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Victoria and Geoff


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Mr. Chapman again politely coughed and then got down to business. He opened a folder in front of himself and handed a sheet of paper to Geoff along with a pen. His hand was already reaching for a second sheet of paper.

"All this is legalese. I won't sign anything until I have sat down and read it myself."

"It's your fifty percent share in the company now known as 'Peace of Mind Solutions Inc.' although it's actually a limited company. You're in the boardroom; the main office is across the hall."

Geoff watched as she gave Mr. Chapman a nod and he in turn placed another piece of paper in front of Geoff. "The paper in front of you now is a pre-nup that Daddy insisted we both sign."

Now was the time Geoff thought it best to freak. He stood up and stood away from the table, his chair falling backwards as he did so. Mr. Chapman was unfazed by his actions and continued to place sheets of paper in the place that Geoff once sat.

"That is a doctor's medical examination of me stating that I am of clean health and have no HIV or STD's of any kind."

Geoff looked closely at Victoria, her face showed no sign of emotion at all. "And did he check you for your mental health as well?"

He watched as Victoria gave Mr. Chapman another nod and he in turn placed another sheet of paper on top of the pile now occupying the vacant area of the table. "That is a psychological exam I took at my Fathers behest when I told him what I was planning six months ago, stating that I am of sound mind."

Geoff took another step further back. "I suggest you get a second opinion. What the heck did you expect me to say to all this? You walk out of my life a year ago and now you want to marry me and start the business that we used as a training aid."

Victoria asked Mr. Chapman if he would mind stepping outside for a few minutes. He nodded stood and went to the door, Hugo walked in and placed a suitcase by the door let Mr. Chapman out and closed the door behind them.

"You said walked out of my life."


By now Victoria was walking around the table and was almost face to face with Geoff.

"Just now you said walked out of my life."

"I meant the tutoring and college."

Victoria had now placed her arms on his shoulders, her face inches from his.

"Kiss me."

"Suppose I don't want to."

"My darling Geoff, as long as you and I both has a pulse. That will never happen, now kiss me."

Geoff leaned in the few inches from her lips, they tasted so sweet. Victoria tilted her head as their lips touched, his mouth opened ever so slightly, Victoria mirrored his action submitting slowly to his gentle touch. She felt his arms around her waist and instinctively moved into him. Her breasts now crushed against his chest, her arms around his neck. Victoria was tenderly rubbing the area under his ear. Self preservation meant they both had to come up for air sometime.

"I know I have rushed today so I'm willing to use plan B. Mom said plan B was a better option but I wanted everything sorted today."

He still held Victoria around the waist. "Explain plan B and let me decide."

"I ask Mr. Chapman to come back in three days time, we take all the documents home with us and I explain them all to you in a non business like manner and environment."

"You said home with us?"

Victoria nodded and indicated the suitcase by the door. "As my soon to be husband I thought you would want to sample the goods before you take them on."

Two things happened then, his jaw fell open and the blood drained from his face, since his body found no use for it there it sent it straight to his penis. Victoria felt something growing in his pants and smiled.

"Now as much as I would love to christen the boardroom table with what's growing in your pants, I know I have more than my fare share of explaining to do. Can we go home Geoff, please?"

Both kissed once more, Victoria talked to Mr. Chapman and Hugo took the case down to the car. Victoria spoke to Hugo for a moment and watched as the car drove away, then joined Geoff by the front door.

"Do I have to carry you over the threshold or something?"

It both broke any further tension between them and made Victoria hug him again, she also reminded him that she needed him fit for later so they would settle for walking across for now. When Geoff got back from putting her case in the bedroom Victoria was already in the kitchen making coffee for them both. Set it down on the coffee table and asked Geoff to sit down. Geoff noticed she was nervous, he assumed it was about later, and then he figured it was where to begin with her story.

She paced the room the whole time she talked just like she used to do when they worked on their project. Victoria explained that she had come back to the room because she had forgotten something, it's then she heard the teacher talking to Geoff. At first, she was angry with Geoff because she felt she was being used, and then she heard the teacher threaten Geoff and realized the teacher had manipulated them both. With Victoria's grades improved her father would be pleased and donate to the college after her graduation.

She went home and talked to her father. With Mom by her side they both listened and invited the head of the college to dinner that evening. He explained that the teacher had tenure and since there was no actual proof of any wrong doing there was no case. It was the Saturday that her father came up with a plan. But at such a cost to Victoria, she was to be removed from college, her grades would stand and no further contact with Geoff was to be made while Geoff was still in college. Her father would hold off on any donation to the college until after graduation to make sure there was no retaliation on Geoff by the teacher.

By now Geoff wanted her to sit down but she wanted to finish explaining everything to him before her own courage left her. Both Victoria and her Mom ganged up on her father to let her take the test on the Monday and let her say goodbye to Geoff in a way that wouldn't attract to much attention to what they were doing. Her father agreed so Victoria went back to college on the Sunday afternoon grabbed one of the girls from the sorority house that was into computers and went into the room so she could fix the machine swearing her to secrecy from that day onward.

"The hardest thing I ever done in my life was stopping myself from telling you everything that day. It will never happen again any decision I make will be a joint one with you."

Geoff ordered Chinese and they sat on the floor on a blanket, eating and talking about everything except college and what had happened today until the meal was over. Now that the cartons were in the bin Geoff settled down and waited, he knew she wanted to finish explaining and there seemed little point in putting it off, at least now she wasn't pacing the room.

Her father had her home tutored until the end of college and then her Mom took her away for a holiday. But she broke down and told her Mom how she felt about Geoff and what she wanted to do with her life. On her return she took all her notes to one of Daddy's business advisors and asked him if 'Peace of Mind Solutions Inc' was actually viable. He called back two days later and offered to financially back the company for the first year if she could get Geoff on board.

"So you see partner, we are financially sound for the first year. But that's immaterial compared to my next question. Will you marry me?"

"Victoria, I want to put my feelings aside for the moment because I need to find out why?"

Her cheeks flushed and then she nodded her head. "I will answer, I'm ashamed of myself because of what I did, but you ask so I have to answer."

"You stood up to me, you didn't care what I looked like or even fawn over me to carry some sort of favor. You just didn't care and I liked that. I liked the way you see past what was in front of you and challenged me to do better, every time I thought I had done a good job you would give me just that little nudge and I would do even better."

"I knew what I was called at college, and frankly, I couldn't give a shit. It was you who saw past the looks and found the brains, no one else there could see that far. It's a fact within the family but it's kept quiet. The Breckenridge women choose their own men. For generations now we have all refused to be trophy wives to any man." Victoria continued.

"I've been around you long enough to know you don't look on me as a trophy. You see the person in me, that's what attracted me to you. Geoff, I walked back to the room that day to ask you out to dinner. I've missed out on being with you for over a year now and I'm not about to let that continue."

"But why marriage Victoria?"

Victoria went crimson with embarrassment. "This is the part I'm ashamed of and I'm so desperately sorry. But I did it and I have to own up to it."

She paused to take a deep breath, Geoff noticed that her eyes had misted and she had such a sad look on her face. "I made you out of bounds. I let it be known with the other girls in the sorority that they were to make sure that no girl in college was ever to go out with you. Even then I knew you were special, we both see beyond what other people see. You saw the real person I was, not the Barbie doll others saw."

"I saw the intelligent and caring man; ok, quirky, but witty along with it man. As I've told you the Breckenridge women choose their men, we choose men that love us, not the image."

Geoff tried so hard to be angry, but somehow he found it rather sweet that she would go to such lengths. Victoria spotted his smile and slowly started to relax a little.

"You're not angry with me for messing with your sex life at college?"

He paused, slowly lifted his arm so he could see his watch. Victoria watched, waiting for him to answer.

"I figure since you made me out of bounds to every woman in college, you better start making up for it now. I also think its fare to warn you that you also owe me a year's back sex and there is also interest to add onto that. The interest rate on that is one hundred percent that makes it two years worth of back sex you already owe me and the clock is ticking."

Victoria's cheeks flushed and her eyes dilated. "Shall we start now?"

Geoff smiled at the thought. "You know I'm still trying to figure out who you are and what have you done with Victoria Breckenridge."

"I was never allowed to be who I wanted to be, I suspect you never were either. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to go down the poor little rich girl route, why should I? When I look at you I don't see the clothes you wear that were out of fashion even when Carter was president. Or the hair, that desperately needs a cut. These things are surface issues and too many people just can't seem to get passed them."

"What I saw was an angry man. Angry at the world and its contents for not letting him be who he wanted to be. A man with real charm and whit, who wasn't afraid, yet also looked on me as an equal. That's the man I fell in love with, the man who treated me as I wanted everyone else to treat me. That man who walked me back to the sorority house with me dressed in my cheerleader outfit and spared me the blushes of never making any comment on it. The man who proved to me I had a brain in my head and not to be afraid to use it. There is a quote that I love, it goes. 'If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh?"

Geoff smiled and said. "Shakespeare, 'The Merchant of Venice'."

It was Victoria's turn to smile, "See, now how many guys from the college football team would know that? I told Mom all this when we were on holiday; the concierge had to bring her a box of tissues. Waking up every morning with you in my arms or between my thighs is going to make a difference to me. Yes I could wait another ten years and find the man of my dreams, but all it will mean is, I'm ten years older and I've married a man that is an exact copy of you, so why should I wait to be happy. I want to be happy now."

Geoff felt he needed to move this conversation on. "Show me the pre-nup."

Victoria picked it out of the folder walked over to Geoff, sat on his lap and showed it to him. He read it all, gently rubbing Victoria's back with his other hand.

"This is a sliding scale, if I'm married to you for a year, I get this amount and if I'm married to you longer the money goes up. I want you to talk to Mr. Chapman or if you have to, you're Dad. I won't sign this, but if they draw up another pre-nup that says I get nothing ever. If the marriage is dissolved for any reason other than cheating, then the company closes, not sold off but closes, the assets are liquidated and shared equally amongst all the staff. If either of us cheats on the other and when the innocent party finds out, the guilty party will hand over all fifty percent of their share of the company."

"Daddy won't believe you; he will want to talk to you about it."

Geoff shrugged his shoulders. "Like I care what he thinks, I'm not the one who started drawing up pre-nups to protect his money. Are you going to fight me on this?"

"Not a chance, I'm going to have such a smug look on my face when I tell him what you said, I told him you would say something similar when I first saw the pre-nup."

She reached into her purse and pulled out her cell, dialed a number and talked to Mr. Chapman. Both spoke for a couple of minutes and then she put the phone down telling Geoff that Mr. Chapman will speak to Daddy and the new pre-nup will be ready tomorrow morning. Geoff asked to see the rest of the papers. Victoria got up and brought back the whole folder sitting back on his lap.

Both went through the other papers, finally Geoff said. "I'm going to keep these."

"I thought you might, it's a good thing Mr. Chapman has copies. Geoff, I want to ask you something."

Somehow Geoff had figured what she was about to say and readied himself for it.

"I need you to tell me how you feel, you said you wanted to put your feelings aside for the moment, you've had your moment. Figuratively speaking, I've hung myself out there. But now I need you to tell me how you feel."

He paused for a moment, trying to put his thoughts in their correct order.

"When you left I was confused. After a time I tried to find out what happened to you but no one would tell me. I stopped going back to the room and after a few weeks I closed everything down. I wanted to hate you; I really did want to hate you. But that damned song just kept going round and round in my head and I found I couldn't."

"Even through exams I thought about you. As I read the test I knew you would have aced this. In plain words Victoria, yes I do love you. I have for some time, even before you put those headphones on me and walked out of my life."

When Geoff looked at Victoria there was a look of such pain on her face, tears were running down her cheeks. Geoff leaned in and kissed her tears.

"Please take me to bed now."

"Just remember this is going to be a little clumsy, I hadn't had sex with anyone but my hand for sometime."

Victoria blushed, and then snuggled into his neck and whispered. "Neither have I."

He gently held her hips and moved her. Their eyes now locked onto one another. Victoria moved with Geoff's wishes and now sat almost facing him, she wasn't comfortable so she stood, moved a leg over his body, and sat back on his lap. Geoff unbuttoned her blouse, her hands gently rubbing his legs and then stopped so he could remove the blouse the garment now on the floor. Victoria felt all tingly. Goose bumps would follow Geoff's hands.

His fingers explored all her skin purposefully missing her bra. He watched as her breathing became a little more ragged now causing her breasts to push themselves further up and try to free themselves from their restraints. He watched fascinated as her nipples hardened in her bra he longed to see them, to hold them.

"Geoff, I am known as having a very angelic nature, but if you don't get this bra off and suck at least one of my breasts to relieve some of what you're doing to me. I will take it off myself and strangle you with it."

He stifled a giggle. Tempted as he was to continue to watch her nipples try to force their own way out of her bra; Geoff undid the clasp. He heard a soft 'yes' escape Victoria's lips as her bra followed her blouse. Geoff was in awe, Victoria had the most amazing breasts, her nipples now bullet hard. He held one breast in his hand his mouth slowly surrounded the nipple of the other and he sucked it in playing it over his teeth as he did. Victoria pushed her body closer to Geoff wanting him to devour her.

"Oh yes, keep this up and I'm going to be an orgasmic puddle. Please Geoff, I need skin on skin and preferably a bed although I'm starting to think I'm not that bothered in what order I get them."

Summoning all his own will power Geoff lifted Victoria off his lap and holding her hand led her to his bedroom. Standing her in the middle of the room he then pulled her skirt and panties off at the same time. Now as naked and as vulnerable as she had ever been in front of Geoff she blushed, he watched and smiled as her neck and then chest became the same color as her face..

"You are the most stunningly beautiful woman I have ever met."

Victoria blushed again. Then set about pulling Geoff's clothes off, her own wetness now matching her own impatience. She needed him inside her both had waited far too long for this now. His shirt was already mid-air across the room when she had his belt open and his pants on the floor, her eyes wide with lust as her hand enveloped his manhood.

"Thank goodness you're a normal size, which was my one nightmare, that you would be big."

"Have you had big?"

"No, saw one once. I didn't want it anywhere near me."

"So ten inches isn't big then?"

They both laughed.

"I may be a blonde but your never ten inches"

"How do I know you're a natural blonde?"

"While I'm able to draw breath, you never will,"

Her hand rubbing between her legs trying to relieve some of the tension for a few minutes more, until she could get Geoff in her. "This stays bald."

"Secrets already, Victoria?"

"Honey, there are boardroom secrets and bedroom secrets. Don't ever look on the two as the same. This woman keeps her bedroom secrets from you to keep you interested. The day I find I can't do that will be the day I check for a pulse to see if you're still breathing."

Victoria got up off her knees, wrapped her arms around Geoff's neck, hugged him, then lifted herself on her toes and parted her legs slightly, his rock hard manhood instantly went between her thighs and with a groan of pleasure she lowered herself back to the ground again. His penis now resting between her pussy lips, the heat from Geoff's penis acting with her own juices only served as a conductor sending more heat into Victoria her chest now a glow of red and slowly moved up to her neck.

"I've got a hot cock between my pussy lips and I plan on sucking it later."

Geoff laughed, he felt so alive now perhaps for the first time in his life he felt so hopelessly in love with the only person that ever mattered to him. Geoff wrapped his arms around Victoria and lifted her off her feet. Instantly she wrapped them around his waist locking him in denying him any freedom. As if he would want any. But the changed in position moved his penis and Geoff slid instantly into Victoria's soaked pussy. She groaned and bit down on his shoulder.

"I know you wanted to wait until we got to bed and didn't mean that to happen lover but I'm sure glad it did. Fuck that feels so good."

He lowered Victoria gently onto the bed careful that the connection between them remained. Victoria refused to move her legs her eyes locked on him; she was almost screaming her need to him through her eyes now. Geoff slowly moved out of Victoria and she panicked, her vaginal muscles clamped down hard on him. She wanted to speak, to plead with him not to remove himself from her womanhood, but her voice was lost to her. Tighter, she clenched as she felt her eyes mist up.

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