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The Weekend Pt. 01


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That night, Regina wantonly threw herself at him. Tomorrow, the two of them would have to return to the real world. Back to her marriage, back to work, back to...whatever it was that Brian did when he wasn't at the hospital. The fantasy would be over. However, tonight she was his. She wanted him to have all of her. They may never be here again.

At first, her pussy lips wouldn't let his thick cock enter her. It was like they were protesting being invaded once again by a man that wasn't Lee. But didn't want that to stop her; not tonight. She meandered around into a 69 position and sat on his face. Then she proceeded to give him one of the sloppiest blowjob ever while he lapped away at her pussy. When she was ready, she twisted around again until she was straddling him. Ever so slowly, she gently lowered herself onto him. Soreness gave way to pleasure as his shaft slipped into her.

Once he was safely inside, she took a moment to enjoy the feeling of being filled. He was hard as granite, so his penis was unyielding. It stayed where it wanted to be and didn't allow her walls to manipulate it.

Her hips rocked back and forth with purpose as her womanhood submitted to his manhood. Creases furrowed in her forehead, and moans escaped her even as she bit her bottom lip.

This was the face of sex. Nothing came even close to being its rival.

Last night, she wanted to avoid eye contact at all costs. It was too personal; too familiar. On this night, she made the mistake of forgetting that wisdom. Their eyes were locked for every second they were joined. When she saw the telltale signs of his pending orgasm, she relished the look on his face. His pleasure was a badge of accomplishment for her.

After wards, when their bodies had recovered from the lovemaking, Regina fell asleep in his arms. Her head was using his arm as a pillow, and her leg was draped over his. He dared not move, even when numbness reached his fingers. He didn't want to stir her out of her sleep and have her roll over away from him. He liked the feeling of being intertwined with her, and the sight of her breathing evenly with her eyes closed was angelic.

The next day was a somber one compared to the previous two. Even the weather felt it. The bleak, grey sky above cried off and on all day. The couple silently packed their belongings, only speaking when they had something vital to say. The hotel door closing behind them signaled the end of this fantasy. Now it was time to take the flight back to reality.

After Regina stored her carryon bag in the upper compartment, she flopped down in her seat. With bated breath, she turned her phone on for the first time since Friday. As she expected, she had about 6 voicemails and a dozen texts. Most of them were from Lee, which she anticipated. What was surprising was the few texts she got from her sister Trudy.

Tried calling but straight 2 vmail. Lee called here looking for u.

Lee came over looking pissed. He's looking 4 u. Where r u?

Call me asap.

Shit. He involved her sister. Great.

She didn't dare listen to the voicemails. She wasn't ready to hear his voice. She read through his texts, and they pretty much painted a picture of what she was in for. She had to stop at the 5th one. The previous 4 was just him inquiring about her whereabouts, saying he was sorry, and pleading for her to come home. By the tone of it, he didn't really think she was where she said she was.

But that 5th one was an explosion of anger and bile. After calling her a few unsavory names, he demanded that she return his calls immediately. IMMEDIATELY!! It was written just like that, in all caps punctuated with multiple exclamation points.

With a sigh, she cut her phone back off. She wasn't ready for reality.

"You okay?" Brian asked when he saw her face. She nodded and gave him the best smile she could manage, which didn't convince him. He didn't push it though. He just grabbed her hand and held it with their fingers intertwined.

The flight was uneventful, and two said goodbye in the baggage claim terminal when they retrieved their luggage. Brian leaned in for a last kiss, but Regina turned her head and gave him her cheek. He seemed hurt by the gesture but nodded understandingly.

"Call me if you need me."

"I will."

He looked at her as if he didn't believe her. "For real, Gina. You don't have to take his shit. If you want, I can..."

"Goodbye Brian." She interrupted with finality, indicating this conversation was both unwanted and over. He shook his head with frustration, grabbed his bags, and left without another word. A few minutes later, she was alone.

Her eyes scanned for Lee. She didn't really expect to find him waiting to pick her up. This wasn't the situation that would have the husband standing across terminal, waiting with open arms and a large "I missed you" smile painted on his face.

Still, a tiny part of her hoped.

She thought about calling him and telling him that she was back, but she lost the nerve. Just like with the voicemails, she wasn't ready to hear his voice. Instead, she sent him a quick, coward's text and put the phone in her purse so she couldn't read the response. If he sent any at all, that is.

The 20-minute cab ride back to her house was unbearably long, yet not long enough. She wasn't sure what she was going to be walking into. Did he miss her while she was gone? Would he accept her into his arms, or would her belongings be sprawled out over the front lawn?

When the cab turned the corner to her street, she took a deep breath to quell the anxiety that was building up in her stomach. The explicit realization fell on her; she just shot and buried her marriage. No matter what happened before, this weekend was her choice. She did this, and now it was time to face the fallout.

Her house creeped up on her as the taxi slowed to a stop on the curb. She couldn't move at first; her muscled locked and refused to open the door. The driver was kind enough to remove her bags from the trunk and open the door for her. He even helped her bring them to the door.

"Thank you." she said as she paid him. When he retreated to his car, she fumbled around in her purse until she heard the familiar jingling. With shaky hands, she inserted the house key into the knob and turned it.

Lee was sitting in the living room, leaned back in his favorite chair. His elbows rested on the arms, and his hands came up to an arch with his fingers interlaced in front of his face.

There were no lights on in the entire house. No television, no laptop, no tablet; nothing. Just angry silence.

Regina was alarmed by his presence. It was eerie. Was he like this the entire weekend, or did he set this up for dramatic effect when he got her text? Either of those options held a different note terror.

Lee looked at his "wife". He was trying to find signs or tattles of what she did all weekend. Like her, he didn't know what to expect when she walked in. Would she be singing with the happiness that he hadn't seen in a while? Would she be angry? Maybe she would just burst in and brag about how much fun she had fucking her lover.

What he got was anticlimactic. She looked just like she did when she left; sad.

He decided to serve the opening volley. "Have fun?" asked with a sneer.

She waved him off with a shake of her head and grabbed her bags. He watched her drag them towards the narrow hallway that led to the bedroom. Determined to not be ignored, he hopped up from the chair and followed her.

The walls seemed so much more constricted with him breathing down her neck. She felt trapped, unable to retreat. So, she ignored him and kept walking until she made it to the room.

"So, you don't wanna tell me about your little getaway? Huh? Why not? You ashamed or something? Don't want me to know how much of a slut you were for Mr. Be-all-that-you-can-be?"

She had a pause. She didn't know he even knew about Brian. Sure, she told him that she was going away with a friend, but not who.

Still, it didn't matter. She wasn't trying to hide it. So, she dropped her bags and turned to him. She calmly took her earrings out as she said, "That's the Army. Brian was in the Navy."

There is was. Confirmation. That's what her sassy little response was. He had his suspicions about who she went away with, but nothing concrete. He knew though. That pretty boy prick was just too...there. He was in all her stories about work and behind every punchline in her jokes. When Lee finally met him, something about him set off all warning bells. When she talked, he looked at her with the admiration of a man who wants to be more than coworkers.

Even still, Lee didn't fully believe she would actually "go away with a friend". She wasn't capable of that. A large part of him thought that she was bluffing when she made her announcement on Friday while she packed her bags. He thought that she was trying to get under his skin; to make him angry. He pictured her at Trudy's house. When he called Trudy, he figured Regina was in the background, whispering for her to tell him that she wasn't there.

That façade was broken when he made an unexpected trip over there to talk to her. He was prepared to grovel and beg for forgiveness. He would do whatever she needed him to do.

But she wasn't there. In fact, Trudy had no idea that Regina was even going away. She was a lot of things, but an award-winning actress wasn't one of them. She wasn't capable of faking that kind of surprise.

All his calls went straight to voicemail, and his texts went ignored.

That was worse than anything she could have done to him. He was left alone, sitting in their house with nothing but the worst of his imagination to keep him company. He didn't know where she was, or if she were okay. All he knew was what she told him: she was leaving for the weekend with a friend.

Was she out there having sex with another guy? Was she okay? Did she just decide to leave him and start a new life with the circus?

His heart fell as she looked at him with unapologetic defiance. She was all but admitting what he feared she was not.

Lee had to close his eyes to control the anger that welled up in him. In a voice that was eerily calm, he asked, "So, you actually spent an entire weekend with that Navy douche bag?"


His breathing got harder as his lips tightened. Fighting against the urge to lash out and yell, he asked in a voice that was still somewhat calm, "Did you sleep with him?"


Yes. That word hit him sharp and hard. Yes, she slept with him. Yes, she cheated on him. Yes, she couldn't care less what he thought about it.

Yes covered a lot of ground.

Lee didn't know what to do with that, so he regurgitated the question in a shaky voice like he misunderstood the answer. "You slept with him?"

She simply repeated her previous answer. No explanation. No attempt to soften the blow. Just one word.

It took a few seconds for him to come to terms. It was a delayed reaction, like a calm before the storm. But the anger that he'd squashed down and sat on all weekend would no longer be suppressed. It boiled and frothed until it needed to vent.

His hand grabbed the closest thing he could find. He didn't even realize that he'd grabbed something until it was launched and turned into an airborne projectile. Whatever he threw made a satisfying crash.

"So, you mean to tell me that you actually went out of town to fuck another man?! This is a joke, right? Please, tell me that this is some sort of nightmare."

She flinched when she saw her crystal elephant figurine shatter as it hit the wall on the other side of the room. A feeling of loss came over her as she looked it broken on the floor. She loved that thing. It was a gift that Lee had given her on their 3rd anniversary. She admired it because it was a replica of one that her mom had before she died. Lee looked all over the place until he found a store that had it. It wasn't a cheap buy, either.

She didn't say anything about the broken memory. It seemed so petty and insignificant, considering.

He paced the room, lost in his world. He would stop, look at her, and then start pacing again.

"How many times?" He finally asked.

Regina shook her head and snorted through her nose. That's what he cared about? He actually needed a number to gauge how pissed he should be at her. To him, pain should have a quantitative figure attached to it. If it only happened once, it should be more forgivable than if it happened a dozen. The betrayal is in the quantity, not the deceit.

Once was more than enough to cause irreparable damage.

Her eyes narrowed as she stepped in toward him, closing the space even more. Now, there were mere inches between them as the two contenders stood nose to nose.

"Fuck you." she said slowly, dragging out the first word to maximize its effect.

"How many times did you fuck him?" he repeated. This time his tone of voice was more assertive. It was more like a command that she answer him than a question he was posing.

"FUUUUUCK! YOOOOOU!" she screamed in his face. She turned red as her eyes bulged and the veins in her forehead showed themselves. The sudden surge of emotion broke the dam, and her body started shaking.

When tears threatened her eyes, she pushed past him. She didn't want crumple up into a bawling mess; not now. She fought hard to get her tears under control, but they were persistent.

So, she did what she had to do to stay in control. She turned things around on him. Her sobs soon turned into taunting, maniacal laughter.

"You angry, dear?" she said, wearing a nasty smirk and peering at him through challenging eyes. "You pissed that I broke my vows? Your faithful little wifey let another man have her. Oh yeah, he had her; multiple times. Now, you wanna yell, throws names around, and smash things."

She paused and walked back over to her husband, who was stunned silent by her visceral response. With her teeth clenched, she leaned in and asked, "How the fuck do you think I felt when I found out about that bitch?"

The air was sucked out of the room. There. She said it. Aloud, and not in her internal rantings. After all this time of pretending that it didn't exist and refusing to acknowledge her resentment, she finally gave voice the Sword of Damocles that was hanging above all the silent treatment and whiplash mood swings.

Every time Lee tried to talk about what he'd done, or apologize, or just try to figure out a way to move past it, she shut him down. She kept saying that she was fine and didn't need him to keep bringing it up.

But she wasn't fine; she was secretly seething. That resentment in her belly kept growing, feeding on her insecurities and anger. She didn't want to think about it, so she pretended it didn't exist. She became even angrier with him because he refused to live in her world of denial. He wanted his wife back, but all she wanted to do was forget.

He put his hands up in surrender to try to calm the situation. "Gina, baby..."

"Oh no! No!" She yelled out as she pointed an accusing finger at him. "Don't Gina baby me! It was all fire and rage a minute ago. I was a slut, remember? Now that you have a reminder of your shit, you wanna have a calm, rational conversation?"

"Yes, I do. It's what I've always wanted. I know I hurt you, but I can't undo it. So c'mon, let's do that. Let's talk about it like adults. No more yelling, no name calling, no silent treatment. What dya say?"

He watched her closely with anticipation. He hated this situation. He hated that she went away with that navy fucker. Thinking about all the things that he enjoyed about their loving making (when they did make love, which was a rarity at this point), he could only guess what the two of them did. That line of thinking gave him the trifecta of misery; anger, pain, and nausea.

But, if that was the price to pay to get them to a place of recovery for his sin, then so be it. He loved his wife more than anything. Yes, he made a mistake, but he badly wanted to make amends for it. He would do anything for her forgiveness. All she had to do was tell him what she wanted.

But, there in lies the rub. What did she want? Truthfully, she didn't even know because what she really yearned for was something that couldn't be given. She wanted him to rewrite history; to turn back the clock and not do what was already done. She wanted him to have loved her so much that the very thought of sticking his dick in that reptilian bitch's cunt made him physically ill.

She just wanted to look at him and not see her.

But he couldn't give her any of that. However; as a consolation prize, Lee wanted to give her something that she absolutely did not want: to talk about it ad nauseam.

What was there to say? Would they go over what the two of them did together? Did she really need a play by play to add to her nightmares? She definitely didn't want any of his fucking apologies, proclamations of love, or promises to never do it again. They were just hot air with syllables.

So, she did what she always did when this topic came up; she made it difficult to talk about by lashing out and turning it around on him.

"What do you know about being an adult? For the record, the best way to deal with cheating isn't talking about it. No, the best way to deal with it is to NOT DO IT!"

He scoffed and said, "Says the woman who just got back from a sex filled getaway."

Regina wanted to come back with something snappy and sarcastic, but nothing came to mind. Even in her anger, she couldn't deny the fact that she lost all moral high ground on Friday when she left her house to go to the airport.

As much fun as she had, the weekend was a mistake. She knew it, even while she was there. She felt she was owed it, and she took it. Somehow Regina thought that she'd feel better after doing it; feel more powerful and in control. But she didn't; in fact, she felt worse. The sick feeling that she always walked around with had now morphed into an even more grotesque monster.

Lee was also in the same boat. He was physically tired. He hadn't sleep all weekend. Even when he drifted off, he'd snap awake with a fear that he missed her call. After seeing the same 0 calls message, his heart re-broke. Every single time.

"Why do I even bother?" he spit out with frustration as he stomped out of the room. Regina could hear him walking through the living room. After a second, she heard the jingle of keys, followed by the slam of their front door.

With nothing but silence as her companion, she leaned back against the wall and cried for the millionth time.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Going to read a bit more, but i dont have much confidence of it getting any better, at the moment its 1 star

ncdeepdiverncdeepdiver3 months ago

What Lee did by cheating was wrong.

She had a choice. Stay and work it out or leave.

There wasn't an option 3 (Stay and cheat yourself)

Good start to the story!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

5* for your writing, Good tight stuff conveying the damage of cheating. Two broken hearts. The old adage “Two wrongs don’t make a right” would appear to be apt to your story concept. Seems its going to be a long one .. reconciliation in this circumstance may not be for the best. The damage (in her case, rooted in revenge / getting even) will haunt the pair forever. Hopeless, move on.

buzzsawlennybuzzsawlenny5 months ago

What a piece of work

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19697 months ago

stopped reading when it was brought up that they both cheated. :( don't want to read about two people who would be better off apart.

oldtwitoldtwit9 months ago

mmmmm makes a good story, just that bit different

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I commented on giving up the high ground in my previous post.

I Usually don't have time for multiple chapters stories.

You hooked me with excellent writing skills and foresight to keep the story going. I'm betting that Brian character will destroy a few more marriages before he finally changes. Hell, seems like he'd steal his half sister from her husband just to put another notch in his belt.

I digress. Had to come back and thank you for writing this story. 6 outa 5.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Loosing the moral high ground didn't make us even. It just showed I didn't love her enough to forgive.

Never, ever, give up the high ground.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This series is outstanding.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Two wrongs are double trouble.

Payback? No

Just adding to the misery.

USMC Vietnam

Greatest respect for corpsmen. He denigrating them

usaretusaret11 months ago

Obviously, unfinished.

SarahwithloveSarahwithloveabout 1 year ago

Wow, I can almost see this happening. It seems so real. Don't have any information on Lee's lover, but this Brian guy is a problem that will always be there for 8 hours each day. She doesn't want Brian. There is no love and there is no future with him, and she has no problem with that. Brian, however, may not go quietly.

SexecutionerSexecutionerabout 1 year ago

This is an all to familiar troupe, husband cheated? Yeah, but not maliciously. This cunt didn't want to get even, she wanted more than what she deserved. Thr correct thing for Lee to do is disappear. But we already know this is a insipid RAAC tale....

parenthesisparenthesisover 1 year ago

Totally agreeing with what one of the Anonymous peeps said. Brian is a piece of shit.

Sad tale, well told.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

He wounded the marriage. She just killed it and put it out of its misery.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Very strongly written, they both fucked around. But there likely is one huge difference: he cheated but he didn't rub her nose in it. Wife's cheating was meant to inflict maximum pain and damage to husband. Infidelity is awful; infidelity coupled with wanton cruelty is unforgivable. There really is no coming back from that, in my view. But I have a bad feeling about where this ultimately ends up.

P.S. Brian should be erased from the Earth. He is an unadulterated piece of shit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

And he is still married to this disgusting cunt because..................?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Lee is a wuss. Too one dimensional.

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

2 stars - not a great start.

Both main characters are not very likeable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good start

ErotFanErotFanover 2 years ago

Well you opened the story with a coup de grâce. One that se knew she was doing and chose to do. From the looks of it, it is going to take you five more chapters of hell for them to call it quits. But, I'll press on hoping it will be different. I'm a bit masochastic that way. (Grin)

silentsoundsilentsoundover 2 years ago

What a fucking slimy whore.

Second time through.

IFAFILHGIFAFILHGalmost 3 years ago

I think its in the book of Galations.. NOT sure.... you will reap what you sow !!!

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinionover 3 years ago
Holding my comments

I've learned that judging a story before the ending can often require a reversal of the first when you get to the last.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 3 years ago
Read it again

He fucked up. But she did it for revenge. Protect assets and move on. Why is he still talking?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Very well written

5. Great series

jrphdojrphdoover 3 years ago

Both obviously made mistakes but Brian is a douchbag predator and should be dealt with as harshly as possible!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
The asshole is always in the military.

Not sure why in your stories the asshole is usually in the military. You must hate the military, cause speaking from experience people in the military are usually touchy about stuff like cheaters. You don't have to look far in the military to find someone that was dear john'ed on deployment. If he is lucky, he survives it. It does take your edge off when your half way suicidal in a very dangerious situation. Or better yet, you come home, after deployment, and you find the bank accounts empty, and a divorce and restraining order waiting for you. Oh to add insult to injury, the military jag will often take the wifey side, so much for sticking up for their own.

Artie88Artie88about 4 years ago
Impossible not to Moralize

Both very hateful characters.

Why would I read on?

He fucked up, so she fucked up even more... two wrongs, etc.

So, why would we care about this if the characters are so reprehensible?

I just can't be bothered

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

When did 2 wrongs ever make a right. Her only correct choices were forgive or leave. She made a bad choice but she couldn't help it. She's a women so she drops an IQ point every month.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Powerfull first chapter, I really needed to understand whys she was doing that to a husband she loves enough to mention while with her lover. So here it is the elephant in the room, I like the passin in here. By the way is nice to have a Brian that still the same but more mature, there is a decerning change in him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
ah well

if he cheated first then it's all right. but what about divorcing the asshole instead?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
she acted with malice aforethought

jusr get a divorce and avoid the drama. She hates him, whether or not she has cause. time to move on.

moblanemoblaneover 5 years ago
missing info

Some details of Lee's 'indiscretion' might round this story off a little. Cheating is ALWAYS cheating but a planned weekend to revenge fuck is malicious. Although the opening paragraphs were enticing,some context of Lee's cheating would help to flesh-out the place these tormented minds were inhabiting. As it stands it was, at best, an OK 3*

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Thanks for sharing..

Due to your resent posting in this series l decided to start form the beginning again, all I would like to say is that l think this is probably the best opening chapters to a storyline that l have read att LW. Well done!

Thanks again

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 6 years ago

good story about a marriage on life support that needs the plug pulled. OK, he f'ed up. OTOH, she f'ed up with malice and planning. He should spend his time focusing on another woman.

etchiboyetchiboyabout 6 years ago
Or, of course, Path C.) ...

Path C. ) Brian has gotten over any fear of irrate husbands beating on him because he got a CCW permit. Which the local police department gladly gave him after the beating, and because nurses, male and female, are friendly with the police as they interact all the time.

etchiboyetchiboyabout 6 years ago
There is a 3 year hiatus for Brian between “The Weekend” and “Innocent Text Messages” (ITM).

Keeping that in mind, there is a problem in this story. In ITM, which occurs BEFORE “Weekend”, Brian has SHIT beat out of him by an irate husband. There was intimation that Brian “... wasn’t quite the same...”. Which I took for mild PTSD, and at least hesitating going after married women.

Here he is with Regina, a married woman, and he knows the husband knows. And there is not an hint that he has any thoughts of retaliation by Lee.

I see either Path A.) This loss of caution can be explained by Brian being in love Regina, so would go through anything to be with her. Or Path B.) Regina made Lee out to be a wimpy sissy boy who she could control (though that is probably unlikely as she started telling Brian her woes early on and, probably, wouldn’t disparage Lee in that manner. So Path B is possible, but unlikely.)

If Path A, then everything they do and say together has to take that into account. He’s not “playing”. This is his first time in adult love. You hate him, ‘cause fucking up Regina and Lee’s marriage. But you have to sympathize with him a little too.

That’s my take on things.

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyabout 6 years ago

So many comments. It was unbelievable, but then this site is for fiction about unbelievable incredible sex. The bf even had to have a big dick, of course he did. Why would a moronic woman have sex with a small or normal dick. She was in denial, just not sure if in the sudan or egypt end.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
To the Imbecile who posted the following ...."5! The only garbage on here is you anony you retarded asshole"

"Pot meet Kettle!"

Assuming your to stupid or ignorant to understand the hypocrisy of your moronic comment an explanation of "this" metaphor can be "Googled" .... anony!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
5! The only garbage on here is

you anony you retarded asshole

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
did re-read of ''love at first...''

Could not be I told myself when I realized you had resurrected that arrogant, heartless predator.

Before you add chapter 3 you might want to refresh your memory about Brian character.

Sorry, no one like that ever changes and wants ''just to be understood''.

Nor would he ever be the genuine shoulder to lean on and confide in.

That problem arises when you pull characters out of otherseries and shoehorn them in new series.

You lose credibility as author in changing complete nnarcissist...cannot be done.

Sociopaths and psychopaths cannot be rehabbed

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Pure shit!!

Is that your problem solving?? Get even by cheating like the husband?? You poor little sucker!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Wow! A LW story with real emotions.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 6 years ago

like anon 2/28 is writing his own stroke stories now.

bruce22bruce22about 6 years ago
Excellent Puzzle

My reaction is that if one asks the other to forgive them that will start a chain reaction that just might lead to RAAC,

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
I can understand a revenge affair.

However, the cold calculated deliberate way she did this was way out of line. I presume he at least tried to hide his affair but this was something else. I am usually in favour of reconciliation but not this time.

Pity she will probably end up with the true man of her dreams and live happily ever after. I just hope not.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Chapter 2

Where’s the next chapter??

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Starting good.

Reminds me of a Slirpuff story.

DAMN, everything New reminds me of something old😣.

Thanks for the chapter, Javmor 79.


DFWBeastDFWBeastover 6 years ago
Sorry for being late to the party!

Hey Jav,

Thanks for the story! Solid writing, lots of emotional tension and dealing with a tough situation like cheating and revenge sex? Love it! Always interested in stories that intelligently delve into truly fucked up situations. I'm not sure about the intellectual debate but this chapter made me think which is why I'm drawn to these types of stories.

Revenge sex is so fascinating! It's like doing surgery with a chainsaw! A great way to kill the patient (relationship) but if it survives it carries huge scars. Really looking forward to the next chapter.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Good word angst

Well written. No doubt. Unfortunately, the story makes me uncomfortable. As someone mentioned his actions destroyed the past. Her actions destroyed the future. Love, trust, understanding, caring et all are destroyed. It would have been more humane to just divorce him. She has destroyed all hope of a loving marriage. Each share the blame, but what they had will never return.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
From Duna

About 80% of the people read stories watch movies such methods they put their imagine into the story plot. Where the the readers do not find any positive hero or character in the story according to their taste they will push the 1*.

If the readers met several such stories without positive characters they will push the 1* without reading the story at all!

The 20% of the people can read stories and watch movies according to the writer's skill or the skill of the movie makers......

80% of our brain is built in this way, somebody from the 20% of people SHOULD UNDERSTAND this phenomenon!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Good story

More like this please

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Shwanze1 and sbrooks103x and backslid buddies

One gives the other a reacharound as he reads these stories

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
revenge sex

Stories about infidelity in marriage and as a reaction revenge sex, are always fascinating when written by a good author (like javmor), because there's so much potential for emotional conflict and angst. Revenge sex is a need for balancing the scales (unless it is only an excuse for a little strange) but the thing is, perfect balancing is impossible because the whole concept is asymmetrical. The spouse who cheated first destroyed the marriage's past ,demonstrating all was not well, while the other spouce thought so. The spouse who uses revenge sex destroys the marriage's future with an infidelity that can be remembered fondly and cherished in the years to come, since it is "justified" and even"therapeutic", unlike the first offender's cheating, which is just a painful reminder of the start of the crisis. So, there are so many and interesting ways such a story can evolve and javmor is more than able to see it through.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 6 years ago
Loving it

Five stars. Can’t wait to hear the details of his dalliance.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago

cuck in a closet. Your comment doesn't make logical sense plus you are a coward for taking anon potshots. If you must take anon potshots, please try to be original.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

The revenge fuck doesn’t work . Now how do you stay married if you both choose to when you work with the guy who fucked you all weekend even though your married. I know if it was I the revenge fuck would never work . She would’ve come home to complete destruction.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Excellent start.

Let the story continue. *****

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
the best story i have read in a long time

The best short story I have read in a long time. It is well-planned out and written with real life consequences.


Rw43Rw43over 6 years ago
Re the inarticulate slow-witted Anonny who commented Re Rw43

You commented that "(the number of) comments don't mean sh*t".

To a nameless, vocabulary-challenged, gutless, unidentifiable, inexpressive parasite like you, I'm sure " good sh*t" is the highest compliment you're capable of. Too bad, despite your preoccupation with sh*t, your lack of analytical skills keeps you from perceiving the differences between dog sh*t, chicken sh*t, pigeon sh*t, rat sh*t or your own sh*t.

EVERY named commenter deserves more respect than you do as an Anonymous sh*t-slinger, and Javmor's worst story is more worthy of my time than your best comment.

If you care at all about being credible (that means "being believable"), go back and count the comments that are part of the silly argument that I agree has inflated the number. Subtract that number from the total. You will still have a high number, and they will represent a large variety of viewpoints on Javmor's story. That means the story is provocative; in other words, good, but not satisfying.

Scores? That's the only thing YOU influence, so their accuracy really is sh*t.

Of course, I'm counting on you to have the maturity to understand there are more viewpoints than just yours. Am I wasting my time here?

Of course I am. If you cared about being credible, you wouldn't be Anonny.

Javmor, looking forward to seeing where these guys go from here. Thanks for the story.

Dc5655Dc5655over 6 years ago
What happens next?

Waiting for the next chapters

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
brian again

Last javmor left him in innocent texts he had been badly beaten and WAS NEVER THE SAME!

Too bad javmor decided to let him play his games again

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
sorry javmor

The comment section was more exciting and revealing than the story. lsd also known as...well why repeated all those monikers 90 per cent of commenters have for him-lsd needs a mental health intervention. Denigrating Kimi1990 in a most sexist and offensive manner, insulting Blackrandall neither of which posted.

Reedrichards applauds him for knowing who Dave Conception is though lsd just used his name with no biographical reference. I admit I was shocked that lsd and rr knew about my neighbor. How a small businessman from Redland became so famous. His little store between 2nd and 3rd street did not seem to generate that much business. Perhaps he has a new Internet presence. I will have to inquire when next I visit his store.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Apparently "schwanze" is Albanian for

"cuck in a closet"

Who knew?

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago

that's what she needs after he screwed up, time to move on.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 6 years ago
Interesting how different

The points of view are.

One man's trash really is another man's treasure.

jav has written some stories I dislike but he writes well enough to plant the hook and I wind up staying for the ride.

I hate cuck and whore stories but can admit when one is well written.

I am a fan of Shakespeare because he wrote stories about people doing shitty things and making shitty decisions with real repercussions.

jav has a touch of that and I am usually always willing to ride with him to the conclusion.

The journey is important to me and jav makes it interesting.

I don't know enough about Lee to be more than disappointed he cheated. Regina is an extremely flawed character that I don't exactly like but really find interesting. She really does love Lee as pathetically stupid as she has become for screwing a coworker that apparently porks anything with a slit.

I abhore Brian. Regardless of if his character is growing, he is still fucking married women and my limit for him was reached in "Love at first sight theory".

My only pleasure that could ever occur reading about Brian would be if he met someone wired like me. Someone who would smile kindly at him as I snapped his bones.

Even though this author, in all probability, won't do to Brian what I would, I'm still down for this excellent, emotionally charged writing.

This is fun for me and I am enjoying the ride.

crazycujocrazycujoover 6 years ago
Brians back!

You have created a villain in Brian only equaled by one Nageren created in one of his stories in my opinion, In addition,the husband and wife are finding out that revenge does not give one satisfaction. People like Brian, both male and female are there to sense unhappiness and seize upon it . I hope you finish Brian off this time. And by the way, this is a HECK of a story! many thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Well done. Realistic. Well written, and thought provoking.

carvohicarvohiover 6 years ago
This was tough.

First, I felt angry, gripped, totally unhappy. I just don't see a happy ending here.

Second, I read nearly all the comments, a rarity for me. There's some good ones, but sad to say this was one of those times, no disrespect to anyone who wrote something, that I would have liked to have heard from Ohio or HDK. I'm going back. Maybe there's a Richard Gerald, a Black and Rand, or an Unoriginalist I overlooked. I need something.

Alas, I'll follow along, but I'm not a happy camper.

Is this a five? Of course it's five.

Jedd Clampett

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 6 years ago
Congrats to Sbrooks for . . .

. . . getting as much hatred as I sometimes do. I know it’ll roll right off his back.

A point to LSD for knowing who Dave Concepcion is!

I hadn’t read javmor’s previous article, so I didn’t know that Brian was a recurring character. Yeah, he was used in this story, but he seems more of a minor protagonist than Regina and Lee. Two wrongs don’t make a right, but they can pave the way for a reconciliation. Regina had allowed Lee’s previous affair to eat at her, and couldn’t discuss it. Maybe now she can.

Don’t know where this story is going, but that is a sign of good writing: the ending hasn’t been telegraphed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Good and emotional

I thought the emotional kinetic motion was excellent. And I was very struck by characters who can't say what they want to say and end up having to say something else, something that does no good. People are like this a lot, in my experience - more mixed they want to be themselves. It's good to see some non-cardboard cutout psychologies (eternally wonderful husband, selfish completely unperceptive wife seem to be such boring favorites). As FD45 said, way better than the average score. And my score was way higher than the average score.

javmor79javmor79over 6 years agoAuthor

I am continuing it. I normally don't submit stories until it is fully finished, but work got in the way. I am submitting it tonight, so it should be published in about 3 days. Sorry for the delay.

On a side note, low scores shouldn't run any author off. I am a little strange, but if I write a story that only gets good comments, I feel that I have failed. I enjoy stories than have realistic shades of grey. If everyone likes it, then I feel it is too black and white. No grey. Conflicting ideas are what make the world go round. If two people always agree, one of them is redundant.

Once again, thanks to all who read and commented. Please, never stop criticizing stories. No story or author should be above criticism.

BaddestmanaliveBaddestmanaliveover 6 years ago
Revenge Sex

Revenge just kills the marriage. Just Divorce him, She used Brian . These 2 are both assholes.. Great writing. 5 *. When a story pisses me off I know the writer has succeeded.

luedonluedonover 6 years ago
Tkis is a Loving Wives story, FD45

And the scores are largely irrelevant with a LW story.

So many LW readers score on whether or not they agree with what the characters are doing rather than how well the author portrayed those characters and the situations they were placed in. And since there are at least two extreme camps of LW readers, it's difficult to please them all.

It's not the same in other categories.


FD45FD45over 6 years ago

I do not think that the score is indicative of the quality. Please continue writing.

sdc97230sdc97230over 6 years ago
Anonymous posts and IP addresses

SBrooks got that message for attempting to make an anonymous post from the same IP he had previously used to post from his named account.

If you don't have a named account you can post multiple anonymous posts and won't get that message.

And you can use the same IP to post from different named accounts. A friend who also posts on Lit has done it from my computer with no problem.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Cull the crap

Lit would be a lot better without the likes of sbrook

sdc97230sdc97230over 6 years ago
I didn't consider this "cheating"

Her husband already broke their mutual fidelity contract, so it's null and void.

What Regina did is probably not going to help her situation, and certainly isn't making her feel any better about it, but any suffering Lee is experiencing is just irony.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 6 years ago

You CAN'T be that stupid! I wasn't admitting to posting anonymously, I was demonstrating how I couldn't.

Since you and/or your cohorts seem to be experts on the procedure, maybe it's the pot calling the kettle black!

FYI, I use my laptop, not my phone, so that method never even occurred to me.

Again, if you have anything resembling proof that I'm using the same IP for multiple ID's, report me! I'm sure the mods have even better methods of proving that than you do!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I agree

If a story is not good, give it a low score for its content NOT. Evans’s you don’t agree with the subject matter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
if that’s who you are this hour

So you got a message saying you couldn’t post another anonymous comment since one had already been posted by you earlier — and there you have it, you basically just told the world how stupid you are. You claimed to not be posting anonymously and under your many pseudonyms and yet you just told us that you were. Rather than waste all of your time being such a big shot behind your keyboard, maybe go find a genre on Literotica where you actually like the types of stories there. Enjoy life a little more, stop being such a complete douche nozzle to all the people who take the time to write these stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I agree with Quietlylurking

You ever notice who doesn't live in the comments? None of the good writers around make a bunch of stupid comments, insulting other readers or commenters. Just the assholes.

This just isn't a very good story. It isn't awful, but not very good. The score has it about right.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Comments don't mean shit. It just usually means Swingerjoe or Slamdog started some shit. Look at the fucking score. This is shit, like all this jackass' stories. Some of the worst stories have 400 comments. Mostly people saying how shitty they are.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
re: Anon posts from same IP

All I had to do to get around that was to turn off wifi on my phone et voila. Shiny new Anon post without getting out of my chair.

QuietlyLurkingQuietlyLurkingover 6 years ago
I will never understand...

why some Lit users seem to live in the comments sections of stories. Kinda sad really.

Rw43Rw43over 6 years ago
When the story creates a storm in the comments, you know it's good.

But it isn't necessarily satisfying. And this one isn't, yet.

Javmor, the little details you left unresolved I felt made no difference to the overall status of the conflict, and I think by ignoring them you convey that. Who cares how frequently each spouse had "hurt your spouse" sex, or how 'good' it was when it obviously wasn't done to be good.

Love your extended use of foreshadowing. You are obviously expecting your readers to be intelligent enough to pick up on unexplained situations, while also conveying to us the need for patience to trust you to fill us in when the timing of our enlightenment has the most impact.

I thought Lee's aggressiveness upon her return was a little unwarranted, particularly for a hypocrite, but possibly she would never have verbalized any recriminations if he hadn't pushed her. And we readers should not be under any illusions: this story is ALL about reconciliation.

Or rather, I think we will find that the challenge will be, can a wonderful, beautiful, but self-satisfied and probably self-righteous woman ever reconcile with the man who has violated her trust. Cheating on him in response has had the positive effect of pulling her off her clean perch and into the ditch; now she needs to start engaging with the flawed man she married in hopes their future relationship will be between two real people, not two stiff ceramic statues that stand well together but on separate pedestals.

I know, and am married to, a Regina. Her view of her own moral goodness is the centerpiece of her psyche. If her cheating helps her understand her flaws and the essential role forgiveness, love and commitment play in strengthening her marriage, they will survive. If her cheating forces her to blame him for making her do bad things just to feel like she is compatible with him, their marriage is doomed.

I look forward to the succeeding chapters. I respect you as an author and storyteller, so please don't feel like Regina and Lee's marriage needs to make it in order to give inspiration to mine.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 6 years ago
Anonymous Test

Okay,I tried to post an Anonymous comment from my ip.

This is the message I got:

You cannot post an anonymous comment because there is already one posted from your IP address. You can still post a comment if you provide your username/password.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Will wait to see where the story takes us.

Personally, I think the wife has all the emotional maturity of an angry 3-year-old. Had they simply divorced, they might be friends later. Not likely, but possible.

Now ? It seems unrealistic her husband would even speak with her.

For most other authors, I'd stop reading now. In this case, I'll reserve judgement in hopes it improves or surprises readers.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 6 years ago
Re: Thoughts?

You missed "O" and "X"!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

You can’t post multiple anonymous comments from the same account? You mean like this?

Um... yes you can and you do it all day long.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 6 years ago
Re: IP's

That is a flat out LIE! I challenge you to show proof, which I KNOW that you can't. Of these id's: " bayernpeter1, dragonmann72, 26thNC ,justgr8, just8reading,Impo_64, gordon12, gmann(7, bigbib2406," dragonmann72 is the only person I even know. I have edited for him, which would be strange indeed it I was him! As for Anonymous, you CAN'T post multiple anonymous comments with the same IP.

Please feel free to report me to the mods.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Just to help everyone follow along

Sbrooks103, bayernpeter1, dragonmann72, 26thNC and numerous other comments here all have the same IP Adress showing they are all the same person. He also posts unde justgr8, just8reading,Impo_64, gordon12, gmann(7, bigbib2406 and of course anonymous. It’s hilarious to watch him carry on conversations with himself here day in and day out. It’s rather obvious that he needs professional help. So please authors in this Loving Wives category, don’t take his negativity to heart. He is simply a sad little man with a broken heart when his wife left him for a better lover.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 6 years ago

, your shots truly don't bother me at all. I would give you the same advice I gave the Anon: If you find me so boring, inane, pedantic, or whatever, I have an ID, you know it's me, feel free to ignore me, please know that is what I usually do with yours. I DID notice that you took a page out of SJ's playbook and never addressed my main point, that you claimed that SystemShock had no right to criticize since he never posted anything, yet you haven't posted anything either, and that hasn't stop YOU from commenting.

Regarding Lee, I can't speak for other comments, but my issue was never the amount of cheating that Lee did, but her refusal to talk about it until it blew up with her affair.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 6 years ago
Thoughts ! ( as inspired and about by the redoubtable sbrooks103 )

He's the A-Rod of Arid, the Babe Ruth of Blasé, the King Kong of the Cloying, the Dave Conception of the Drab, The ' Endy Hardy' of Entropy, the Frankenstein of Futile, the John Grisham of the Godforsaken, the Hank Hill of the Hank Hill , the Indiana Jones of the Harrison Futile, the Jackie Chan of the Judge ( Mental), the Kendall Jenner of the Jennifer Aniston, the Lyle Menendez of the Lackadaisical, the Mike Tyson of the Moonies, the Nathaniel Hawthorne of Neutrality, the Pete Rose of the Plebeian, the Don Quixote of the inquintessencent , the Ron Jeremy of The Resigned, the Steven Segal of Stolid, the Tom Cruise of the Rainman, the Ulysses of Ur So Boring, the Van Gogh of Vapid, the Warren Buffet of " He's So Straight he's Warped" , the Young Jeezy of 'Yuck ', the Zed's Dead of Pulped Zucchini .

swingerjoeswingerjoeover 6 years ago
Comments on the comments

It’s interesting that a few readers seem to be willing to give Lee a pass if it was a one-time “mistake.” I’m trying to recall a single story ever posted to this site where a woman made a similar one-time mistake and was forgiven by the LW readership.

What happened to “once a cheater, always a cheater?” And “it’s not a mistake to spread your legs for another man?”

Also, only men can believe that a woman would leave her husband for another man because of the size of his dick. Size matters, guys, but not as much as we think it does.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I like it so far

Made a great point of letting us no one is in the right here. Lee screwed up. She gets revenge with a man whore she works with. Brian is a dick with no conscience. She apparently isn’t interested in saving her marriage since two wrongs don’t make a right. She lost the upper hand when she fucked Brian the first time. She is no better than the men now. Just another slut getting revenge since we don’t know how Lee’s indiscretion occurred. A one timer or an affair with no allowance for explanation by her. I hope Brian knocked her up or gave her an STD on her glorious revenge weekend. Serve her right. Please continue the story

dragonmann72dragonmann72over 6 years ago
One last thing

I wonder if the person Lee cheated with told him he had a huge cock? Now that Gina has found the love of big cock could she ever go back to Lee's sub size cock anyway? Why is it that the woman always finds a big cock when she plays around? Why doesn't society just off all men with small cocks so women can have what they think they deserve?

dragonmann72dragonmann72over 6 years ago
Been there done that

I lost three finger nails reading this. I will say that in the beginning I was pissed at Gina and Brian but at the end I wished that I could have offed them. Lee did something wrong but we don't know if it was a one off or not. If I read the story right he tried to talk it out and explain what happened but she didn't want to, there in lies the root of the problem *no communication).

Enter Brian, the hero, Navy Corpsman with stories to tell, a cock sure man with a desire to seduce married women. Gina works close to show him the works and he helps himself to another mans wife yet again.

Now for a little picking on the story. First the weekend would have to have been planed out weeks in advance to get the hotel reservations and air plane tickets. Next he did a great job of manipulating Gina to find out about Lee's encounter and convince her she needed to get back at him, why do I say this because if his affair happened long enough ago to fester like it did I would guess it happened at least a year ago. Last Where did they go that was only three hundred miles away that they had to fly?

Look forward to your next installment.

robt1157robt1157over 6 years ago
Revenge,,,, at it's worst.

FIrst,,, confine your comments to the story. We really DON'T care if you like each other or not.

This is life, "TOO REAL"! It happens way too often. Someone, usually the husband, cheats, and the other, usually the wife, feels she has to get even. To Lee, I say, the time for being sorry, was BEFORE you cheated and started this mess. To her, simply put, she is really NO better. She served a pitiful master, only to make things WORSE, for both. Best to end this with an amicable divorce next chapter. TRUST,,, is shot to HELL here. 5*,,, all too real.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Burnin' Love

The tale is about morality... who has the high ground on morals when all have come to the crossroads and taken the wrong path...each had a choice to choose their path, all coming from different angles, Brian's path of a single man, chasing after married women, knowing it's wrong and having the consequences bestowed upon him to prove it... Lee a married man, cheating, not knowing if it was an affair or one night stand, but never the less choosing that path to betray his wife and knowing the possible consequences of adultery... then Regina, the married woman, betrayed by her husband, in denial and compounding their problems with an emotional affair of her own that we are not sure if it was happening before or after finding out about hubby cheating and transitioning into a physical one...all characters choosing the wrong path for different reasons...is anyone of them more just then the other...which angle are you inclined to feel more leniency for if any... excellent writing means to create emotion, this tale may go many ways, and no matter what avenue it takes there will be people in agreement and ones who do not, and some on the fence, the sign of a story that connects...well done Javmor, another emotionally driven story that draws me in, even though I rarely connect on the morality of your characters.

texaschucktexaschuckover 6 years ago

Definition of fine. Fucked up,insecure,neurotic,emotionally unstable. This one has the markings of a emotional storm. I shall endeavor to the end. Please don't disappoint.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 6 years ago
sbrooks103 my " Babbitt " buddy

Thank you ever so much for the romonstrance about my Thesarus. Henceforth I shall strive to express myself in plainspeak vernacular that you express self in. Its true . I was a nincompoop to have a bit of sport and frolic lexicon-wise. Attendant this comment you shall be my new role model. Must I go home, as per your exhortation ? Let me stay and learn.

For no one ever would dispute you are sbrooks103, the undisputed Grandmaster of ho-hum. No one can say so little for so long or expound on the trivial so endlessly as yourself. With no sarcasm whatsoever mr.brooks , please know I have always considered you the Michael Jordan of the Inane, the LeBron James of The Innocuous, the Tom Brady of the Bland Bromide.

I can't ever match those heights like those in my dreams ( unless they're nightmares).

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 6 years ago
Re: "Above the rim"

In case you haven't noticed, we have ID's. You don't care for our comments, just skip over them.

Unfortunately, we don't have that same option with you!

swingerjoeswingerjoeover 6 years ago

LSD’s comments are almost as entertaining as this story! Dude, you’re on FIRE!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
There's a lot here to set up the next chapters

I find myself in disagreement with many of the comments that say this story has nowhere to go. I feel the opposite. We've gotten to see the tip of the proverbial iceberg here, I can see this going a few different directions.

First, we have a known character from previous stories. If we consider the last stories Brian was in, we do know his arc heads toward implied redemption. Since this story likely takes place in between the two previous ones, I'm curious to see where exactly he is on that road. Is Regina the wife he marries, or is she an important milestone on his journey?

Second, we know from the first story featuring this character, the wife's behavior did change as a result of interaction with Brian. Was this the catalyst for Lee's affair? Was he already worried about losing her and opportunity knocked at just the right time to restore his self-esteem? Was Lee's affair one he had prior to Regina's relationship with Brian, but just came to light during that time? If the latter is the case, it may be something Regina sensed on a subliminal level before it was out in the open, perhaps that was why she found herself getting closer to Brian. Shoot, maybe there's no connection at all (although considering how this author writes, I consider this possibility the most unlikely).

There is enough established here, that I'm curious to see how the rest of it plays out.

266xxyz266xxyzover 6 years ago
Lookin for more!

Well written and nicely paced. Waiting for more. 4*s

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
We already have an inkling of Brian’s future

Unless javmor indulges in the author’s prerogative of revisionism, we know that Brian winds up married from the epilogue to “Love at First Sight.” To whom...? This story implies he feels something (a little bit, anyway) more than his usual hubristic animal urges toward Regina. Does she win the dubious lottery and walk away with grand prize Brian? They would certainly deserve each other. Guess we’ll find out soon...

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 6 years ago
Re: SystemShock

You pooh-pooh his criticisms because he hasn't written anything? I just checked - YOU haven't either! So why don't you just pack up our thesaurus and go home.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 6 years ago
SystemShock. ... Bro ! You got it all wrong . I'm your biggest fan !

You made me see the light with these high toned intellectual -espousing comments. So what if we don't got any stories to our credit ? We got a duty to like virulently denounce amateur writing with stupid, stupid characters doing stupid, stupid things. I admit it . I used to love javmor79 's shit. But thanks to you, I also think he's a pretentious twit writing " brain dead, maufactured drama" virtual penny dreadfuls.

Yeah you're so money about the Odessey. No stupid people there. The O-man was crafty incarnate. Some say he was a cheater though hooking up with that island nymph for 7 years on way home. But whatever. Maybe he was a bit arrogant shouting he was invincible after beating the Cyclops . Because that pissed off Poseidon the sea -God, who made big-ass wave which made another year -plus detour.

So what if Odysseus was smart character who made some doozie miscalculations that set him back from happiness and home for 20 years? Wait . Isn't that kinda javmor's sctick? Whatever. I digress. Because it all started cause he had to help his homie King Agammenon who had to help his homie King Menalus with faithless wife Helen . Yup . No artificial sweeter drama - wise there. That Odessey is straight fire .

Of course, some would say javmor79 is writing about normally competent and even compelling characters who are somehow wind up in the ditch just like O-man . But those someones are stupid twats and wannabe pinheads just like I used to be fore' I was blindeded by your genius . I sure am sorry bout' my 3AM grammar . Got me there my new BFF. Can I tell you a secret ? Promise not tell ? My spelling is spotty as well.

Baby steps my nu bro SystemShock. Babysteps. We don't write and we ridicule those who do with an extra scoop of scorn for blockheads that enjoy it. That's how me and you roll. Oops is that 'me and you' incorrect syntax ?

Oh well . I tried. Maybe one day. Eh ?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
above the rim for resident closet cases like

sbrooks, DetroitCuckCity, betrayed, etc - story so far is way too realistic for those pedantic morons who spew endlessly in this cat's comments. 5 stars

luedonluedonover 6 years ago
People are complex animals

And it takes a good writer to put that complexity into a story that makes the reader have strong feelings about the characters.

This story has drawn out lots of comments made by readers who have strong feelings about the characters. Even those who have little empathy or understanding of human behaviour (as demonstrated by their comments) still display strong feelings about the characters.

I look forward to where Javmor takes his characters from here.


ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 6 years ago
One hole in the story

We don’t know if Lee had a one nighter with his side chick, or if it was a lengthy affair. I assumed lengthy affair because he was so insistent on knowing how many times she had fucked Brian.

Most one night stands probably don’t get caught, while I’d guess most affairs do.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Very well written piece.

Full of emotion and drama.

Works well enough as a stand alone story for me, but I suspect many readers will want you to continue to find your conclusion.

Easy 5 * from me.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 6 years ago
This is a very realistic story

Maybe just taking off for a weekend is a stretch, but not much of one. The marriage was in a bad place, but not unrecoverable. Lee’s insistence on knowing how many times she fucked Brian seemed to me to be a mental calculation, versus how many times he’d screwed his girlfriend, and that’s something I can see happening in real life.

Several commenters have expressed a desire to see Lee wreck revenge on Brian, but if anyone said Regina should break Lee’s girlfriend’s legs, I have missed it.

You’ve avoided writing yourself into a corner. Part two could go many different ways, and I’m looking forward to it. 5*

SystemShockSystemShockover 6 years ago

Speaking of using words you don't know the meaning of, it's Mr. Thesaurus himself!

Can't help but notice in all your rambling drivel that you made no effort to refute what I said. I mean, you can't, but the effort would've been appreciated if only for the lulz. Instead you attack me personally, like a whiny brat hearing someone talk shit about their favorite Saturday morning cartoon. It's honestly hilarious that you're getting sensitive on behalf of Javmor, like he needs you to go to bat for him.

I also noticed that you literally admitted I was right, thus rendering your entire response even more pointless. Shakespeare, Arthur Miller(want to name-drop H.G. Wells next?), Javmor; you admitted that the stories are still about stupid people doing stupid things. Didn't think that one through very well, did you?

Here's the thing, LSD(if ever there was a fitting set of initials), "classic" and "good" are two different words that are NOT synonymous with each other. But since this is purely subjective territory in regards to personal taste, I'm not going to judge you or anyone else for enjoying cheap, brain-dead, manufactured drama, "classic" or otherwise. You go right ahead and weep for two dumb kids who uselessly committed suicide for the sake of tugging at heartstrings. But don't expect me to see anything more than two dumb kids offing themselves for no reason.

You want great literature with a great character? How about The Odyssey? Proof that a compelling and enthralling story can still be told with intelligent characters. I maintain that if your story only moves forward via the blithering idiocy of the characters, you are doing something wrong. People give "classics" a pass on it because they're "classics" and thus somehow unassailable. But modern works that use the exact same dumb plot devices are labeled as lazy and nonsensical. Funny how that works.

Also, don't put words in my mouth, m'kay? Nowhere did I say good literature is about smart characters doing "uplifting things". That sounds retarded. You suck at strawmanning, so give it a rest. And do you really think you have the right to call me out for not having written anything, when your own story count is sitting at a big fat ZERO, even though you've been a member on this site for 7 years? If you don't think I have the right to criticize with no works of my own, then what exactly qualifies you to heap praise on someone when you've got nothing as well? Just how much of a hypocrite are you?

Hell, I'd say I'm far more qualified than you just based on your grade-school grammar and tryhard diction. And what do my favorites have to do with anything? I mean really? You're THAT desperate? Well of course you are. Instead of actually making an intelligent counter-argument, you had to go to my profile to find something to talk about, and used some sad version of appealing to authority by invoking the names of "classic" authors, like that's supposed to mean something.

But it's whatever. I've said what I wanted to say and that's the last word on my end. Reply if you wish, no doubt with more unwarranted personal attacks, and see how many "big words" you can misuse in a single sentence, but I'm done here. You take care now.

TwentysevenTwentysevenover 6 years ago
Where are they?

Where is the BTB brigade? If Regina were a man they'd be salivating at her revenge and urging her to torch the bastard.

But back to the story. She loves her husband but can't bear to confront the subject of his betrayal. Hard to see a way back for them. Brian is plainly not the answer.

rightbankrightbankover 6 years ago
FD45 has already hit the major points

All 3 people are unhappy, have flaws, have pasts they regret, and it seems whatever they do only compounds the complicated mess.

Even though Brian talks about regretting targeting married women, when we meet him he is on a tryst weekend with a married woman.

Lee wants to take the righteous high road but is called out for his own indiscretions.

And Regina has just spent an angst filled weekend loving the physical pleasure but hating her emotional distress.

There are no likeable good guys. There is plenty of drama on all levels. While the story might not be an erotic RomCom it has me curious to find out what happens next.

Are there complications at work?

Is there a confrontation with Brian and Lee?

Does she choose one or none of them?

Will all 3 walk away in different directions?

Or ?

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 6 years ago

So what do we have here? Wife getting back at her husband for cheating by cheating herself. What happens now? And does anybody really give a fuck?

no rating

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 6 years ago
Great Characters in Classic Plays Acting Stupidly and Self-Destructibubully

System Shock is such a genius . You know why he's a genius. He's written such a lot of great stories . What ? He's written no stories ? Well he's still an intellectual genius. Great literature is only about smart people doing uplifting things .

The trouble with javmor79 and Shakespeare. They write about such nimrods. Hamlet is sooo overated. When his mom and uncle married too soon after Dad's suspect death. It was obvious. It takes 2 Acts of play for dumbass prince to act like a man. Don't get me started about Macbeth. He was so whipped by cunt of wife.

You know who else is just as stupid and deluded as javmor79 ? Arthur Miller. His so-called immortal play " Death of a Salesman " is just shit. It's all about Willy Loman who is lifelong 3rd rate huckster , liar and CHEATER. So overated.

Yeah SystemShock is so great to point out the shortfalls. He's not a hater at all. Just look at his bountiful list of favorites list for all the intellectual stories he likes. What ? There's one story worthy in all of Literotica that makes the prime cut ? Oh.

Never mind.

bayernpeter1bayernpeter1over 6 years ago
Now she isnt more then a cheating slut also!!!

Wheres the point at your story?? Two wrongs do not make a right?? These marriage is dead! They should divorce and go on with their lives!! Everything else will be pathetic!

cordialddcordialddover 6 years ago
56 comments in the first few hours of posting...

Slow night or you plucked a few heartstrings with this one. Walking into the house to confront the spouse after a cheating weekend has gotta be in the top 5 for emotional buzzsaws. Having been on both sides of this scene in real life mirrored the realistic story you've given us. Not a fun read but a demanding one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Systemshock nailed it.

Realistic? Impressive writing? Intellectual? Where? This is awful. Cartoonishly idiotic characters doing ridiculously stupid things. They have the IQ of lemmings. That seems to be a pattern with this writer.

trandall9991trandall9991over 6 years ago

I question the honest part. He writes a captivating story of a woman who knew it was wrong to go on a weekend getaway with another man. Can't wait to read how Brian fares. Continuing to go after married women is a bad thing. I think Brian may well end up with broken legs, broken arms, and balls smashed so he can't use them again. The real impact of this story started when she was having an emotional affair with Brian. I don't think it started after her husband had his-I think it was before. Now I think the real truth is this: she fell head over heals in over with Brian, and hubby caught on-so cheated as he felt like he wasn't getting it at home. I think she was dishonest first. I do feel maybe there might be a RAAC here, but BTB would be best. Brian doesn't deserve anything-no job, no recommendation, nothing.

SystemShockSystemShockover 6 years ago

Don't use words you don't know the meaning of. This is literally the opposite of "intellectual". There is no reason, logic or rationality here; just base emotion and a so-called adult who doesn't know how to get her shit together. This is one of those stories that implores the reader to turn off their brain and delve into a tale of stupid people doing stupid things.

And as per usual with this kind of crap, you have given me absolutely no reason to care about any of these characters. My dogs have more self-control than these people and literally everything that's happened to them is their own fault. There are no extenuating circumstances and there are no victims. The wife WAS a victim, but now she's just another dumb slut. She and her husband are two peas in a pod, but she still insists on pointing fingers and generally behaving like a child. I have no patience for people like that in real life, so why would I ever want to read about them? Sorry, but I don't find cheap, brain-dead, manufactured drama interesting in the least. It's like a two-hour movie that would be cut down to ten minutes if even one character used their brain and made a smart decision. If you characters have to be borderline retarded just to move the story alone, you're doing something wrong.

2 stars, if only for the solid technical aspects of the writing.

PencarrowPencarrowover 6 years ago

I like this story, and unlike most of the other commenters I’m not entirely convinced that Regina is the slut / whore / cheating bitch / yada yada yada that they say she is.

As the story progressed we hear Regina’s inner monologue telling us that she thought she had a good marriage, but then something happened that radically changed her view. I wasn’t the only one to imagine what that “something” was, and that it probably involved her husband. Many commenters have said she started it by having an emotional affair with Brian, but the story gives NO clues as to the time-frame of her husband’s affair and her starting work with Brian, and in lieu of this I’m making the assumption that her husband’s affair started it.

And why do I think she deserves some sympathy? Because she’s thinking of her husband while she’s with Brian, she calls out his name, and sort of hopes he will be at the airport to meet her. My impression is that Javmor has deliberately painted a wife that is so distraught by her husband’s affair that she’s simply lost in a world of pain and suffering and really doesn’t know what to do to fix it.

She’s like an ostrich with it’s head in the sand, and doesn’t want to acknowledge his affair. She can’t even talk about it even though he keeps wanting to, and when she is finally forced to talk she puts up a mental blockade and goes into attack mode. This seems to indicate more of a mental rather than moral problem for her.

In desperation, she hopes that getting together with Brian will somehow fix her mind, but when she gets back she admits to herself that it was a big mistake.

Yes, she must also take responsibility for what she did, and she’s weak because she can’t face head-on the reality of her marriage and how she’s actually made things worse, but I don’t believe she is some sort of callous slut wife.

I’m also holding off on scoring until I see more, but thanks Javmor for a great start.

ChuckEPooChuckEPooover 6 years ago
Wow impressive writing

You have serious writing skills. The story was so well laid out also realistic that I was mesmerized by your writing. I could feel the pain in both sides. This seemed like you actually lived it. One key quality of writing is realistic dialogue and you captured that perfectly. The story unfolded the emotions perfectly. It left me with a feeling that there was no hope. And that’s the feeling I really don’t care to have when I’m going to let you finish the story before judging it.

This my friend is a solid 5

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Na an hey hey kiss her goodbye.

Women are whores. They do what they have to, to get what they want. So she gets a divorce.

Your writing developed the feelings they the main characters had. There were several hints to let the story continue seamlessly.

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