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Unfriended - Epilogue


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"Sure, I guess?" Her response was somewhat hesitant, and I wondered if my sister despised me for what I had done. I didn't think she actually hated me, but maybe she didn't like me at the moment?

"Thanks, Carla. I'll be over after work, that is-if I still have a job.


I was surprised when I walked in the door at work. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but everything was normal except for the glances and downright stares I got from many of the staff. The day was reasonably productive. I had a ton of emails to catch up on and needed to reconnect with several partners that had left messages. At lunchtime, I wanted to avoid everyone, so I drove down to a fast food place and ate alone.

All day at work, I expected my phone to ring and be called into my boss's office, but the call never came. I saw him mid-afternoon during a status meeting. After it was over, he looked at me and asked if I was getting caught up from being out last week, then mentioned we had a lot of work to do later in the week to prepare for a significant partnership proposal that was close to being finalized.

What the hell? They weren't going to fire me? It didn't appear they were even going to talk to me. I know everyone here knew what went down between George and me, and it didn't make sense that they wouldn't at least reprimand me. I found out later in the week when I finally had a chance to talk to George. He told me they had made an agreement. We weren't going to be fired. He was forgoing his yearly bonus and was on one-year probation. They weren't going to do anything to me because they were afraid I would sue them for sexual harassment. It seems they just wanted it to go away as soon as possible.

George also told me that he and Terry were trying to work things out. Since it was his first time cheating, she was going to give him a second chance. Terry was putting the divorce on hold while they went to counseling. "Good for you, George. I wish Don were in that kind of forgiving mood. He won't even talk to me."


Don gave me the number of his attorney and basically wouldn't speak to me after our initial conversation. I had moved a bunch of my stuff into my sister's a couple of days after my return. I was hoping that by giving Don some space and letting him know I wasn't trying to control the situation, he would soften and start speaking to me.


I took my kids out to dinner during the week. We went to one of those McDonalds that had a playground, and they enjoyed the slides and the climbing net. As I sat watching them the sadness of the situation flooded my mind and I could feel myself begin to cry. God, I needed to hold it together for my kids.

When we got back to the house later, we walked to the door, and I stood in the foyer kissing and hugging them. I could see they were confused. They had assumed I was returning to stay at the house. As I brushed the hair out of Chelsea's hair and tried explaining. "Your dad and I are having an argument, and I'm staying at Aunt Carla's for a few days." I looked up and could see Don standing in the living room.

"I love you guys and hope to be back by next week." Chelsea and Trever looked at me. They could see my sadness, and I could see it in their eyes as well. "You be good for your dad, and I will see you guys soon. Now go up and get ready for bed." They looked at their dad and headed up the stairs.

"Brenda. You shouldn't give them false hope. You are not going to be back here next week."

"Don. I know I fucked up major. I know you are hurt and angry but please don't throw away everything over this. I made a mistake, but I promise it will never happen again." I wanted to hold it together, but I could feel my eyes watering over. "I promise-."

Don cut me off. He was walking to the door. "Brenda. You had an ongoing affair for over a year. You disrespected me and obviously didn't give a shit about our marriage. Your actions told me everything I need to know." He opened the door indicating I should leave.

I told myself yet again that I needed to give him time and space, so I walked out without saying a word.


I knew I needed to talk to my parents and convinced Carla to accompany me visit to them. She spoke with them and arranged for us to go to their house for dinner on Friday. Mom and Dad had always trusted me. I had always been the level-headed one, even in my teenage years. As I told them what had happened, I could see the disappointment in their eyes. I think they were waiting for me to tell them something terrible about Don like maybe he had mistreated me or neglected me, but I had nothing to say in that department.

By the time I finished my story I was crying and trying to hold it together. Typically, my parents would have done anything in their power to alleviate my sorrow, but this night they just looked at me like they were confused. I understood their reaction. How could they comfort me? What would they say? 'Brenda, it's OK. Everything will be alright.' No, they couldn't say any of those things. Finally, my mom did come to me and just hug me.

"We love you, Brenda. We just hope Don can find a way to forgive you."


I found and visited a lawyer the following week. I needed a lawyer if for no other reason than for Don to believe I was taking this situation seriously. After our lawyers conferred, Don was very accommodating when it came to the children. I was going to get the kids on weekends and Wednesday evenings. On those Wednesdays, I could be with them at the house. He would leave and come back after they had gone to bed. We settled into this arrangement, but Don still wasn't speaking with me any more than he had to.

On my Wednesday visits, I began cooking big meals for the kids which they could eat on for days after. It helped me feel like I was part of the household again, and I began relishing these evenings. I walked into the house on a Wednesday a few weeks after they had started. Don usually only said hi and would only stay for a minute to make sure everything was settled.

"Brenda, we appreciate you making these big meals for us." It felt great just to have him speaking with me again.

"Sure, Don. Any requests? What would you like me to make you next week? I'm happy to make you whatever you'd like." I was smiling. I could see Don was suddenly uncomfortable.

"Whatever the kids want is fine."


Over the coming weeks if felt like giving Don his space was working. I knew he was enjoying the Wednesday meal leftovers, and I began doing the laundry as well. Folding his clothes and putting them in his drawer helped me feel even more connected. I wrote a note one evening telling him I enjoyed doing these things for him and the kids. I put the note in the drawer on top of his underwear where I knew he would find it. I was hoping he would thank me when I picked up the kids on Saturday, but he never mentioned it. Still, I knew he was softening some.

Now, sometimes, we would talk about the kids and things when he returned late Wednesday evenings. I could feel our conversations becoming less strained. This went on for a couple of months. I told my lawyer to 'go slow' on working the divorce but not make it too obvious we were stalling. There was a ninety-day waiting period, and my plan was for this nightmare to be over long before then. Don didn't seem to be in a hurry for the divorce, and I was going to use that to my advantage.

About a month later I decided to try to take it to the next step. On the following Wednesday, I wore more revealing clothes and makeup. As Don was leaving that evening, I told him I wanted to talk when he returned and had a surprise for him. I gave him a smile as I looked into his eyes. I could tell he didn't know what to make of my statement, but as I had hoped, he didn't question me. I just wanted to plant the seed and make him wonder what I was up to.


When Don arrived back home that night, he looked apprehensive. "What did you want to talk about Brenda?"

"Oh, I didn't really want to talk so much as I wanted to give you something." I smiled really big and looked into his eyes. Don's eyes went up and down my body, and I knew he was wondering if I was going to give myself to him. Actually, that was my plan but not yet.

"Don, you didn't think I would forget your birthday, did you?" I pulled out a small box and handed it to him.

"Brenda, you shouldn't have done this."

"Don, you are still my husband, at least for now. Please accept this gift." I looked into his eyes. He looked back and smiled. Taking the gift, he opened it and found a nice Omega Seamaster watch. I knew he liked to wear quality watches, and this one looked like his style.

I was standing close to him as he opened it. I wanted him to smell my perfume. He put it on and looked back at me smiling. I figured he had been down at the Endzone, a local sports bar and I could smell the alcohol on his breath. This was my chance.

"There is something else I want to give you Don." He didn't ask me what it was, just looked into my eyes.

"Don, I've missed you so much these past months. I've missed our time together." I stepped closer. Don just stood there. I gave him a light kiss on the lips. I could see the hesitation in Don's eyes.

"Don, please don't over-think this. I'm not asking to move back in. I just want us to be together tonight, on your birthday." I kissed him again. He hesitated at first but then began to kiss me back.

When we broke the kiss, I whispered into his ear. "Happy birthday, Don. Please take me upstairs. I know you need this and I do, too."

Don kissed me with passion now. God, how I missed being with this man. I let him focus on kissing as I unbuttoned his shirt. Once I had it open I let it hang from his shoulders, and my hand moved to the front of his pants. His cock had been fully hard even before I started stroking it through his pants.

"We need to go upstairs, Brenda, before the kids see us."

He held my hand as he urgently pulled me up the stairs. I was ecstatic. Not only was I horny and ready for a good screwing, but I was hoping this would move us forward in getting back together.

I figured Don would be so horny that he would rip my clothes off once we were in the bedroom, but after closing the door, he slowly stepped towards me and gave me a gentle kiss. Then he stepped back and looked at me and gave me a loving smile. I thought I would melt. It was so much more than I had hoped for. If he had ripped my clothes off and just fucked me, even if it had been an angry fuck, I would have been happy. I'm sure I would have enjoyed the unrestrained passion, but most of all, I would be with the man I loved. But Don took his time.

Don undressed me slowly. He unbuttoned and removed my blouse, then turned me and kissed my neck as he unfastened my bra. As it fell forward, he continued to kiss my neck and reached around and cupped my breasts. Then he pinched both nipples. It's something he knows I love and he was playing with my body. A body he knew well. I gasped and then held my breath, then turned and we kissed passionately.

I fell to my knees and began to unfasten his pants. I had done this for him several times during our marriage and tonight, I was going to give Don everything. I pulled his pants down around his ankles, and his cock was straight out. I took it in my mouth, and for the next five minutes, I kissed and sucked it like I was never going to stop. I could feel him about to come and I let him know I didn't want to stop.

As he was about to come, he pulled back and was out of my mouth. I moved forward again, but Don pulled me to my feet. He was now frantic to get my clothes off. In seconds we were both naked, and Don pushed me back on the bed. I spread my legs wantonly for him, and he moved between my legs and began to eat my pussy. I came in less than a minute.

"Don, fuck me. I need you to fuck me like never before, please."

Don slide up my body and I felt his cock push into me. He didn't thrust into me but within a couple of strokes he was in me fully, and we began to fuck like we were possessed. He pounded me hard, and within minutes I was cumming. I thought, with his passion so high, he might come with me, but he slowed and let me linger in the afterglow. We stayed in the missionary position. Don liked to do different positions. He especially liked to take me doggy style but not tonight. Then he picked up the pace again and was driving into me hard again. He slowed for a minute and then picked up the pace, and I had come again, twice. On my final come I could tell he wasn't going to slow and I begged him to come in me.

"Take me, Don. Fuck me. It's your pussy. Come in it. Fuck me hard, don't stop."

We laid side by side, two sweaty bodies coming down from our orgasmic high. I turned and wrapped my arms around his neck. I hugged him and never wanted this to end. We had just about caught our breath when I said, "Don, I love you with all my heart. Please let me come home. I want us to be back together."

It was the wrong thing to say. He backed away from me and looked into my eyes. He had a strange look on his face. It was almost like fear. Then he pushed himself up and sat on the edge of the bed. He hadn't said a word. He just sat there. Suddenly he was up and putting on his clothes. It was like he was almost in a panic.

"Brenda, I'm sorry. But I just can't do this. We can't get back together. I just don't know-how I could ever trust you again. You would cheat on me again, I just know you would." He was throwing on his clothes.

Suddenly, I was the one with fear in my voice. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. "Stop, Don. I would never do that again. Oh, God stop, Don." I jumped up and tried to wrap my arms around him.

I didn't know why he was putting on his clothes, but after he had them on, he rushed down the stairs and out of the house. I ran down behind him and was in the living room as he was shutting the front door. I went to the window and saw he was in the driveway and backing out. I fell to my knees. I was still naked and just sat there and sobbed. How could tonight have ended so horribly?

After a few minutes, I rushed up to the bedroom and grabbed my phone. 'Please, Don. Please just answer.' He did, thank God.

"Don, what happened? Where are you? Please come back."

"Brenda, just stay in the house tonight. I'll be back later. I just needed time to think. Sorry, I panicked, but I will come back later. Can you do that?"

"Sure, but please come back soon. You freaked me out."

"OK, I'll be back in a bit. I just need time to think."

"I love you, Don."


I stayed awake for a least a couple of hours before I drifted off. I slept in our bed and was hoping Don would wake me by crawling back in, but that didn't happen. I got up early the next morning and expected he was at least sleeping on the couch, but he hadn't returned. I made some coffee and picked up my phone to call him when I heard him come back through the door.

I walked toward the living room, and when he saw me, he just stopped and stared at me. He looked Iike he hadn't slept a wink.

"My God, Don. Where have you been?"

"I drove to the park and slept in my car. I'm sorry I freaked out last night. Everything going on in my head kinda overwhelmed me."

"It's my fault, Don. I seduced you with my birthday present idea and pushed you too far. I hope I haven't ruined the progress we were making. Why don't you take a cup of coffee and get a shower? Then we can talk."

When Don came down from the shower I could tell what he had to say wasn't good.

"Brenda, I just can't do this. I can't go back and forth in my head about you. After you cheated on me, I was certain we were through. Then over the past couple of months, I have felt lost. You missing from my life has felt like a huge hole."

I knew Don was very conflicted, but I was hoping this conversation would end for the better. That was not to be. Don told me he thought that if we got back together, although we might be able to make it work, it would be very difficult for both of us. He said it would take years and probably still end badly.

I put down my coffee and started crying. I didn't know where to go next. Don began to cry. We both just stood there and cried. Finally, Don walked over and grabbed my car keys off the counter and handed them to me. He put his arm around me and slowly walked me to the door. Neither of us spoke a word. It was like we were both in a state of shock. We knew what this walk meant. It meant, our marriage, our time together, was really over.

I walked out the door and turned to Don as I stood on the porch. We both just looked at each other as he slowly closed the door. I was stunned as I got into my car and drove away. What was I going to do now?


-- About a year later --

[Facebook post]

Facebook friends and family. Not long ago I had a wonderful life. I had a loving husband, wonderful kids and a beautiful house. I had a good job and many loyal friends. Today, most of that is gone. My children are healthy, thank God, but I don't see them every day like I used to. My husband Don, a loving, caring man has divorced me, and while my parents, siblings and real friends haven't abandoned me, our relationships are strained.

All of this is my fault. I made a stupid, selfish mistake. I disrespected myself and especially my husband by having an affair with another man. I cheated on my husband. I became a cheater.

I wanted to write and tell everyone I hurt and disappointed that I am genuinely sorry. This experience has humbled me from my former entitlement, from my arrogance, and I'm asking for your forgiveness.

I'm also writing this as a warning to those who, like me, underestimate the consequences of their behaviors. Your bad choices can and almost certainly will, damage your life and the lives of those you love.

I'm sorry Chelsea, I'm sorry Trever. I'm sorry Don. Contrary to how I acted I have always loved you all.

[End of Facebook post]


The next day I got up and opened my laptop and went to Facebook. I had several responses to my previous evening's post. They were mostly positive and understanding. It warmed my heart that people could be so forgiving. I might have fewer Facebook friends now, but the ones I have left are understanding and less judgemental.

Then I saw it. It was from Don.


It was a friend request from Don! I knew we would never, as a couple, get back together, but at least we were friends. :-)

The End

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Why didn’t Don change her FB password? What about her comment to George about not seriously considering ending it??

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Sad but realistic. However, Brenda would have a strong civil suit vs the company with George front and center as a high up. No idea why she didn't go that route. She would still keep her job or go elsewhere, depending on her choices. And no it ss not a mistake Brenda. Multimonth affairs, no matter how supposedly "unemotional" are virtually always the bane and doom of any marriage, regardless if there are kids.

demanderdemander3 months ago

The neat ending posited by the story and that one comment at least would be much more complicated when one spouse starts living with another person. Probably the wife, since she would have fewer trust issues. Certainly they won't be celibate all this time. Now the kids have a new step-dad, maybe. And the MC grits his teeth. Nothing to be done short of criminality. D

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Some people can't grasp simple linguistic concepts. There is no such thing as a year long mistake. An affair is a conscious choice. That would have been kept going if it wasn't discovered. Which means the people involved didn't consider it to be a mistake. We can mislabel shit to reach the much desired cucky conclusion as much as we want. But it won't make them true nonetheless. And I wish these RAAC stories that have kids in them, had sequels to show us the future. No, not the couple's future. We know the future of a hubby who reconciles with a wife slutting it up for a year. Eating thick creampies like any proper cuck would. The grown up kids future. A cuck wimpy son and a slut of a daughter is the inevitable result of these "happy endings".

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Weak ending. Boyfriend needed to be burned. Wife not only cheated for a year, but took several trips with her lover and topped it off with a cruise. But she still lovers her husband and her family ... NOT.

And making her his friend at the end was cute, but BS, unless of course he really isn't that upset over what happened.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

But her lover got away without any real damage...to cheet again.

For that I should have taken a star but I gave it 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Brenda needs to get an attorney and sue the fu*k out of her employer. High six, possibly seven figures, and they never go to trial. Never. Yes, company executives are held to a much, much higher standard of behavior. When they fall, companies expect to pay out massive bucks and carry umbrella liability insurance policies for such contingencies. Brenda will cash her check and sign at least three NDAs. She would never get fired, although falsifying time off from work might result in a final termination warning, and her career advancement is DOA. Fired? Nope. Not for this thing with George. The company would also provide free or low-cost counseling for Brenda. Trust me. Navigating the HR maze is my profession. I've managed company responses to almost these exact Brenda/George incidents. Great ending--very realistic.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Hey dummy. I'm not some BTB troll. But I'll be your huckleberry.

How exactly was her lawyer going to stop a divorce in the modern no fault divorce era?

The end seems like pretty much how this situation would turn out.

House is sold. Profits divided. All assets divided 50/50. And shared custody with kids pretty much means she doesn't see her kids every day.

You say we're not living in the middle ages...but we are also not living in the 1990s either.

You know those times when a wife can cheat...fuck half the men in her neighborhood. Then divorce her husband. Get full custody. Keep the house with her ex paying the mortgage. Collecting child support and alimony.

Yeah those days are long passed now as well. Assets including the primary home are sold. Courts are finding 50/50 custody with BOTH parents equally involved in children's lives to be a better alternative to the dad who sees his kids 4 days a month and foots the entire bill.

In this story...she cheats. Gets exposed. Agrees to vacate the home. All assets are split. She keeps her job and benefits. He keeps his job and benefits. They split custody.

I went through a divorce a few years ago. It ended pretty much just like this.

50/50 custody. Assets and debts divided. She kept her retirement. I kept mine.

Life goes on.

Nothing "Middle Ages" about it. Fair. Equitable.

You can't make someone stay in a marriage dummy. And you don't get to rape a spouse in a divorce anymore.

nyc1975nyc19758 months ago

She should sue her lawyer for malpractice. Do all you BTB trolls thinks we're living in the Middle Ages? There's no way this situation resolves itself like this.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Forgive the slut for a year long affair? Ridiculous!!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Makes me think of a cartoon. A funeral viewing room with three guests in the chairs. One man on the side says, "I expected a better turnout. He had over a thousand Facebook Friends."

Oh, by the way, Four stars.


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

So, an affair that goes on for at least a year is a "mistake". Yeah, right.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Both parts were well written. The first part was direct and linear. Unfortunately, this part started well and then just ended up being mediocre and flat.

26thNC26thNC11 months ago

Good finish, with no RAAC possible.

MasterKoteMasterKote11 months ago

An affair for over a yr and she expects him to forget and forgive so easily like she forgot to take out the trash. Sorry but more than once is enough to break off for good

secretsalsecretsal11 months ago

Part 1 ended abruptly (and a little predictably), but for me, this epilogue doesn't make the story better. A one-time slip is one thing, a one-year affair is another. Sure, he doesn't have to carry the bitterness around, can let go of all the resentment, but he can still find better friends. Otherwise his life would be way too depressing.

kirei8kirei812 months ago

" Sucks " is too nice a word for this shit. They had a fucking affair (no pun intended) for over a YEAR and then went on a 4 day CRUISE together! And we are left with one stupid cunt who wants to stay married to a cheat and a dumbbastard who can't let go of a slut. There is no payback at all AND they get to keep their jobs. I don't need to read any more of your stories; this one tells me all about your style:

A wimpy nonviolent cum eater. No, how many of George's loads did Don eat during that year?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I gotta take a shit!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


LT56linebackerLT56linebackerabout 1 year ago

And the asshole is still walking upright!! Fuck that shit. 4 stars, he divorced her and then FRIENDED HER?? This Facebook stuff is ridiculous. Yes, he used it to burn her, but he didn't sue her company, and the asshole is still breathing. Dumb, really dumb. Sorry, best the Bear can do.


ImNotanAnonImNotanAnonabout 1 year ago

bacchant: "Jeeze you get some dumb comments from others."

Fella, I've read some of your stories, they're the very definition of DUMB.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

To some of the commenters below. If he was careful in never admitting it, there is little to no way to prove that changed the pages. There is strong circumstantial evidence. And maybe in a civil suit, she could win and sue him for damaged. But no DA is going to pick up this case. Again where is the proof. I suppose with computer forensics they could trace they IP address where the fateful login occurred. But what if he did it from an Internet cafe? Might be traceable with a lot of work but would a DA pursue this when she definitely was cheating? Moreover, what exactly is the fraud charge? Impersonating her on social media on her Facebook page. Passwords are her responsibility. This doesn't fall under the revenge porn statutes. The PI published the report. Terry gave him the info. He did not record it and then upload it. So yeah criminal charges are going nowhere. Civil? Maybe. But then she just damages the kids and makes the divorce a nightmare. Anyways why sympathy for her? Year long affair because seduced and enjoyed it. She never really said why or answered his questions. She was just really sorry and wanted him to take her back. Umm no.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Regarding the comment a couple of months ago by someoneother, I believe that Brenda had an opportunity to raise those issues and claims against the husband she betrayed, during the divorce proceedings. Perhaps she did.

Dom_VeritatemDom_Veritatemover 1 year ago

Thanks for the continuance....I liked the last Facebook post.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Being friends on Facebook DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE FRIENDS. It allows Don to see posts Brenda places to see if there is anything he needs to know (kids, house, etc).

other2other1other2other1over 1 year ago

Yet her lover gets a pass when he seduced her. Life is so unfair…

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"Don, I am so very sorry for what has happened."

I hate passive voice! Politicians, Police, Doctors, and everyone else who tries to avoid responsibility. Whenever someone tries that bullshit on me, I just give them the death stare, and say: “Try Again”.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It was not a “mistake”. It was a long term betrayal of her marriage.


4 ****

someoneothersomeoneotherover 1 year ago

Don would have really bad lawsuits filed against him by George and Brenda -- Done committed plain out fraud and revenge is not an excuse. Don also humiliated his children and other innocent family members. Frankly, if I was Brenda, I would go after Don with everything and would destroy him - justifiably. Brenda was at fault but Don was the asshole.

MarkT63MarkT63over 1 year ago

At least he had true conviction. One and DONE!!!

SaltySurpriseSaltySurpriseover 1 year ago

Would love a third part as she finally relised how much damage she did by her cheating

Well written

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I didn't think the first chapter needed anything further as an ending. Having read the ending, I REALLY think the first chapter didn't need THIS ending, a reconciliation of sorts where the characters are inconsistent with what they were in the first chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Apparently Brenda could only express herself in Facebook in this chapter. Because she aucked saying anything meaningful in her dialog with her husband. She couldn't even answer his questions but just bubbled out "sorry" and "I love you". Though I suspect it would not have changed much, surprised that she thought the "wait and give space" approach would help. Instead should have volunteered for counseling. Of course a year long affair with multiple trips is basically impossible to dig out of. We never really understood as a reader any motive beyond there being selfish and like an illicit affair. Guess she liked George better as a lover because she didn't even try to answer on ofnthe most important questions for a husband when they see victims of infidelity as it goes to thr heart of the male ego. Personally for an affair that long I don't buy that there isn't an emotional component for her. Anyways she buried herself and her attempts to reconcile were pretty poor. Meh.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Bullshit, back on the boat when they found out the shit had hit the fan, they look at each , said it was over, and LAUGHED. Why didn't Don sue the construction company for alienation of affections? This wasn't just a cruise, it was a year of fucking, then a cruise. Kids or not, they will be back at it as soon as the dust clears, way more careful, first with once a week, then two or three times a week, but no more trips, especially cruises, for a least a year or two. I am disappointed that Don and Terry didn't get together, sexually, but maybe they will in the next chapter, when the marriages fall off the rails again, this time with the right ending. Keep writing.


JohnAmalfi4104JohnAmalfi4104almost 2 years ago

Really liked this second part. Realistic, I think.

EdgeOfSundownEdgeOfSundownalmost 2 years ago

Don should have pawned the watch, and with the proceeds spent it all at a strip club, then posted photos on his Facebook page.

inka2222inka2222almost 2 years ago

I'm not certain what to think. This is definitely not a RAAC of any kind, and it also doesn't have the "real world" ending of Don losing his kids and his house and money, at least it was nowhere near implied in the epilogue. So I can't rate it poorly.

On the other hand, it added nothing of real benefit to the main story as far as I can tell; only the - implied by narrator - honest regret by the ex wife. Nor does it show any positive upside for Don like a new woman. Nor is there any major downside to the VP asswipe - he loses a bloody bonus and his job AND his wife are still around.

I'll rate this as a very strong 3 stars, mostly for effort - it could have easily been 4 if not for above points.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanalmost 2 years ago

WTF? what a weak ending.

eljj546eljj546almost 2 years ago
Part one was good

The husband lost his balls in part 2

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I have to admit it drives me nuts when even in a story a cheater who has been cheating over a period of time says I made as mistake. Many,many times willfully doing exactly the same thing isn't a mistake.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

She disrespected him and her family hundreds of times and the planning and lies needed to do that along with just letting someone you claim to love be a fooled fool and over a long period of time is despicable beyond words. People who do that love themselves only.

On the other hand it was from her long term skanked out mind.

DrgwngDrgwngabout 2 years ago

Part two was very weak. Both the cheaters did not cheat once. Terry had no excuse to say George was first time cheater. They cheated one hundred times. 52 plus weeks and two,conferences and a cruise. One year is not a mistake. It is a planned and executed diversion from where they were supposed to be. Low score for that .

Rayjag1980Rayjag1980about 2 years ago

Part 1 was very good, part two was actually good except for the ending. I think the ending was not realistic. A 1 year betrayal is not an easy thing to get past. It's not like a 1 time indiscretion. It was an affair of a year. I just don't see a betrayal of this magnitude ending with reconciliation.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Let the court see the mother with her lover . Odds are he will get at least 50 % of the kids time plus the home . She said She feels bad after cheating on her Husband for a Year .. Then he makes Love to her Good luck on not getting some STDs from said loving wife . I caught My wife cheating and No I did not get turned on by it . Nor did I dine at the Y with her ever again . If the husband is the cluck I think he is then I will steer him towards My Ex .

PBD2022PBD2022about 2 years ago

In chapter one husband is so angry that he destroyed ex wife's life along with her companion. He came as cool calm and calculative. But in second part he is emotionally needy, conflicted and indecisive.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

All of you with overly critical comments to the author.... I've looked your names up... none of you have ever written one of your own stories. You must all be Biden voters and this is your way of expressing your frustration at how pathetic the person you voted for is doing.

miket0422miket0422about 2 years ago

This chapter ended right where chapter 1 did, what was the point?

The thing that's hardest to understand in this chapter is when Don says they probably could get back together but, it would be a lot of hard work. Not saying they should have gotten back together but, if he felt that way why wouldn't one or both of them have suggested counseling? At least going through marriage counseling might have helped him get answers to the questions about the affair that she was unwilling or unable to answer for him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Not having her checked for STD's ? Cripes..Author, You made a bad story worse. Your editors are too involved to see the big picture.

widowedidiotwidowedidiotover 2 years ago
No answer is the best answer?

This story didn't add anything to the series. Every W had been supplied by George's wife except the why or part of what. As much as he asked. She didn't care enough to save her marriage by answering. Why? Or the What. She never answered what made her jump into another's arm. or why she did it. But she wanted to be forgiven and taken back? Maybe if she had been honest and upfront. That's where I believe the author dropped the ball. He was determined to make her loose and George to strive so he forgot the main parts of a story. Those w's are the story, without them, you have nothing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Too unbelievable tbh I got bored an skipped to the end but as wrong as it is in most situations the mother gets the kids thereby the house too regardless of her actions trust me I know mothers who got custody who don’t deserve it the dads are a way better choice but the courts didn’t see it. Leading her out of the house he has no right by law it’s half hers an he’s lucky his wife is so understanding she could of really destroyed him in a divorce if she wanted to

Tiger27Tiger27over 2 years ago

Georgie boy should have been given the same sentence as Brenda. Kicked out and divorced.

Good story!

NicealloverNicealloverover 2 years ago

I was thinking that her betrayal was too great to overcome. However, her reason for cheating was never explored. Psyciatric counseling would be required. I would have left the door open on the relationship. There was too much at stake.

dcvngtn3dcvngtn3over 2 years ago

Meh. I felt like this chapter wasn't needed. You ended the story just fine in the first chapter with the two being served. This chapter really added nothing to the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Why be friends with a slut?

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