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Unlikely Love Pt. 06


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After a few moments, I felt Elena pulling on my hand, her naked flesh against mine, wrapping her body around mine. "So... how was it?" she asked, voice quivering.

I took in deep breath, unsure how to express what I was feeling, though the feeling was pretty amazing. "Good... I just don't... have the... words..." I said, leaning over to kiss her, expressing both my gratitude and desire in the same moment. We just snuggled together for a while, just feeling each other breathe, then Elena broke the silence.

"Just to be clear, when I said you are mine and belong to me, it wasn't just the heat of the moment, I meant every word of it. I want you here, with me, by my side, sharing my life, everything." She said, as if she had rehearsed the whole thing in her head as we were quiet.

I loved the feeling of my face in her neck, it made me feel adored and protected, so I scooted closer and put my head there. "Oh I know that for sure, and I feel the same. Honestly, I haven't ever felt even a tenth of this with anyone, ever. We have this... connection, passion and a deep bond that is just amazing," I said reassuringly, suddenly feeling my eyes heavy. I had never made love for that long before, and it took a lot out of me, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.


As I slowly began waking up a few hours later, I started smiling in wonder at how amazing and erotic my dreams had been. A split-second later, I realized that I had a gorgeous, formerly straight brunette, the woman of my dreams, wrapped around me, her skin against mine. While it was a relaxed pose since Tamara was still asleep, I was struck by the deep attachment it implied, making me smile even bigger. I was content just to hold and watch her sleep, feeling her heartbeat, and feeling her breathing slow and rhythmically. It was a beautiful moment, and I wanted to just savor it, and be the first thing she saw when she woke up.

Tamara twitched and then I heard her take in a deep breath and stretch, which just pushed her naked flesh more firmly into mine. Her eyes fluttered for a moment, like she was trying to focus, and she looked at me and giggled. "Well, hey there," she whispered, stroking my face.

"Hey there, love," I replied, giving her a wet, soft kiss, then adding, "Sleep well?"

Tamara nodded, snuggling into me again, and licking her lips as if savoring the kiss. "Mmmm hmmm," she said with a contented sigh.

I knew this had been a huge step for her, and felt a pang of worry wondering if she would have second thoughts once the reality of it all sank in. Given her reaction during our blow-up, it seemed reasonable to assume that. I cleared my throat. "You ok? Any... regrets?" I asked, keeping my tone free of concern.

Tamara started giggling almost incessantly, which concerned me at first, until she kissed my cheek. "Not a single one, this was the most incredible and natural thing in the world to me. Plus, I love you, plain and simple," she said firmly.

"Well I got the feeling you had never cum that many times before," I said, tickling her, making her jump.

Tamara stuck her tongue out. "Ya got that right, been too many times I didn't cum at all, it was... really... amazing," she answered.

"Well there are so many other ways..." I said, not completing my sentence, waiting to gauge her reaction.

I watched a smile form on her lips, a mischievous and somewhat curious grin, and she sat up and looked down at me. "Oh, got more to show me? Teach me?" she teased.

In one motion, I pushed her on to her back and swung my leg over her, straddling her, making her eyes widen. "Oh yes, baby lots more," I said, purring, "Just not all at once, I want you to savor it." I slowly ran my fingers up and down her tummy, tickling her navel, before moving upwards to trace around the edges of her breasts.

"Damn, Elena, you know how to touch me perfectly," Tamara gasped, her body shivering.

I grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head, making her eyes widen, settling my body on hers, ensuring that my breasts were pressing into hers, moved my legs so they were separating hers. It was a deliciously vulnerable position for her and turned me on intensely. I knew her neck was her secret arousal spot, so I began kissing and gently nibbling it while breathing heavily and moaning, making her back arch a bit.

"I know exactly how to love you, to pleasure you, and so very happy to do it, love," I gasped into her neck. I wanted to wind her up a bit before trying anything else with her, I wanted the build-up to enhance the orgasm that would claim her later. Without releasing her hands, I began moving my body over hers, ensuring that my breasts rubbed nicely against hers and my knee started slowly grinding her pussy. Gawd she was already quite wet!

To my sheer delight, Tamara began gyrating her body beneath mine in a naked erotic dance that made shivers shoot up my spine. She was grinding against my knee slowly, methodically, and hungrily, showing me just how quickly she was learning the secrets of love between two women. The smouldering look of lust emanating from her eyes was sexy and confirmed my suspicions. My little, not so straight, girl had truly crossed over and embraced me, embraced lesbian passion, and given over completely to it. Whether I could truly call her gay remained to be seen, but I was more than happy just as she was.

"Fuck. Kiss me. Please. Gawd," Tamara began begging.

My lips touched hers and she instantly parted her lips and slid her tongue along mine, which seemed to be asking for as much attention as had her words. I was all too happy to oblige, exploring her mouth with deep passion, which she eagerly returned, the pace of her frenetic grinding increasing. I knew she could climax any second, but I wanted that to happen differently, so I rose and backed away from her a little.

Tamara looked confused and even annoyed, obviously not understanding why I had interrupted her pleasure, reaching for her leg and lifting it up so I could kiss her calf. I could tell her what I was up to but wanted her to experience it and feel it instead. With a sly smile, I slipped my leg between hers, watching her furrowed brow reveal that she still wasn't sure what was happening. Lifting her ass a bit, I lowered my wet pussy right against hers, watching her eyes go wide as the sensations hit her the first time.

"Oh gawd... gawd... that's so... wow... fuck... oh fuck..." she gasped, her body shaking, her arousal now exponentially greater.

"Oh yes, my sweet little Tamara, we are fucking now... really fucking... girl to girl... my pussy kissing yours," I said, my hips starting to gyrate, grinding powerfully into her. It was tricky doing this especially so early on with a lover, but I knew it would be incredible for her if I did things correctly. I repositioned once or twice, hoping I had the alignment just right.

Tamara's head leaned back, her eyes closed, clinging to me for dear life, at first just letting me grind my pussy against hers, making her shriek and shudder. "Ohhhh fuck... fuckkkkkk meeeeee," she squealed, now grinding back against me with equal fervor. Lifting her head back up, her eyes locked with mine, moaning as she stared at me. After several moments, her eyes closed and I could feel her womanhood pulsing against mine as a new climax washed over her. The sight of her pleasure and the sensation between my legs overcame me and I had a strong orgasm in response, a feat I had seldom been able to pull off that way with previous lovers. Our collective moans and cries rose together as one voice, just as our bodies were one and our souls now joined. Once we rode out the intense shared climax, we fell back on to the bed, clinging to each other for dear life. I thought it was safe to say that neither of us had ever felt that kind of thing before, which just made our bond more powerful.


When I woke up later, it took me a few seconds for my eyes to focus, and when I did I saw Elena's face smiling at me, her hair thoroughly disheveled. I blushed. I always felt self-conscious after waking up, fearing I looked awful and would make the person run away screaming. The look in her eyes, however, was one of pure adoration and it instantly reassured me that there was nothing I needed to worry about. "Hi there," I said, almost chuckling.

Elena's lips lowered to mine, giving me a soft kiss which still had the faded remnants of my taste on them. "Hi, love, did you sleep well?" she asked.

Still worried that I looked frightful, I nuzzled into her, catching my breath and nodded with a muffled, "Mmmm yes."

Elena slipped her finger under my chin, pulling my face up just enough to make full eye contact with me, a soft but concerned expression on her face. "Um, you all right? Any... regrets?" she asked softly.

Internally, my reaction was to laugh and say, Are you fucking kidding me, I am way more than ok! I did end up letting out a small laugh, which escalated into a brief fit of the giggles, which was not the reaction I wanted her to see. I calmed down after a moment and planted a quick peck on her cheek to reassure her. "No regrets, not one, not ever. That was like... the most amazing thing I have everfelt," I said, pausing for a moment, and then adding, "Plus, I love you, plain and simple." Was there anything more to say after that? Not for me at least!

Elena's fingers jabbed playfully into my ribs, tickling me and making me laugh. "Yeah, well I got the distinct impression that you had never had that many orgasms in a row before," she said with a huge grin.

I jutted my pink tongue out between my teeth for a moment. "That's an understatement, hun. Sadly, there were quite a few times I didn't even cum at all with someone else, of course I figured out that it wasn't my fault," I replied, still smiling.

Elena planted a kiss on the tip of my nose, treating me to a whiff of her almost-faded perfume. "Oh, but you have no idea, sweet thing, there are so... many... ways... to..." she began, her voice trailing off.

Damn this woman could make me smile nonstop. "Oh is that a fact? Got more tricks to show me hmmm?" I said with an exaggerated wink.

Without warning, she flipped my body around, facing upwards, catching me so off guard that I squealed, "Oof." What I failed to notice for a second or two was that she had managed to slide her leg between mine.

"Oh patience there, babe, not all at once, I want you to... savor it, there's no rush," she said with a lilting voice, brushing her fingertips up my torso, then stroking the underside of my breasts.

My nipples instantly reacted, hardening at the touch, and sending shockwaves throughout my body, making me marvel at her skill. Almost overcome by the sensations, I gasped, "Oh gawd, you know how to touch me... perfectly... ohhhhhh wow..."

All at once, I felt Elena pin my arms above my head, pressing her breasts right into mine, making our nipples rub in the most sensual way possible. As she pushed my legs apart with her knee, I felt her lips feasting on my neck again, making her gasp. "I know exactly how to touch you, caress you, and pleasure you, Tamara, and so enjoy loving your body," she responded, her lips caressing my neck erotically.

In that position, all I could do was let her have her way with me, and it's all I wanted anyway. Elena began rubbing her body on mine, breasts kissing and caressing each other, and her knee wedged between my legs, grinding into my wetness, increasing my already building arousal. All I wanted was more of those sensations, more of the passion, more of her, and my body began moving back against hers in an erotic dance that was intensely pleasurable. "Oh damn... Elena... yesssss... ohhhhhhhh gawd fuck me, fuck me now!" I shouted, not caring who might hear.

In one smooth motion, her mouth abandoned my neck and fitted itself to mine, her tongue slipping between my lips like a wet snake, and virtually wrapping around mine. My body reacted immediately, my hips grinding against her knee as if trying to permanently join with it. I felt my entire self on fire like a living flame, wanting more of Elena, more of the heat, more of the pleasure. I felt an orgasm building, so powerful that it felt like an erotic tsunami, ready to crash over me at any moment.

I was in a daze, so it took a moment for me to realize that Elena had pulled back from me, and honestly I felt a flash of anger to be denied a climax that was within a finger's reach from me so to speak. When I looked up to ask for an explanation, I saw Elena kissing my leg above my ankle, a very mischievous look on her face. I felt her wetness sliding down the inside of my left leg, and before I could fully understand what was happening, I felt a searing hot wetness press against my pussy. The feeling was overwhelming, our bodies fully and completely one, more intimately than any connection I had experienced in my life, but multiplied exponentially.

"Oh... fuck... gawd... that's... thats..." I said, seeing stars and so overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment that I couldn't speak or even think at that point. I had sensed it on some level before but now I knew this was the person I had waited for, hoped for, longed for, my forever friend, lover and soulmate.

"Yes, sweet little Tamara, we are fucking, girl to girl, together, my pussy fucking yours!" Elena growled, making me grind back even more fiercely.

Nothing else mattered in that moment, just us, bodies together, bonded in a way I never imagined possible with another human being, and something I would sell my soul forever never to lose. Forcing myself to focus, I gripped the back of her neck with my hand, making our eyes meet. I knew I was about to cum, and from the flushed look on Elena's face, she was about to as well. I wanted, even needed our eyes locked as we came together. I gasped and grunted something that sounded like "Oh fuck me... fuck me... Elena..." which was probably a violent scream, though I was scarcely conscious enough to know for certain.

I felt my orgasm erupt, my pussy pulsating rapidly, as if trying to grip Elena's and pull it right inside my body. My back arched and every cell in my body felt electrified, and I felt a sympathetic response from between her legs that slammed into me and reflected the intensity back at her again. It felt as if her life force had entered me and that our souls were locked into an amazingly pleasurable dance together. We rode out the feeling, unable to speak, writhing, gasping, and moaning, finally coalescing into a deep calm that collapsed us into each other tightly. We both whispered a hushed, "I love you" as we sank into a deep slumber together.


Elena and Tamara were inseparable after that, and made their relationship public. That delighted Elena's family, but initially had the opposite reaction with Tamara's. Her mother was shocked and her father was very hostile at first, though they both warmed up over time, eventually accepting them both and welcoming Elena Into their family with open arms. They got married in a small ceremony at the Grand Hotel the very weekend of the Bessmer Bash, which they hadn't intentionally planned, but found delightfully entertaining.

Tamara got promoted to Vice President of her company within a year of their wedding, and became well-known as one of the prominent women in the IT industry for years after. A few years later, they started a consulting firm together and traveled the world together speaking at conferences.

In later years, those who knew them described their relationship as a 'love story for the ages' that delighted and inspired many, and told again and again. Tamara and Elena would often laugh and remember that it all began at an event that neither of them wanted to be at, between two people who were worlds apart, and yet brought together in an amazing and unlikely love.

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AnonymousAnonymous28 days ago

I really enjoyed how you told the story of from both points of view from Elena Tamara, interesting type of writing to read the differences in the way they tell the story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Remains a winner for repeat reads over the years when one's in the mood to get the heart afluttering.

Your series stories are always a pleasure to read. Your patience pacing the story through several installments to make solid MCs, fleshed-out dynamics, and overall storyline is a real asset to your skill and writing.

Looking forward to your next series. A historical theme perfectly suits your style, in case you're open to a reader's input :D

Camguy4funCamguy4fun3 months ago

A wonderful love story. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

Nightwish1977Nightwish19775 months ago

This was lovely. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Great, well written love story. Absolutely loved every reading minute and their love adventure. Keep writing.

Roti8211Chanai643Roti8211Chanai6435 months ago


A beautiful love story!

Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Thank you for this very well written very erotic story. I enjoyed reading the whole series !

EHP4269EHP42698 months ago

I beautiful love story. We appreciate you sharing your writing skills with us. Your stories draw us in and keep us interested like no other and leave us feeling happy that all can be right with this crazy f'd up world that we live in.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I felt every emotion, I envisioned every touch! Christa thank you for an amazing read. muah

liz33ndliz33nd9 months ago

this was a great story, i had trouble keeping my mind from wandering when i had to quit reading. it kept drawing me back into this amazing tale. i dont like the she said, she said back and forth parts, but thats just me. i didnt comment on the other chapters and feel bad about that, as it deserved a comment as to how good it was all the way thru. you are a talented author, and yes, i will read more. solid four stars.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

It was the best! You are definitely one of my favorite authors!

KahunaSamuraiKahunaSamurai12 months ago

Wow, what an awesome piece of work — art even. I rarely feel so strongly immersed; one of the best stories I ever read. Thanx so much!

Aoife_from_UlsterAoife_from_Ulsterover 1 year ago

I must say, one of the most amazing stories / series I have read in a while. You drew me in from the beginning. The friendship, kindred spirit, love which grew and was lost but then later found was the pinnacle of life. Bravo! Bravo!


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You write very well and tell a great story, so good that the two perspectives were fine for me though I can see why some found that a bit repetitive. Please keep going and honing your considerable talent I for one am a very grateful to be a beneficiary.

Mr_BradyMr_Bradyover 1 year ago

You are intensely effective in crafting a tale that flows and keeps the reader emotionally involved in your story. At least that’s the way it was for me.

As far as letting us see the story unfold by giving us the two different perspectives, sometimes it worked for me. But when they seemed to be repeating just about the same thing…as far as I’m concerned, that made your wonderful story drag…but only a bit.

Lesbian sex isn’t my first go-to when I’m searching out erotic literature, but with your very good writing style…you just might find me giving you my comments and opinions on another one ☀️

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

6 chapters of Lesbian Sex cures "hetero trauma" didn't see that coming. NOT. How about get some help. Find inner strength and then seek a partner to share life's ups and downs. Otherwise it's just a a partnership based on dependence.

Oldsalty1Oldsalty1over 1 year ago

Great build-up and nice plotting --a hot story!

As a constructive criticism, the one and then the other telling EXACTLY the same story got burdensome. That plotting trick only really works if you get different insights from each. I thought these two just parroted each other too closely, so wading through the nearly identical script a second time got to be a hard slog....just imo.

Beejay3Beejay3over 1 year ago

A lovely sexual story..mutually fulfilling for a lesbian lover and her new found partner…in love.

Very satisfying

Thanks for this lesbian breakthrough…

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

WOW...Just Wow, I absolutely love this story. Thank you for writing it & entertaining us with these beautiful ladies.❤️

toesucker1toesucker1over 1 year ago

This was such a great series! I thought the double perspective was very effective — especially this episode where we got double the delicious sex!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

S9808-Change is not easy. Not saying that their actions are justified but if you are going to be the moral compass then accept that not everyone thinks the same.

S9808S9808over 1 year ago

Great story. never really occurred to me on the intricacies and difficulties inherent in any gay relationship and the number of narrow minded bigots and homophobes that can mar a truly good relationship. Particularly so called friends, relatives and colleagues. sad.

UncertainTUncertainTalmost 2 years ago

I wish I could give it 6*

RonnieTheCuriousRonnieTheCuriousover 2 years ago

A 'love story for the ages' indeed. Wonderful writing. Mind blown!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Thank you, that was wonderful.

TransbianWriterTransbianWriterover 2 years ago

Loved this story - I much prefer this kind of build up, which gives the reader time to get to know the characters, (Which inspired my writing), and you showed a great level of skill at it. Beautiful, thank you!

ReesertonReesertonover 2 years ago

This is my favorite story yet.

nogravynogravyover 2 years ago

Absolutely superb in every way. The plotting, characterization, dialogue, reality of the sex scenes, none of it can be beat. More please...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What an amazing story. Truly a five star story, so well written with so much passion. You can really feel with both girls and how they experience their developing relationship and love. Writing in both perspectives was a little confusing in the beginning but in the end is refreshing. Hope to be able to read more of your stories. Please continue

kaleonanikaleonanialmost 3 years ago

Finally, nothing like two beautiful women gracing each other's presence with a love that developed through respect for one another by maintaining their friendship allowing their passion for each other to develop over time, which a reader like me grew very impatient but the end result is truly heart warming. Good Job christa_p.

slide_fire1slide_fire1almost 3 years ago

Very fine work. I really like your grasp of use of language and do a wonderful job of accurately describing emotion and passion. Just love your work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I am of the male species, have thoroughly enjoyed your writings. I would like nothing more than to have a threesome with two bisexual ladies. It would be a “Feast” of great respect for each other.

Kind regards. Nigel UK

JackE69JackE69about 3 years ago

a beautiful erotic love story well told thanks

MaonaighMaonaighover 3 years ago
I don't know how...

...it happened but I read the first chapter of Unlikely Love, gave you five stars, and then completely overlooked the remainder of the story. Still, I've found it now, read the whole lot in one go and very pleased that I've done so. It is a very well-written and enjoyable story and I hope that in time we'll see a lot more from you, Christa.

RubyRedLipsRubyRedLipsover 3 years ago
Very, Very Good

I had a really good time with your story. I must admit that I'm still not sure how I feel about the same narration being repeated by both characters, but in the end I enjoyed it, so that's all that co-unts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Great , great story. So sorry its come to an end but thanks so much for all the pleasure you've given us. Hope you'll write again soon.

Air_DryAir_Dryover 3 years ago

This chapter, brings the entire series to a crescendo. From the moment Tamara arrives back at Elena’s home to the incredible tribbing scene at the end. Why does Ravel’s Bolero come to mind?

Also when Tamara tells her version of their first time love making I couldn’t help but have a sense of Annag98’s A Meeting of Minds. It had that timeless romance feel to it.

Am I making any sense at this point or is it just me being up past my bedtime again?

Regardless, Lottsa stars. This is a great story extremely well told. Thank you!

Candy_Kane54Candy_Kane54over 3 years ago

A wonderful tale of how love can overcome just about anything. Just beautiful! Five stars all around.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Enjoyable story! Well written with the back and forth point of view. Was like getting two for the price of one. Hope to see more from you. Definitely five stars!!


SeducedByStockingsSeducedByStockingsover 3 years ago

A fitting ending to a beautiful, erotic story.

GienyGienyover 3 years ago


Wow. I love this story.

Thank you, Chris_p .

The best ☺.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Great conclusion to an amazing story!

lonecrowlonecrowover 3 years ago

Whoa that sex scene, right from that kiss under the mistletoe. It was so good, so erotic! Often the narration of attraction/seduction between straight and lesbian women in stories feel too much imposed upon. There is often a tendency to compensate the lack of attraction with domination. I believe domination only work if there is already a degree of palpable attraction. But this didn't feel that way. There was hesitance and eventual acceptance, but with a pace that felt natural.

I also enjoy the dissonance between the two perspectives immensely. How they remember things said or done a little differently from each other. I think that's what happens in real life as well. No two of us remember events exactly the same. At first I thought this must be a group of two authors, writing two different povs. But the author profile suggested otherwise. This only indicates how talented the author is. So my kudos for that.

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