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The Twelve Tables Ch. 08


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Peri frowned, she had never thought of it that way. "Society preaches monogamy. It is assumed you marry and have sex with that one person for the rest of your life," she vocalised her thoughts.

"I have always held great passion for Antonia. She is the one I dream of, the one who rules my heart and the one I long to make love to. There are certain times when she would rather I left her alone in that sense. I too prefer not to have sex from time to time, I have a bad back it is part of getting old, but still I would not refuse her one of life's joys just because I could not perform the dance myself. In either of these cases, there are the Kept, who are available whenever we wish or slaves who have said that if asked for consent they might be willing sexual partners." Joseph watched her carefully as he explained the difference and why they might be called upon.

"Emily will be unable to meet her husband's needs for the next six months. Do you think she would deny him a visit to the Kept?" He asked reasonably. "Once you are married you and Joshua can discuss your preferences and limitations but know that I have right to supersede even that because you will be family and under my dominion."

"I understand," Peri said finally. "Kept women sign away their right to consent and are available to members of the family as needed. Slaves with consent can be asked but have the right of refusal," she summarised to get his approval of her understanding.

"Go on," he encouraged.

"Sex is not love, and the members of your family do not impose monogamy or judge others on that basis," she added not sure if she had adequately summarised the gist of what he had told her.

"That is well put. I will ask you to sign a three-month contract as a Kept. Although you will not be confined to the kept house, you will undergo an intensive training regime before joining the house slaves. This will mean you are available to me and any member of my family who desires you during that time. Joshua is well aware that training with the Kept will be part of the contract," Joseph reassured her after she looked towards the doors he had gone through leaving her alone with him.

Her mind worked quickly. With most of his siblings in the city or not living in the big house that would mean she would be beholden to Joseph, Antonia and Carlo for the duration of that contract. She desperately wanted to talk to Josh and hear him say that he was aware of all his father was saying. She needed to hear him say that he wanted her to do this. Being a slave was no big deal to her when she considered being made a cook or a maid. Sexual submission to anyone but Josh just seemed wrong somehow, and she looked up at Joseph, who was studying her intently.

"You have more information now about my expectations of a future wife for my youngest son," Joseph said in an even voice. "Emily, Bianca and Carmen have all come from tables with the same values and went through a similar trial as did all of my children on their eighteenth year. I have not singled you out for this treatment."

"I would just like to hear Josh say that he knows and is happy that I will be signing a Kept contract, please. Then I will accept and agree to the trial and everything it entails," she said quietly.

Joseph picked up his phone and pressed a button holding it out in front of him. "Papa?" Josh's concerned voice came through loudly and clearly.

"This girl has more questions in her than you did as a boy," Joseph said sternly. "You are aware that the trial facing Peri would include training with the Kept are you not?" Joseph said leaving the phone on speaker and staring directly at her.

"Yes Papa," Josh said with confusion colouring his voice.

"You wish her to agree to it, do you not?" He asked his eyes not moving from Peri's expressive face.

"Yes. I know she will agree because she loves me as much as I love her and this is the way to have a future together that will include the biggest part of my life, my family," he said with feeling knowing she was listening to his answers now. "Peri, a few months is nothing compared to the rest of our lives."

"Thank you, Joshua," Joseph said abruptly cutting him off and withdrew the phone placing it on the console beside him.

"Have I angered you with my questions?" Peri asked the smile from her face dropping with the abrupt ending of the phone call.

"Not at all but it is good for him to worry about you," he said with a half-smile. "Now that the formality is done, and you understand the expectations of you," he began undoing his belt slowly. "You have consented to be here with me and speak the truth as well as obey my every command for two hours. As a reward for being honest with me, I will start your contract today, and you will still be allowed to go home and see your mother. I will not interfere with the time you have with Joshua during the holidays, however, should the opportunity present itself as it has at this moment, you will make yourself available to me."

"Yes, umm Sir," she hesitated over his name. Closing her eyes and swallowing deeply she told herself she could do this, it was what Josh wanted. It was what she wanted. She could do this, a few months of servitude for a lifetime of happiness.

"Sir is fine," he said gently, "You have a beautiful smile, it was one of the first things I noticed about you during lunch," he reached his hand into his pants and drew out his cock fisting it slowly. "I would like to see that beautiful smile wrapped around my cock." He threw a cushion on the floor between his legs and motion for her to kneel on it. This would be the biggest test of her agreement to all he had said.

Surprising herself, Peri moved with little hesitation to the cushion running the mantra of "A lifetime of happiness" through her head as she bent over the older man's thick veiny cock. Kissing the tip she stretched her lips over the swollen helmet and fluttered her tongue softly beneath the head making him elicit a groan of pleasure. His hands wound into her hair, and he gently encouraged her to take more moving her head slowly up and down until he had filled her mouth and she felt like she might gag.

Knowing what Josh liked after many, many hours of practise, she tried her best to move with a rhythm and pace that allowed her to breath and pay attention to the swollen purple glands at the head of his cock while still take as much as she could of him into her mouth. His cock was thicker than Josh's, but she was grateful that it did not have the same length. Though it wasn't much shorter and she found herself swallowing around just the tip as she pressed her head down taking all of him. Pulling her head back to lick and flutter her tongue under the glands she would look up with teary eyes to find him gazing down at her and a low groan escaping his lips.

His hand wound tighter into her hair, and his hips began to move, as she began to quicken her pace keeping her tongue flat and her lips tightly suctioning around the thick shaft of flesh. He groaned loudly as he started to come and she pulled her head back slightly only to have him tighten his grip further and hold her head in place as he thrust his hips up into her mouth several more times.

"Swallow it all," he rasped as she gulped feeling a small dribble escape the corner of her mouth. She swallowed several times, and as he released her hair, she gently cleaned all remnants from his cock and the corners of her mouth before kneeling back on the cushion.

"You have some skill in the oral arts, Joshua should be congratulated. I wonder what else my son has taught you," he looked at her speculatively knowing his son's preferences when using the Kept reasonably well.

Peri did not answer knowing it was more of a thought than a question directed at her. "Six months," she reminded herself. "Six months for a lifetime with the man I love."

"What a sweet girl you are," he stroked her face gently. "I can see why Joshua loves you as he does." He could also see why Veronica had seen her as a threat to the life she had made for herself. Veronica would have seen her access to his bankroll coming to an end and at that moment the excessive lifestyle she enjoyed. They had all been blind to it, most of all Josh, who blamed himself. He deserved the happy life this girl could bring him.

He would sign her to a contract today and let Josh announce their engagement at Christmas when everyone was gathered together. He momentarily thought again of Veronica, who was in a secure facility drying out and atoning for her sins but put the thought from him as he stood and walked to one of the side bays where his desk lay hidden behind a sturdy bookcase.

"Come and we will deal with the contract now," Joseph called to her, "Then I will talk to Joshua."

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aisielynnaisielynnover 5 years ago
To the Anon commenters....

*shakes her head at the self-righteous comments from some of the Anon commenters* You must not have been paying attention to the story and the information that Ellie has sprinkled through the previous chapters about how a Pater Familia works. She has been guiding us to what the trial might pose for Peri.... she has shown how Josh has warned each of his brothers who expressed any hint of interest in her and his cousin against trying to steal Peri away from him (relying on their love of family to not take advantage of her during the trial)... Peri has studied Pater Familias of the Tables, as well as the particular history of Josh’s family, and has asked questions that clarified what was going to be expected of her during the trial. She has also proven over time her willingness to be Josh’s submissive, hence why she wanted to hear him reassure her that this trial is what he wanted. If at any instance Josh had indicated that he was against any part of what he knew the trial would include, she would have hesitated. However, Josh and all of his siblings went through the same trial... they all served time as Kept, not just the girls.

As for why Josh (or any of the brothers or sisters/sisters-in-law) did not share what was expected of her on the farm, that is answered simply.... family law prohibits them from sharing those kinds of details with people outside the family and outside the families of the Twelve Tables. The families that make up the Tables are Pater Familias which means the head of the family has ultimate say over EVERY aspect of the lives of his family.... meaning if he wanted to treat every member of his family like a fucking slave he has every right to do that. However, Joseph cares for his family... he wants them to be happy and allows them the freedom to do that. The trial is important to his family (and likely all families of the Tables) because it is tangible proof of what each member of the family is willing to do to remain (or become) part of the family. If Peri passes the trial, it proves to Joseph that Josh’s wife not only loves him deeply but understands what is expected in and from a member of a Table family. If Peri had chosen to say no at any time during the negotiations or balked at giving him a blow job, Joseph would have sent her away and let Josh know that he did not approve of the marriage. Joseph recognizes just how deeply Peri loves Josh and that Josh chose his wife and life partner well. Joseph has heard and seen how Josh has grown since Peri came into his life. And, even though the trial will push Peri’s boundaries, I believe Joseph is hoping that Peri will pass the trial and come out stronger on the other end for not only her or Josh’s sake but because Peri will be a strong addition and asset to his family. If Peri were to fail the trial, I believe Joseph would honestly fear that Josh would go against the family and sacrifice all to marry Peri anyhow, even if it means that his new business will no longer exist and his trust fund and allowance disappears.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
not good

sorry this story just went south with daddy

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
What the???

I cannot see what other commenters are complaining about - everything in this story is consensual, Peri is not being forced to do anything against her will. She has been warned from the outset that the family have different traditions to others and she has always had the power to refuse. Peri is submissive and a pain slut - honestly cannot see why people are objecting to this storyline *shrugs*.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

oh no, this definitely went south soon, I am in general not into BDSM, but I can at least theoretically understand normally it is supposed to be consensual, whereas this is essentially blackmail and gangrape, a power trip for an old lecher. I have lost some of my respect for Peri at this point, as I kept waiting for her to balk at something, as this is definitely not normal. And to think that all the children and in-laws of the family had to go through it (I sure hope it was everyone and not just girls - if it was just girls, this is even worse than I thought) - no wonder they are so screwed up - it's just not natural to assume that all family members would be into BDSM naturally, which means they are groomed for that, which is ultimately child abuse. I understand that this is just a story, but when such talented writers take it upon themselves to glorify such lifestyles that basically take people to the middle ages, with women, as usual, getting the short end of the stick, then I find it problematic because it "normalizes" such stuff, and, unfortunately, there are plenty of people who would like this to actually be a reality. I will continue reading because I haven't yet lost hope that this will get somehow resolved more decently and the stupid system will get dismantled, but at this point the hope is dwindling...

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

This makes absolutely no sense. How could Josh act protective, possessive or jealous up until now knowing that soon all the men in his family were going to have the opportunity to treat the woman he loves like nothing more than a fuck toy? Especially his own father! What a grade A asshat! You just can't have it both ways. Either he loves her enough to talk openly about "The Family" and what she'll be asked to face or he puts them and his own selfish needs first. Better yet he could take her as far as he can get away from "The Family" telling them to stick their sick incestuous sexual slavery trial By having this sprung on her in the form of emotional blackmail shows just how little he considers her feelings about it and just how much more important his family is than her. This chapter reveals nothing about how he feels towards the actual practice but only his fear of her reaction. Is he into it? Does he get to watch? Join the train? Did Mommy & Daddy fuck him and his siblings too or is it as I suspect only the females subjected to sexual slavery? I care absolutely nothing for Josh now and have no respect for Peri capitulating so quickly. I hope one of the other brothers or cousins "Rocks her World" and she dumps Josh's stupid ass! That's the only way I'll give another 5 star vote! I actually gagged while reading the Dads blow job.

bloodandsandbloodandsandover 5 years ago
well that went left

Yeah, it's still forced sex. She doesn't want to fuck any of these other people. This story had great potential until other's are made to look the other way when their loved ones want to screw. Talk about a mad power trip. The father is scum and all need their head examined to go along with such bullshit.

StridernorthStridernorthover 6 years ago
This is a fine story...

It is wonderful the way she accepts the family; sucking off her boyfriend’s father.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Comma usage

Misuse of, and lack where appropriate, is distracting.

kiwiplumkiwiplumabout 7 years ago

Typical aussies

Theakston58Theakston58over 7 years ago
Shame on those that make their criticism personal.

I understand that some of your readers were dismayed by the events of this chapter. I, like the majority of your readers, enjoyed this chapter thoroughly and have to admit that I saw it coming. I believe you skillfully foreshadowed the patriarch's actions in earlier chapters. I suppose you as an author will have to get accustomed to the strong cries from your readers because your style compels them to become emotionally involved with the characters. That is proof of your considerable talent and you should see that as a point of pride. I do however take exception with anyone who would attack you or any author personally. Shame on you TonyWiwi! (The misspelling was deliberate.) I'm a fan.


oldguy32oldguy32over 7 years ago
Don't buy it, but great story anyway

Can't imagine any woman agreeing to this, but very well written. All of your work is very well done.

MLavioletteMLavioletteabout 8 years ago

I think this was the best chapter so far. They're all wonderful, but this one really showed the love they both have for each other. I love it and can't stop reading.

Great job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Don't understand

I rank you one of the best authors in this site. Very imaginative and thorough in details surrounding the main character and her acceptance and trials. I just don't understand certain comments on this story and others that portray an innocent that becomes involve in Dom/Sub or BDSM. If they don't like the way it's going or will not read it through to the end to understand the mind of the "Sub" then they should look more into the romance section, and not one under BDSM, and quit whining about it. XelliebabeX, you have done an awesome job in your storylines, and I for one look forward to your new additions!

teedeedubteedeedubover 8 years ago

quite an imagination........

TonyKiwiTonyKiwiover 8 years ago
nah lost me, I'm gone,

being a kept, for her is blackmail and rape. Peri is only doing it for Josh so the family is using her love for Josh to blackmail her into sex. That's rape, also regularly having sex with someone even a slave leads to a intimate attachment, ask any relationship expert, you would have to be an amoral person to think and do otherwise, which is what this author seems to be. TK

wish2basubwish2basubover 8 years ago
It's not that long

So, Joseph intends to use her as a kept. That bad news for those of us all into being and believing in love. However, on the bright side, he's agreed to 3 months and it started on December 23rd and includes the time she spends there with Josh before she starts her duties and the additional time to go home So, it's only an 11 week deal.

I'm not happy about the "kept" part but anyone who has ever loved deeply knows you do things you never thought possible.

Ellie, love your writing. Thank you for sharing that talent with the world. Checking back everyday for updates. Let me know where I can buy your books, please. Feel like I'm stealing from someone enjoying so much without it costing me.

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