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The Wrong Side


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"I don't understand."

"Baby, you said you needed me to see what I might be missing before you could believe that I wanted to be with you. So that's what I did. I wanted to be able to honestly tell you that I had gone out with some guys at Stanford and that I still wanted only to be with you. That's still how I feel. I love you, Henry. More than you can possibly know."

"Did they...? I mean, did you let them...?"

She smiled. "No way, baby. This body still belongs only to you. They never got anything more than a quick goodnight kiss. You got more on our first date than they ever did." She took his hand and leaned in close to his face. "Do you love me Henry?"

"Yes baby, I love you very much."

"Do you believe me now, that the only one I want is you? Or do we have to keep being apart and going through this nonsense."

"No baby, I believe you. Please don't ever leave me again."

"I won't. I'm going to make you all better and then we'll figure it out from there."

Kelly did her best to give Henry a gentle hug without hurting him.

"So what happened to me anyway? I was working out at that farm and the next thing I know I woke up here."

"You've got burns down the left side of your body. They said you got electrocuted."

Henry got agitated. "That's not possible. I tested everything. It was all dead. I had it locked out. Something's wrong."

"Calm down, baby. I only know what they told me. We'll find out more later. Please try to relax."

"Okay, okay. Say, how'd you get in here anyway? Isn't it family only?

Kelly held up her finger. "You and I got married rather suddenly when we found out you were hurt."

"Where'd you get the ring?"

"It's moms. We needed to convince them so I could get in to see you."

"So you used your mother's wedding ring to trick the hospital so you could get in? I'm gonna make a bad girl out of you yet."

They both laughed at that.

Kelly got a little somber. "Baby, how come you didn't tell me your dad died?"

"I didn't think we would be together anymore. I didn't want...I don't know. I guess I figured you weren't part of my life anymore."

"I would still have been your friend, and could have been there to support you. What happened?"

"He wouldn't do anything but sit there. Eventually he got some blood clots and threw one. It went into his brain and he stroked out. I found him one day when I came home for lunch."

"Thank God Abby didn't find him. And she said your mom is in a hospital somewhere?"

"Yeah. Even with all the years of abuse and stuff, dad was some kind of emotional steadying force for her. Once he was gone she would just cry and scream until she got exhausted and fell asleep. Then she'd wake up and it would start over. We had no choice. They keep her pretty sedated most of the time now. It's likely permanent. We visited a couple times but she doesn't even know we're there and it's hard on Abby so we stopped."

"So it's just the two of you now. That's quite a change from when I left. I wish you had told me so I could have been here for you, but I understand. But I want to know everything from now on."



It's been 12 years since that meeting of destiny on the streets of Oaktown. Kelly ended up following Katie into medical school, and they're getting ready to open Krisner Pediatrics. They both have excellent reputations in the community and already have a number of families ready to make them the primaries for their kids. Katie did finally marry Robert, the guy she was dating at Stanford.

Abby did get to attend Hampton Academy, but it was not on scholarship. Mr. and Mrs. Krisner asked if they could pay her way, and Kelly's mom led the charge to ensure she was admitted. After all, they argued, she was family, or was going to be, anyway. She ended up being the valedictorian at a school that is top-rated. She took that and ran with it all the way to Harvard and Harvard Law School. Mr. Krisner had a job for her in his firm as soon as she graduated. She's working her butt off but is highly regarded and is making more money than Henry ever did. She recently started getting pretty serious about her boyfriend, a doctor named William. They're talking marriage and family. Henry knew that everything he had sacrificed for her was worth it.

It turns out the farm Henry was working on had an improper power hook up to an emergency generator. It was on a separate circuit and hidden panel from the rest of the building. Somehow the power arced to the lines he was working on. As it turns out the jump probably reduced the voltage just enough to keep it from killing him, which was pretty lucky. He got a huge settlement from their insurance company. He actually could have paid for Abby's tuition at Hampton but it meant so much to Randall and Julie. He was as surprised as anyone, and he seems to have relaxed his objections to having people pay for him.

Kelly and Henry are still together and madly in love. They were married right after she got her undergraduate degree. Kelly is currently carrying baby number 3. Alexis is 8, a product of their honeymoon (and yes, she was a virgin on their wedding night, but it wasn't easy), and Olivia is 4. Kelly's hoping for a boy this time and Henry hopes she gets it. He tells her over and over how much he loves her and wants her to be nothing but happy.

Henry's mom died about 2 years after dad did. There was nothing obviously medically wrong with her. After his father died she just slowly deteriorated. For all he did to her she seemed to have loved him unconditionally. The human heart is beyond understanding.

Henry eventually took over Art's Garage. As a family, they've spent the last few years trying to revitalize the area. A number of businesses have opened up and they've obtained several neighborhood revitalization grants. Crime is way down and the shop is actually doing great. There's even some new home construction going on. Bones and the guys like him have moved on to other areas. They haven't been seen in years.

And cell phone service coverage is perfect.



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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Great story!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Read the last comment, while Henry may have had issues the old saying 'walk a mile in his shoes'. It's easy for many to judge, if we had lived a life like the MC in this tale I doubt he would have been alone with his 'issues'. A great read by the way, even the fourth time. Some will disagree but a story can be good with minimal or no sex.

somewhere east of Omaha

caryzfieldcaryzfield7 months ago

An incredible story, but in my opinion, Henry was an idiot. Every time he saw Kelly in the "questionable" areas, he should have just asked her what's going on. But it all worked out in the end. Fabulous story anyway

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Very good story BG, thank you! 5 stars

somewhere east of Omaha

Anita71Anita719 months ago

a warm and well written story with deep feelings, I really like this story

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I'd like to suggest that HS sweetheart marriages are doomed to fail, but I've seen three of my nephews go down that route and they seem to be doing as OK as any other relationship. The thing is that with social media we get a skewed view of the world. We perceive trends to be accurate representations of the real world and we ignore all counterfactuals in order to confirm biases.

If you hold anything up to an ideal it will fail 99.9% of the time.

Relationships fail for far too many reasons and any failure cannot be encapsulated in any single idea. Normal people don't just cheat and marriages don't breakdown because of a single X, it's always because of a long list of little x's that allow for that big X to happen.

Unfortunately in the blame culture that we live in people demand a victim and a perpetrator, life just isn't that clean. When someone says its not you it's me, it's most certainly is you even if there is nothing you can do to change the 'you', but it is also the 'me' because decisions are always made by someone.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

For me the story was far to sweet and sickly. Good story but very unlikely say a 1% chance.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Excellent story. Well written and highly enjoyable. Henry was really lucky that Kelly loved him enough to forgive him on multiple occasions when he jumped to the wrong conclusions. It's really hard dealing with someone who has deep seated insecurities. It's also hard trying to see someone else's viewpoint when you have never been in their situation in thus case the difference in lifestyle. Overall a wonderful story but like others I'd have liked it to be longer especially towards the end. That's because it was so well written that I didn't want it to end so quickly. BardnotBard

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 1 year ago

good story, although I would have changed several things, but I don't write, so thank you. Henry lacked self-confidence because he knew he was always going to be lower class, but with morals. His hope and entire life was to give his little sister a good chance to succeed in lie and get out of poverty.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wonderful story, but I agree with some of the comments below, it could have been longer, and the characters could have been subtler; he had a right be concerned and his ability to think ahead and not just in the moment was well executed, but he was too unconfident in himself, and while it was really refreshing to come across a female protagonist who was actually a decent person albeit a bit naive at times, she was at times too nice; he did fly off the handle at times with his insecurities. All in all, excellent story and would have enjoyed more of it. They came acroas as a loving, loyal, fun couple .

sennodensennodenabout 1 year ago

I agree that Henry has his fair share of issues. But funny enough, they were reinforced multiple times during their relationship before she went to Stanford - particularly when she had some random guy's arm around her after ignoring him for a straight hour the first time they went to one of her parties, despite his concerns which he shared with her, and even more when it was obvious that he just wouldn't be accepted among her friends when they deliberately sabotaged him, then lied about him to Kelly, and she refused to believe him.

tonyneatotonyneatoover 1 year ago

This is a 5 star Romance story. Nice cast of characters. Love the whole story .

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I've read hundreds, probably thousandsof tales on Literotica and other adult story sites and this is far and above anything else I have ever read. It was a privilege to read about the heart aches and pitfalls of young life from two lovers on opposite sides and that everything turned out perfectly. Could have enjoyed another chapter/page. A top quality 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The, if reluctant, good guy, (& girl,) wins. 2023, all the civilian and cop violence & killings, but TV shows promote it. No more Gunsmoke where a moral & the good guys suffers, but wins. No where to hunt. Fish are limited to one a month because of waterway pollution. No paperboy/girl routes. 18 to do a job a 14 year old can do. Noone's children have a chance to LEARN what responsibility is. Henry learned it. Henry had it. Henry therefore, lived it, as best he knew it, due to his limited exposure to responsibility as a youth, but had, without knowledge of the law, the law which was in his heart.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

You wrote well and with a high degree of creativity. Henry was an Olympic grade conclusion jumper.

LanmandragonLanmandragonalmost 2 years ago

It’s a long story but strangely incomplete. Hopping from one crisis to another doesn’t do it for me, but the plot material is good. Sadly, the possible interactions are ignored. It needs a complete rewrite and considerable expansion. How about it?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Don't see anything wrong with Henry's trust issues!! Kelly had a good sister in Katie!!!

62276227about 2 years ago

"More evidence this dude knows absolutely nothing about relationships. High school romances that last a lifetime or years after school is exceedingly rare. It wasn't always but today, a successful lasting relationship from childhood/teenage years like that might as well be a Bigfoot sighting."

I've lost count of all the marriages that are still going strong with people who married their HS sweetheart. And some of them are 2nd or 3rd generations that did that.

Hell, my Ex and I went to school together and knew each other for 15 years before we started dating, although we didn't hook up until after college and still lasted 20 years.

Yeah, the education disparity can be an issue, but Henry was a GOOD MAN, something a lot of guys aren't.

FaithfulToWifeFaithfulToWifeabout 2 years ago

Henry is a short tempered and suspecting character. He really had trust issues with Kelly.

Tarloso2Tarloso2about 2 years ago

So many good aspexts and possibilities in this story that needed to be fleshed out and expanded on..the ending felt rushed..Still a good story

Blackout6661Blackout6661about 2 years ago

Where's the confrontation from her dad? That should have happened and also the realization of who the young man really is in her fathers eyes

NitpicNitpicabout 2 years ago

Decent story,spoilt by the rushed and contrived ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

More evidence this dude knows absolutely nothing about relationships. High school romances that last a lifetime or years after school is exceedingly rare. It wasn't always but today, a successful lasting relationship from childhood/teenage years like that might as well be a Bigfoot sighting.

What Henry offered was the mature and smart thing to do, even if it hurt him and ultimately doomed the relationship. Kelly needed to date other guys, have sex, experiment sexually, have fun etc. College may ultimately be about education but going away and living at school provides education about life and relationships. If Kelly comes back and still wants Henry or they meet up again later, that's wonderful but her time apart IS necessary. Without knowing what love and life with others is like when she is out on her own, away from her parents, eventually she will wonder and it WILL damage her marriage to Henry. It literally happend every single day.

Obviously BigGuy33 doesn't know this because he is either a 1000 years old and married at the time when it was expected after high school or he has never been in a serious relationship

Of course he could also he a simp in a relationship where he has no clue that his wife is a skank.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

"I've used a character named Kelly in a number of stories. Yes, she is a real person, though none of the characters named after her are meant to represent her personally."

It's his mom. She made him kraft mac and cheese last night and then sent him off to the basement.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Lovely 5* fairy tale! Keep them coming.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

As always it's a definitely 5 star 🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐. Thank you BG33 for your beautiful romantic and lovely story. From Ali Singapore

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Congratulations Bigguy. Well written.

Your creation, Henry, is a bigoted, loathsome, despicable, snobby, insecure, money grabbing, paranoid, ignorant, arrogant, hatefilled and pigheaded arsehole.

One of the worst characters on Lit.

Very well depicted and written. A great job bringing out all those negative traits in such a short story.

And Kelly. Well she is just too good to be true. Too nice to be real.

How and why she would not only tolerate Henry's hatred, but try to accept him and forgive him for his arrogant attitude and spiteful actions is really unbelievably superhuman.

Tls2753aTls2753aalmost 3 years ago

I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but I love that in the disclaimer, the word errors is misspelled.

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartalmost 3 years ago

5 stars but really ended way too fast. This should have been a multi-part story rather then wrapping up everything in a quick epilogue that focused more on everyone else then the two main characters. Sweet story, unsatisfying ending.

Hornydevil47Hornydevil47almost 3 years ago

Oh boy! Did you hit it on the head with this story. The so called upper class would soon die if the lower class died first. Who the hell would clean the toilets,never mind change a fuse or even a light bulb. How the hell would they get the car to start on a cold morning. Think your way through this realistic story, it is a them and us. Thank you so much for a fantastic story, don't know why people need more! Thanks again. Hornydevil47.

goodshoes2goodshoes2almost 3 years ago

Crummy epilogue, but great story. Really needs 1 or 2 more chapters to be a real romantic ending.

BUT--- still gave you 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Kill the absurd Epilogue and write the missing 5 chapters, please!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Wrong category. Should have been ScienceFiction/Fantasy. There is no way that this ever could happen and it is total fantasy to think she would love him as she did.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Rushed thru the ending which was somewhat factual. I don't really get how Kelly dad turned around on Henry. That was glossed over. Just seemed like too many holes. Storyline itself was good though.

MarkT63MarkT63over 3 years ago

Good story. Henry had every right to feel insecure with Kelly.

skruff101skruff101over 3 years ago

Just checked, bigguy33 wrote this 2017 why it’s turned up as just published not sure.

skruff101skruff101over 3 years ago

Is this a repost, I’ve read this before somewhere.

Great story.

linnearlinnearover 3 years ago
Damn Impressive

I enjoyed that very much. I was getting worried about how you were going to tie it up when I was just about finished, that epilogue was perfect.

Rocket081960Rocket081960over 3 years ago

Very enjoyable. Thanks.

jneric2691jneric2691over 3 years ago

Great story!⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

mordbrandmordbrandover 3 years ago
How did this pop up as new?

I was getting deja vu because I could swear I had read this story a while back. Then it turns out I did.

pepepilotpepepilotover 3 years ago

It is an extremely good story, and I gave it 5*. My only complaint is that the ending was so rushed. This could have easily been made into two chapters.

LilacQueen15LilacQueen15almost 4 years ago
Research Needed Occasionally

Henry's dad was permanently disabled. No matter how it happened Social Security Disability would have paid him a monthly check. He would have received three quarters of his regular check. His wife and two children would have received one half of the total amount of his disability check each month.

For example, if his father made $1000 per month his check would be $750 per month. His wife would receive $325 per month for the rest of her life. Henry and Abby would get checks for $325 per month each until they turned 18. At one point if they went to college it would continue until they turned 22 or graduated which ever happened first.

His dad would qualify for Medicare also for home health care. The family probably would have qualified for Food Stamps as well.

Good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
4 Stars

I dated a girl in College who was like this girl .. She picked her friends over Me . We broke up and I married My first wife .. That did not work out as She was a Slut .. The Lady I am married to now is 10 times better than Me . But She loves Me and is faithful only to Me ..

OvercriticalOvercriticalabout 4 years ago
The deck is shuffled again

There is an apocryphal story about a reporter interviewing the great Zane Grey, author of many, many Western novels - an immensely popular writer in his day. The reporter asked Grey how he created his stories and he was brought into the author's writing room. There were clothes lines back and forth across the room and attached to the cords were clipped (with clothes pins, for those old enough to know what they were) the covers of all Grey's books. To write a new book he said, he would walk through the room and pick the hero from one book and the heroine from another and the sheriff from another and the villain and locale from yet another. By piecing together all the independent pieces he would put together a "new" book that was different from the others, yet sort of the same. There's no way that this BigGuy33 is anywhere near being in Grey's league, but he apparently has hit on a similar technique for writing his tales for Literotica. All his heros are named Henry Weston and they're caring, bright and often blue collar. They don't have a nasty bone in their bodies. His heroines (often named Kelly) are all strong, bright and see something in the Henry-of-the-day to want to stay together. They eventually get together and marry and at the time of the epilogue they have two daughters with a third ("hopefully a boy") on the way. Most of the offspring of the main characters are daughters. So he pulls his characters and scenarios from old stories and puts them together in a new way.

In this tale there is no maturation of the main characters. This version of Kelly is sprung fully mature as a high school senior. Not only is this unlikely, but doesn't give the characters a chance to learn from experience.

I will say that reading many of these tales is kind of fun and I often rate them 4* or higher. I'll go down the list and see if there are any I haven't read yet and see how that Henry makes out in his quest for that Kelly. I see that this author has not written anything recently. Maybe "Henry" has finally retired with his sweetheart and we'll have to look for other entertainment.

RimmerdalRimmerdalover 4 years ago
Damn what a story.

Just a damn fine author.

jimjam69jimjam69over 4 years ago

Another good one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Super boring guy definitely is a pig with boat loads of complexes girl seems to be submissive overall uggh


kip127kip127over 4 years ago

At what time was he black?

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