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The Wrong Way Road Trip Pt. 01


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"You just said I have to tell all."

"I promise not to ask again for at least two days." She giggled and poked my ribs.

"Damn, I feel like a teenager again. You do something to me, Miss Wayward."

"I can't be a miss anymore. I am a fallen woman. Right now, I am a horny fallen woman."

Her leg was over mine and she was rubbing. This was trouble. "I am horny worse than you are, but I don't think there should be any sex just yet."

She pulled on my ears and kept whispering. "I've never met a guy who pulled me out of myself. Who exposed all my secrets..."

There was a long, soft silence and she continued. "I really want you. Lying here next to you, my body is tingling. You can't get me pregnant. Will you promise some loving one of these times?"

More silence. I licked her ear and she shuddered. "One of these times."

I stood, "But right now, we are going to shower, you are putting on a new dress, and we are finding some dinner."

She climbed out of the bed, and climbed on me, holding tight. "I am such a dumb..."

"None of that. Your little one needs positive thoughts. I've decided to be your uncle. He doesn't make judgments. He cares for you and the baby..."

Wayward cried all through the shower, saying she was happy and it was happy tears.

She sat between my legs as I dried the wonderful head of hair. "You said I could be your partner if you liked my pictures. Is that true? May I get up early and take sunrise images?"

The smart brain was coming around from yesterday's trauma. Getting a grip on what growing a baby meant. Thinking about what having a brand new uncle meant. Leaning back and taking my hands to her breasts. "Uncle Brian, these are getting bigger."

We walked out into the winter sun setting behind Telescope Peak, giggling. Life was better.

It was pitch black when she rolled out of bed. My rucksack had the camera and its equipment already stored. I said, "It will be cool, take my jacket." She hovered for a quick kiss and was gone. I had impossibly good feelings about her. Silly sentimental feelings, a little voice said.

From early days, I had been the optimist child, smiling and navigating around obstacles. So far, I was ahead. I even had the good fortune of a grandparent leaving me a real estate complex whose rental income far exceeded what I needed to get through school. At age twenty-one, my life ahead was still uncharted. But, without any warning, fate had dumped a big challenge on me. The nasty reality was that this wasn't a game anymore. A real person and her infant needed protection. Actually, she needed some love as well, since those in her life who owed her love had turned away.

Brian, I said to myself, you have to be straight with her. This is a baby centered adventure. We are going to hold the mushy stuff at arm's length. When she has the infant in her arms will be time enough to worry about the future. With that in my head looking for affirmation, I got dressed and sought early coffee.

A few sips of steaming brew and my head said the whole business was foolish, but there was money in my pocket, she was fun to be around, and to just take one day at a time.

I was holding up a post on the porch of our cottage when she came jogging back, a big smile on her face. She held up the camera, "There are some good shots in here. How do we get them out?"

"Very difficult. Need good breakfast first."

She plastered my face with kisses and said, "I'll give you difficult. I thought you said we couldn't tease?"

A long clinch later, I said, "That's a very difficult promise too. I guess my manners need mending."

We stowed the camera in the unit and walked to the restaurant. She was talking a mile a minute about the great light and the miniature golf course, and the sharp light and shadow, and the beautiful look of the branches on the tamarisk...

I clamped my hand on her mouth. "I don't need convincing. I've loved this place since the first time I was here, when I was twelve. We will get a map at the visitor's center and decide where the photographer needs to go today."

She stopped us and pushed her head into my chest. "I don't know what is going on, but I hope we can have more days like this?"

The kiss was tender, loving, and mushy. So much for arm's length, I thought to myself.

Sitting at the breakfast table with her, I said, "My grandparents had a very good marriage. When I was a kid, grandad said that life was a journey and you needed some guideposts, but not too many or it would spoil the surprise."

That kept both of us pretty quiet for the rest of the meal. We walked to the visitor center, which opened as we got there. The reception desk ranger handed over a map and a guide to the exhibits.

"Can we come back later? I really want to see my pictures."

I did the connecting of wires and Wayward sat on the bed Indian style, peering at her images uploading to my laptop. After the transfer was finished, I scrunched around and looked over her shoulder. She had made two new folders. One said Save and the date. The other said Discard. Not many were going in the Save folder but they were very good. She had the basics down pat. Perspective, composition, light, interesting content. I squeezed her shoulder. "You have talent." She reached for my hand. "Thank you."

There was emotion flowing. Needed to keep that from getting out of control. I opened the map and laid it out beside us. "You want some suggestions on where to go?"

She poked me, "Of course not. Photo wizards always know exactly where to go." She pushed the laptop to one side and perched on my chest. "Like right up here."

She collapsed, applying a kiss and wiggling her bottom on me. "Where are we going?"

"Honeybunch, there are zillions of cliche photos taken in Death Valley every year. If you want something out of the ordinary, we will have to dig a bit. And find you some trail shoes."

Her voice at my ear said, "You've viewed my first images. Am I headed for partner status?"

Each of my thumbs was probing a tough bun, which only made her pelvis flex harder.

"We shouldn't be doing this. I am on the very edge of taking you. The edge of abandoning all my resolutions not to attack."

She sat up. "We can't go on like this. We are going to take pictures until a late lunch. Then we are going to sun and swim in the special pool fed by warm springs. Then we are going to have wild consensual sex right in this bed. After that, dinner."

She smiled down at me, a very tentative smile on her face.

I smiled back. "When we went on trips, my Dad used to call it the Plan of the Day. The military is organized that way. Maybe on this trip, you can be the staff sergeant who issues the POD?"

Before I could react, she was standing at the side of the bed, her clothes on the floor. "I'm sorry, sir, but there has been a change to the POD." Before she finished speaking, my jeans and briefs had joined hers and a wet pussy was rubbing hard on my cock.

"It's time. Do me now. I can't stand waiting another minute."

I hesitated. Naked Marigold in the morning light had me paralyzed. Perfect body with wondrous tits and fuzz between her legs. I wanted to ask if we should be doing this, but my cock did the decision making, rising up. She leapt at me, "No thinking, hurry up and use that hard thing!"

I flipped us over and entered with one long thrust. "Ohhh, Brian!"

I was lucky, she was incredibly tight but incredibly moist at the same time. "Yes, yes! More!"

Both of us were frantic with back pressure. She humped at me as though she was a veteran of a hundred fucks, instead of two. I hollered back and came with a rush. "Oh god, Way!"

We lay side by side, kissing. I was still inside. She was still squeezing now and then.

She said, "Bad."

I said, "Very bad."

"I'm not giving you up."

"Funny, I was going to say the same thing."

"We are not in love or anything, are we? After one day?"

"No, not possible."

"Certainly not possible."

My eyes were closed but my tongue was toying with hers. I tried to think of something coherent to say but failed and napped.

"You made a mess in me." Her tone was tough.

"The first of many."

"Damn. I thought we weren't supposed to get romantic."

"All our promises to each other are broken, aren't they?"

"Must be two very foolish young people."

"This is actually a threesome."

Warm tears dripped from her cheeks to mine. "Brian, we have to make this work. For the three of us."

"Yes, Wayward one. Has to work. Are we ready to do more pictures?"

Laughing, she swatted at my slimy cock as I carried to the shower.

Later, we shopped for lunch and found some decent trail shoes in her size. We had decided to go south today and north tomorrow. Partway down toward Badwater, I took the turn for Westside Drive.

"This isn't always open, but looks like it is today. Middle of the day light not much for pictures, but when we stop, you'll find a long lens in the case in the back, and maybe there will be some desert shimmer as we head south."

She kissed my cheek and said, "You're not trying to be the photographer's assistant, are you?"

"Some woman seems to be messing with my emotions. Can't tell up from down right now."

"I am falling in love with you and I don't want to hear that we can't. I am in a delicious puffy white fog and everything is completely mushy."

I pulled over and stopped in a mound of gravel, my head against the steering wheel. "Good grief."

She pounded on my shoulders. "You will recover. I am getting out the telephoto lens and tripod."

We were below sea level and the February sun was hot. I stripped down to my shorts and watched her setting up.

"The Indians used to have a trail up the side of the mountain next to us. Went all the way across the Panamints if you were tough enough."

She straightened and looked at me. "Do we need that much exercise? Online, it says I am to continue my fitness program." Her blouse floated in my direction, followed by the new bra. "You said I needed to absorb Vitamin D."

"Let me take some profile shots. 'Woman in Desert Sun.' Staring, she raised her hands as high as she could and pirouetted.

"Perfect. You have the best tits around. May I put the portrait lens back on the camera?"

"I shouldn't do this."

"Bullshit. Your body is reaching for the sun. The desert light makes wonderful shadows. Stay right where you are."

I made the lens change and circled, snapping liberally. She was a natural model. I was having fun with depth of field, fuzzing her out, and then fuzzing the rocky background.

"Now, some with everything off."

She looked at me. "You are sure this is art, not porn?"

"No frontal. A woman is sexiest when there is just the suggestion of what she might offer."

In black and white, these were going to be fabulous. I composed a shot of her muscular flank against a many branched creosote bush in the background.

She pushed me down on a flat rock and climbed into my lap. "I'm horny all over again. The fog is gone and I need a cock." Her lips crushed mine at the same time the glorious tits pressed into my chest.

"God, you are a hot thing. I wish I had met you in school."

"Maybe meeting me the way you did wasn't so bad. I couldn't feel like this if we had just one college date. You wouldn't even have gotten in my pants!" She laughed and giggled, then looked seriously down into my eyes. "Brian, we have something special. I am going to hang on tight."

It seemed we couldn't go five minutes without getting all emotional. I rocked us back and forth, thinking about the two foolish young people with a tiny baby on board.

It didn't take long to exploit what the flat light allowed in the way of good images and we decided lunch at the Furnace Creek pool in the warm noontime sun was the best idea for the moment.

I glanced over from my lounger at the pool. The black bikini was incredible. From under the sun hat, she said, "We should go tomorrow. Something is telling me to get back on the road."

I left her to sun while I did laps and thought about the road. Where were we going? Originally, I had planned to write freelance articles about quirky road trips, illustrated with pictures of the quirky locations. Now, I had a helper. A helper with talent, whose increasing belly wouldn't be a problem for several months. Hmmm.

Back in the sun next to her, I mumbled from under my own hat, "Do you do quirky?"

No answer. She must be asleep.

"Quirky as in people quirky? Places quirky? Sex quirky?" She raised up and looked over. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking you look ravishing in that bikini. Not quirky at all."

She fell back. "Oh god, Brian. You are fixing me so well I can't think straight. Maybe I have to concentrate on being your slut."

"Not permitted. You are a wholesome young woman who just accepted a ring from your new boyfriend."

"A ring? You are kidding."

"No. Since you want to get moving again, we will add a stop to find a ring when we get to Vegas."

Silence. After a couple of minutes, "You are right, a ring will make things easier on the road. But you have to let me find the right ring, and the clothes to go with it."

"Ring clothes? What are those?"

"I am not totally slow. You want to write stories about quirky places. I am your new quirky photographer. There must be quirky clothes to match. Vegas is home for crazy quirky and I will shop."

We wandered back to the cottage. She pushed me onto the bed and bounced on top. A thought entered my mind as I gazed at the smiling enthusiasm. Whatever else happened, I was going to give this love of mine a new start on life. Another thought followed.

"You aren't going to like this."

She discarded her suit and walked to the shower. I followed. Grabbing a limp cock, she said, "Don't tease. You promised."

"We will submit quirky articles to the right magazines. We will also do a blog. The blog will track with us, but the pictures will be of one or the other of us doing dumb quirky things, dressed in dumb quirky clothes."

She leaned down to listen to my heart. My hands caressed soapy boobs. "You are losing it, Brian."

I found a beer in the cooler and fixed her hair while we shared it. She nibbled on my fingers and said, "Your brain is working overtime. Tell me."

"This idea has possibilities. It's just quirky enough to succeed. I want to work on this morning's images, but let's find some dinner right now."

Another of the new dresses, with a fitted bodice that demanded no bra, looked amazing. It flared around her hips and swished. She gave me a look and asked, "No briefs either?"

"Your aunt the disciplinarian would have you over her knee. Find some lipstick."

As we walked out, arm in arm, she said, "My aunt Cathy was married three times before she gave up. After that, there were guys around for a while, and they just disappeared when she got bored. My mom says she is an awful slut. She also told me that Aunt Cathy was at least smart enough not to get knocked up."

"Remind me to put Aunt Cathy over my knee if we ever meet up."

That produced a cascade of giggles, punctuated with 'damn' at the end.

The end to a wonderful day required gin and red meat. She squeezed my hand and said, "No gin for the baby. I only get a tiny sip. And no more beer, either. I forgot today."

The steak was excellent. If you stuck to basics in Furnace Creek, the food was passable.

"You are thinking again. Am I going to call you Mr. Quirk?"

"Listen to this. You and I are Lucy and Mac. We are from Searchlight, Nevada, but anxious to leave town and explore America. We didn't have any money to do that until the night you hit a ten thousand dollar jackpot on the slots. We are on the road in a jalopy your uncle says is all good under the hood. Looks really trashy otherwise, but has a fine bench seat in the front."

Her eyes widened, getting into the script with me. She said, "There have to be many changes of clothes, all quirky. There have to be lots of hats. Mac will take shots of the photographer's assistant, bent over her camera in very tight boy shorts. Whenever there is a candid of Lucy showing her face, she wears a big brimmed hat with enormous dark glasses."

I kissed the back of her hand. "You see what I mean, it has possibilities."

"You are crazy, but yes, it has possibilities. What do you think Jeremy will say?"

"Who is Jeremy?"

She laughed as we stood to leave. "Jeremy is the boy baby growing in me!"

We strolled down to the historic equipment exhibit. Laughing and poking each other. I said, "Mac and Lucy have to have some very quirky mannerisms. Not totally far out, but enough to make people think they are real persons. Do you want to be in charge of thinking those up?"

She leaned in and asked, "Is it ok if Lucy is smarter than Mac? That will provide for a lot of jokes and get women following us."

"You are truly evil. Give me a kiss."

We leaned on a split rail fence, under tamarisks, and looked at a tired steam locomotive. I couldn't believe it but all of a sudden, we were a team. Partners, even. My arm wrapped her tight as twilight deepened and one thought of the lives caught up with these wagons and buggies and steam trains from a century ago.

Her voice at my ear whispered, "Mac, I know I haven't been good to you in bed, but now that we are away from my Mom, I really need you!"

She had my hand, and we both knew where she was leading. "Lucy, I am really hot for your body. You don't have to ask twice!"

When we were inside the cottage, dropping clothes and pulling the drapes, I had the perfect Mac problem.

"Lucy, um, I can't find the condoms..."

Slap! The blow was hard. "Mac, how could you be so dumb? Look at that big cock I need. That horrible babymaker!"

I had her down across my knees, applying my hand to her ass. "Lucy, you are not getting away from me again! If I can't have one hole, I'm taking the other! The lube is right there on the night table."

Marigold flipped over, eyes very wide. "You're not?"

"You teased me once too many, Lucy. Get that pucker all loose."

I was pushed down and a body stretched on top. She was actually squirming.

"Damn, that sounded real. Have you ever done it that way?"

I turned us over and roared, "Yes, and you are next!"

After a long minute of kissing, she said, "Maybe sometime, we should..."

I finished her sentence, "experiment?"

She cuddled into my front. "I am not Lucy, and you are not Mac, and I love you."

When we woke from the nap, it was only eight o'clock. She pulled on a long tee shirt and got out the camera and my laptop. She remembered all the connections and images were in front of my eyes in moments. First hers, and then mine.

"This isn't fair. All I have is the stinking desert, and you have this hot babe with all the skin."

I centered her between my legs and kissed the back of her neck. "Yes. I told you about the model and how fine she would look."

I hoped Wayward was absorbing the great images. She should be proud of them. One or two were sufficiently anonymous that they could go in the blog as Lucy showing off for Mac. I reached around her shoulder and clicked to one. "Lucy, look how well I captured your fine body."

"Mac, I'm naked! That is going nowhere!"

"That's my girlfriend. My loving girlfriend with the incredible body. You have to let me post it. No one will know it is really Lucy."

"Damn, Brian. That Lucy shot is going on the Internet?"

"Only at the right moment. You did say she is smarter than he is."

She put the laptop to one side and rolled into me. "Another minute of that and I was going to jump you."

I held tight and said, "I have an idea. If we pack up and go to sleep now, we can leave an hour before sunrise and get some images at Zabriskie Point when the sun hits Telescope Peak. Another site of thousands of pictures, but the location is spectacular, and if nothing else, we can put them in our new library of road shots. Never know when you might need one."

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