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The Twins Take Over Ch. 03


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Axel didn't say a word. He tried not to look at the Doctor as he took the phone from his room. "I'll have your meals brought up and the guard will give them to you."

Doctor Jordan Majors. Seven different medical degrees over the last two hundred years. He'd trained in multiple specialties, thought he was smarter than everyone else. And he'd been fooled by an evil, conniving Alpha Werewolf. He'd ignored the signs, didn't want to believe they were true. He'd put aside all of his misgivings. The Alpha had given him all the equipment he'd asked for, all the help he wanted. He'd been allowed to work at the human hospital across the Bay as long as he was available when the Alpha needed him to treat the women.

He threw himself onto his bed and turned onto his back. The women. That should have been his first clue. The Alpha always wanted him to find out why his mates were barren. He'd never found anything wrong with them. Them. How many had there been? What an idiot! He should have known something was terribly wrong when he never bonded to the Alpha when he arrived. It should have been immediate when he accepted the position here.

He rolled onto his stomach and buried his face in his pillow. And now he couldn't even call Logan and tell him what was happening. If he could then Logan could send help.

And what about Anneke? She must have helped them escape. He hoped she would be able to get away for good. Her brother would kill her if he caught her, he knew that. He'd have to think of a way to get word to Logan, but how?


Rebecca watched the brown wolf's breathing slow as she fell asleep in Dani's lap. Anneke seemed to be much more comfortable with the splint on. Dani was so gentle with her as she stroked her head. She had to admit that when she first met Danielle she'd thought she was kind of an airhead. She talked non-stop. Rebecca had been more accustomed to Katy and her more reserved demeanor. But Danielle had proven herself a good friend in the last few weeks. And she looked so motherly sitting there with the wolf's head in her lap. She couldn't wait to see her with cubs.

Trey made a small fire near the opening to the cave. They could have a little light and a little warmth. He really didn't believe the females that they weren't uncomfortable. He watched as the smoke wafted outside.

Rebecca watched Trey and suddenly was overcome with a feeling of sadness. She hadn't had the surgery. She would never be able to give Trey cubs. She turned her back and walked further inside the cave. She had to find a place to be alone for a few moments. Her "other self" was frantic in her head about the idea of never having cubs. They had to have cubs, it was the entire reason for living. She hadn't gotten used to arguing with herself yet. It was so confusing. She tried to reassure the other that Trey would love them no matter what.

Trey's soft voice startled her. "Rebecca, what are you doing? Come back to the fire. You can dry off. You shouldn't be exploring the cave alone." His arms surrounded her, and he pulled her close to his body. He felt her body shaking. Was she cold? No, she's crying. He held her tight and let his chin rest on her shoulder. "Everything is going to be alright baby, I promise. I won't let anything happen to you, or Dani, or Anneke." He felt her body soften in his arms and she leaned into his chest.

She spoke so quietly that Trey had to strain to hear her, even with Werewolf enhanced hearing. "We'll never have cubs Trey. I've put all of us in danger for nothing."

He shook his head and spoke in a soothing tone. "Becca, wolves believe things happen for a reason and are meant to be. Look at Guillame. He's spent years trying to interpret Orsolya's dreams to see the future. What's meant to happen will happen. The biggest thing is that we were meant to be together. Don't ever question that." He tightened his hold on her and softly kissed the side of her neck, his tongue sliding across the bite mark he'd left earlier.

She shivered as she felt his tongue lap at her wound. She brought her hands up to pull his head closer. Her breathing deepened. We need to bite him, now! The voice in her head was insistent.

Trey's head shot up. He listened for a moment and whispered in her ear. "Troy's back. We will continue this Becca, soon." He kissed her neck one more time and forced himself to let go of her and return to the entrance to meet his brother.

She sighed and tried to calm herself as she heard Troy's bark of greeting. She sat by the fire and stared at the flames. She smiled when Danielle reached out and took her hand. She squeezed it tight.

Troy shook himself to dry his coat and then shifted. His excitement was obvious even before he spoke. "There's no one out there. I don't think that patrol ever picked up our scent. There was no sign they'd been within five miles of here. I get the feeling they were just fanning out to try to pick up our scents. I'll bet they got confused about why they couldn't find our trail." Troy had a huge grin on his face. He glanced at Dani and smiled when he saw how she was comforting Anneke. She really did have a motherly instinct. Good thing since his plans included lots of cubs. When his eyes fell on Rebecca and her sad face he looked at his brother.

Through their bond Trey told him she was upset that she'd never had a chance to have the surgery.

Troy looked at his brother, and then at Rebecca, looking dejected and depressed. "You know, they won't start a new search until the rain stops, and we have to stay here until Anneke is healed enough to travel." He winked at his brother. "Maybe you and Rebecca should take some time to be alone."

Trey looked at Rebecca. He silently held out his hand and waited. He wouldn't push her. He smiled. She looked so beautiful sitting there, her fingers running through her hair.

The only sounds in the cave were the flames licking at the wood, and their breathing.

She stopped and lifted her eyes to his. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. She would. They would never have any cubs, but he didn't care, he loved her. She took his hand, and he easily pulled her to her feet.

Trey put a protective arm around his mate and turned her towards the darkness of the cave. He leaned in close and whispered, "Let's explore."

They walked silently deeper into the cave. Rebecca kept her arm tight around Trey's waist. There was no light from moon or the fire anymore and she was blind. She relied on his steady guidance. Her hand reached out for the side of the cave and she dragged her fingers across the rock. "Are you sure there aren't any wild animals hiding in here?"

He laughed. "I promise that the only wild animal is me." He gripped her tighter.

"Where are we going?" She whispered even though she knew there was no one to hear them. But something about being in the dark frightened her, even with Trey by her side. She felt so out of her element in the dark.

"We're almost there." Trey's wolf was circling. He could smell her. She was theirs. Soon their bond would be in place and he would sire his cubs. Trey tried to remind him she wouldn't be able to get pregnant. His wolf didn't seem to believe him. The full moon was almost at it's zenith, and Trey could feel a difference in Rebecca. Her wolf or panther, whichever, was close.

Suddenly she made out just a little bit of a light ahead. "Where is that coming from?" She could see a silhouette of his chiseled face.

"You'll see."

She could make out his smile. Within a few minutes she could see the opening in the cave wall. It looked like there had been a cave-in at some time and it let in enough light so she could actually see. And what she saw was beautiful. There were shrubs with tiny white or pale pink bell shaped flowers, and another with lavender flowers. "Oh Trey it's beautiful." She let go of his hand and walked among the plants, touching the delicate blooms. "And they smell wonderful. It's January and there are flowers inside of a cave." Her smile lit up the dark cave. She looked up into Trey's eyes and knew they belonged together. He was right, never question it.

He brought his hands to her face and held her gently, brushing her lips with his own in a caress. But he should have known the moon's influence would take over. She crushed her lips to his and what started as a sweet loving gesture become a heated, passionate kiss. Her hands moved over his body, trying to find their way to his skin. She was tugging at his shirt, ready to rip it open. He managed to undo the buttons in time. These were all the clothes he had.

Trey could tell the animal was leading the way, and he let her have what she wanted. He would not try to control any of this. He pulled her shirt over her head and marveled at how soft her skin was. He didn't have time to savor the feel as she was in a hurry.

She needed to feel his skin on hers, under her tongue and lips, between her teeth. If she took too long something or someone would interrupt them. She would kill anyone who tried to come between her and her mate now. She fumbled with his zipper and was becoming frustrated. Why couldn't she get it undone. She looked down and tried again but her fingers just weren't working correctly. His hands closed softly around her wrists to slow her movement. She heard his murmured words but couldn't understand. He was trying to calm her but she was on fire. She needed him now!

He held her wrists and stepped away from her. He laughed when he heard her growl. It wasn't a wolf's growl though. It was definitely a cat. He unzipped his pants and stepped out of them, leaving them in a pile on the ground.

Rebecca took deep breaths, her nostrils flaring. She watched him carefully as he stood still. His body was magnificent, perfectly sculpted, muscles well defined. He was an excellent mate. His black hair fell over his eyes. She reached up and brushed it back and then slid her hands over his shoulders and down his chest. She wanted to know every part of him. She raked her nails across his belly and he drew in his breath but didn't move. She could see red lines where her nails had dug into his skin. She slowly dropped to her knees and kissed the scratches she'd made, licking each in turn.

When her nails clawed his skin his cock jumped and throbbed. He watched her kissing his skin, and then, she sucked the air out of his brain when she took his cock into her mouth and used her tongue to bathe it in her saliva. His head fell back and his mouth dropped open, letting out small moans and an occasional growl. His hands found her hair and he slid his fingers through the silky strands.

The purring was making his cock pulsate with need. He saw the wild look in her eyes. Now he could see the difference, the panther looked back at him, not Rebecca.

She had a hand on the base of her cock as she lathered him with her tongue. But she needed to have him fill her. She looked up, his cock deep in her throat and slid off of him, her tongue never losing contact. She flicked it across the head, tasting his pre-cum, and licking her lips. She slowly backed away and looked up at him expectantly.

His fingers touched her face and he smiled. Her small hand took hold of his arm and pulled down. He took the hint and joined her on the ground.

Once he was on his knees in front of her she licked his chest, nipping at his skin as his hands stroked the smooth skin of her back. His fingers moved down her spine and she arched forward into his body. He could smell her pussy and his mind reeled. His wolf wanted to take her again, but it was her turn now and he had to wait. His cock head grazed her belly and his wolf growled low.

Trey's voice was low and he could barely get the words out. "Becca, you're torturing me baby. I can't hold off much longer. My wolf is going crazy." She looked up and grinned. But he didn't recognize her. It was a look of lust he'd never seen on her face. His panther was going to be a lot to handle, he was sure.

She could see he was ready for her, more than ready. She pushed on his shoulders, forcing him to the ground on his back. She sucked his skin into her mouth just above his cock. She felt it rubbing her face and purred again. She slowly licked and kissed her way up his stomach and chest and flicked her tongue across his nipples. She swung her leg over his hips and felt his cock bumping up against her swollen wet pussy.

She watched his face and licked her lips as she lowered herself, feeling his thick cock parting her pussy lips. She felt him enter her depths and half moaned, half purred as he filled her completely. She closed her eyes for a moment as she savored the feel of him buried to the hilt. His cock head was forcing it's way into her cervix, and she was amazed at the pleasurable feeling she got from it. When she opened her eyes she looked down at her mate and smiled. She began to rock against him, forcing his cock to hit her clit, over and over. She felt herself cumming and moaned and purred in ecstasy as her fluids covered his cock.

His hands traveled over her body, holding her beautiful breasts in his hand as she began to move up and down. He squeezed them, pinching the nipples between his fingers, smiling as he heard her growl. His knot had grown and he thrust up to stretch her open and seat it tightly.

The sweat rolled down her face as she worked his cock, taking pleasure from every movement of him inside her. She leaned forward and licked his neck. His arms circled her waist and pinned her body to his thrusting cock. Her attention was on the pulsing under her mouth. She could feel the warmth of the blood rushing through the vein underneath his skin. She opened her mouth and felt the tips of her canine teeth sharp under her tongue. Sharper than she remembered. She smiled to herself as she bit down hard into his neck.

His howl reverberated through the cave as his cock exploded into his mate. He pumped his cum furiously into her tight hole, filling her completely.

She writhed and moaned and growled as her own climax came when his cum shot inside her.

The three sitting around the fire heard the howl. Troy took Danielle's hand and squeezed it tight.

Anneke lifted herself off the ground, holding her splinted leg up in the air. She looked outside the entrance and back at Troy.

"OK, we'll be here if you need us." Troy pulled Dani up to stretch her legs. She'd been sitting with Anneke in her lap for almost an hour and a walk would do her good. He touched her face tenderly and pushed her brown hair out of her face. "Our turn soon Dani. I promise." He leaned forward and kissed her hard.

Anneke was only gone a few minutes before coming back. The rain was still coming down and it dripped off her brown coat. She stood just inside the entrance and wriggled her body as carefully as she could to shake the water out of her fur without hurting her leg. She moved closer to the fire and circled twice before finding a comfortable spot and laid down to warm herself and dry her fur.

Trey loved the feel of Rebecca's body pressed tightly to his while they waited for his knot to go down. He spoke to her through their bond for the first time. "How do you feel?"

She was laying in his arms, totally relaxed for the first time since they'd left home. Actually, she was more relaxed then ever in her life. She answered him that she felt wonderful before she'd fully realized he never spoke a word. "So this is what it's like. Now I'll never be alone again." She held his arms tight around her stomach. "What time is it? There's so much more light. Is the sun coming up?" She looked around at their little garden area. The flowers were so beautiful and she could see so much more detail.

"It's almost midnight. You're a Werepanther baby. We can see at night with about a sixth of the light that a human needs." One of the best parts about the bond is that he didn't have to stop kissing her skin while they communicated. He loved the feel of her skin under his lips. But he couldn't wait to meet her panther and he was willing to stop for that. He knew that as soon as the tie was over, she would make herself known. As much as he enjoyed the feeling of being tied to his mate, he couldn't wait for his cock to free itself so she would shift for the first time.

Rebecca was stroking the skin on his arms, delighting in her new senses. She could hear Trey's heart beating and see the bat hanging above them from the roof. And as amazing to her as it seemed, she wasn't afraid of it. If she'd seen it there earlier, she would have screamed and run off. Now? She couldn't think of anything that could scare her except for losing her mate. She sighed when she felt his cock leaving her.

She sat up and looked around her. Everything seemed so different. Trey was holding her hand and pulled it to his lips. She smiled at her mate. She was whole, for the first time in her life. "Do you want to meet her?"

"Of course silly. She's your other half now." He leaned on his elbows and watched her carefully. "I'm ready, are you?"

Rebecca closed her eyes. In her mind she could see the panther. They were standing there staring at each other and smiling. "It's your turn for a while." The panther nodded and walked forward as Rebecca curled up in a ball to sleep.

Trey watched in awe as his mate shifted for the first time. He'd never seen a Werepanther, he wasn't sure what to expect but what he saw took his breath away. She was amazing! She was as tall as his wolf but longer. She was sleek and her coat was the same beautiful color of corn silk. She looked at him with Rebecca's hazel eyes and laid down next to him, stretching her body out and then molding herself to him. His hand stroked her fur as they continued to communicate through their bond. She licked his face with a long slow stroke of her tongue. He loved the texture of her tongue on his skin.

They lay face to face, lost in each other's eyes. Trey shifted and the black wolf licked his mate's face for the first time. The panther rolled onto her back, her legs splayed and basked in her mate's attention as he licked her chest and belly. He made his way to her swollen pussy and slowly lapped at their combined cum. The panther purred loudly and let out a roar as she orgasmed for the first time in this form.

The threesome waiting for the lovers jumped when they heard the loud roar from the other end of the cave. Troy winked at Dani. That would be her soon enough. Anneke looked a little nervous. "We've never met a Werepanther before either Anneke." Troy patted her head as he attempted to calm her. He had to admit he was a little nervous too.

A few moments later they heard movement behind them and watched as the blond panther and the black wolf walked out of the darkness side by side.

Danielle's mouth dropped open. She hadn't thought about what the panthers would look like outside of her dream. But this was it. This was her future. She got up slowly and walked towards the pair. "Oh Rebecca, you're so beautiful." She was awestruck by the sight. She walked slowly around the panther and reached out to touch her soft fur.

The panther shifted and Rebecca was standing in her place. "Dani, it's amazing, amazing! I can see so much more detail, and in the dark too. And my hearing is better, and sex, oh my God Dani, the sex is amazing." She suddenly realized that it didn't bother her to be standing here without any clothing on. Last week she'd been worried about the constant nudity she saw at the compound. She thought she'd be undressing in her room and running back to put her clothes back on. She couldn't care less about being seen nude. And as she looked down, she realized she'd also done a little firming up. A nice side effect.

Danielle began to blush. She looked at Troy. "I don't know how much longer I can wait Troy. I feel like I'm going to explode."

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Archangel_MArchangel_Mover 12 years ago

I think you may be right, Doc. Considering were healing powers, it wouldn't surprise me if the 'damage' corrected itself without any medical intervention.

The other possibility I've considered is that Trey and Rebecca will end up being the Alpha Couple for the pack when the dust settles, and that *not* having cubs of her own will allow Becca to more effectively be mother to the whole pack, as it were. Less ideal, but equally plausible. :)

DoctimeDoctimeover 12 years ago
Tube's tied?

I think not! The humans tubes were tied, the were panther starts out perfect, I suspect. Only time will tell! ;->)

reader018reader018over 12 years ago
hope everything works out for rebecca,

it would suck not to be able to kids in my opion!!!

lonesomedove66lonesomedove66over 12 years ago
You are brilliant

I love how this is going but can't wait to see how this turns out, there is no loyalty for Rolf and the Dr I feel sorry for him, but angry too, code of ethics a genius shouldn't take privelige over decency but then better late than never hehe Onto the next chapter

kuroukiphoenyxkuroukiphoenyxover 12 years ago
its your fault

I'm up at 3 am reading this....

Shame on you?

Can't wait!

PoisonlovePoisonloveover 12 years ago

loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Great Chapter

Loved it. I appreciate your writing skills. keep up the good writings.

MizTMizTover 12 years ago

Now that Becca and Trey have completed their mating will Dani and Troy be next? I say yes! While the girls were under sedation they both had the same dream that they were Werepanthers, so it only right that Dani will become one also. And what of Anneke? She has risk her own life to say the twins and their mates. My hope is that she's able to join the twins pack and also finds her mate w/i the new pack.

As always I wait for the next installment of this wonderful story!

Patrolin_AusPatrolin_Ausover 12 years ago

okay...time for Trey and Dani to mate...poor guys have waited long enough. :)

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