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Trucking Nightmare

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Bound in the back of a semi.
4.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/07/2008
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He couldn't believe his good fortune. She had turned her back, and he had the presence of thought to bang her in the head. She crumpled to the ground. He checked her pulse to make sure he hadn't overdone it. This was his first time using such force, and he wasn't sure how far he could go. She still had a strong pulse but was sure to have a headache when she came around.

All he could think of that moment was getting her in his truck before someone noticed her lying there. He grabbed her arms and dragged her to the steps to his idling big-rig, hoisting her prostrate body over his shoulder before he climbed inside the cab. He dumped her unceremoniously on the lower bunk and reached for the duct tape he kept in the back. He never thought he'd need it for something like this, but he was glad it was close. He pulled her hands together, tore off a strip of tape and bound her wrists snugly in front of her. He tied a handkerchief in her mouth to muffle any sounds she might make. Next, he bound her ankles and pushed her against the back wall of the cab.

He stood up and looked down at his captive. He was excited nearly to the point of numbness as he stared at her still form. Her hair spread out tangling around her face. With her arms in front of her, her tits were squeezed slightly together, giving him a titillating view of her exceptional cleavage. Her legs were naked from her thighs down and her skirt had bunched around her hips, giving him a view of her panties -- he loved white with lace, just what she was wearing. He didn't see any hair so assumed she was shaven. His dick got hard as his mind explored her body. He shook his head. Later... Later... Right now he needed to get out of there.

He jumped in the driver's seat, shoved the truck in reverse and back out as quickly as he could. He didn't see anyone around as he put the truck in gear and rolled down the road. He was careful to avoid the highways and keep his radio on, in case there were any reports of his truck and the missing woman. He had lived in the area and knew many back roads -- useful information as he made his way out of the area. He hit the interstate some 30 miles away and headed south. He had a load on for Alabama and decided he'd take her along for the ride.

The more miles he put between her house and his truck, the more he relaxed, smiling for a change at his luck. He couldn't believe how easy that was.... And there she was. He glanced over his shoulder and saw her eyes closed, smiling even broader as he thought of what lay ahead. She wouldn't be smiling and that thought made him break into a grin.

He drove straight through for about 6 hours, thinking she would be out for a while and he wanted as many miles under his tires as he could get before he pulled over. He doubted he'd be rolling again for a while once he stopped. That thought made his cock charge to attention. His mind was wild with lust by the time he found the abandoned mine just off the interstate. He was six hours down the road, in the middle of nowhere. He had used this place to fuck before when he picked up another trucker or some other woman. He knew nobody else would be around. As he backed his rig into the shelter of some trees, he heard her begin to move -- or at least try to move, he thought to himself.

He had a raging hard-on for too many miles to stand much more. First he was going to fuck her, then he would play.... Well, maybe a little play first, he smiled cruelly to himself. He rolled out of the driver's seat and turned on the harsh overhead light. He saw her squint against its light as she looked around. At about that moment, her mouth engaged. He heard lots of muffled words from behind her gag, but he just ignored her. He was too busy watch her wriggle around the bunk. Her breasts were pushed forward, her skirt rising higher and he was enjoying the view. He could tell she was getting more agitated as her chest heaved, making her tits bounce with her efforts, so He thought he'd let her squirm for a while longer. Finally she stopped her frantic movements and glared at him.

"I don't give a fuck what you say to me, honey," he said as he smiled. "You are mine and I am going to do what I want to you, when I want to do it, and there is not a fucking thing you can do to stop me." She squealed some expletives behind the gag, but he didn't care. He meant every word he said.

He made the short distance to the bunk, and opened the closet door. There was an extra belt inside which he took, looping it through her bound wrists and attaching it to the emergency exit handle above her head. He took the duct tape wrapping it securely around the belt and binding her open hands to the belt so she couldn't open the door. The fact that he had to sit on her squirming body was just plain serendipity. Her motions under his body just made his cock harder so he took his time with her hands. She was going to pay for it anyhow so he didn't care.

She bucked and wriggled trying to throw him off but he just smiled down at her. When he was satisfied that she couldn't do anything with her hands, he crawled off her, letting his upper body slide against her chest. Her tits felt so good against his body. He wasn't sure where he was going to start first as he looked down at her. He figured he had better restrain her legs lest she interfere with his plundering of her body. He looked around the truck for the best way to bind her. He decided on tying her left leg to the upper bunk and her right leg, bent at the knee, bound to the passenger seat. He had a length of rope stored under the passenger seat which he cut into three sections with the knife he carried on him. He sliced the tape on her feet apart, noting she was not struggling as much but rather watching him with fear in her eyes. He didn't think his dick could get any harder but the fear in her eyes nearly drove him over the edge. He used the rope to tie her right leg above the knee, pulling the rope hard, forcing her leg open. He pulled a little extra so the rope bit into the soft skin of her lower thigh. He liked the contrast of the dirty rope against her clean, white skin. Next he grabbed her left ankle, jerking her hard as she tried to kick at him. He landed hard on her belly and hips as he jumped forward, snarling into her face, "You fucking bitch, do that again, and you will beg me to put you out of the misery I will give you." He was rewarded with her body going still and terror crossing her face. God, she was really a breathtaking sight laying there. His hand caressed her cheek as she shrank from his touch. This was just too good to be true, he thought. His luck was finally changing. He just knew it.

He crawled back down her body, letting his body enjoy all her curves as he did. He finished with her left ankle and shoved the rope to the top bunk. He pulled hard, hearing her foot hit the bottom of the top bunk. He had enough rope; he could just tie her to the bunk itself, which he did. Then he stood back and stared at her again. Her eyes were wide with fear; her hair was uncontrollably spread around her; her camisole had shifted to the side, exposing the side of her breasts; her skirt was scrunched around her hips, her white, lacey panties clearly evident. He spun around; grabbing the digital camera he kept on the passenger seat, and began snapping shots of her. She closed her eyes almost as if the horror of this was too much. His response was to grab her face roughly and smack her. "Open your eyes, bitch. I want to see the fear on your face, the humiliation in your eyes as you watch me take pictures of you tied like this." Her eyes flew open as tears began to stream silently down her face.

"Oh, fuck yea," he said, as he clicked more pictures. He pulled her top down exposing her tits to the camera and his lustful eye. He grabbed her nipples, pulling hard and laughed as she screamed behind the gag. Her nipples reacted by getting hard and pert. He rewarded the pink tips by snapping shots of just her top half -- naked, afraid and crying. He reached for his knife and began hacking away at her denim skirt. "You won't need this anymore," he leered at her as he snapped more shots of her bound with just her camisole and panties. He sliced off her camisole and knelt between her legs.

He looked into her terrified face and smiled. It wasn't a nice smile. He kept that smile on his face as he reached for her pussy. She screamed in terror as he slid the white fabric aside and saw her freshly-shaven, pink pussy. He pushed the fabric further away and began taking pictures of her exposed cunt. He pushed her legs further apart so her pussy lips gave up their precious clit. She had a beautiful cunt. He was going to thoroughly enjoy himself, he thought as he used his knife to remove the last vestige of fabric from her body.

He stood again and admired the view of her naked female form. He face was tear-streaked, mascara running with the tears. The dirty gag pulled into the corners of her mouth. Her tits were a sweet white with pink nipples, and her pussy was freshly shaven. He knew his luck was changing. He ignored her stifled pleas and fear as he pulled the grease stained shirt over his head. He couldn't remember when he had showered last, but he didn't care. The nastier for her, the more he would like it, and he liked her a lot already. He slid his dirty jeans off and stepped out, his cock hard and stiff in front of his body. He saw her eyes lock on his erection and nearly bug out of her head. He leered at her as he walked toward her head. He got over her, his cock rubbing against her face and looked down. "Oh, cunt, you will come to love this cock before I am finished with you. You will cry and beg and scream about this cock. Look at it, bitch. It's your friend and likes you already, and it hasn't even fucked you yet." When she tried to avert her eyes, he grabbed her face, turning it towards his cock. He rubbed his dick all over her face, across her gagged mouth, relishing in the revulsion she saw coupled with fear that ran across her face.

He moved down her body, playing with her pretty tits. He found the noises she made as he twisted and pulled her nipples very arousing. The harder he pulled, the more she protested, the harder his dick became. He had enough, and moved between her legs again. Her pussy was spread wide before him and his gaze devoured the sweet, pink flesh. Her hole called to him, and he answered by sliding his finger as deep into her as he could go. He pushed harder, enjoying her groan for his effort. He pulled his finger out and slid three fingers in, not caring if she was ready. Then he stopped. A demonic thought flitted through his brain, and he leered at her. He kept those fingers deep inside her and turned his attention to her clit. He played and teased her pleasure spot until he felt the moisture begin to flow on his fingers. He would dry fuck her if he had too, but warm and wet was much better. The fact that is was his dirty hand causing her body to respond would horrify her, and he liked that. He knew she was a just a fuck toy who pussy would respond to whoever stroked it the right way... so he stroked until she was good and wet. He watched her face as the emotions flitted across her eyes. She had stopped her protests and was breathing harder and faster as she became aroused. Well he would make her cum, but not right now. He needed to.

When she was wet enough, he knelt between her legs and slid his cock inside her. She screamed behind the gag, as he pushed deep into her body. He smiled down at her, as her pussy welcomed him into her warmth. He grabbed her hips as he began to move in and out. His hands held her cunt captive as he moved faster and harder into her body. He had been hard for a long time so it didn't take long for him to grab her tighter, digging his fingers into her hips and unload his cum as deep inside her as he could. She had tears running down her face as he collapsed against her naked body. No doubt she could smell he hadn't seen a shower in a few days. He didn't care. She was his fuck toy.

He pulled his limp cock out and sat back between her ankles and watched his cum drip from her pussy. He grabbed his camera again, thinking how fucking hot that was. He took lots of shots knowing she was humiliated. It was written all over her face. He left her laying there, bound, naked and used, and moved to the front of the truck. He grabbed his snuff and put a pinch between his cheek and gun. He felt fabulous. He couldn't remember the last time he felt this good. He looked back at her tear-streaked face, cum oozing from her pussy, fear and humiliation all over her face and thought this must be one of the best days of his life. Then he wondered if she had been fucked in the ass. He doubted very often. His mind wandered at the fantasy unfolding before him, and he leered at her. She froze at the look in his eyes, sensing this night had just begun....

To be continued --

* based in part on reality and on nightmares.

His mind wandered at the thought of how her ass would feel. He shook his head to catch a breath as he felt his blood start to pound. He needed to take a leak. She probably did too. He looked around the truck and found the old dog collar he had from the days when his water hound, "Homer" would ride with him. He fumbled under the seats looking for the leash he remember having. Yep, still there.

He stood up and walked the short step toward her, never taking his eyes from her face. He saw the fear in her eyes as she took in his naked form holding the dog collar. He just smiled as he reached behind her neck and laid the leather against her skin. He fastenened the collar and then the leash, standing back to admire the sight when he was finished. She looked beautiful bound wearing nothing but a collar. He wasn't sure he wanted to let her up even for a short time. He needed to get a grip, he thought as he unhooked the rope and duct tape that kept her hands bound over her head. He did the same to her feet, admiring her pussy still oozing his cum. She wouldn't be unbound for long, he thought. She was too tantalizing to resist.

"Get up," he ordered. Her eyes darted to the ground as she gingerly moved her body from the bunk. He gave the leash a quick jerk, to get her attention. "Now," he barked. She nearly jumped to her feet, standing there in all of her nakedness with only his collar around her neck. He could feel his cock beginning to stiffen. He reached for his jeans, telling his dick that more time with her would be happening very soon. He pulled his jeans up and slid his feet into his shoes, pulling on the leash as he moved toward the driver's door. She was barefoot, but that wasn't a problem because she would be less likely to try to escape if she had nothing on her feet. He climbed down from the truck and looked up. She was standing at the door, her body outlined in the cab light. He caught his breath at the sight. Her hair flowed around her naked body; her naked breasts and womanly shape looped to him by the chain of the leash set his cock throbbing harder.

"Get down," he growled. "You need to pee." His reward for this was the view of her ass turned toward him as she climbed down. She seemed to sense that to say a word would only make a bad situation much worse. She was mute as she finished the steps, treading carefully as she didn't have any shoes to protect her feet from the truck steps as well has the ground. He walked toward the truck and relieved himself.

She stood and faced him as his eyes scorched her flesh. She seemed to be waiting for instructions from him, and he grinned evilly as he said, "Come on. Let's find some grass for you."

She eyed him suspiciously but followed him as he walked across the lot toward some grass on the other side. She tried to keep up with his long stride with her bare feet, but ended up nearly jogging in small steps to protect her feet. He caught sight of her following him and smiled at the sight of her tits jiggling with her gait. He smiled to himself as watch the lovely sight. He was thoroughly enjoying this, he thought.

He stopped by the grass and waiting. She just looked at him, expectantly. He made no move to turn around or give her any type of privacy. He just stood starting at her.

Finally she spoke. "Would you please give me some privacy?" He laughed outright at that question.

"No," he answered her, a slight smirk on his face as he had been right. He thought she looked a bit priggish and made a calculated guess that peeing in front of him would really bother her. "Go here, now, like this."

He smiled again as he heard her breath hiss. He never took his eyes from her face as he watched the emotions that played across her face -- incredulousness, horror, shock, realization, acceptance and finally shame as she hung her head.

She bent down and he heard the sound of urine hitting the ground. He could almost feel her humiliation as the sound reverberated off his truck, echoing loudly in the quiet of the night. It was unmistakable. When he heard her finish, he took a dirty tissue from his pocket and handed it to her. She avoid his gaze as she reached between her legs to clean herself, but he knew that she knew he watched the entire intimate act. Her eyes stayed downcast as she jiggled back to the truck.

"Get in," he ordered, letting her naked body move past him and climb the steps into the cab of his truck. He watched hungrily as her smooth ass moved past his face and up, giving him an unobstructed view of her pussy as she made the steps. He could see wetness glistening between her thighs in the moonlight, and his cock started getting hard again.

She took a seat on the bunk watching him warily, naked but for the collar. He reached for his camera again. He wanted to capture the look of fear in her face and the adornment on her body. He clicked several shots as she tried to cover herself. He just laughed, as he moved toward her.

"Don't cover yourself," he growled. "I want to see all of you. Spread your legs for me." He stepped back and watched as her face showed her fear. Then he was rewarded by her legs slowly parting for him. She looked beautiful and he wanted to capture that arousing sight. He took all kinds of shots of her laying on that bunk in nothing but a dog collar and leash, legs splayed wide, pussy pink and shiny from moisture. Her eyes reflected her fear and revulsion at what he was doing to her, but she remained quiet, humiliated by the intimacy.

"Get on all fours," he ordered. When she hesitated, he reached for her hair, and pulled her around so that her cunt was displayed wide for him. Her hair was wild around her face, tits hanging beautiful in their womanliness. His dick could take much more of this stimulation before he was going to fuck her again. As he took in the smooth curve of her ass cheek, he knew where he was going to fuck her. His mind whirled as he looked for places to tie her. The thought of her tied, her ass up in the air, legs spread wide, made his cock leak precum.

Enough of the camera. He took the leash and tied her to the back of the bunk. Fortiuitous of him to have installed rings in the bunk, but they had been very useful in keeping his dog from rummaging through the truck. Now her leash tied neatly to a ring. He pulled her ass around so it faced out from the bunk, pulling her legs so the were on the floor of the cab. He kicked them apart and took a moment to appreciate that tight, little hole he would be exploring soon. It seemed to be calling to his cock. He decided with her neck and legs tied, she needed only her hands bound in front of her , which he accomplished quickly using his duct tape. He stepped back to admire his handiwork.

Her pink pussy was spread wide for him, and her ass called to him, but he thought she needed more adornment.

He fumbled in the closet before he found what he was looking for. He leaned forward and wrapped the handkerchief around her eyes. This time, he wanted to hear her noises as he plundered her ripe body, and he liked the idea that she would be in darkness, unseeing of what he next had in mind. She cried softly as her world went black, begging him to stop this torture. He just laughed as he opened a clothes pin and attached it to her nipple.


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