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Those Who Cuckold Get Paid Back


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"Are you trying to convince me that a walk at the seashore was a valid reason to let that creep shave your pussy and fuck you?"

Nilla sobbed, "Of course not, but please let me explain why and how those mad things happened. Though we could see how some couples disappeared into the dunes for privacy, Benny and I kept walking at the seashore and nothing happened out there. The weather was still pleasant, why we, coming back to the hotel agreed about a nightcap at Benny's balcony. He booked a bottle of sparkling wine and a bowl with strawberries from the room service."

"Are you really so naive that you didn't understood his intentions? Of course, you were incredible naive even with that damn Star and you had, without any doubt, let even him fuck you if he hadn't been interrupted. May I presume that fucking horny Haller wasn't the first time you got fucked during a conference?" I asked her.

Nilla shouted, "I can swear that I have never cheated you before Haller raped me. Please let me finish before you begin accusing me."

"Are you trying to convince me that Haller shaved your pussy by force before he raped you? Did you scream for help and what did the Danish police do? Or do you regard me stupid?"

She continued, "Benny and I had made a bet about something. If I won, he promised to buy me one of the beautiful amber necklaces sold at hotel and I agreed to his silly demand about trimming my pubis hair if he won. Of course, I knew it was totally mad but I was sure to win. He won and did no attempts to collect his prize until we had emptied the wine bottle and I intended to go to my room. He said that a bet is matter of honor and had me lie on my back on the bed where he took down my trousers and panties to the ankles. Then he began the trimming by working slowly with his electric shaver."

Nilla began sob but continued, "It had been a lot of drinking during the evening and now the sparking wine did me sleepy and I'm sure about falling in sleep. I woke up with a terrible hangover at five in the morning and found myself naked in Benny's bed and panicked. When I saw my trimmed pubis hair, I could remember him beginning to do it but everything after that is a black hole in my memory. I accused him for raping me but he swore that nothing had happened. He said that I had professed to being too tired to go anywhere, undressed and fallen in sleep in his bed."

I asked her, "Why did you lie to me? You told me that it was you girls who trimmed each other at the hotel spa and you didn't mention anything about your evening walk at the dark seashore with Haller. Nor did you tell me about sharing the classic seduction stuff, sparkling wine and strawberries together with such a horny creep as Benny Haller."

"What could I do or say? No evidence and his word against mine. Don't you think that the Danish police had got a good laugh if I had called them? Haller is my boss and had to trust him. I still don't know anything about what he did or not did during that night. At least not for sure. Though I might be a stupid, before I went to my room I searched the bed for stains and the vaster bags for condom papers but didn't' find anything. In my room I searched for evidence on my body but didn't found anything, no bruises, no traces of cum or sore pussy. The only thing remained from that evening was my trimmed pubis hair and a terrible hangover." Nilla said and looked very sad.

I think she told me her view of the truth is why I said, "I'm disappointed about how easy you gave in to those two horny seducers. What about all other conference-gigolos who have done attempts on you over the years. How many of them got what they wanted? Feel free to confess now because it doesn't matter any longer. Already the two cheatings I know are two too many."

Nilla shouted, "As far as I know, no other man have fucked me since you and I met. Star did a kinky thing but he didn't fuck me." Then she rushed to our bedroom.

No further words was said that evening and night and early the next morning Molly Haller called me, barked as a mad dog before she said that she had connected the police about what I did to her husband. I asked her, "Didn't your dear husband tell you that he got my wife drunk, raped her in Denmark and bragged about that to the whole Sport Bar yesterday evening?"

Now she got even more furious and shouted, "Bullshit, It was your damn slut wife who tried to seduce my husband for getting advantages at her job. You poor bastard are married to a real slut wife. You should have seen her attempts to get Star interested in her. Disgusting."

I probably am a good mannered guy but refused to take that crap from Molly Haller, so I told her, "Molly, you ought to be very careful accusing Pernilla to be a slut. I know what Star and you did."

Molly ended it with, "I'll demand Benny to get you sued."

To my great surprise Benny Haller rang me one hour later and demanded Nilla and me come to their house saying our apologies in the presence of a few witness. Otherwise he would go to the police.

I told him, "Take a one-way hike to a very hot place but before going you ought to tell your shameless slut-wife that her all-three-hole fucking with Star may be going to the web. I promise to find it and you can be sure I will show it to the whole town."

Haller thought it was a bluff, began laughing and said, "See you at the court and I promise to take a good care of Pernilla's sweet pussy while you are in jail."

I replied, "We'll see, but please remember that the last laugher will get the best laugh."

However, Haller got the first good laugh. The government had newly ended an expensive campaign against street violence and, when I, about ten days after the incident, was called to the police station where the young female investigator took Haller's statement for the truth. To everybody's great surprise, she succeeded in persuading the responsible public prosecutor, even she a young female, to have me locked in.

As it was a simple case, the trial was held already within three weeks. My lawyer was a clever and ruthless man who forced Haller, under oath, to confess that he had used my drunken wife for his sexual intentions. Nilla, when it was her turn, accused Haller to have raped her and my lawyer demanded to have Haller arrested right there in the court, but the judge refused. The newspapers did a big matter of it and the police are still investigating it, but obviously with a low priority.

When my lawyer was finished with the female police and the female prosecutor, both of them left the trial described in the newspapers as feminist activists ill-placed at their present jobs. But because it was without any reasonable doubt that I had hit Haller in a public place, I got three months in jail, that meant two months and one week in a semi open jail after the three weeks I already been locked in was withdrawn. My lawyer suggested to me to accept and I did.

Somehow a clip at the web with Molly Haller visiting Star, with the one hour theatre training cut off but all spanking and fucking in all her openings visible, became very popular in our town and she had to quit her headmaster job. Even Benny Haller got a message from the bank's main office that they had another job, a long way from our town, waiting for him.

It caused many divided feelings when Nilla was offered and accepted Benny Haller's job at the bank. Though Haller was a creep, he had been rather popular at the bank and now many of Nilla's co-workers envied her new job and accused her fucking some big boss for getting it..

No need to say that Nilla's and my marriage was in a very low level during and after the trial. I didn't file for divorce because we agreed to take a time-out while everything could calm down until I was out of jail. Then it would be high time for a final decision; divorce or a new-start with forgiving everything what happened before that decision day.

Nilla is mad at me because my actions against Haller and the testimonies at the trial have created a reputation for her as an easy seduced slut and as usual, the gossips are making a bird of an feather while some details of the truth are imagined by every storyteller. However, she use to visit me every second week, together with our children, but refuses to put her foot in any private visiting room and that's why we usually spend that time outdoors.

I can't help it but there will be some remorse in my mind caused by my "jail bird groupie" and I begin to suspect that Nilla doesn't care very much about our marriage for the time being.

However, Nilla and I will be back to the square one only few days after I'm released from this jail. The hiking gang with whom I met Nilla, use to have a reunion every five year and this time it is ten years since Nilla and I met and fell in love.

All the other five couples are still together and they knows about Nilla's and my problems. That's why they persuaded us not to be silly cowards and stay at home. The hiking will be at the Portuguese island of Madeira. We will be walking along the famous old Levadas (irrigation channels) in the mountains. There will be one one-day hike and one two-day hike with night at some small boarding house. The other nights will be spent at a hotel. The other couples have promised doing everything they can that Nilla and I will be together 24/7 during this trip.

Time goes fast when one is busy most of the time, so even my time as a guest of the taxpayers in our country. My dear groupie or 'married visitor', as I preferred to call her, had visited me for the last time and she gave me a real good goodbye fuck. We had decided that it was a high time to end our relation. I had enjoyed her visits very much, not only for the sex but, in fact, she had really lightened up my time here in many ways. I had even meant a lot to her and happened to turn the non existing sex life in her marriage to a new beginning.

After much talking my married visitor and her husband had agreed how they should act to get back to an average marriage again. He had begun therapy and was making progress. When his doctor got knowledge about the sex problem, he had replaced his blood pressure medicine with something what had a less unwanted effect on him. My married visitor said that their last attempt in bed had been very promising.

Of course, I've been thinking a lot about my own situation and what to do and how to do it when back home. My main intention is to by a polite family-guy and when talking to Nilla, neither mention anything about divorce nor anything about Star or Haller. I'm sure that our final decision about the future of our marriage will be taken during one of the first days at Madeira. But my problem is that today I don't have any idea about what she really wants. My action against Haller caused her a serious public humiliation as a cheating slut-wife. A lot of people might dislike her because the Hallers had to leave town and Nilla got his job. If she regards all her new problems as mainly my fault, she probably will demand divorce.

There might even be one other reason for Nilla to want a divorce. During my almost daily e-mail connection with my office one of my employees, Mariette Lager had mentioned several times that Nilla been seen eating lunch together with one of the wealthiest men in our town, Gilbert Hubertsson, nowadays called Fox Gilbert. This was after his trophy wife left him with an intention of taking a huge amount of his money with her. But Gilbert had different intentions and acted as a conning fox.

The strangest thing in this matter was that they didn't have any marriage settlement. That's why the pretty wife demanded 50% of everything and was happy until Gilbert's expensive lawyer found out that their exotic Las Vegas wedding had never been valid, neither in our country nor in Nevada. This was due to something missing in one of the documents that our citizens need for a valid wedding abroad. The Trophy wife left town with big a debt to her lawyer and the people saying, 'greed doesn't pay'.

Fox Gilbert is usually known as a good guy but nothing can be sure of in these days if he is interested in Nilla. If she is even interested in a relationship with him, my chances for remaining married to Nilla is less than zero, doesn't matter whatever I will say or do.

I myself have to decide, what do I want? Nilla is a good mother to our children and has been an almost perfect wife to me. I doubt that I ever can find any other woman as good as she. Of course, our shared ten years means much to me. But seeing her as an easyily seduced prey to that damn Star gave me serious doubts about her morality and making a silly bet and letting that horny Haller trim her pubis hair made me almost puking. What happened after that trimming will never be known because I doubt that none of them told the truth at the trial.

I doubt that Haller had undressed and raped a sleeping co-worker, but I even doubt that Nilla was almost clear in her head and got a great pleasure with their sex as Haller said. How could she been almost sober after drinking the whole evening? First she had Rum and Cola with the girls before the dinner then several glasses of wine at the dinner. Then they had at least two Rum and Colas at the bar after the dinner and ending it with sharing a bottle of sparkling wine. No way she could be as sober as Haller said, but her condition might depend on how long time they spent at balcony and what time at the evening that infamous pussy trimming was done. Nilla has never been a heavy drinker and use to be very careful with booze while partying with our friends.

Though drinking and partying is no valid excuse for Nilla's acting as a slut, I'm sure she was so drunken that she doesn't remember anything about what happened during the night and she told the truth about her remorse when waking up naked in Haller's room. Nilla acted as a slut but Haller acted as a conning crook and I will never in my life regret giving him that well earned punishment at the sport bar and what I had to pay for it.

The future of Nilla's and my marriage? It will be decided within a few days and I'm not any clairvoyant who can tell you anything yet. However, if any reader of this story wants to know what happened during the Madeira vacation, I promise to write a short part two to this story.

But I will be very busy during my first weeks after coming back home from Madeira, it matters what happens to Nilla's and my marriage, that's why I beg you to be patient while waiting for that story.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Umm isn't it allowing rape to progress, if you watch a woman being spanked and beaten and forced into sex afterwards? Yes he intervened with Roland when it was Nilla. No doubt she fell to his seduction easily to get into his place. But what makes it worse is she did it on the heels of her unwanted, drunken sex tryst with Haller. What the heck was she thinking? She would have been raped by the Star. Wtf? And yet the MC is also a douche for banging a married women visiting the prison, multiple times. Huh?

This was a weird story...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

"Nilla is a good mother to our children and has been an almost perfect wife to me." Really? This MC clearly doesn't believe in setting the bar very high. Even if nothing else is true, allowing a man other than her husband or a medical professional to shave her snatch is light years away from being 'an almost perfect wife'. Seems to me to make his decision for him.

TracklTracklover 2 years ago

Always got me interested, how in stories women easily go to "trainings/team buildings" or other "innocent" acts with a known pussyhounds.

"I thought it would be strictly professional". Right. An attractive woman away with a serial seducer. What could go wrong? Jeez, women that stupid are really out there?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Funny how that works

When a drunk husband wakes up in bed with a naked woman, he's a pig and a cheater, no matter what. People hate him for it and want him castrated.

But when a drunk wife wakes up in bed with a naked guy, she's a rape victim. Poor diddums.

What's the difference? Drunk women can be raped, but not drunk men? What if they are both drunk? Are they both rape victims, or just the one? Or is it just the one that regrets it is a victim? When 2 completely drunk people have sex, how is one a victim and one a rapist? Aren't both equally to blame?

robroy93robroy93over 4 years ago

A little difficult to follow, but I'll look for chapter two.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
No need

There should not be a need for Ch 2,if he was a man he would have dumped the slut after her night with Star.A second part can only mean he is going to stay married to her.

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 5 years ago
2 items

1- 3 scumbags. Basically letting actor training go on when is rape pure and simple

2-anonymous 9/4 and 26thnc stated my other thoughts

She slut

He scumbag

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Winterfrog, a taliban

Winterfrog, a taliban as usual. Talking about how you consider women I realky think you have a lot in common with those black wearing sciovinists

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I agree with 26thNC

26thNC26thNCabout 6 years ago
Time to burn

Let's get out of jail and burn a bitch and a rich bastard. Don't wimp out.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Why does he have any doubt?

She's already moved on with a rich man. She only comes to see him every other week and she's made it clear she's not happy with his actions. He should be filing for a divorce, asking for custody and threatening to smear her name all across the internet as a cheating whore. No second part necessary. Their marriage is toast!

tazz317tazz317over 6 years ago

in telling,,,,,,in hiding,,,,,,on vacation,,,,,,shave and a haircut 6 bits, TK U MLJ LV NV

StormKing33StormKing33over 7 years ago
The Husband is a stud!!!

And he kicks ass!!! Nilla is a weak bitch with some sociopathic tendencies.

Nuclear BTB is required.

tazz317tazz317over 8 years ago

its not always true, but still in use world-wide. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Nilla is an idiot slut

She is obviously no damn good as a wife!


A $20 whore has more honor and honesty!

Tootight1Tootight1about 10 years ago

sorry for your time in jail, but there are consequences to actions. good luck with nila, ill bet she already found a new hubby. that's the way women are, sorry to say.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago
Doesn't Matter

Yeah your wife was cheating on you but in prison you cheated yourself. You only had three months but you couldn't wait. Get a divorce, split everything then both kill yourselves. That is what should be in ch.2. We'll see...

tazz317tazz317almost 13 years ago

and the other awaited the outcome. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
huecuck the pussy

Best thing about WF stories is damn pussy hounds getting their balls kicked. Real men fight for their women, real cucks run away sobbing like bitches. huecuck's real life cuckolding left him jaded, ball-less and wanting more. WF kicks ass!

Huedogg2Huedogg2almost 13 years ago
another winterfrog WACC story

fuck the bitch and get a divorce

tazz317tazz317almost 13 years ago

shouldnt be stone throwers. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
I've got the greatest Chock of my life !!!!!!

The shit have hit the fan !!!

tarlingtontarlingtonover 13 years ago
Welcome Back

Great Story as usual, I like the Nordic perspective on relationships and reading your stories is just like talking to some guy from Sweden at a Pub as he tells about his or someones relationship gone sour. I hope that you write more often about the relationships and trials and tribulations from the North.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

There are some things that make or break a story and/or character for me. In this story, it's that Nilla repeatedly says to her husband that nothing's wrong, he's paranoid, don't believe all the (true) rumors, etc, while KNOWING that Star guy is going to fuck her.

That breaks the character Nilla for me right there. Torch the bitch.

Any reconciliation aside from "I want to see my kids every other weekend" is him wimping out.

I agree with bigguy and chagrined that you do need an English speaking editor. It would make the story easier to read, and fix the common mistakes. Just a suggestion.

Until then, I'm waiting for the conclusion!

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 13 years ago
A clever tale told by a good story teller.

Sort of left the story hanging, but still in all it is a good read.

Having read a lot of the author's work, I can understand his non-English word usage and appreciate the author's writing in English, for I can't understand a word of his first language.

That's why I admire the international writers for posting on this website, they take the initiative and time to write and post good stories.

Thanks for the good read, and I hope to see the rest of the story soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Write a second part. However, you shold seek out a new wife. Nella is obviously a whoring slut at heart orso stupid that she thinks what she did is not cheating and she will surely do it agian. Cut your losses and look for a youger, sexier woman who is not as stupid as Nella

ChagrinedChagrinedover 13 years ago
I can see you still think in Swedish or Norwegian or whatever...:)

WF, by and large I like your stories. But you really do need an English editor. Yes, others don't care but I appreciate the Queens English...OK, the Presidents English, far too much to allow so many errors from a talented writer. You change tenses from past to present to past too often. Pick a tense and keep to it.

Also, your use of colloquial English is a little rough. You have "the last laugher will get the best laugh.". If you are going to use an idiom, keep it pure and in context. "he who laughs last, laughs best." Also, it is not a "conning fox" but a "cunning fox". There are too many run on sentences. run on sentences. That destroys the flow.

I don't mean to be hypercritical. I can write nothing in any Scandinavian language and I am only fair in Russian or French. Spanish would be the best next to English. :)

As I said, I like your writing. as good as it is, it will be better with a good English editor. All writers use them. :)



AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago


chilleywilleychilleywilleyover 13 years ago
WF at his best

I enjoyed the story, and I do like your 'voice'. It's that rarity of being both unique and good so any editing should leave the grammar stuff alone. I thought it dragged a bit at the end wondering about divorce. You certainly left enough gore's in the marriage to damage it beyond repair, but still, it could go either way.

Look forward to part two


cyrilliccyrillicover 13 years ago
OK so far

Emil succeeded in getting some 'revenge sex' while in jail. I approve of this, as in my eyes it levels the score and draws a line under the previous cheating. I hope to see part 2. BTW, There seems to be some confusion as to whether Robert Olsson's wife is Susanne or Lena.

oldwayneoldwayneover 13 years ago
I like you, but...

I didn't like this story very much. Too wimpy for my tastes.

bigguy323bigguy323over 13 years ago
Nothing much to add except the obvious. You desperately need an English speaking editor.

You're plots are always great. The flow is good but your phrasing and syntax are confusing and very challenging to read.

RHinSCRHinSCover 13 years ago
Chapter two

She has done too much to forget, he will always wonder. No matter how much you love them sometimes it is better to cut and run. This is one of those times. Good story.

xtremeddxtremeddover 13 years ago
First, good of you to share with us again, I/We welcome you back, thank you.


Great story and writing! Hope you have the/your story written, Pt.2 & more... and that 2. is not influenced by "story comments section", other than "yes" to share it.

Please do 2. and let us know how you ended your story.

I've no comments, untill you submit your conclusion. Really looking forward to reading more.

Thanks for sharing on Lit.


hindsight2020hindsight2020over 13 years ago

I also enjoy your stories. I gave it a 4. If you would have hooked up with a writer you respect and got some editing, it could have been a 5

ohioohioover 13 years ago
I always enjoy your stories

but I was surprised that you left this one unfinished.

Clearly Nilla has lots of issues. If she didn't want to visit him privately in jail, after giving her boss a beating that the guy richly deserves, we have to question how much she cares for her husband.

But however this ends, I hope you'll post the rest of it soon.



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