all.

Next to this, there was a copy of a science fiction book on the desk, Axiom's End. A sticky note was placed on the cover with Kripke's signature on it. I thumbed through it before turning to face the mountain of boxes behind me.

Soon I was rifling through the boxes, and the note could not have understated the contents any further!

The first box was labelled "Pastimes." Inside I found more than three dozen books. Dramas, non-fiction, thrillers, romance, graphic novels. Beneath these, I found a catalogue, of which had a note for me: Should you request a book not within our library, please list it below, and we will import it for you within 1 weeks' time.

Another box underneath had a small radio with a CD tray. Again, dozens of CDs, and another catalogue with a similar message. I considered putting on some music, but I realized it was so early, that if there were roommates nearby, I'd rather not wake them and have enemies for my first day of class.

There was a box full of toiletries and other bathroom supplies. To my surprise, I realized that I had missed a door completely, which was tucked into a corner behind the dresser. I opened it to find a lovely bathroom. A walk-in shower with glass sliding doors. Floor to ceiling tiles. A vanity with a thousand drawers. A dial on the wall could let me heat up the tiles for cold mornings.

I scooted the box over to the bathroom, and I began to pull out handsoaps, a new toothbrush, four different kinds of toothpaste. I pulled out shampoo, body wash, conditioner; all of which was distinctly feminine. Have I ever used conditioner? Underneath these, an unlabelled box was tucked away deep within other basic bathroom contents. I opened it to find various kinds of make-up. Different brands. Different utensils. Different sized brushes. Lipstick, mascara, foundation, eyeliner, blush... No matter how much I pulled out, I it seemed three more were further into the endless supply of facial routines.

Then I spotted a box of tampons and a box of pads within the box. There's no way... They expect me to use these? I'm still a guy, no matter how much blush I put on.

I set those deep in the vanity, and soon my bathroom was fully stocked.

The next few boxes were clothes. Clothes for any season. Clothes for any occasion. Clothes for 30 women were packed into these boxes, yet I only saw one small dresser. I unpacked box after box, and began to sort these clothes into piles in some attempt of organization.

Forming the shape of a clock around me, each hour marked a different pile. 1 o'clock was the pile of casual wear. Large t-shirts, gym shorts, leggings, tank tops, flowing skirts... 2 o'clock was my workout gear. I found sports tops, skin-tight shorts, tennis shoes, sports bras with "extra compression." 3 o'clock became the intimate pile. It seemed like there was a hundred different pairs of panties. Maybe 75 different bras, bralettes, sports bras, bras I had never seen before or understood when or why a woman would wear them.

My poncho fell every time I leaned over to pick something up, and eventually I decided to give in. I grabbed some panties that looked like boxers. I pulled over a sports bra and a t-shirt. A pair of shorts that stopped maybe 2 inches past where my dick dangled within its cage.

4 o'clock formed a mound of dresses that seemed more relaxed. I had seen women wear these around the city, or just hanging out in a coffee shop in these. 5 o'clock found the more formal clothes. Blazers, slacks, blouses. Pencil skirts and button-ups. 6 o'clock was the fancy dresses. Black ballgowns. Dresses for prom. I even saw a white dress that could have passed for a wedding dress. 7 o'clock found the pajama pile. Large shirts that could pass for dresses. Matching shirt and pant sets. Camisoles that left little to the imagination, but sleepwear, nevertheless.

Then one pile remained, and it brought a gulp of fear to me.

8 o'clock was the pile of lingerie. Complete sets were bagged up and bundled, and if a style existed, three matching ones in different colors followed. Nighties. Teddies. Stockings. Garter belts. Push-up bras made out of lace. Strappy costumes. Actual costumes of nurses, a nun, and a policewoman. Why would I be using these? What kind of study is this?

I began to put the clothes away, and shockingly, most of the clothes fit comfortably within the dresser. I found a rod hiding near my bed, which I had assumed was a water pipe, but upon closer inspection, was the perfect size to hang every single item without crowding them.

I stood happily in my room, and for a moment I forgot I was being held captive. Then I felt the urge to use the bathroom.

I stood in front of the toilet for a second, but then I realized I had no way to aim my business with the cage on it. Not at least without making a mess. I sat, and relief came at once. Sure enough, I even had to wipe like a woman to finish my business.

Okay, for almost a million dollars, I could get used to sitting while peeing. It makes cleaning the bathroom that much easier!

Sarcasm would win. If I could keep up the humor within myself and let it push through, then these people would never break me.


"Good morning, sweetie!" The Doctor's dark red hair was curly this morning. It stopped just above her shoulders today, whereas yesterday, her straightened hair had stopped above her breasts. "I'm glad you made it on time! And it seems you've really embraced this program. You look lovely." The Doctor was retrieving various papers from a brief case and organizing them into piles near the podium in the front of the room.

I sat in the chair that I had sat in yesterday. If I were to get jabbed by a needle again today, then maybe that chair was bad luck, but something told me I would be safer today. Further, I was a little more dressed up than I had intended for class today. The shower had served me so well. The water was so pure, and it felt like it scrubbed away any fears I might have had about his place. Once out, I dressed in the uniform from the day before. I looked in the mirror after I was dressed, and a strange visual trick had begun to unfold in front of my eyes. Damn. You really look like a woman... My hair was long enough now, that if I put any care into it, it gave off the style of a short women's cut. As I looked at the Doctor now, I realized my hair at its longest, looked to be the length that hers was today. Then, I concluded that I wanted to lean into this study. It was wicked, and strange. The people were unhinged, and they scared me as much as welcomed me. So, rather than dip my toes in, I dove. I spent the last hour before class applying a face of make-up, messing up, reapplying, and trying again. I'm sure it looked horrible, but I didn't mind. I wasn't here to impress anyone.

"So how did you sleep?"

"I slept fine; I suppose."

"Good. Those tranquilizers can really knock someone out. And we've got a long day ahead of us, so let us not waste time!"

No other people sat in the class. Kripke was not even around to guard me. Or did she guard the Doctor? Mr. Cooper was nowhere to be seen either.

"Is it just you and I today?"

"For the first section of today, yes. Later, you'll probably meet some of the other young ladies around the campus."

I bit my lip a little, careful not to smudge the soft red lipstick. "Are they young ladies like, me?"

The Doctor's eyes came up and peered into mine. "What other kind of lady is there? You are not some whores walking the streets for money. You all come from different places, and you are all participating in different studies. Some of these women have been here for over 3 years, and soon plan to join my studies and perhaps earn a partnership."

She was avoiding a particular word. I wanted to hear it.

"Were all of these women, men in the world before you kidnapped them?"

The Doctor stood up straight as she grabbed a handful of papers and walked over to me. She sat them on the table and leaned across from me. Like yesterday, she wore her white lab coat, but today it was over an outfit that exposed a bit of her cleavage. I desperately did not sneak a glance. "If you'd like to ask them such personal questions, then you may. But the answer is no! We don't kidnap people here. Some of you are prime targets, chosen from your unique societal conditions. The papers you signed yesterday suggest you applied for this position, and I assure you, that nobody else will say otherwise within these walls." She handed the papers down to me and leaned up, and she stuck her chest out, knowing I was wanting to look. "Speaking of, take a look at these papers. It's a... fun addition to our study. Interested in making extra money?"

I looked at the first page, and my heart dropped. As I scanned through it, the Doctor summarized these pages aloud for me.

"During your stay here, we hope you take this study seriously. The better and more thorough you take this study, the more we wish to compensate you afterwards. During your eighteen months here, we hope you can choose to live an accustomed yet normal lifestyle. The more natural we find yourself in this study, the more we hope to compensate you."

The pages were detailed activities, of which had spots for initials and dates to confirm when these activities happen, and next to these activities were numbers with plenty of zeroes to follow.

The Doctor continued, "See the top of page 1. Daily use of basic make-up (mascara, foundation...) for up to 30 days: $3000. Subject to repeat upon completed cycle." She returned to the podium, "Its quite simple and clear. If you wear make-up everyday here, and someone can verify it, in 30 days, we will add $3000 to the net amount once the trial ends. If you can't do the math quick enough, over 18 months that becomes an extra $54,000."

I gulped as I began to fathom how much money I would be making in a year and a half. "Lady, you are seriously going to pay me this much to play dress-up for you?"

"What a good point. Continue down three lines. Refer to myself as 'Doctor, or Ma'am.' Any time you fail to refer to me as one of these titles, $100 is to be subtracted from the net amount."

"Oh shit. Sorry, Doctor. How many times did I call you the wrong name yesterday?"

"Yesterday did not matter. As you see here, we want to be clear and transparent with this study, and I am entirely interested with the results in 18 months. For now, we'll put that page away, but be aware that starting today, any and all of those are active at the same time. Your homework for this evening is to read through that thoroughly. Some of those may catch you by surprise, so please read them carefully. For now! How does some basic body science sound? Better for us all to understand the skin we live within!"

For three hours, the Doctor passed from subject to subject, and quickly it was forgotten that any of this had to relate to being held captive in a subterranean science lab. Anatomy, history of the Appalachia, an intro to grammar and proper literature. I sat and squirmed, occasionally remembering that my skirt was not a pair of shorts, so I needed to close my legs, and keep them closed as well! At one point, I noticed the Doctor's eyes drifting toward the table rather than at my face. I realized that my legs had been quite open, and as I closed them, she seemed to catch herself as well, and with a nod, she went back to explaining away transatlantic trade routes.

At 11 A.M., the Doctor said that class was over. "As for now, that's all that we have time for here. Feel free to explore the home if you'd like. If you're hungry, the kitchen is upstairs, and Jacques is upstairs. He is our personal chef, and while he can make pretty much anything you want, he makes a meal for the entire home for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I rarely eat among the study subjects, but Miss Kripke will usually find herself eating here if she stays the night at the campus."

"Excuse me, Doctor. How many people are working here in the campus?"

"For staff, we have six of us. Myself as the head honcho. Mr. Cooper is my personal assistant and second-in-command. Miss Kripke is our security, along as one of our professors here on campus. Her master's is in astronomy! Exciting, I know!" I couldn't tell if her words were sarcastic, or if she just came across that way. "As I just mentioned, Jacques is our chef. Mr. Richmond is our groundskeeper. He is rarely seen inside except for meals. And finally, our administrative lead, Mrs. Kaylee. She is the one to talk to if you have any requests for outside entertainment, or what have you! If you have questions at all, Mrs. Kaylee is the woman to ask for."

The Doctor turned around and began to write upon the chalkboard as she said, "As for over members of the research, there are 4." She turned and upon the board she had written "Miss X." "So, we come to the end of today's lecture, but I have one more task for you to complete now. Truthfully, we need an answer by tomorrow morning, but I digress. What name will you be going by, sweetie? I'm sure Kripke hinted at this idea yesterday, as she always spills secrets that she shouldn't..."

"I think I know the name."

It was strange, but I had thought about the name as I was getting ready this morning. The shower, the make-up. The pride in how I looked. A name had popped into my brain, and I hadn't shaken it.

"Well, that is surprising! Usually, the women need a day to figure it out. Should you wish to change it, you may let me know by tomorrow morning. For now, what will the world call you?"

I stood and smoothed my skirt as I said, "My name is Jessica. Call me Jess."

The Doctor smiled with sneering teeth. She walked around the podium and stood opposite the table. A hand extended outright toward me, and the Doctor said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Jess."

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Shy1oShy1oabout 2 years ago

I was thinking the same thing, If their willing to kill him for saying no, what’s to say that they won’t just kill him or dump him off somewhere else entirely without him knowing how to report them. Regardless, still enjoying and hope it continues.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This idiot is awfully trusting that he'll get paid from people who drugged, kidnapped, threatened death and forced him to sign a bogus contract.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The first part was interesting, this one not so much. The MC is being held against his will and after all of the things forced and threatened, he consumes all of the food offered without checking it, he's already been drugged twice and threatened with death. He drinks the water with an aftertaste and blows it off and he unpacks his wardrobe like he's on vacation. It's just not what a normal person does in this situation. They're wanting to turn him into a woman for Christ's sake! He's so clueless, how did he live on his own. Oh, and he still hasn't looked for something to use as a weapon. Self protection. This could have been so good, but instead it's another one sided story, rushing to get him going.

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