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Uncle Charles' Proposal Ch. 04

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Elena begins to settle in.
3.1k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 06/15/2014
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Elena woke up horny as hell the next morning. When at last she had fallen into a troubled slumber, her mind traveled back to college. In her dream she recalled a particular evening with a fraternity boy. They had made love in his room in the Delta house. As far as Elena was concerned he was the most sexually talented young man she had ever met. Elena had wanted to keep seeing him but his straight laced father did not think that wild child Elena fit in with the family image. Elena did not have enough wealth and had slept with far too many men to ever be acceptable to Todd's weak willed mother and domineering father Todd, the fraternity boy was too beholden to his father, and too attached to a position in his father's investment firm, to challenge his old man.

Elena was heartbroken when Todd became engaged just six months later to a blue blood daughter of one of his father's business associates. That kept all the money in the family, but Elena wondered if the marriage would be happy. Elena had met Todd's intended, she looked like Grace Kelly but was colder than all of the glaciers on Greenland. In her dream, as had occurred in real life, Elena wondered that if she had kept her legs closed like Todd's fiancee would sh have been able to land him?

Bitterly, Elena recalled that she had meekly accepted Todd's decision. Rather than appeal to him, to encourage Todd to stand up to his father, to stand up and fight for HER, Elena has not even bothered to tell him how hurt she was. Instead she plunged full bore into another relationship, This time it was a bad match. Not even the sex was satisfying. Elena realized many months later that she was with this man only because she had been rejected by Todd.

The thought of Todd and their magical nights together caused Elena to try to please herself and get the release that she craved. Suddenly aware of her linked gloves and the impossibility of what she needed to do Elena awoke with a frustrated moan.

Realizing that trying to get further sleep was futile Elena began yelling at the walls,

"Take these things off me you perv! As a human being I have a God given RIGHT to play with myself.. I know you are listening. Get in here and take these things off me NOW!"

Elena screamed for over a half hour before Peter Rusk deigned to enter her room.

"Slave Elena, if you want release you have to beg me to give it to you. I own every part of you especially your pussy. I will be happy to give you the release you crave on MY terms and my terms alone."

"Fuck YOU!" Yelled Elena in frustration.

"No Elena. It Fuck you!" Replied Peter quietly.

Elena could not believe what transpired next. Peter entered the room with what Elena first thought some sort of torture device. She tried to shrink away from the large man but he easily caught the struggling young woman up in his arms. Knowing which muscles and pain centers to manipulate, Rusk toyed with Elena, getting the device about her loins with no problem.. Suddenly Elena realized what the contraption was. Peter Rusk was putting her in a chastity belt!

Elena fought like a wildcat, several time landing solid smacks to Peter's face with the mesh linked gloves. He reacted as though a gnat were stinging him. At last the device was in place and Elena heard the lock shutter closed. Elena tumbled onto the floor and Peter stood above her.

"Now slave, I don't have to worry about watching you every moment. Even if you want to now you CAN'T play with yourself. You get release when and IF I decide. If you want me to take it off of you right now you will have to beg me to fuck you. Otherwise, it stays on."

With that Peter unlaced and removed Elena's gloves. Instantly her hands went to the metal and composite material object encircling her nether regions. It's straps went up about half way on her stomach. Elena's hands were unable to find any weakness in the accursed object.

"Master. Please don't do this to me. Please take it off Master."

"Beg me to fuck you Elena and I will." said Peter his face hard and impassive.

"Of all the nerve! You are inhuman. I would rather stay in this thing for a thousand years before I'd beg you to fuck me!" spat Elena in a rage.

"Suit yourself, slave." said Peter. I'll go get your breakfast then we will work out. After that you will spend the next eight hours doing laundry and learning the rudiments of cooking."

"You can go get stuffed. I am not working for you until you take this thing off me."

"There is only one way that comes of slave Elena and you have already stated that that 'you would rather stay in this thing a thousand years'. If you try to go on strike and not work I can inflict a tremendous amount of pain. Now I will give you some time to cool off while I prepare breakfast."

Elena noticed that Peter, despite being angry, had not raised his voice at her. She had done all of the yelling. It was maddening, he would not even argue with her. Elena looked at herself in the wall mirror. Her hair was a fright. Elena found a brush and smoothed out her auburn locks. She examined the device she was trapped in from all angles. She could see no weakness in it. Elena realized that this device would make it very difficult for Rusk to rape her. But then Elena realized that Peter was going to these great lengths, how likely was it that he was a rapist in the first place? Confused and frustrated Elena tried to calm her self down and gain control of her breathing.

A short while later Peter returned with her breakfast tray on its table. Elena was in no mood for a fight. She obediently sat and ate. While she dined Elena was amazed at how good a cook Peter was. She recalled his "threat" to teach her the rudiments of cooking. Elena barely knew how to boil water. When men slept over, Elena never fed them the next morning. The most she had ever done for one of these men was throw some frozen waffles in the toaster. Suddenly Elena realized that learning to cook might be a useful skill to learn. Suddenly the day did not seem so pointless.

Elena wanted out of her chastity belt but drew some comfort from the fact that it would keep Peter's fingers and privates out of her pussy. As horny as Elena was she vowed that she would never submit to being his plaything. Then Elena realized that he would be just as frustrated as she would be. She knew celibacy wouldn't kill her, but the thought of an entire year without an orgasm was daunting indeed.

Peter's breakfast was delightful. Blueberry crepes with fruit salad and a protein shake. Peter sat opposite of Elena and watched her eat. Elena met his gaze and said. "With this thing on, you CAN'T mess with my lady bits. I'll bet your package just withers up and dies after I deny you time and time again."

Peter laughed and said, "Slave do you seriously believe that I am limiting myself to just you this year? There are any number of women I can visit or who can visit me. The ONLY person you would be denying yourself by going on a sex strike is yourself."

Elena angrily screamed, "That's not fair!"

"Life is by its very nature unfair slave Elena. I don't have to play by your rules, Your uncle is my employer not you. Further, I can accomplish everything in my program even if you stay in chastity all year. The main goal is your training. I DON'T have to fuck you but were we DO make love your life as my slave would be morse satisfying and more fulfilling for you."

Elena sighed with aggravation and finished her breakfast in silence.

She threw herself into her workout, hoping to sublimate her desire for sexual release. She was thwarted by he old habit of ogling every available man in the gym as she worked. In this case the only available man was her abductor and Elena found her eyes lingering on his pistoning muscles time and time again. Things were not helped in the least by sharing the small shower stall with Peter afterward.

Once she was dry and clad only in her chastity device, Peter Rusk led Elena to his laundry room. There were mounds of dirty clothes, bedding, and towels. To the already large piles Peter added Elena's bed sheets and his own. Calmly and directly, Peter instructed Elena on how to use the washer and dryer, how to read labels and how to fold clothes once they came out of the dryer.

"Isn't this what maids are for?" asked Elena indignantly.

"What do you think you ARE Elena? Now this pile is my silk boxers, these need to be hand laundered in this sink and hung up on this rack to dry."

Elena's mouth fell open at that statement.

"Hand launder?"

"Yes just like your maids had to do for your own unmentionables. Now I have to attend to some business for a while. You will work on this task for the next four hours, after that we start cooking class for the ensuing four hours. Same rules as yesterday, you earn fifty cents an hour. I will match that at the end of the day if your work is satisfactory. I will caution you however that the cost of any clothing you destroy through not following proper instructions is coming out of your pay. If you are not careful you may end up owing me money at the end of the day."

Disgusted but unable to figure a way out of her situation that would not result in Rusk inflicting pain upon her if she refused, Elena threw herself into the task. She carefully read the labels and began with a stack of towels. Once the slightly unbalanced washing machine was churning away, Elena accidentally leaned up against it and made a remarkable discovery. The vibration of the metal washer against her metal chastity belt sent very pleasing vibrations through the device. After experimenting with various positions, Elena found the one that made her feel best. The vibration was not enough to get her off but it was the most pleasure she had had in weeks. To her delight the spinning dryer was even better.

Elena discovered after a while that not only was doing laundry something akin to fun, but she had an aptitude for it. Even washing out Peter Rusk's boxers was nowhere as bad as she imagined it would be.The last load in the dryer finished just as Peter reentered the room. Fortunately for Elena she was not at that moment pressed up against the appliance.

Peter, looking fantastic in designer togs, graciously helped her fold the last load of clothes. He carefully examined his boxers and the clothes that Elena had already finished.

"You have done well slave Elena. After cooking class I will help you put away these clothes and replace the bedding. We will start with simple instructions. Believe it or not you will be cooking dinner for both of us tonight. Well before this year is over you will have taken over cleaning this house, doing the laundry, making all of the meals. We will even work on the household budget together. You will be a first class servant."

Elena responded with, "A year of my life gone just so that I can learn how to be a housewife. My uncle could have married me off to one of his underlings and had the same effect."

Peter laughed heartily and said, "Slave Elena marrying you off would have taught you nothing. You would have insisted upon a maid, learning no household skills. You would have had no understanding of the value of money and would have spent your husband into the poor house. You uncle showed me how much you were spending. To survive financially and probably emotionally your husband would have divorced in less than a year and you would have ended up back at your Uncle Charles' door, older but no wiser, and in the same financial disarray you were in when he married you off. Being given to me is the best thing that could have happened to you."

Elena was irate at hearing Peter Rusk's words. They were all the more infuriating because Elena knew that there was a great deal of truth in his words. When Elena pictured herself married she never envisioned herself over a stove or even lifting a finger to clean. In her vision of domestic bliss, the maid did everything except fuck her husband. Elena realized that she never even envisioned changing a diaper or doing anything more strenuous than giving the cook and maid the menu for the dinner parties she and her husband would host weekly. With a start Elena realized that she had a great deal of growing up to do. Still the fact that her Uncle Charles had essentially given her away to Peter was galling in the extreme. Elena tried to compile a list of places that her uncle could have done to give her the training she needed. She came up empty.

In the kitchen, Peter presented Elena with a frilly, yet functional apron. Elena donned it and paid attention as Peter took her on a tour of the kitchen. Peter showed her where all the food and utensils were kept. The cookbooks were all neatly arraigned from simplest menus to the most complex. Peter walked her through a simple recipe. To Elena's surprise a short time later she had made French Toast for both herself and Peter. She had burnt her first attempt but swelled with pride when beautiful, perfectly browned toast. Exited the pan. Elena, who knew only how to cook ramen and hard boil eggs was delighted to have made something with her own two hands.

"You see," said Peter as they ate, "it feels good to do things for yourself. You are a very smart woman Elena, once we finish this brunch and wash the dishes together I want you to pick out a meal from one of the simpler cookbooks. You will plan the meal and gather up all of the ingredients. Today it will probably take you a very long time, but as you become more skilled and confident, you will need less time to prepare meals. I will assist you when you need it but for the most part I will be your cheerleader. Cooking is not hard if you follow the directions exactly."

Peter was every bit the gentleman as he helped Elena wash and dry the dishes. "We will use the dishwasher when we have a big load but for these few dishes..."

It occurred to Elena that Peter really did have a winning personality. He was forceful, certainly and demanding, but when he turned on the charm he was positively endearing. Elena was still determined to not sleep with him but she decided that there was definite merit in the things he was trying to teach her. For about an hour while Elena perused cookbooks they had their first real conversation. They exchanged tales about their childhoods and school.

Peter encouraged her to select whatever she liked for dinner. Elena decided to make a salad and grilled chicken with a wine sauce. It did not look too intimidating and Peter had all of the raw materials. Cutting the salad was quite easy, even if Elena had to be very careful to not nick herself with the knife. Elena liked that Peter really let her work on her own, only interjecting when absolutely necessary. Elena was delighted with the results. For reasons that she did not understand she was quite happy that Peter dubbed the meal "Superb."

After they finished eating Peter informed Elena that she had earned another eight dollars. "If you continue to apply yourself to work It won't be long before we visit Good Will and buy you some clothing. It won't be the designer labels you are used to but the clothing will mean more because you will have worked for it."

The two put away the laundry that Elena had labored over. The boxers were left to dry overnight. Elena helped Peter make her bed and then his own. Peter's bed was the largest Elena had ever encounters. It looked big enough to sleep four people with no overlapping of the bodies. As Elena helped smooth out the sheets and blankets, her hands discovered that the mattress was by far the most comfortable she had ever encountered. Elena briefly wondered what it would be like to sleep in that bed. Then she realized under what conditions that would occur and she became angry and depressed.

What he did next floored Elena. Peter sat Elena on the couch and let her pick out a show to watch while Peter cleaned up the kitchen. Further astounding Elena, once he had the kitchen stowed away Peter led her to the massage table in his bedroom. His fingers worked magic on Elena's tight muscles. She considered that these same fingers, which were now so tender and loving, were also capable of inflicting great pain upon her. Peter Rusk was the most confounding man she had ever met. Elena realized that when Peter was nurturing and loving she would be hard pressed to deny him anything. And then she remembered his brusque manhandling of her body and a tremble ran through Elena's flesh. "Who IS this man?" asked Elena to herself. "How can he be both so evil and so kind?"

Abstractly, Elena tugged on her collar. It astounded her how quickly she had accepted its presence.After one of the most enjoyable massages of her life, Peter Rusk put Elena to bed. After he dimmed the lights Elena tried to make herself comfortable. Out of habit her hands drifted to her privates where they encountered steel warmed to her body's temperature. An unwanted vision of Elena accepting Peter Rusk's terms to have him remove the accused belt stormed into her consciousness. A mix of frustration, shame and guilt, Elena forced the vision away and settled down to another night of troubled sleep.

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Great story so far

I'm glad the hater finally found something diff to bitch about I like the story and love the chastity belt angle!

Only down side is the good ones are custom built to fit

sexy_pussy12345sexy_pussy12345about 10 years ago
Starving for more

Please hurry and write more

AngelBelleAngelBelleabout 10 years ago
Really interesting.

I like the story and cannot wait for more. Keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Very Good!

Please keep the chapters coming. :)

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