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Unable to Leave

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Weak man tries to leave his slutty cheating wife but can't.
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A/N Like my previous story, I've also posted this one elsewhere under a pseudonym.


"You know you need my income, Mark. I mean, you don't even have a job. You haven't had one for the past two years. Where are you going to live, with your mother?" she taunted me. Damn it. Of course, the woman is going to say this.

She is ready to say anything that will stop me from divorcing her. I really can not fathom the idea of her still being in love with me, considering how I caught Amanda with another man in our marriage bed. It really hurt, and if there is one thing the experience taught me, it's that you can't stay married to someone who fucked another guy in your own damn home. She actually thought she could keep me around because I dropped out of work, something which she coerced me into doing, and was forced to be a stay at home husband to take care of all the household work, while she made all the money.

Perhaps you would like to know about how it began. The way it came about that I am married to a skanky, cheating slut. Very well. I am ready to tell you about how it happened. Let me take you back to my freshman year of college, 2015.


My best friend Toby dragged me to a party. He knew I hated these things. I would very much rather be spending my time reading back in my room. The only reason I was there to begin with is because my friend wanted me to start socializing, for some damn reason. The bastard left to get drunk and dance with some girl when it happened. It was my hope to get the hell out of the place quickly but the hope was dashed when she tapped me on the shoulder. I spun around.

Looking at me was the prettiest, most beautiful girl in our year group. Amanda Wallace. Don't believe me when I say she is hot? Picture this. Long, wavy blonde hair and blue eyes, with an athletic and voluptuous figure that she doesn't hesitate to show off in one of her expensive clothes and, as this was a party, a revealing dress, that only accentuate her large firm breasts.. Add all of that to the fact that she has a fucking Ferrari, another sign of her being not only beautiful but also loaded, which does nothing but makes her even hotter to some of the scumbags who wants her for her money, as well as her looks.

Obviously, I handled the situation perfectly. "Yes?" Yes, that was exactly what I said when the most desirable girl in college walked into my life. She was looking me up and down as if I was some product.

Satisfied, Amanda smirks and says "You are cute. I like you."

"I only want a serious long term relationship and not a one night stand, so if a one night stand is what you want, them I'm very sorry but no thank you."

She grinned even more broadly, saying, "I like how straight forward you are. What's your name?"

I told her and we spent a few more minutes. Mostly, it was her doing the chatting and me doing the listening. She boasted about how her parents were owners of a large multinational company and she, an only child, was the sole heiress to the business empire they had worked so hard to create. Me? I didn't really know what to do with my life yet. Probably find a reasonably well-paying job that can afford me a decent apartment. She insisted we trade phone numbers, and left the party, but not before placing a sweet kiss on my forehead

A day later

I was studying one of my textbooks and enjoying the peace and quiet in bed when my phone started ringing. Picking it up, the number was Amanda Wallace's. Smiling, I answered the call. "Hi! How's it going for you?" she asked happily.

Her enthusiasm surprised me but I managed to reply with, "All is well and good, thank you. How about you?"

The girl suddenly said, "Go to dinner with me tonight." It was not a question, I noted.

"Um, sure..." I replied, almost hearing her smile when I concurred to her suggestion. Maybe going to the party was not such a bad idea after all...

At 6 pm, she texted me to go down and meet her at the parking lot. I was there soon enough. Amanda hugged me and told me to get into her car as she got behind the wheels, and soon we were heading off to a fancy little diner not too far away from the campus. "How are we going to afford this?" I muttered in awe.

She chuckled and took out her credit card, saying, " We aren't paying. Daddy is." My date told me to order whatever I want. We had a great time. I got to know the girl I was dining with really well and found her to be very sweet, funny and gentle.

We dated up until graduation when I dropped down on one knee and asked her to marry me, only it was the other way around, with her proposing. Of course, when the love of my life did so, I said yes happily. Our marriage was fine. Up until a day ago...

One day before the present

I just returned from the mall one hour earlier than I was meant to. My wife gave me some money to but groceries and also new clothes for her. I said she gave me the money because I am a stay at home husband with no job while she is now the CEO of her dad's company after the old man retired earlg due to health issues. The corpporation is really powerful and they have a lot of connection and cloit, and not to mention the income. Amanda make nearly a seven digit salary a month. She keep trying to spoil me with expensive gifts but I tell her that I love her and not her money and the gifts she want to buy for me.

I sighed, before noticing something. There was a sport car parked outside the house. Silently, I crept around to the back and looked through the bedroom window, hiding behind a bush. What I saw shocked me. On the bed, getting pound by a guy that must have been 200 pounds of pure muscle, was my sweet, lovely wife. I quickly got out my phone to record a video of it. before sneaking off, crying, They were not tears of only sadness, they were tears of rage, of fury. Fortunately, I'm not a violent person by nature and managed to restrain myself from doing something stupid like marching in to hit them.

Instead, I slowly entered through the front door and walked towards our bedroom, before pushing the bedroom door open for myself. My wife turned around at the sound, noticed me standing there, and looked quite surprised for a moment, before she actually smiled. She fucking smiled at me. As she was riding his massive cock, her huge ass cheeks slapping into his balls, Amanda gave me a malevolent smirk. "Looks like you came home early today, hubby. This fine man screwing me here is Jerome. You should thank him for doing what you fail to do. Satisfying me in bed."The bitch actually snickered when she noticed the tears streaming down my pale cheeks.

"I'm leaving you," I finally managed to say. Amanda snorted at this, not even pausing her movement up and down the pole in her snatch.

"Yeah right. We both know you won't. You love me and I love you baby, I just need the extra cocks in my pussy. Besides, you're way too used to the luxurious lifestyle I've given you over the years. Do you actually want to go back to the way things were before all that?" At that point, I stormed off. How could she? Does she actually think I'm some cute, pretty little thing she can pay for and own?

That night I stayed at a nondescript motel, swallowing back tears while lying on a bed, ignoring the dozens of messages she sent to me, ordering me to come home immediately, telling me the longer I stay away, the longer the list of cocks she would fuck will grow.

I eventually realized what had to be done. Without much further ado, I made my way to a divorce attorney's office. His name was Mr. Alfred Martin. I told him about my situation, showed him the video and filled in the information for him. She couldn't take much from me, right? The woman earned higher income, which meant, no matter how good she was, I could not be forced to pay alimony.

The older guy just laughed. "If your main concern if avoiding having to pay alimony, then yes, I see no reason for you to be worried, since she probably don't want a divorce and will likely be able to prevent one, considering her wealth, which will allow her to hire a very good lawyer to help her fight the process."

His remark left me dumbstruck, so I asked him, "Why would she not want a divorce? Is she so much of a slut that just one lover is not enough for her, in this case, being whoever she was doing in the video?"

He looked at me. "Well," the gentleman began, "In most cases I've dealt with, the woman is married to a rich guy and has an affair with a hotter guy.."

"Thank you for reminding me that my wife finds another guy hotter than me and is cheating on me with him."

Alfred smiled slightly at that. "But here, she is the rich one and not you, meaning she did not marry you for money, but actually because she love you and wanted to marry you, and if a woman loves her husband, she tend to fight a divorce when the man files for one."

I could see no fault in his logic and nodded to show my understanding. "Just give me the papers," I told him

Present time

The bitch tried to kiss me when I got home, but I turned my face away, so she only got my cheek. I could see that that pissed her off, but I didn't really care much at that point. "I know you're upset, baby," she said. "But you're just too small for me. I still love you but I just need that extra bit of fun with other guys, all right?"

"So if I have some extra fun with other women then you won't mind?" I retorted. She was actually momentarily stunned at this but regained her composure and laughed at me.

"Yeah, right. I know you love me too much to cheat on me, and if you did, I could ruin her life. You know I have enough influence to destroy anyone who tries to take you away from me." She said all this with an expression of triumph, before heading into the kitchen for some refreshments.

Amanda stormed back into the living room after seeing the manila folder on the table and looking inside it. "What the fuck is this?' she seethed, baring her teeth in anger. 'I don't want a divorce. Why are you doing this, Mark? Have I not treated you right? Did I not spoil you enough? Why are you trying to walk away from this wonderful life, that you only have, by the way, because of me?" Damn. She must think really little of me, to consider that I would be materialistic enough to remain her husband, just because of the money she's given me.

"Look, Amanda, the show is up, okay? I know you've fucked another guy, and in our marriage bed, no less! I don't want to put up with this infidelity. You know I've never betrayed you. Not even once! Even when one of my former colleagues, who was pretty in her own right, attempted to seduce me. I said no to her because I loved you."

She gasped audibly. "Loved?" the woman asked, as though she were unsure whether she heard me correctly.

"Yes, Amanda, I used to love you, but not since you cheated on me with some other guy. I've already packed my bag. You'll find in the papers that I only want to keep what I brought into the marriage. You can keep everything else since you paid for most of it anyway and I don't want any reminder of this failed marriage."

In any case, I won't spend any more time there yelling and posturing in front of my not-quite-soon to be ex wife. My moves have to be very smart from now on, I thought. Or just bold. I quickly grabbed my stuff and put them into my suitcase. She immediately grabbed my wrist, saying "You are not going anywhere. I am not letting you leave. Where would you go, anyway? Back to your mother?"

I drew my hand away from her rapidly, before turning around. She used that moment to suddenly wrap her arm around my neck, getting me into a fucking blood choke. I was shocked and tried to resist but failed to. She was much stronger than I am. Finally, as she slowed the blood flow to my brain and I started to black out, I heard her say to me, "I'll show you soon enough, sweetie..." Then, it was darkness...

A few minutes later

After she rendered me unconscious, I soon found myself waking up and discovering that I was handcuffed to my bed, completely naked. My beautiful wife was also fully nude, lying next to me, stroking my hair, grinning at me with malicious intent. As much as I was still upset at her for all the things she did to me, the sight still caused me to begin throbbing with desire. I suddenly realized something. My dick was inside a cock cage. Amanda giggled at the face I made when I realized my predicament. "I have the key, baby. If you leave, I know you will come back after a few days when the urge to jerk off and cum is too much. Now I know you will never leave me." Shit. This bitch is really smart to have thought that far ahead and prevent my escaping before I could even formulate a proper plan.

"Stick your tongue out rigidly," she ordered. Out of fear of getting beaten up, I hesitantly complied. She moved over, before squatting over my head, telling me, "Put your tongue in my asshole, where it belongs, wimp." I was shocked at this. "That's right. I checked your search history, and it's filled with links to ass-eating porn clips. I know this is what you secretly want. Go on. I want you to tongue fuck my ass properly." I knew I had no choice and decided to do what she said, carefully inserting my tongue into her delicious hole.

Her ass cheeks completely smothered my face. She was almost suffocating me. "This feels sooo good. I like your tongue where it is baby, right up my ass, where it belongs. You should do this every day. I love feeling my dirty, filthy asshole contract around your pretty, little tongue. I love tainting your innocence. You belong to me, got it?" At that moment, as I lay there, eating out her dirty brown eye, I knew that I was hers. I couldn't escape.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Stories like this have to have a heavy “suspension of reality,” and this one takes more than usual.

Why wouldn’t the hubby get part of her income and marital assets in the divorce? The lawyer giving advice either sucked majorly, or the writer wanted this to happen. Guess which I vote for?

Cock cages can be cut off. There’s these things call pliers…

Oh look, wifey just committed sexual assault! That’ll go over really great when the divorce rolls around!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Polecam dobrego psychiatrę, moze mu się uda wyleczyć. Jeśli się coś takiego pisze jest to ,,,,,,

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

You got to be an idiot to write something this vile. Aren't you ashamed to have others read this trash?

JimmyThePlungerJimmyThePlunger10 months ago

The writer does not have to be a cuck to write this, it's called having an imagination. That said, I think the story licks ass. Then again I detest short stories as a rule though am occasionally surprised when one is very well written.

Thank you for your efforts but not one for me.

RuttweilerRuttweiler10 months ago
Not enjoyable

The dialogue read like it was written in another language and machine translated. A bunch of the commenters are upset because it’s femdom or something. I just think it was poorly written.

tbonehuntertbonehunterabout 1 year ago

“Fetish” might be an appropriate category to post this in…

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago
Story sucked

Oh! She'll probably have him service her boy friends, as-well-as herself, when she's done with them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Writer is probably a cuck himself that is why he writes this shit

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


t was alright a little bit all over the place, two much explicid sex but that's just me many others loved it II

YouamiYouamiover 1 year ago

Stop writing this trash...just fucking stop. This is down there as one of the worst examples of dominant wife/cucked husband tales I have had the misfortune of reading on LW. After reading this, I needed a hot shower to rid myself of the rank odour. I agree with the other commentators; the author is either a deluded sub cuck-fantasy male or a woman

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