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She ignored the No Trespassing sign.
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I was hiking in the mountains with a group of friends. That is, I was supposed to be with a group of friends. I'd stopped to nip behind the bushes for a minute and then hurried to catch up to the others. When I didn't catch up as soon as I expected, I hurried a little more. By the time it dawned on me that I didn't seem to be catching them I was well and truly separated.

It wasn't a problem though. We all had satellite smart phones. I took a GPS reading of my position and rang the others. They'd been about to ring me, afraid I'd had an accident. We exchanged GPS positions and determined that I'd taken the left fork of the trail where they'd taken the right.

We considered back-tracking and meeting up, but that would have taken ages. A quick review of the map showed that the track I was on would swing round and meet up with the path they were on. Whichever one of us reached the cross trail first would just wait there. The only drawback was that I'd probably have to camp out overnight by myself. Not a real problem as I could see there was a lake up ahead. I'd just make it a point to camp on the lake.

That lake was the reason for the fork in the trail, with each trail circling the lake, just taking opposite sides. Depending on the size of the lake I might even be able to spot my friend's camp across it.

I padded easily along the trail. I was young and fit and an experienced hiker. I'd have no troubles making it to the lake. I was doing quite well when I came upon this sign. Just one of those silly signs people put up.


I assumed they were trying to be funny with that persecuted in place of prosecuted. The mentality of some people is amazing. Anyway, I took another GPS reading at that point, marking it on the map. I was making quite good time.

I forged ahead, happy that I'd make the lake with plenty of time in hand. I think I'd actually taken a shorter route than my friends. I came ambling around a bend in the trail and there was this man standing there, glaring at me. A very big man and he looked truly formidable.

"Who the hell are you," he snarled, "and what are you doing here?"

My, my. Such politeness. He got my back up right away.

"I'm Simone," I snapped back at him. "Any fool can see I'm hiking. There's no law against it you know."

I mean, I'm carrying a stick, dressed for hiking and carrying a backpack. What the hell did he think I was doing?

"There are laws against trespass," the man pointed out. "This land is posted. You must have marched right past at least one warning sign. Are you illiterate or do you just think you're above the law, one of those people who thinks that they have all the rights and others don't have any?"

"I saw the sign," I admitted with a shrug. "I thought it was a joke. And you meant prosecuted, not persecuted," I added for good measure.

"No, I didn't," the oaf replied. "If I prosecuted you the court would laugh, say I was wasting everyone's time and dismiss the charge or let you off with a warning. I'd have my time wasted and probably lawyer fees. So I deal out my own punishments. You ignored a sign put up giving you fair warning so you take the consequences."

"What are you talking about?" I demanded.

"If you were a man I'd give you a black eye and run you off my land. Seeing you're an attractive young thing I'll give you a chance. You turn around and head back down the trail, off my property. If you back-track a few miles you'll see where the track forked. Take the other fork and it will take you to the lake."

I knew what fork he meant. The one I'd already missed. Going back down there and back up the other trail would take me ages.

"And what happens if I insist on going ahead and getting to the lake by this trail?" I demanded.

"Your choice," he said, with a very nasty smile, "but in five minutes time I'm going to start hunting for you. If I find you on my property the persecution starts."

He looked me up and down, a very male look on his face.

"When I catch you I'll strip off all your clothes, socks and shoes included. After that I'll be taking off all my clothes. Once we are both naked I will lie you flat on your back. Seeing a naked woman lying flat on her back in front of a naked man is an open invitation for the man to ravish her, and I will happily accept that invitation."

He ostentatiously looked at his watch.

"Better start moving as your time starts now."

I gave him a killer look.

"You wouldn't dare touch me. I'd have you arrested."

"The cops would have to find me first," he pointed out. "It's easy to stay hidden in the woods. It's not likely that they're going to launch a big manhunt for me on the word of one young woman saying she got screwed while breaking the law.

Still, you're welcome to stick around and find out for yourself. As far as I'm concerned, if you're on my property five minutes from now then you're consenting to what happens. You've been told, but then again, maybe you like being ravished."

He wouldn't dare, I just knew it. But what if he did? Feeling furious I turned and marched of back along the trail. There was no great hurry. Five minutes would see back around where his stupid sign was. I'd stop there for a moment and tell the others what had happened and that I'd have to take the other trail so I'd be a couple of hours behind them.

I moved on down the trail. I wasn't rushing but I wasn't exactly taking my time. Several times I looked behind, wondering if he was following. I finally decided that he probably wouldn't. He'd stay where he was until the five minutes were up, probably laughing while he timed it.

The five minutes passed and I still hadn't passed his silly sign. Just a little worried I stepped up the pace a bit. Five more minutes passed and I was now seriously worried. One reason being that I seemed to be moving uphill and I should by rights have been moving down. I stopped and checked the GPS and promptly experience a horrid sinking feeling in my tummy. I was nowhere near the point I'd marked as the sign. It was my day for wrong turns it seemed. Trouble was I had no idea where I'd gone wrong. I debated turning around and going back but decided no. After all, I damn well knew that man was back down that track somewhere. Hereabouts I was probably off his land.

I checked the map, trying to work out the best way to the lake. It seemed to me that the path I was on would get me there, but was a bit further than going via the trail the man had chased me away from. I forged ahead.

I turned a corner and that man was there again. I couldn't believe it. He was just standing in the middle of the trail, looking at me and shaking his head.

"You just don't get it, do you girl?" he growled. "I gave you a fair and reasonable chance to get off my land after you ignored properly posted warning signs. And what do you do? You try and sneak around anyway. Don't think much of other people's rights, do you?"

"I was leaving," I protested. "It was just a case of me taking the wrong path somewhere. That's how I landed up on your land in the first place."

"If you're that inept out in the woods, you shouldn't be out here alone," the man pointed out, and I blushed.

"Don't tell me. You weren't alone. You just happened to lose them somewhere."

"They took the trail around the other side of the lake," I admitted. "I was a bit behind and took the wrong trail."

He shook his head, looking disgusted.

"Well, that's not really my problem. Still, I suppose I'll have to escort you to safety afterwards."

Afterwards? What did he mean, afterwards? He must have seen I was looking puzzled because he smiled.

"My name's Frank," he said. "You do remember the penalty for being caught on my land after your five minutes was up?"

I was appalled. He couldn't be serious.

"It's not my fault," I protested. "I got lost. You can't blame me for that."

"Ah, I can. Quite easily, as a matter of fact. I saw you checking out your smart phone. I assume that you've got GPS and a compass on that thing. All you had to do was put it into continuous tracking mode and you could have backtracked quite easily just by following the phones directions back down."

I hadn't even known that smart phones came with continuous tracking options. I should have guessed that they did. I didn't say anything. It seemed to me that I'd look stupid no matter what I said, probably because I had been stupid.

"Well, if you're so clever," I burst out, apparently congenitally incapable of being silent, "why can't you just show me the shortest way off your land?"

"I thought I'd just said I'd do that," Frank replied. "You don't listen, do you?"

Had he said that? Oh, yes, the escort me to safety bit. Wake up girl. You're making yourself look like a right idiot.

"Oh, right. Then can we get started?" I just wanted off Frank's land and in a position to catch up with the others.

"So eager," murmured Frank, and I looked at him, surprised. Then it hit me. He was going to escort me afterwards. I'd just told him to get a move on with the ravishing.

"Wait," I squealed, but it was far too late, he already had hold of me.

I wouldn't have believed a man could hold me so easily. He had my wrists in one hand, holding them behind my back, while he calmly and methodically undid ever button and zip he could lay his hands on. He didn't actually try to remove my clothes at this stage. He just undid everything.

Finally satisfied that all immediate targets were undone he started stripping me. My backpack was pushed off my shoulders and lowered to the ground and then my jacket followed. My jeans were pushed down, but they didn't go far. Thank god for tight jeans.

The respite didn't last long. He dragged my t-shirt up and popped it over my head, letting go my arms one at a time while he stripped it right off. Then, damn him, he undid my bra.

"Nice tits," he said, one hand running over them. I half wished that he would act like an oaf and just grab them, letting me despise him, but he didn't. His hand just drifted lightly across them, enjoying the feel of them, letting my nipples rasp across the palm of his hand. He actually had the gall to bend down and lightly suck on one.

"Sweet," he said. "Very sweet."

Apparently my nipples thought so too as they were standing out in a very embarrassing manner.

With my top half naked he transferred his attention to the bottom half. He pushed me down onto the ground and started by taking off my boots and shoes. (When I say pushed, I should say he sort of steered me down to the ground. He didn't just push me over. He was just firm about where I should be.)

Now it was the turn of my jeans. Even I have trouble getting those off. Frank just grabbed the waist from where he'd left it and pulled upwards, effectively shaking me out of them. Even though I swore at him I couldn't help but think it was a neat trick. Pity I couldn't do it to myself.

As you can guess, with everything gone except my panties, it was but the work of a moment to have me naked. Or it would have been if he'd just pulled them off. He teased them down, leaving my hands free so that I could try to hang onto them. He'd pull down one side and let go. While I was pulling that side back up he'd be tugging them down somewhere else. It was a losing game and I should just have let them go, but that would have felt like a surrender.

Still, they did come off. Frank stood up, looking down at me and smiling.

"If you're thinking of jumping to your feet and running while I'm getting undressed, don't."

I just gave him a nasty look. I was thinking of it and he couldn't stop me. With his trousers half down he wouldn't even be able to chase me.

"Right now I have you sitting on some grass," Frank said. "Before you run, look down at your bare feet and then look at the rocks on the trail. Then think how you'll cut your feet to ribbons running on them."

I looked at my feet and then I looked at the trail and I had to admit that he had a point. Frank stripped off his t-shirt and he looked horribly fit and strong. He kicked off his own shoes and then his trousers were heading down.

I'll tell you this. I took one look at his package and jumped to my feet. I was beginning to think the rocks on the trail were the better option.

I didn't get a chance to find out. His arm shot out and caught me while he finished kicking his trousers off.

"Stop panicking," he said. "I'll take it slowly."

Stop panicking? Easy for him to say. He didn't have to face that thing.

"I know I said I was just going to lay you on the ground and take you but I'm not a complete brute," he informed me, and suddenly I felt hopeful. Maybe he wasn't actually going to ravish me after all.

"If you prefer to get down on hands and knees for a doggy style, I don't mind. Or you can be on top and lower yourself onto me. Laying you flat on your back was the first position I thought of, that's all. Any preferences?"

Yes. I'd prefer to be fifty miles away and getting further away by the second. I stayed mute, throwing nervous glances at his equipment.

When I didn't supply a preference Frank just shrugged slightly and guided me back down onto the grass, flat on my back. He settled down next to me.

"You'll probably feel more relaxed when you realise it's not a snake that's going to bite you. Take a hold of it. Get a feel for what it's like."

I looked at it askance. That's what he thought. Frank took my hand and wrapped it around his shaft. This was supposed to make me feel better? It looked enormous, standing up like that. With my hand wrapped around it, it not only looked enormous, compared to my hand, but it felt thick and hard and hot.

I tentatively ran my hand along the shaft, travelling down it and up to the head. (Did you know the head was there to stop your hand flying off? I read that in a book somewhere.) I ran my hand slowly back down it and gave a small scream of shock. Running my hand down it I could actually feel it rubbing along my lips, pressing lightly down into my slit. It took me a second to catch on that Frank was running his thumb over me.

He continued to do that, timing the movements of his hands along my mound to the way I was stroking his erection. It was, distracting. I got an even bigger shock when I finally rubbed my hand over the head of his cock. Frank took that as permission for his fingers to intrude inside of me. I finally jerked my hand way from him.

I wasn't too surprised when Frank took his hand away from my pussy at the same time. He grinned at me, and I could see he had mischief in mind.

"If it's wet, you'll probably find it goes in more easily," he said casually.

"I don't want it going in at all," I pointed out. "And I've got nothing to wet it with anyway."

Frank thought that hilarious and that's when I twigged. I mean, just how stupid could I be?

"You don't expect me to . . ." All I could do was point at it.

"Why not? It's clean. I had a shower this morning."

I had actually noticed that he was quite clean. Some men seem to have this thing about being dirty and unwashed, with greasy hair, but Frank seemed to have high standards of personal hygiene. But still. . .

"Tell you what," he said. "I will if you will."

I just looked at him, stunned. I looked at his erection and then back up at him. I mean, it might seem big to me but it wasn't that big. Frank saw my confusion and for a moment I thought he was going to have hysterics. He just buried his face in his hands, shaking his head. What the hell had I said?

He took his hands away from his face, looked at me, deliberately licked his lips, and then looked down at my crotch.

"Oh," I said in a small voice, as I finally caught on to what he meant. "Oh," I said in a somewhat louder voice, my stomach turning over as I imagined his mouth on me.

He shuffled along a little, still lying next to me. I turned my head and his groin was right there next to me. Oh god. He really expected me to do it. Damn it all, he was ravishing me, or supposed to be. You can't expect a blow job while you're ravishing someone, can you? Apparently Frank could.

I wasn't going to do it but then I thought what the hell? Maybe if I blew him he would be satisfied with that. No ravishment to follow. I let out a frustrated sigh and turned my head. Oh gods. The head of his erection was right there, so close I could smell it. It didn't smell dirty or anything, just sexy, I guess.

My warm mouth engulfed him, my lips closing around him. Then I started working on him. Why, I wondered, do they call it a blow job when you don't blow? I worked on him, my mouth travelling up and down his shaft. Not too far down, though. A sword swallower I was not. I rasped my teeth across the head of his erection, feeling the tenseness in him when I did so.

I actually thought it was going quite nicely. I could feel the tension building in him. He was going to blow his load and I'd be free and unfucked.

It didn't work out that way. Frank suddenly lifted my head away from him, his cock popping free, all wet and glistening.

"My turn," he growled at me and, twisting around, his head dived between my thighs.

Oh my fucking god! He was really doing it. His mouth was on my pussy and his tongue was probing inside me. I gave a strangled cry, wanting to scream but not wanting to, if you know what I mean. It's one thing to have fingers trespass where they shouldn't. A tongue was something else again. It was fat and wet and the damn thing was prehensile in its abilities.

It curled about inside me, probing in all sort of places, or that's what it felt like. It was soft and squishy as well as being firm. A contradiction I know, but that's what it felt like. My real problem came when it touched my clitoris.

Now I'll admit that I was probably a little aroused which meant that my clitoris should have been protected to a certain extent. You wouldn't know it when his tongue struck. I'd have gone through the roof if we'd had one. As it was I was reduced to arching under him and screaming, demanding that he not do that.

"What, this?" he asked, and did it again.

"Yes, that," I raged at him.

"Yes, that. OK," he said, laughing, and did it again.

My god, I thought I was going to climax then and there. When he pulled his face away I found it the most wondrous relief.

A relief that lasted all of one second.

He was going to take me. I just knew it. Everything had been leading up to this point and now he was going in for the kill. No way was I going to quietly submit. I rolled to one side, holding my legs tightly together, trying to move away from him.

"I don't fucking believe this," he grumbled. "Tell me you're kidding."

I just glared at him and he shook his head and tossed his hand in the air.

"Why me?" he asked the sky. "Why do I meet the kooks?"

Kook? Just because I didn't want to be ravished he calls me a kook? Screw him. Ah, no. On second thoughts, that was what I was trying to avoid.

Frank stood up, towering above me, looking down at me. I just lay there, looking up at him, legs together.

The swine winked at me, bent down and took hold of my ankles. Then he lifted them, up and out. Leverage is a wonderful thing – sometimes. He had it, I didn't, and my legs were spread wide, with my ankles damn near up around my ears.

He'd knelt while lifting and now he was between my thighs and his erection was right there next to my slit. Not for long. He just pushed forward and his erection was pushing against my lips, past my lips and driving deeper.

Possibly my dampening his cock helped. I will also admit to a bit of internal dampness owing to the criminal use of his tongue. I'm not saying I was wet, just a trifle damp. The combination was apparently enough for him to slide smoothly down my passage, pushing his way in for the full length of his cock, all in one long continuous thrust, with my passage happily giving him room to move.


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