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Unconditional Love

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John lands the love of his life and keeps her happy.
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NOTE: This story was written for a competition where each entry needed to be based on a photo. See my Artwork tab for the photo related to this story.

Maureen Schmidt grabbed the headboard and arched her back as her husband brought her to an incredible orgasm with his tongue. He kept on licking her pussy as the waves of her climax crashed through her body and her thighs clamped tightly around his head. After a few more minutes, his tongue on her clit became too much to bear, and she gently pulled on his hair.

As John slowly kissed his way up her body, she raised her head and smiled down at him. They both knew that the next activity wouldn't last long, but John always insisted that she cum first, before he finished inside her.

Maureen pulled his face down to hers and kissed his lips, as his cock slid into her wet and ready vagina. John was somewhat smaller than most of the other men she had been with before they got married, so her orgasms were provided by his mouth, or his fingers, or the sizable toys that he had bought her as gifts. She felt his cock move inside her as he flexed his hips and continued to kiss her. She tightened her abs and squeezed herself on his cock, and could already feel the telltale throbbing of his shaft. John buried his face in the crux of her neck as his cock twitched and released his load inside the woman he had loved since they were freshmen in college.

As John nuzzled her neck, his cock slowly deflating inside her, Maureen rolled her head on the pillow and gazed at the only other people in her world who mattered. Her girls.

Well, technically now their girls.

The picture was taken a few months after they moved in with John, six months before they were married. Maureen loved the picture for two reasons. First, how their three hands were intertwined, signifying how they made it through hell together, as a team. She knew that without them, she may not have had the strength or courage to escape the abuse, and could have very well ended up dead.

And second, the look of pure happiness on their faces. All of their faces. Including hers. A feeling she thought she would never truly feel again.

Her mind started to drift, as it frequently did over the past year, thinking about how her life may have been dramatically different, had she indulged John's affections in college. But she knew she would have just fucked that relationship up like she had most everything else over the past 15 years.

"You know, I love them almost as much as you do," John whispered in her ear, before taking a playful nip at the lobe.

"I know you do," Maureen replied, a little embarrassed that she hadn't even felt him slip out of her. "The safety, stability, and love you've provided them, and me, literally saved our lives."

"Well, the only day better than the day we reconnected," John said as he spooned behind her, "was the day their adoption was finalized and I officially became their dad."

"I never thought I'd find a man who could love them as much as I do." Maureen pulled John's hand tightly around her, resting it between her cleavage. "No matter how long I live, I don't think I'll ever be able to thank you enough."

"I don't know, Mrs. Schmidt," John said, as he squeezed her left breast, "I think you just did."

She rolled back to face him and gave him a playful slap on the shoulder. "I'm being serious here."

"Serious, huh," he smirked, pretending to be deep in thought. "Well, there is that other thing..."

"UGH!" Maureen sighed, "not THAT again."

"Not even for little ole me?" John faux-pleaded, sounding more like Faith, their five-year-old.

"That's not me anymore," Maureen replied. John raised an eyebrow, wondering which one of them she was trying to convince. "I'm perfectly satisfied."

"But are you really?" John questioned while lowering one and then raising the other eyebrow.

Maureen closed her eyes and bit her lower lip. She knew the embers of that fire still glowed deep within her core but could never admit it to him.

After several seconds of silence, John responded victoriously, "then it's settled, we'll meet for drinks Wednesday after work."


"What time is your sister picking the kids up?" Maureen asked as she walked into their bedroom with their two-year-old, Hope, on her hip. Even with bed-head and without make-up, John looked at her like she was the most beautiful woman on earth. Because to him, she was. He knew full well he "married up" and thanked God every day for bringing her back into his life.

Before he could answer, Faith ran into the room and scrambled up onto the bed, giving John a big hug around his neck. "Are we really going to Aunt Laurie's for an overnight?"

"Yes, honey, you are," John replied and kissed her on the tip of her button nose.

John's sister was still cool toward Maureen, for the way she treated John in college, but she absolutely loved her new nieces. Maureen was happy that the girls were finally in a "normal" family, so she put up with the cold shoulder from her sister-in-law. Besides, Laurie spoiled the girls rotten, and they loved being with her.

"She'll be here at nine," John finally answered.

"Thank you," Maureen replied, appreciative that he scheduled it for an hour after she left for work. "Let your father up so he can get in the shower," she said to Faith, "and so you can get ready to go."

John tickled Faith on her sides and she bolted from the room as fast as she arrived.

"You know, we really don't have to do this," Maureen said to John, Hope still on her hip, busily sucking on her sippy cup.

"I want this for you as much as for me," John replied, as he got up and kissed his wife, his morning wood barely noticeable in his boxers.

"Well, I'm only doing this for you," she said as she kissed him back. "And you," she added as she rubbed the front of his shorts. "Now get in the shower before you make us both late," she ordered and slapped him on the ass.


Maureen was a nervous wreck all day at work. How could she both dread and look forward to something at the same time? They had talked about it and role-played it, but she never expected it to go beyond fantasy. She checked her face in the visor mirror and applied a fresh coat of red to her lips. She looked at the dashboard clock and verified it was the agreed-upon time, and with a deep breath, opened the door and stepped out of the car.

Her heels clicked on the marble floors of the Airport Marriott lobby as she made her way toward the front desk. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught the bell captain checking her out, which boosted her confidence. After two kids and a pretty rough life, she was proud of the way she looked. Her hair was done up in her signature bun, and the navy blue skirt fit her like a second skin. The blouse accentuated her breasts, which were encased in her sexiest demi bra, and she could feel the cool air on her uncovered and dampening vagina.

After getting directions to the lounge, she paused at the entrance and scanned the room for John. As expected, the place was filled with mid-week business travelers, most tables taken by a single occupant, with a few eating at the bar.

With another deep breath, she walked into the room and headed straight for one of the empty seats in the middle of the bar. She could almost feel her ass warming from the furtive stares from the other patron and was careful not to show off too much leg, or anything more, as she slid up on the high stool.

When she got settled, she noticed the man at the far left end of the bar was looking at her, and they exchanged smiles. He was handsome, but not her type. She giggled to herself at the quick assessment that the old Maureen would have definitely made.

Maureen waited for the bartender to come and take her order, but was interrupted by the buzz of her phone. "Shit!" she audibly muttered as she read the text from John explaining that he was stuck at the office. "He should have married that damned job," she said a little louder, which caught the attention of the man seated to her right.

"Problem, little lady?" asked the man in a thick drawl.

"Oh, I didn't mean to disturb your dinner," she apologized as she turned to look at him. Well, at his broad chest, as he rose from his seat. "I was supposed to meet my husband here for a drink, but he just texted that he has to work late."

"No need to apologize, ma'am," he replied, "I'd be delighted to keep you company until he gets here if that's not too forward."

Maureen looked up at the older man in a Stetson, who appeared to be chiseled from granite. "Maureen Schmidt," she said, as she extended her hand.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Schmidt," he replied politely, as his large hand engulfed hers with a gentle squeeze, "I'm Rusty Johnson."

"Good God I hope not," she said without thinking, "I already got one of those at home."

She immediately blushed as Rusty burst out in a belly laugh which filled the room. She took the time to admire her new friend while he tried to compose himself. Well over six feet, with a killer smile and a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Forty, maybe forty-five. My type, she thought to herself. She looked at his fingers, realizing they were still holding hands, then scanned further down his body. Yes, definitely my type.

His laughing got the attention of the bartender, along with everyone else in the lounge, and Rusty offered to buy her a drink.

"Grey Goose martini, dry, two olives," she said to the bartender and thanked Rusty. As she watched him mix her drink, she caught the eye of the guy at the end of the bar again, and they shared another smile.

"To East Coast women and their quick wit," toasted Rusty, holding up his glass of Wild Turkey.

"And to Southern gentlemen assisting damsels in distress," she replied, as they clinked glasses and drank.

Rusty abandoned his half-eaten steak and turned in his seat toward Maureen. "My given name is Reginald," he said as he lifted his hat, showing off his ginger crew cut, "but got pegged as Rusty on account of the hair."

"Then here's to everything being in fine working order," she toasted back with a smile while turning in her seat toward him and recrossing her legs. They downed the rest of their drinks and Rusty ordered another round.

Maureen kept checking her phone as they talked and enjoyed their second drink, but there was no update from John. The conversation flowed easily, and she was loving the attention, enamored by his accent and colloquial turn of phrase. By the time they were on their third drink, she stopped checking her phone.

To the surprise of nobody in the place, she learned that he was from Texas and in town on business. He was a former Marine, divorced, with two grown children, and owned his own company.

He already knew she was married, but Maureen talked mostly about her daughters, showing him her favorite picture of the three of them which she has as the background on her phone. Even with several drinks in her, Maureen knew better than to go into the details of her sordid past. Rusty complimented her on keeping her figure after two children and said she hardly looked old enough to be a mom.

He ordered another round of drinks, and Maureen insisted that she should pay. "Don't worry your pretty little head about it," Rusty said as he patted her thigh, "I'm on an expense account, and I'm the boss."

Maureen graciously accepted his generosity and did not object when his hand remained on her thigh. They continued to talk, and laugh, and drink freely, while his big hand inched higher up her leg. Maureen felt the butterflies in her stomach and tingling in her crotch, and instinctively checked her phone again, praying there was a message from John.

Rusty reached over and took the phone out of her hand. He looked around at the almost empty lounge and simply said, "He's not coming."

She looked up into Rusty's hazel eyes and felt he was providing her an escape plan. Ever the gentleman, she knew that if she excused herself at this moment, he would let her go, no questions asked. But she also knew that if she stayed, Rusty was the type of man who was accustomed to getting what he wanted, and there was no mistaking that what he wanted tonight was her.

Caught like a deer in oncoming headlights, she was deciding on what she should do when she felt Rusty's lips on hers. The embers in the core of her stomach ignited into a raging inferno and she felt herself kiss him back. Her nipples hardened as he squeezed her thigh and she accepted his tongue into her mouth.

She abruptly ended the kiss and pushed him away. "Wait...I'm a married woman," she said half-heartedly, feeling his coarse chest hair under his tailored shirt.

"And tomorrow I'll be on a flight back to Dallas," replied Rusty, taking her hands in his. "This night can end with either pleasant memories or serious regrets. It's your choice."

Maureen was lost in the pools of his hazel eyes again and didn't even feel herself lean into him and initiate another kiss. This time her tongue pushed into his mouth as his hand returned to her thigh. She tacitly parted her legs and he eagerly accepted her invitation. When his thick fingers came in contact with her unfettered and extremely wet pussy, he broke their kiss and yelled "Check, please!"

She sheepishly looked around the bar and was pleased to see it was mostly empty. After Rusty signed the check he took her hand and she willingly followed. "Hold the door!" he yelled, as they rushed toward the elevator. Rusty thanked the man as they stepped into the car, and Maureen recognized him as the guy from the end of the bar. He had such a gentle face and kind eyes, she felt a pang of guilt twinge in her stomach.

"Twelve, please," Rusty asked of the stranger standing by the button panel, as his hand slid down and cupped Maureen's tight ass.

"Ummm, no, six, please," Maureen corrected, waving her room key at Rusty, as she leaned into his embrace.

"That's my floor," said the man as he punched the button and tried not to stare at the couple who were kissing as if he weren't there. The bing of the elevator broke their embrace, and they shared awkward glances with their fellow passenger as they exited, thankfully heading in opposite directions down the long hall.

"My husband and I usually spend the night," Maureen explained, as she swiped her card and entered the room. Once the door shut behind them, the two resumed kissing like teenagers on prom night, as they fumbled through undressing each other.

Rusty managed to open Maureen's blouse and even unhook her front latching bra as he kiss-walked her back toward the bed. Maureen had Rusty's shirt off and was unbuckling his belt when the back of her knees hit the bed and she flopped backward on it. "It's time to meet the other Rusty Johnson," she said as she sat up and finished undoing his belt. She pulled down his suit pants and boxers in one tug and gasped with delight at the big reveal.

Maureen was a self-avowed size queen, and she impressed herself by categorizing Rusty correctly. He was mostly erect, circumcised, and when she put her hand on it, her fingertips did not come in contact with her thumb. "I guess everything really is bigger in Texas," she joked, as she lovingly stroked the growing tool in her hand. Maureen smiled up at the red light over the TV before she lowered her head and took the impressive cock into her mouth.

She licked and sucked and coated it with ample saliva working it with her hands, lips, and tongue. Rusty held her by her bun and gently rocked his hips as she tried to take more of his shaft without gagging. Spit ran down her chin and her eyes watered, but she finally took him down to the root, feeling his soft, orange pubes tickle her nose.

She pulled off the thick phallus with a gasp, and more spit dripped down onto her heaving breasts, as she refilled her lungs with air. As she was about to take him back into her mouth, Rusty stopped her, and said, "It's your turn now."

He laid her back onto the bed and tugged her skirt down her slender legs. He drank in the beauty of her glistening sex topped off with a triangle of neatly trimmed brown hair and smiled like the big, bad wolf. He wrapped his arms under her knees and pulled her dripping pussy toward him.

"Stop," she said, as she cupped a hand over her pussy. "Only my husband gets to eat me," she said, rolled over on her hands and knees.

Rusty's face went from 'all I get is a half a blowjob' to 'oh my fucking god' as she lowered her chest to the bed and presented herself to him. He scrambled up behind her and slapped her clit with his cockhead a few times before slowly sliding it into her warm and welcoming pussy. She gazed up at the TV with a look of pure satisfaction on her face as that thick cock stretched her in ways she hadn't felt in quite some time.


John fired up his laptop and opened his webcam app. Wow, they didn't waste any time, he said to himself while he watched his wife worship that beautiful cock. As he sat naked in his room, inspecting his own meager erection, he was happy that Maureen was getting the one thing he knew he could never provide for her.

From high school gym class, he knew he was smaller than most of the other boys in the locker room, which of course led to feelings of inadequacy. He had always been timid and shy around girls, and this just made it worse. He couldn't wait to leave for college and get out on his own. Even though he was still a virgin when he left for school, he felt things would change for him once he got out of his one-horse hometown.

Things were looking up when he got teamed up with the prettiest girl in the freshman class as his lab partner. Maureen Nicotera was a vision. Smart, funny, and looking to spread her wings, coming from a similar one-horse hometown. They developed a fast friendship and spent countless hours in each other's dorm rooms listening to music and playing backgammon.

John quickly realized two things though. First, despite all his efforts and the love he felt for her in his heart, he was stuck squarely in the friend-zone. The second was the more painful realization, that in addition to spreading her wings, Maureen was also very eager to spread her legs. He counseled and comforted her through countless one-night-stands and one truly terrifying pregnancy scare, but she never saw him as more than just a good friend.

He was so in love that he stopped going to class, choosing instead to spend time with her, and nearly failed out that semester. And was crestfallen when he returned after Christmas break only to find out that she had dropped out of school. He had lost touch with her after that, although she always occupied a special place in his heart.

After graduating, he got a good job in the city and threw himself into his career as an engineer. He had girlfriends over the years, but nobody touched his heart as deeply as Maureen had, so he never married. He filled his free time with volunteer work, and that's how he ended up running into her, and her two daughters, at the women's shelter that fateful night.

The years had not been so kind to Maureen, but in John's eyes, she still was as beautiful as the day they first met. She had continued her string of bad decisions, and bad relationships, and found herself at what alcoholics call "rock bottom." Hope's biological father turned abusive shortly after getting Maureen pregnant, and she very nearly lost the baby after one particularly severe beating. She convinced herself that things would get better after the baby was born, but they didn't. It wasn't until the day that he hauled off and backhanded Faith that Maureen found the courage and self-respect to get herself, and her children to safety.

John's heart melted when he saw her and the situation she was in, and he convinced her to move in with him. He had bought a four-bedroom house in a good school district as an investment and had plenty of room to take them in. They grew close to each other again, and after a few months he worked up the courage to propose to Maureen. When she said yes, it made him the happiest man in the world. All he ever dreamed of was to have a wife and a family, and with that one simple word, she made all of his dreams come true. He vowed on that day that he would do whatever it took to make her as happy as she made him.


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