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Under the Mistle-Toe


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I would try every so often to get her to let me play, but the most she would let me do is give her a foot rub. Of course she would allow that because she enjoyed it. Not that I didn't as well, but that was the problem, I enjoyed it too much. I would rub her feet for long periods of time while watching tv, and end up hard as a rock. Sandra would even tease a bit, pushing her foot into my crotch and occasionally rubbing it along the length of my hard on. Whenever I would try to get her to let me take it out and rub it on her foot she would roll her eyes.

One night I had been especially frustrated, not understanding what the big deal was, and had told her she should let me do it simply because I would enjoy it. Sandra had sighed and said, "For Christ's sake Jake, I suck your cock and let you fuck me in any position you want, but I'm a lousy lay because you can't suck my toes?" She'd snorted disgustedly. "Grow up will you?"

I'd let it drop after that, and settled for enjoying her feet in subtle ways that she hadn't caught onto. There were times I would stay in the missionary position, because Sandra had a habit of placing her feet on the backs of my calves while I was between her legs. I would be fucking her and the entire time concentrating on the soft soles of her feet resting on my leg. Another cheap thrill was when I would go down on her and she would place her feet on my shoulders. That was one of the times I would catch myself wondering if my fetish was entirely healthy. There I was licking Sandra's smooth and very pretty pussy, and my eyes would be wandering to her toes next to my face and wishing my tongue was between them rather than her lips.

In the end I chalked it up to just never getting the chance to satisfy the craving so to speak. So I just went along and held onto the faint hope that she would come around someday. There were worse things in life I suppose, although she wasn't into the 'foot thing' as she called it, Sandra was more than happy to have sex whenever I wanted it, and enjoyed sucking me off. Well in the first year anyway, after awhile that started to change. The last few months we had been having less and less sex. The answer to why, I had discovered standing in my apartment the other day.

However, a month ago, not suspecting there was another man, I sat Sandra down and we talked about our lack of intimacy. She agreed that we had been growing distant and suggested a weekend away during the week of Christmas to have some fun. To my delight Sandra told me that to try to make our recent lack of sex up to me she would let me indulge my fetish. I asked if she were sure, and she nodded , telling me I could do anything I wanted to them, at least for a night. She even added that if she liked it maybe she would let me do it again sometime.

I was beside myself and spent three hours that night searching for the perfect shoes. When I first ordered them they were out of stock and I had been crossing my fingers they would show up. Now I wished they hadn't. Looking up at my door to make sure Sheila had closed it all the way, I couldn't resist raising the shoe to my face. Feeling like a perv, but unable to help myself, I sniffed it. Right now it only smelled like leather, but I imagined that unique scent of a woman's stocking foot emanating from the shoe.

I knew all I was doing was torturing myself, but couldn't stop my mind from picturing Sandra's pretty little size five foot in the shoe. I was going to ask her to have her nails done in a deep purple, it wouldn't match the red, but was my favorite. She would be wearing those hot little silver toe rings, and the first thing I would do was slowly lick the tip of each of those perfect toes. Turning the shoe, I slowly rubbed it along the side of my face, again imagining the feeling of both the leather and Sandra's soft flesh against my cheek. My cock began to stiffen as my fantasy continued.

Taking the ribbon between my fingers, I envisioned untying the bow. I would slowly unwind it from her shapely calf, while my lips and tongue continued their adoration of her toes. My breathing picked up as I imagined Sandra moaning in pleasure as she realized how much she enjoyed the sensation of having her feet properly worshipped. My cock was now throbbing painfully between my legs, and dropping my hand into my lap I started rubbing it through my dockers.

When the ribbon was untied I would slip the shoe off, lift her foot, and rub the soft sole along my face, again inhaling the wonderful scent of leather and flesh. Past the point of caring how sick it seemed, I flicked my tongue out and licked the top of shoe wishing it were the bottom of Sandra's foot. I stopped stroking my aching cock, and unbuttoning my pants, began to unzip them, fully intending on jacking off all over the shoe.

A knock on the door startled me, causing me to drop the shoe and hurriedly button my pants. Grabbing the shoe and putting it back in the box I called out "Come in."

I sounded slightly out of breath, and as my door began to open was aware that I was still hard. Looking up I saw Charlotte enter my office. Knowing that there was no chance of my hard on going away with her in the room, I quickly slid up to my desk in case, as was her habit, she wandered over and sat on the edge of it.

"Hey Charlotte," I said, hoping my voice sounded normal.

"Don't hey Charlotte me, Jake" She replied as she walked over to my desk. "Is what Sheila said true? You're not coming to the party?"

"I'm not sure," I said looking away." I have a lot to do before we shut down and..."

"Try looking at me, when you say that."

With a sigh I looked back at her, forcing myself to meet her gaze. Charlotte had the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen, they were not just green, but emerald green, reminding me of cat's eyes. Right now those eyes were staring directly into mine and unable to hold her gaze, I let my eyes wander over the rest of her. It was a pleasant journey; putting it simply Charlotte was gorgeous. Those amazing eyes went along with auburn red hair, and the kind of fair complexion I'd always been partial to. Her features were perfect, but an adorable patch of freckles around her nose and eyes gave her a girl next door type appearance.Below that patch of freckles were a set of full lips that as enticing as they appeared, could also be pushed into a little girl pout that never failed to get her whatever she wanted from me.

"Well?" she asked, putting her hands on her hips.

I shrugged as I let my eyes wander below her face. Charlotte was wearing a green blouse which had the first two buttons undone. That was a bit unusual for her, as she normally dressed very proper, but it was pretty much the most casual day of the year. The shirt was open enough to see just a hint of a black bra that accentuated her ivory skin. The bra matched the knee length black skirt she was wearing, and as always, finishing my inspection at her fee,t I saw she was wearing a pair of black pumps with silver buckles.

"You going to answer me Jake?"

While speaking Charlotte walked around to the side of my desk, and as I'd hoped she wouldn't, sat on the edge of it. She immediately crossed her legs and as she always did, let her shoe dangle from her foot. She was wearing black tights that were sheer enough to show the bottom of her foot.

"Look Charlotte," I began, tearing my gaze from her foot as I spoke. "You know why I'm not going tonight. I'm just not in the..."

"First off," Charlotte interrupted, "Enough of this Charlotte shit."

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh please, you'd been calling me Charlie for years until you started dating that stuck up little bitch. Then all of a sudden I'm Charlotte. Well, seeing she's done you a favor and left, how about you go back to Charlie?"

"I thought you really didn't like it." I told her, "You yelled at Wes for calling you that at the last conference." "I don't like just anybody calling me that." With a wink she added. "I like you calling me Charlie though."

"Okay Charlie." I said, with what I hoped sounded like a convincing sigh.

Fact was I liked that I was the only guy at work who could call her that. Matter of fact that was just one of many things I liked about her. Charlie and I had been working together for five years and during the last three there had been more than a little tension. I was admittedly quite attracted to her, and she had made it more than a little obvious she shared that feeling. On one hand she was everything I could want; sweet, beautiful, intelligent, and she gave me the impression she would be a hell of a wild ride. The down side was she was also a good friend, and I had precious few of those. More importantly, she was a co-worker. Risking a friend and tension in the work place over a crush hardly seemed worth it to me, so I'd always kept my distance, or at least as much as I could.

"That's better." She nodded, flashing me a big smile. "Now let's talk about you coming to the party and having some fun."

Sensing movement, I looked down and saw she had started moving her leg back and forth, causing her shoe to do the same. I glanced up and saw her looking at me, her smile widening.

"Like my stockings?" She asked.

"Foot tease!" I said, but found myself laughing for the first time in days.

Charlie had caught onto my fetish last summer when we had gone out to a bar to watch a sox game. We used to do that one night a week, but that changed when Sandra came along. That particular week she had been away on business and feeling a little guilty, but doing it anyway, I asked Charlie if she wanted to grab a drink. Charlie had been wearing a pair of turquoise sandals with matching nail polish. The entire night I had to keep fighting to keep my eyes off of her feet. I lost the battle when she decided to slide the sandals off and rest her bare feet on the rung of the chair.

I couldn't stop staring, and found myself having the absurd desire to drop something on the floor and find a way to accidentally press my face against them. At that moment Charlie had called my name and I realized I really had been just sitting there staring. When I looked up at her Charlie smiled and said, "Hey Jake, I never knew you had a thing for feet."

I was going to try to deny it, but could already feel myself blushing. I nodded sheepishly and shrugged. Charlie laughed and said not to worry about it, she wouldn't say anything. I couldn't help asking her if she had ever let a guy play with her feet. She'd said no, but with a smile that made my cock stir said she would be more than happy to let a guy start down there as long as his tongue eventually made its way up. She'd then asked if Sandra let me play with hers and I told her no.

I'd had a few by that point and mentioned how frustrating it was. Charlie nodded and said that she had a fetish of her own, but it was something she only wanted to share with someone serious, not just casual partner.. When I'd asked what it was, she had winked and said that she would only answer that if we were on a real date. Since then Charlie had never passed up an opportunity to tease me with her feet. All summer she would walk into my office to show me her latest sandals, or ask what color I thought she should paint her nails next. One day I had referred to her as a foot tease. She laughed and it had been a running joke ever since.

"Hey, I'm no tease Jake," Charlie said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "See, here you go."

With a flick of her ankle she kicked off her shoe and raised her foot to my face.

"Go ahead, blue eyes," She smiled. "Go for it."

I stared transfixed by the sight of her foot inches from my face. I could see her deep red toe nail polish through the thin material of her stocking. My cock, which had never completely softened became hard in seconds. I swallowed; there it was, right in front of me, a chance to fulfill my fantasies, and not just involving her feet. No, there were reasons I had avoided this. Taking a deep breath I reached up, put my hand on the top of her foot, and ignoring the thrill the feeling of her stocking sent through me, pushed it down.

"Stop screwing with me Charlie," I told her. "Really, I don't feel like being teased right now."

Rolling her eyes, she sighed.

"Pretty sure you got that backwards Jake. If anything you're teasing yourself."

"We talked about this before," I reminded her, "We work together, and I don't want people..."

"People would only know if..."

"Is there something you wanted Charlie?" I cut her off, not wanting to go through this again. Nodding towards my computer, I continued "I really do have work to do."

"I want you to come to the party Jake." She reached out, putting her hand on my shoulder as she spoke. "You and Sandra have been over for a long time now, she just made it official. So come on over to Billy's and put it behind you." She winked. "I'm sure a few drinks and some good company could make you forget all about her."

"I know, Sheila pretty much said the same thing."

"So come on over with us then. No one wants to see you here moping this close to Christmas."

"Look Charlie, I know you mean well but..."

"Goddamn!" She exclaimed, "Look at these things!"

Reaching into the box Charlie removed one of the sandals.

"Wow, these are fuck me shoes if I ever saw a pair." Looking from the shoe to me, she frowned. "Were these for Sandra?"

I nodded. "Yeah, they were sort of a present for both of us."


"She was going to let me..." I trailed off. "Well anyway, just another parting shot I guess."

"Well that's too bad." Charlie said putting the shoe back in the box. "Hell, looking at these things is getting me hot."

You and me both I thought.

"Anyway, "I began, "I appreciate everyone being concerned, but I would really rather be alone right now, okay?"

Charlie turned her head away from me, her lips pursed in thought, trying to find another angle of attack most likely. She was wearing her hair up as she usually did at work, and I took a moment to admire the smooth ivory skin of her neck. Turning back to look at me, she sighed.

"Okay Jake, if that's what you want." She reached out again, this time touching my cheek. "But promise me you'll call me if you want to talk or something okay?"

"I promise."

"And if you change your mind you know we'll be there for a few hours."

"I'll keep it in mind." I told her, relieved that she appeared to be giving up.

"Oh, but there is one thing you're not getting out of my boy."

Grinning, she reached into her bra and pulled out a small piece of mistletoe. Holding it over her head she closed her eyes and pushed her perfect lips out at me.

"Charlie, please..."

"You don't have to beg Jake," she laughed "It's a tradition."

"Yeah but..."

"I'm not leaving until I get my Christmas kiss."

She leaned down and placing her face inches from my own, again closed her eyes.

"C'mon Jake, please?"

With that she pushed her lips out into a pout. I couldn't resist that look, and leaning in gave her a quick peck on the lips. Or at least that is what I tried for. The second I started to pull my lips back, Charlie grabbed the back my head, pressing her lips hard against mine. I tried in vain to pull away, but she had wrapped her fingers into my thick black hair and was not letting go. Her soft lips lessened their pressure on mine and started lightly sliding across them. I found myself kissing her back, at first softly, but then more firmly. Charlie sighed in her throat, the sound causing me to kiss her even harder.

As if they had a mind of their own, my arms slid around her shoulders. I felt something soft and wet against my lips, and reflexively parted them, allowing Charlie's tongue to slip into my mouth. This time it was me who groaned as she leaned closer and I could feel her tits pressing against my chest. I was aware of my cock throbbing painfully between my legs, and imagined myself standing up, unzipping and fucking her right there at my desk. No, I couldn't give in just because I was alone and horny, we would regret it, I know we would. With an act of will, I pulled my lips from hers and not risking my voice, shook my head at her.

Charlie stared at me, an obvious look of disappointment on her face. She didn't speak, and it occurred to me that like me, she was a bit out of breath. Taking advantage of her not starting in on me I said simply.

"Charlie I can't I..."

"Why the hell not?" She asked. "And don't give me that work shit again Jake! That only applies to kiss and tell kids like Sheila! We can..."

"It's more than that," Even as I began I wondered why the hell I was fighting off an attractive woman. "It's too soon Charlie." I put my hands out. "I know you didn't like Sandra, and yes thing were far from perfect, but she just left me and I need some time."

"It's not like we're strangers Jake." She said, but more calmly. "And I'm not worried about the rebound thing in case..."

Seeing a way to get her to stop I cut her off, "I'll tell you what, I've been thinking of us here and there." No lie there anyway. "But it's too soon. Look, how about after the holidays we go out for dinner and talk about it?"

"Really?" she asked, her green eyes wide with excitement. "You mean it?"

Really? That was a good question, did I mean it? Maybe I would give some thought to holding on to my ideals over what could be a really good thing with Charlie. For now though, what mattered is she seemed content to leave it at that.

"Well in that case I guess I'll let it go with just saying that, that was even better than last year's kiss." She said.

As she spoke she slid off the desk, and picking up her shoe, slipped it back on.

"Really though Jake, I wish you would come over tonight, and not just for me. I think it would be good for you."

"I'll think about it, but don't take it personally if I don't. I really do just need some time alone."

Charlie nodded as she buckled the shoe. As she did I took a good look at her foot then looked at the shoes in the box.

"Hey Charlie, are you a size five by any chance?"

"Wow, you do have an eye for feet." She laughed.

Putting the lid on the box, I handed it to her.

"Well, here you go, Merry Christmas."

Taking the box Charlie looked at it, then back up at me.

"You sure? I mean you could return them."

"Nah, you take them." I told her.

"Yeah, but I didn't get you anything," she rolled her eyes. "Well I tried to give you something but you didn't want it."

"Tell you what," I said, ignoring that last remark. "Wear them for me sometime. That will be my gift."

"Okay," She smiled. "Maybe I'll wear them when we go to dinner."

"I don't know, they're summer shoes."

"Then maybe they'll be for after dinner."

I didn't bite, and with a shrug Charlie leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Well you know where I'll be if you change your mind."

"I'll keep it in mind."

I watched as Charlie walked over to the door, and gave me a little wave before closing it behind her. I slumped down in my seat and winced as my hard cock bent painfully in my pants. Giving her a couple of minutes to leave the suite I picked up the phone and dialed the security desk.

"Hey Bob, its Jake, has everyone left for the day?"

"Yup," Bob answered. "Charlotte just left, and everyone else all but ran out before that."

"Great, thanks Bob."

Hanging up, I immediately picked up where I'd left off when Charlie walked in. Unbuttoning my slacks, I slid them down over my hips, along with my underwear. Grabbing my throbbing cock, I closed my eyes and started pumping it. I had over two dozen foot videos bookmarked on my PC, but needed only my imagination for this one. I envisioned Charlie's stocking foot back in my face again. Except this time I did what most guys would have done and taken advantage of it. In my mind, I took hold of her ankle, brought her foot to my lips and sucked her toes into my mouth.

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