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Lana learns more than just her history.
1.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 03/04/2014
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I'd been nervously biting my nails for the three days since my Professor had told me that if I didn't bring my grade up, I'd be losing my scholarship. He'd assigned me a tutor, one of his old graduate students, who he said often tutored his students for free. I thanked him, and went out that Saturday to meet the man who would hopefully save my future. For the sake of first impressions, and because I'd heard that he was hot, I put on my best outfit. My breasts, already substantial, were pushed up in a 36DD bra with black lace, barely covering sensitive nipples. A white blouse tucked into a tight, pinstripe skirt made this obvious, the thin fabric doing nothing to hide the dark shade of anything beneath, including the matching thong, pulled slightly above my waistline. My nails were painted bright red, along with my lips, light make-up put on, rather than my normal, sleepy, half-put-together look. Red heels clicked on the linoleum floors as I walked to the classroom that would be empty for our use. I went in expecting to come out with knowledge of Russian history, and maybe a phone number. As fate would have it, I'd be getting plenty more.

"Um, hi! I'm Lana, the girl Professor Johnston sent you for tutoring." I held out my hand, trying my best to stand straight, my breasts out, threatening to pop off the button that I'd left there for the sake of not looking like a complete whore. He took it, his hands large, warm, and just calloused enough that they would feel good on my skin.

"You may call me Tutor. Perhaps once I've deemed you've learned enough you can call me Grant." he replied, barely looking up from the stack of papers he had on the oak desk in the front of the room.

"Um...Okay, Tutor, Where should we start? The quiz next week is on the Czars, so maybe there?" I suggested, thinking that he was a bit off from what most people were, but not questioning it. He seemed pretty smart, at least. And they weren't lying when they'd said he was attractive.

"Very well. Name the last five." He ordered, putting on reading glasses and opening a book, only to look up at me expectantly over them. I knew this, but my brain seemed to be draining through my pussy as it got wet, the traitor.

"Alexander the first, Nicholas the first, Nicholas the second-" He smacked his hand down on the table, and I jumped.

"Wrong. Alexander, Nicholas, Alexander, Alexander, Nicholas. It's not hard." his voice wasn't a yell, but that a father correcting his child. It had my cheeks even warmer, and the image of that hand landing on my ass instead flitting unbidden through my mind. "Now, repeat them correctly."

"Alexander the first, Nicholas the first, Alexander the second, Nicholas the second-" This time the book slammed shut, the sound reverberating through the acoustic lecture hall.

"No! No no no no! Alexander, Nicholas, Alexander, Alexander, Nicholas. Again." He was looking right at me now, eyebrows inclined in anger. My heart beat quickly, and I couldn't tell where the mild sense of fear stopped and the arousal began.

"Alexander the first, Nicholas the first, Alexander the second, Alexander the third, and Nicholas the second." I figured I'd gotten it right by the fact that he hadn't stopped me by crashing something louder. I didn't know what to think when his expression softened.

"Good. Now, could you tell me their political parties in order, please?" He asked, this time almost kind in his demand. There was still enough authority that I knew it was, in fact, a demand, however, and I took a breath.

"Conservative, liberal-" When his mouth hardened into a scowl I knew I'd done something wrong.

"Conservative, regressive, liberal, regressive, conservative." he wasn't quite angry yet, but I didn't want to get him to that point. Yes you do, a small portion of my brain said. I ignored it, in favor of remembering what he'd just told me.

"Conservative, regressive, liberal, regressive, conservative." I recited, sighing when he smiled again.

"Very good." I shivered when his voice suddenly dropped low in both pitch and volume. It was like a purr, an animal hunting his prey.

"I-thank you." I looked at the floor as he got closer to me, swallowing thickly.

"Thank you, what?" He asked, circling me like a shark closing in on it's next meal.

"Thank you, Tutor?" Why did that leave me with such satisfaction? He was being weird, overtly sexual, and I should have smacked him and walked out.

"Good girl." He whispered, the breath hitting my ear, and his hands wrapped around my waist, pulling my back flush against him. "I think you could have a reward."

"What are you doing?" I asked, making token effort at escaping his iron grip, squirming around only to find that it was making him hard against my ass. He brought a hand up, and grabbed my right breast, kneading it slowly.

"Come on, isn't this what you want? You came in here dressed like you were going to be in a bad porno, and you got wet imagining me treating you like the little slut you are." I didn't argue. I couldn't. It was pointless. Because yes, I was wet, and I had the illogical desire to be touched more, rather than less. All hopes of bluffing died when I realized I was rocking my hips against him.

"There's out proof. But I won't force you. You can leave if you really want. I'll just sit here by myself." He let go, all contact gone and leaving me with shaking knees, unsure of my ability to continue standing. I turned around toward him, and clenched my legs, rubbing my thighs together as he unzipped his pants, and fished his cock out from his boxers. It was half hard, and my mouth began to water at the sight of it. It had been months—nearly a year—since I'd had sex, and ages since there was one that left me fulfilled.

"No. I...I'll stay." I answered, walking over, and running a finger down his chest, as if he still needed seducing. I gasped when he flipped me over and bent me over one of the student desks.

"You're forgetting your place, pet. It's 'I'll stay Tutor'." He corrected, bringing his hand down firmly on my ass five times.

"I'm sorry, Tutor. I'll remember next time." I plead, and he hummed, rubbing his hand over the reddening flesh. Rather than take it off, he simply pulled the skirt up, and placed a kiss to each of the pinkened cheeks.

"Good. You can leave at any time, pet. I'm just going to make sure you don't want to." a sixth smack over the crack and I let out a soft moan, the smell of my own arousal hitting my nose. The thin lace was soaked, and I was already breathing heavily.

"Please, Tutor. Fuck me." I begged, a trick that had worked on any guy who's tried teasing me before.

"I'm afraid I'm calling the shots here, pet." He said, earning me another swat, this one jolting my asshole and leaving me humping the desk.

"Please...I need it..." Five more, and I was reminded to use proper titles. Then another three for not doing as I was told. My legs gave out, and I fell to my knees.

"Would you suck my cock for me, pet?" He asked, running a hand gently through my hair. I nodded, deciding that having it in my mouth would be better than not having it at all.

I licked around the balls first, then up to the tip, swirling before sucking down the first few inches. I took what I couldn't swallow without gagging into my hand, stroking it in time with my bobbing head.

"Go deeper, pet. All the way down." His voice alone was more convincing than an entire speech full of logic and reason, and I found myself ramming the dick down my throat, gagging and liking it. Tears ran down my face, and his hand stroked through my hair.

Saliva started dripping down my chin, unable to swallow it, and barely breathing. My head was growing light, but my pussy was growing hotter. When he withdrew from my throat, dragging me off the cock by my hair, I whined with loss. He chuckled, and ordered me up. I wiped my mouth, and did so, panting for breath.

"Such a perfect slut for me, pet. I turn around and I'll fuck you like you want." I was quick to do so, pushing my ass out as far as I could.

When he moved my thong aside and slipped in, my eyes rolled back in my head, heat racing through me as he groaned. "You're tight..." He groaned, starting off at a slow pace to quickly turn into pounding, my entire body moving forward, tits bouncing in their lacy prisons with every thrust. I wanted to cum. My entire body burned with need, but I couldn't. I stayed on the edge, unable to let myself fall.

"Please..." I didn't know what I needed, but I needed something. I felt eight sharp raps to my ass as he continued fucking me silly, for demanding, and forgetting the title.

"Cum for me." he whispered in my ear, when they were all administered.

That was what I'd been waiting for, the best orgasm of my life washing over me. Every muscle in my body spasmed, and I let out a cry, sobbing from over stimulation as he kept going, not even slowing down to allow recovery. Once more, drool started dripping down my mouth as I tried to gather sufficient breath, and failed. My ears were buzzing when he stilled, hot cum pouring deep in my pussy. Another, smaller orgasm ripped through me again, and when he pulled out, I fell to the floor, gasping air like I'd been drowning.

"Are you alright, pet?" He asked, zipping up and kneeling down next to me, helping me to lean on the desk.

"That was amazing, Tutor." I told him, leaning on his shoulder instead, finding comfort in the strong arms.

"You'll probably need this." He kissed me softly, and handed me a morning after pill. I thanked him, wondering if this would happen every time I came in for tutoring.

"I don't think I'll ever forget the Czars now, Tutor." I laughed, my chest feeling light when he joined me.

"That was definitely my goal, pet." He kissed the top of my head this time, and pulled my skirt down, allowing me to fall asleep with out combined juices leaking from my hole.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
wrong place

better move it to BDSM^^

therefor only a three stars rating.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Take it to BDSM

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
really good

gotta say I liked it. you wrote a good story that was really hot while not writing a novel to do so

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Please tell me there will be more to there story!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Short and kinda shitty

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Tutoring Series Info

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