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The Unwitting Guardian Ch. 13

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Beginning of the Altacun Resort Retreat.
6.3k words

Part 13 of the 15 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/26/2012
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Author's Note: Hey guys... So, uh, yeah, this is like, extremely late. I could write some excuses and such, but I'm not going to, because you guys don't really care about them, and you're probably gonna be mad regardless. But! There is a bright side! The wait is over for the next however long it takes you guys to read this, and then it begins again! Doesn't that just make this little interaction we have here seem so fulfilling? ...probably not, tbh, but hey, I tried. Anyway, enjoy!


Ryna gasped audibly as the ocean came into view from behind the welcome center.

"You alright mon?" Raas asked, looking at him uncertainly.

"Yeah, its just that I've never seen the ocean before. I didn't realize it would be so... big," he said, boyish wonder creeping into his features. Raas just chuckled and punched his shoulder lightly.

"If you spend all your time lookin' at the water, you're gonna miss the beach babes mon," he replied, pointing toward the stretch of white sand that was between them and the endless blue of the ocean.

"True, though I'm only really interested in seeing one in particular," he mumbled to himself, "Do you know how the room assignments are going to be done?"

"Ya mon. Partners together in bungalows, Singles in the hotel," he said.

"Partners in Bungalows... They're just inviting crazy shit to happen aren't they?" Ryna asked.

"True, but it isn't like this is High School or anything mon. Van-Cademy is open to anyone that passes the test, regardless of age. Our class is just strange because we all happen to be around 20," he explained. They entered the welcome center, and approached the receptionist. There were other people he recognized sitting around in the lobby, some already chatting with members of the opposite sex.

"Gramps IS a genius," Ryna thought. The receptionist looked up at him, staring for a brief moment before she caught herself.

"How may I help you?" she asked, keeping her tone professional.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up my room key," he said, smiling at her. She looked away, the slightest color rising to her cheeks.

"Name?" she asked.

"Ryna Harcourt." he replied.

"Number?" she asked.

"4047--" he began without thinking. Then he caught himself, "Sorry miss, I'm afraid I already have a girlfriend,"

"Aw, well if you ever feel like playing around, you know where to find me. Here's your key," she said, pulling a cardkey out from under the desk and handing it to him with a wink.

"Thanks, though I don't think I'll take you up on that offer," he replied, turning away from the desk. Raas stepped up behind him and got his own room key.

"You didn't even do anything mon, why the hell did she try and get your number?" he asked incredulously.

"I'm just that good," Ryna replied, nodding his head to lend weight to his words.

"Some guys have all the luck mon..." Raas mumbled discontentedly.

"Cheer up Raas, you got 11 days to relax and find a nice girl, you'll be fine," Ryna said, grinning at him. "Worst comes to worst, I'll play wingman for you,"

"No offense, but you'd be the worst wingman. Recent history has proven that," he replied, cracking a smile.

"I wasn't trying yet. I can be pretty damn persuasive when I want to be," he replied, stroking his non-existant beard again.

"You have to grow a beard for that to work mon," Raas said, pointing to his chin-stroking hand.

"First rule of literature is the suspension of disbelief Raas. You just have to roll with it and pretend either I have a beard and its not weird, or not notice it in the first place," Ryna said, continuing to stroke his chin.

"See, at this point its just bothering me," Raas sighed, shaking his head. As he finished speaking, two hands reached around Ryna and covered his eyes.

"Oh, who's this?" he asked, reaching his hands behind him to feel for the culprit, "Hmm, short and slender body, definitely a girl. Sensara?"

"You got it," she replied, letting her hands fall away from his eyes. "Did you get the key?"

"Yep, I got it," he replied, dangling it from his hand for her to see.

"And the receptionist's number," Raas added jokingly.

"No no! I almost gave her mine, but then I caught myself," Ryna scrambled. He threw Raas a deadly glance.

"Hahaha sorry mon, I couldn't help it. Well, I oughta get to my room, I'll see you two lovebirds soon," he said, turning and exiting the welcome center.

"So you were chatting up the receptionist huh?" Sensara asked in a less-than-amicable tone.

"I was getting our key and she asked for my number. Nothing else happened," he said, stroking her hair gently.

"Mhmm, sure," she said skeptically.

"I'm gonna kill Raas later," Ryna muttered. Sensara's expression lifted as she pulled away from him.

"Let's just get to our bungalow before a swarm of women descends on you," she said, grabbing his hand and pulling him out into the salty sea breeze.

"No problem," he said, grinning. He froze time, then picked Sensara up princess-style. "Ready for another flight with Rynair?"

"No, wait, Rynaaa!" she exclaimed as he sprinted up into the air. Soon they were standing a hundred or so feet off the ground. He turned to face the ocean, and marvelled at the beauty of the setting sun reflecting off the stilled waves.

"What a beautiful view," he said, sitting midair, adjusting Sensara so that she was sitting on his lap.

"Mmmm there is no one I'd rather share this view with than you, Ryna..." she trailed off as she lifted her lips to meet his. The kiss was gentle, just lips pressed tightly against lips, and Sensara hooked one arm around his neck, tousling his red hair with her fingers. Her other hand entwined itself with one of his. They kissed for a minute or two before Ryna pulled away, looking lovingly into her eyes.

"Seeing as everyone else is frozen in time right now, I'm the only one you can share it with," he said, grinning roguishly.

"Could you stop being an insufferable goof and just kiss me?" she asked, smiling anyway. She turned into his chest, pressing her lips to his again, this time more passionately. She caught his lower lip between hers, and pulled on it gently, then released it and went back to pressing her lips against his. He pulled away again, kissing his way along her cheek to her ear.

"We should continue this at the bungalow," he whispered in her ear, nibbling her earlobe enticingly.

"You're only getting to second tonight babe," she whispered back, kissing his cheek. She shuddered a little bit at the feeling of his tongue on her earlobe.

"That's still two bases," he whisper-replied seductively.

"Seeing as you've had the whole thing before, I'm surprised you would settle for just my breasts," she remarked, actually somewhat surprised.

"We have 11 days. I'm in no hurry," he replied.

"Actually, you have 4, remember?" she reminded him.

"...Damn, in that case I am in a hurry," he said, though his tone didn't suggest he had changed his attitude much.

"Don't worry, I want to as much as you do," she whispered in his ear, nibbling his earlobe the same way he was to her.

"Then why not today?" he asked.

"A girl has to have some modesty Ryna," she replied. She pulled away and looked him in the eyes. He was clearly aroused, though he didn't look like he was horny enough to try and go against her wishes.

"If someone could see us right now, I wonder what they'd think?" he said randomly, looking down at the various figures below, going about the business of getting their keys, or chatting with friends.

"Probably something along the lines of 'look at that lovey-dovey couple floating in the sky'," she replied, still focusing on his face. Part of her really wanted him to take her tonight, but she also wanted to keep him coming back for more. It was stupid really, she knew he loved her, and would come back for more regardless of what she gave him tonight, but she just wanted to keep him a little on edge. She wasn't happy with the idea of him being able to see so many attractive girls in bikinis, especially given that he had spearheaded the efforts to pass the test with the motto of "Bikini Paradise". She wanted to make him remember that she was special, not just someone he could take for granted, and if withholding sex was the way to do it, that's what would happen, even if it was only for a matter of hours. She sincerely doubted she could get through the morning without breaking and climbing on top of him.

"So this may seem like a stupid question," he began. His voice broke her from her thoughts, and she inclined her head, leaning her forehead against his.

"Go on," she said.

"Which way is our bungalow?" he asked, blushing slightly. She couldn't suppress her smile. She pointed down the beach toward a row of houses on the waterfront.

"I got Grandfather to give us the one furthest away so we could have our privacy," she said. He stood up, picking her up with him.

"Ah the perks of being the granddaughter of the headmaster," he said, grinning. "Walking all the way there is going to be a pain."

"Better get started then," she said, poking his nose affectionately.

"I oughta put you down on the ground and let you walk," he grumbled.

"Grandfather said our bungalow had two bedrooms, just in case..." she began, flashing a devilish smile at him.

"One first-class airwalk with Rynair, coming right up!" he exclaimed, jogging along the coast in the direction she had pointed.


"Could you try and find something any more secluded?" Ryna asked sarcastically as he touched down on the front porch. The bungalow was a small 1-story building with a design clearly intended for tropical living. It was raised off of the ground slightly, and when Ryna opened the door, he noticed that a single long hallway ran the length of the bungalow. Perhaps more noticeably, he only saw one room that looked like a bedroom.

"Mmm, nope, probably not," she replied, walking through the door he had opened. She poked around in the living room area, plopping down onto the couch. Ryna decided to explore the bungalow, a childlike sense of adventure and discovery coming over him. He quickly came to realize that the dwelling held no secrets, no trapdoors or hidden passageways. He came into the living room and sat next to Sensara, feeling more than a little put out.

"What's the matter babe?" she asked, briefly looking up from the magazine she had found on the side table.

"It has come to my attention that this bungalow is entirely devoid of hidey-holes and secret passageways. I am disappointed," he said in an official tone, as if he were reporting it to a superior officer.

"And this surprises you because?" she asked with mild interest.

"Because I expect too much of resort designers," he replied, putting his arm around her shoulders.

"Well, there's your problem, you shouldn't expect so much of them. They're probably overworked during construction, and way too busy to design secret passageways and such in run-of-the-mill bungalows," she chided. He stuck out his lower lip, pouting to show his disappointment. She sighed, "I need to change out of these clothes, I've been in them all day, I feel grungy."

"That sounds awful," he teased, chuckling as she got up. She went into the bedroom, then stuck her head back out a few seconds later.

"They haven't delivered our luggage yet," she observed. She looked at the clock. It wasn't moving. "Oh Rynaaaa."

"Yes, what is it?" he asked from his position on the couch, where he had leaned back and closed his eyes.

"Why is it that the clock isn't moving at all?" she asked in a tone that suggested she already knew the answer. He realized what she meant right away. Silently, he resumed time.

"No idea Sen, must be broken," he replied, hiding his momentary embarrassment.

"Oh, its working now, how odd," she said, coming back into the living room and sitting next to him. She picked up her magazine again. A few minutes later, they heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Ryna called, startling Sensara slightly. He hadn't been moving, and she thought he might have fallen asleep. The door opened, and two men entered, carrying their luggage. They looked mildly confused as to how Sensara and Ryna had beaten them to the bungalow, but they were professional enough to refrain from asking.

"Sorry for the wait ma'am, here is your luggage," they said as they shuffled into the bungalow. They set it down in the hallway, then quietly excused themselves.

"About time!" Sensara huffed, standing up and picking up the bags. She laid them on the ground in the bedroom, and opened her bag. Ryna stood up and waited in the doorway.

"Not really their fault, its only been ten minutes or so since we got off of the hoverbus. If they're already delivering our luggage, then they probably beat everyone else to their places." Ryna said. She ignored him, and began putting away her clothes in the drawers of the room's dresser.

"True, I guess it isn't really their fault that a certain lovable idiot forgot that he had dominion over all of time," she teased. Ryna chuckled.

"You just called me lovable, I'm going to take that as a compliment," he said, ignoring the rest of the sentence. She pulled out what looked like a bikini and a shawl and laid them on the bed.

"You're hopeless too, just so you know," she remarked, smiling gently at him. She pulled her shirt off, tossing it in a corner of the room, then did the same with her bra and shorts. With a cutesy little shake of her hips, she shrugged off her panties as well. Ryna stood in the doorway, admiring her body. His eyes followed her curves, working their way down her body.

"You're giving me that perverted look again," she said. Despite her words, she turned a little to show off before reaching over to retrieve the bikini she had set out on the bed.

"I can't really help it can I?" he replied, "Why are you putting the bikini on?"

"Because we're going to the hot springs, obviously," she said, winking as she pulled the top over her breasts.

"When did we decide this?" Ryna asked, opening his own bag.

"Just now. I thought it would be a good way to relax, and you agreed," she answered, giving him an innocent look. "Are you saying you don't want to?"

"No no, I would love to," he replied, pulling out his own swimsuit. She pulled the bikini bottom on, then wrapped the matching shawl around her waist. He noticed that it was slightly see-through, letting him look at her lovely legs. The whole outfit had a refined feel to it that suited Sensara. She sat on the bed and looked at him.

"Then get your trunks on and let's go," she demanded impatiently. He dropped his shorts and boxers together, giving her a quick peek at his semi-erect cock before he pulled his swim trunks on. He switched into a fresher t-shirt, and held his hand out to her.

"Ready to go?" he asked.

"Wait a moment, is that the only swimsuit you brought?" she asked, eyeing it apprehensively.

"Yep," he replied, curiosity crossing his face.

"Darling, we are going to need to fix that tomorrow," she said, sighing resignedly. Ryna looked down to examine his trunks. He quite liked them. They were covered in what looked like some type of tropical leaf, with strange yellow fruit growing here and there.

"Do they embarrass you Sensara?" he asked, a look of mischief replacing his curiosity.

"Very much so," she replied, "and I would appreciate it if you would wear the ones we buy tomorrow, rather than that... abomination,"

"Well, it looks like we have found what I'm wearing for the rest of the trip. Especially when we go out in public," he said, grinning devilishly.

"...I will kill you Ryna," Sensara threatened. She gave him a look that could subdue a tiger, but he shrugged and laughed. He bent over and took her hand.

"We were going to the hot springs right? Which way is that again?" he asked, pulling her up off the bed as he started down the hall and out the front door.


They found their way to the hot springs fairly easily, thanks to various signs and guideposts. When they arrived, they found the mixed spring. Ryna was pleasantly surprised when they were informed that swimsuits were not allowed in the springs, though towels were provided for modesty.

"Honestly! Who came up with that idea? Between no swimsuits and a mixed bath, who knows what kind of trouble people get into in here?" Sensara huffed as they lowered themselves into the water. The hot water enveloped them, soothing their tensed muscles. The spring had a very natural look, with several large boulders and a waterfall near the back that gurgled in an aesthetically noisy manner.

"I quite like it actually. Though it would be a bit more fun if you weren't so comfortable with me seeing you nude," Ryna mused. She sat next to him, leaning her head back on his arm as they both gazed up into the sky. The sun was just starting to sink beneath the horizon, casting it's brilliant orange hue on the ocean.

"I apologize for not being a shy maiden," she replied sarcastically.

"Even when we first met, you didn't really have any shame did you?" Ryna asked, chuckling as he thought back to when he had opened his door to see her standing on the stoop. It had shocked him, for sure, and what she had done next had surprised him even more. He looked over at her, and saw that she was blushing furiously.

"I don't know what in the world possessed me to do that. I still can't believe it," she replied, catching his eye.

"I'm glad you did though," he whispered gently.

"I think I just had this urge to make you mine, before anyone else could have you," she continued, sitting up and straddling him. Her hands cupped his cheeks as he lifted his head to look at her.

"It certainly paid off," Ryna teased as she pressed her lips to his hungrily. She caught his lip between hers, licking it gently before releasing it, then mashing her mouth back down on top of his. He responded eagerly, slipping his tongue between his lips to wrestle with hers.

"Every now and then I get this uncontrollable urge to remind you that you're mine, that I don't like it when you look at other women," she whispered, breaking the kiss momentarily.

"If you keep saying things like that, I'm not going to be able to stop with just your lips," Ryna warned gently. Sensara felt his cock against her thigh, already erect.

"I don't mind," she whispered seductively, pools of lust forming in her eyes. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly to his chest. He let one hand slide down her back, gently down her hips and thighs to pull away his towel. She leaned back, relying on him to guide his hardened member into her pussy. She moaned as she sunk down onto his cock, feeling him hit deep inside her. Slowly she pulled herself back up, moaning again as she sank back down.

She felt his hand squeeze her ass, encouraging her to ride him faster. She hooked her arms around his neck, pressing her lips to his in an open-mouth kiss as she picked up her pace. The water sloshed around them as their hips collided, adding more wet noises to their own.

Ryna stood suddenly, picking her up. She broke their kiss, startled. He carried her behind one of the large rocks in the spring, close to the small waterfall.

"You can make a bit more noise here," he said, turning her so that she was facing the rock. He rammed into her from behind, eliciting several loud moans from Sensara. She felt his fingers trace their way up her back, splitting up as one hand danced around her side to pinch her nipple, while the other continued up her body and across her cheek, finally resting on her lips. She greeted it with another moan as he hit deeper inside her, and her tongue poked out to play with his fingers.


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