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The Water Nymph

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A frustrated husband meets a water nymph at lake.
2.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/05/2019
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I was badly in need of a good swim to clear my head, having driven since dawn to get to this neck of the woods on my camping trip with Stephanie, my wife of six years. The summer retreat was as much her idea as mine, both of us agreed that we needed to escape the stress and hectic pace and maybe just enjoy each other's company. We'd been fighting a lot more and having a lot less sex in the past year or so than we previously did, ever since she became an insurance agent at a fairly large company.

My decision to become a personal trainer and swimming coach (and often lifeguard in the summer and spring break) also bothered Steph at times. At least the gym bit was because I was exposed to so much eye candy and she sensed that I was bi, too. I wasn't sure what she feared about the lifeguard part. The lifeguards where I worked were all very professional and a slight majority of our customers were underage, so off-limits to us even outside of the usual rules. Sometimes, she even locked me out of the bedroom, something that I personally hated so much that the last time it happened, I didn't speak to her all weekend. That worried her enough that she didn't repeat it so far.

Anyway, Steph was in a grouchy mood from the RV drive to get to the lake, so I didn't want to get into another fight that would spoil the chances of a new spark in our romance. I had lingering doubts about the wisdom of marrying her that dated back to when we first became exclusive. Nagging fears and worries in the back of my mind told me that I had forced something not intended for it into the prison of monogamous marriage. I brushed them aside in a sincere belief that it was a necessary sacrifice for love. I had been just twenty-two and fresh out of the Navy when I married Steph, who was my sister's best friend and always seemed to desire me. Of course, Maggie played matchmaker, loving the idea of her brother taking her girlfriend to wife, to put it mildly.

At twenty-eight, I was a very different guy and more confident in myself, not to mention more aware that my lecherous nature wasn't a weakness or a sin or a vice or anything bad at all. I had some real questions about Steph's willingness or even ability to satisfy me. Even so, I wasn't sure that I could bring myself to cheat, in spite of the growing awareness that my wandering eye was healthy and natural. Once I stopped going to church (which was the immediate cause of our most recent arguments) and generally stopped believing in Christ or Jesus or the Nazarene, that struggle was over. I had new issues and stresses, but I didn't worry about the wrath of a jealous, hotheaded father figure in the sky sending me to Hell at least.

I swam for about thirty minutes or so, minding my own business as I splashed around the relatively less polluted lake and tried to de-stress a bit. I certainly got some exercise and even a little sun, even as I thought about ripping Steph's panties off and fucking her roughly in Nature so as to get some of the frustration and aggression out of both of us. I wasn't worried about her not joining me, as her interest in swimming was dwarfed by my own passion for it. Water, swimming, anything aquatic or maritime always interested me, and this time was no exception for me.

I was almost finished with my swim when I felt a tug on my trunks and then they slid right off my body, leaving me naked as a jaybird. I hadn't intended to skinny dip, but here I was, nude in the lake with someone or something now in possession of my only article of clothing that I wore to the bank. I started to look for the trunks when I felt someone's breath on the back of my neck and heard a giggle. I turned around and saw a ravishing young woman who looked barely legal, just like the magazine. I felt my cock stiffen in quick response to her presence and sheer exquisite beauty. Her luscious nut brown curls contrasted perfectly with her milky white skin and her perky tits were fully exposed to my view. She was naked, just like me.

The saucy smirk on the stranger's face became even flirtier as she closed the distance between us, holding my trunks like the spoils of a victory or something. Before I could protest, she dropped the trunks back into the water and planted a lip lock on me that included more tongue than my butcher got from the beef industry. Her soft, wet lips felt magical on mine, her eyes changing from green to blue and then to grey. I was stunned, taken aback by that part, even as she reached around my waist and cupped my cheeks.

"Welcome, lover. Just take me. I'm yours and you're mine, too. For now at least. Don't worry about your weird clothing. Just screw me and good, right here in the lake. Take me and make me your woman, at least today. Fill me with your seed," the stranger said, urging me to fuck her now.

Before I could respond, she splashed the water a bit more and wrapped her legs around me to pull me into her body. Angling herself just right, she managed to plant her amazing pussy on my prick, working her hips to impale herself on my dick. I found myself kissing her back and fondling her ass as she bounced repeatedly on my cock. She moaned very loudly and even screamed as she creamed herself on me, drawing me further into the heat of her body in the midst of her climax. It was amazing to watch the pure sexual ecstasy on her face as she rode me while the Sun began setting on us.

I found myself cumming soon afterward ... and cumming some more. I couldn't stop my balls from churning out a lot of seed for this very intimate stranger. Somehow, her hot, wet pussy had latched itself onto me in a way that took control of how I made spunk and made me keep spilling my hot jizz into her luscious body. I couldn't believe it. My flesh and hers were so tightly wound together that it reminded me of how dogs knotted up as they mated. I could only continue rubbing her bottom as she drained me repeatedly of my seed. I was a bit backed up from recent sexual deprivation, but that wouldn't be a problem anymore. My mysterious companion milked my balls for every last drop and came back for more.

Finally, she tore herself away from me and looked down at my sore, red, semi-hard cock with sheer admiration. She licked her lips and kissed mine again before adding more kisses to my neck, shoulders, and chest. She even licked the sweat off me, sending shivers down my spine. My goosebumps reflected just how intense this particular romp had been for me. She kissed me even harder now on the mouth and tangled her tongue with mine in a way that left no question that she was in heat. I got the impression that she was ready to mate and I was just the lucky bastard who happened to be in the right place at the right time.

"Oh, fuck ... I needed that!" I blurted without thinking, making her laugh.

"Naturally ... you were a little clogged up there, lover. Serious semen backlog! Yes, I know the medical terms. I know a man's anatomy like the back of my hand. After so many years, one becomes an expert, trust me," she laughed softly before kissing me again.

"So many years ... you don't look a day over twenty, max. Probably closer to eighteen. How many years have you been ... doing this?" I stammered in astonishment at her words.

"Over ten thousand, last time I checked. And no, that's not hyperbole, lover. I'm literally over ten thousand years old. It will be eleven thousand before I know it. You see, I'm a water nymph and I just conceived by your very fertile seed. How many children do you have? With seed like yours, you should have quite the brood, between your wife and any other women that you might bed. Even if you do have catamites as well," she puckered her lips as she asked me this, but before I could reply, she put her head to my chest.

"Well, just one wife, no lovers, no concubines, catamites, etc. One wife and not nearly enough mating with her, if you ask me. No wonder you were so full of cum! That's not healthy, my dear man! You need more regular pussy than that and not just tapping one source, either. Men aren't meant to just keep filling their balls with more seed with no release or relief, trust me on that. Well, anytime that you need to empty your sack, my poor man, just come this way! If I'm not available, one of my many sisters could just as well drain your balls, too. We don't let our jealousy hurt our lovers, after all," she told me now, indicating that she had somehow read my thoughts and feelings.

"So, you ladies don't practice monogamy. How many women do nymph guys impregnate?" I asked, getting curious about the nymph sexual culture.

"There are no nymph guys, silly! Nymphs are always female! We mate with Gods and mortals alike, and male children end up either mortal or divine, but never nymphs. All of our girl babies come out as nymphs, of course. I'm Arsinoe, by the way. My father is a mortal man, just like you. My mother is a nymph named Callisto, and yes, she's still very young in appearance. We really don't age after a certain point. We don't hit menopause. We just don't. You'd think that she was my sister, and the same with my grandmother, Xandria," the water nymph laughed at my query.

"So, you're a Naiad, right?" I asked for clarity's sake and to help buy time for my dick to soften a bit.

"Yes, that's what the ancient Greeks called us. As you can see, we're everywhere, New World as well as Old. We can walk on dry ground and even move to other continents rather easily. It's just that our particular colony followed the white man to the Americas a couple hundred years ago. Most of the time, though, we prefer to stay in our own little paradise once we've found it, of course. This would be it for my family, my clan, if you will. My tribe. We got tired of being chased away by Orthodox priests, you see. Damn exorcisms! Zeus curse them all! Hekate curse them, too! Look, we can take mermaid form, too!" Arsinoe showed me her new fins and tail on the bottom half, swishing them in the water before reverting to a more human look.

"If a guy mates with you in mermaid form, do the babies come out as eggs?" I asked out of pure curiosity.

"Yeah, kinda. It's actually a bit of fun to do that. Wanna try it?" Arsinoe told me, not waiting for an answer before she returned to mermaid form and rubbed her tail against my cock, "ooooh, that feels so gooood!"

"Well, it brings a whole new meaning to getting some tail for sure," I groaned as I found myself cumming all over her scales, as it was a truly exciting new feeling to have something so alien brush against my dick.

"Ooooh, some eggs already! Goody, goody! That didn't take long at all! You must really be primed and fertile, dear!" Arsinoe pointed to the eggs now floating in the lake.

"How am I fucking so much when I normally can't recover quite so fast?" I asked Arsinoe, who just laughed softly.

"Because when you mate with a Naiad, a part of her and you will always be linked. This means that once you started mating with me, I was able to manipulate your body for my own needs and vice versa. It's just that most mortals don't know how to do that to Naiads in return. You do now, and I trust you to keep that our little secret. We like having that edge. Also, every time you bed a woman or man in the future, I'll be able to draw pleasure from the act. It's like compersion, in case you've heard of that, but on steroids. One of many reasons why we Naiads can handle the jealousy. We benefit so much from sharing that it isn't funny," Arsinoe explained a wink for me.

"So every coupling of mine will be like a threesome at least, and every coupling of yours... , " I trailed off.

"Yep, you'll be able to feel how pleasurable it is for me. Most men who experience this don't understand what it means, just that they're suddenly very randy and have to either fuck or jerk off. Same with most women, as we are known to bed ladies, too. We can't breed with them, of course, not normally, though a few of us have taken merman shape below the waist and ... knocked up a woman now and then. Myself included, I might add," Arsinoe confessed with a slight blush.

"Nice touch. Maybe you can seduce my wife and we can all have a little fun together," I teased her, making her giggle.

"Mmm ... sounds like fun. Especially if we toss in your sister. I can tell that you secretly lust after her. I don't blame you. Strawberry blonde hair, who can resist that? Yummy! Hey, if you really want her ... and still want Steph, I can make it happen, baby. Just don't neglect me ... and my sisters. I'd really like you to hump my mother and grandmother, too. I swear, they are all quite fertile and lovely and you won't have to provide for them. The lake provides for all of us quite well, as well as the surrounding countryside. Nature is our kitchen. We neither want nor need money.

"So, how about it. Do we have a pact, lover? My help in enticing your wife into a menage a trois with your own sister in return for plenty of your spawn to help a little baby boom? Literally something in the water?" Arsinoe's eyes danced as her breasts became very erect and she swished her tail in the lake again.

"It's a deal, baby! I'm Fin Murray, by the way. Short for Phinehas," I agreed, kissing her very hard on the mouth now.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Who spells it "Phinehas," with the second "h"? Is it pronounced? Weak.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Fast pacing, but good

I'd love a contiuation!

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyabout 5 years ago
Enjoyed it

Even if I did feel like I was running second in t he race. Slow down the story, not everything comes out in one hit. Could have had better relation with wife, then find out some info each day until all is revealed. On last day build up to the threesome with niaid and wife.

He could find out he knocked up 3 generations without knowing over 3 days. They all look so similar, hard to tell difference unless all 3 together. Only sees the 3 on last day.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

With that ending, I hope more of this is going to be made.

HartMannHartMannabout 5 years ago
Loved it...

..looking forward to hear the story of his stuffy wife being hammered by a merman....

Keep it coming...

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