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Wait for Carnival

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Danger of waiting for the perfect moment.
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Ned Harrington had patiently waited for his young protégé. Ned had known for years that he wanted Devin; he'd known for more than a month he could have him. But everything had to be right, just right.

Ned and Devin's father, John Treadwell, had been long-time lovers. The Harringtons and Treadwells were among the first families of Charleston, South Carolina. Ned and Devin had gone to private school together; Ned had been John's best man. And the night before John took Helene to the matrimonial bed, Ned took John in the back seat of a Cadillac convertible. They initially had tried to stay away from each other after John Treadwell had wed, but their resolve was weak, and within a couple of years they had begun surreptitiously meeting for sex.

When Devin was six, John's wife, Helene, died in an airplane crash on her way to her usual summer retreat in Paris; John followed along behind her five years later in what would have been a suspicious hunting accident covering a suicide if Charleston society hadn't closed ranks around its own. John's death left Devin Treadwell an orphan. It also revealed that the Treadwells had been living well beyond their means for decades. Ned Harrington swept in and covered the family's debt and bundled Devin off to the same private school he and Devin's father had attended.

John wasn't nearly as successful in life as Ned was, and Ned had carried the Treadwells for years financially. He didn't give John and Helene money directly, but he made sure that business came their way and that the Treadwells could hold up their head at the forefront of old-line Charleston families.

Ned mourned the passing of John, but in Devin he had the spitting image of John. Patrician Greek god looks, a ready smile, natural athletic ability, curly light-brown hair, and an innate interest in men. Ned would not have disagreed with anyone who said bisexual preferences were inherited. The Harrington and Treadwell men loved their woman, but a good many of them loved their men as well. And the Harringtons and Treadwells had been linked in this way for generations. Ned had been initiated into male-male sex by his own father in the family's hunting lodge in the Great Smokey mountains and before that evening was over he had been taken as the lover of John's father as well in a threesome. It was almost inevitable he himself one day would seduce John.

Charleston society was one that was not as unique as the local patricians liked to suppose. It was all prim and proper and almost antiseptic on the surface, but underneath it was teeming with sexuality and a wild bent toward hedonism. In truth this was the same with many an isolated, highly stratified cast system, though.

Devin, the orphan Ned had taken on to raise as his own, worshipped Ned, and Ned figured it was only a matter of time till he could relive his love affair with John Harrington through his mirror-image son. But Ned wanted to do it right, and he wanted to do it away from the searching eyes and wagging mouths of the insular old-family culture of Charleston. And he wanted the taking to be special. Once he'd made love to Devin, he wanted to have Devin with him forever, taking the "spitting image" place of his true love, John.

All of Ned Harrington's carefully and well-laid plans for Devin almost were blown to the winds, however. Shortly after Devin's eighteenth birthday, the two of them had gone up to the Harrington family's hunting lodge in the Great Smokeys. After a day of hunting deer, weary and tired but with Devin exhilarated about the stag he had bagged, the two drank a bit too much. Ned had always assumed that he would have to prepare Devin for him and methodically seduce him when it came time to take him.

Thus, he was taken by surprise when Devin put the moves on him, begging Ned to make love to him. Ned had showered and was sitting in the lounge of the lodge just in his sleeping shorts and a light robe. Devin appeared naked, told Ned he had wanted to be taken by him for years, stating that he now was of an age to make this decision for himself, and sinking between Ned's thighs and burying his face in Ned's crotch.

This put Ned into such a sense of shock that he failed to react immediately. And within minutes, he was too weak and defenseless to the unexpected onslaught to resist Devin pushing the waistband of his sleeping shorts below his balls and taking his cock in his mouth. Devin's sucking technique was wholly unpracticed, but Ned was so taken with him—and had been for so long—that this hardly mattered in his arousal and the quickening of his cock. He lay back in his chair and moaned deeply as Devin sucked him hard.

Periodically Devin pulled his mouth off Ned's cock long enough to beg his mentor to make love to him.

Ned came back to his senses Just as Devin was taking charge and was coming down into Ned's lap and holding the older man's cock in position to penetrate his ass. He rose and pushed Devin off him and backhanded the young man across the cheek, sending him onto his ass on a bear rug in front of a roaring fire in a deep stone fireplace. Standing over the young man, looking so wounded and so vulnerable and yet so desirable and still desiring of what Ned could give him, Ned had to steel himself with all of his might. This was the same bear rug and an identical roaring fire where his father had pushed a cushion under his belly and fucked him for the first time and then invaded his mouth with his cock while John's father turned him, Ned's butt cheeks raised on the cushion, and came in between his spread thighs and fucked him as well. Then, spent and whimpering but filled with arousal, Ned had sat on the floor, his back against the warm stones of the fireplace, and watched John's father put on a show of just how intensely and masterly he could fuck Ned's father. Ned had been taken into Mr. Treadwell's bed that night and shown just how filling and satisfying man sex could be.

"Have you done this before? With other men? Have you been fucking other men?" Ned roared at Devin in indignation. All of his plans, all of his careful work, and someone else had slipped in and taken this little bastard. The ultimate betrayal. A betrayal of all the John and he had been to each other.

Ned wasn't reasoning well; he was acting as if supposition were reality—and he was holding Devin up to standards he'd never enunciated to Devin. If Devin had been sexually active with men already, this was something he had done naturally. He had made no pledge of constancy to Ned; Ned had never asked him to do this, never demanded it of him. Now he was looking up at the man he worshipped with dismay, confusion, and deep embarrassment.

"No . . . no . . . never . . . never with anyone else. I've always wanted it to be you. I knew you went with men . . . I've always wanted that for me. Not just any man. You . . . never before. I wanted you to be the first."

Ned believed him, relief rushing in, the program salvaged. The awkward way Devin had sucked him was evidence he was telling the truth. And the young man looked so startled and contrite and openly shocked.

"I'm sorry, son. I never expected that you'd make the first move. I've always wanted you too. But it has to be special the first time. I'll think of some way to make it special. Something we'll always remember. And we'll always be together."

Ned had sunk to the bear rug and had taken a now trembling and sobbing Devin into his arms. They both immediately slipped into renewed arousal, and Ned took Devin's lips with his and they kissed passionately and deeply. Instinctively they each moved to take the cock of the other in their hands, and Ned permitted this much intimacy, a mutual masturbation to a shared climax with soft moaning and sighing. But no further than this. Beyond this, although the two came together regularly over the next couple of weeks, Ned would not permit the lovemaking to go farther for now. In fact, he wouldn't again, in those months building up to the full taking, let Devin touch his cock. Instead, he would take Devin in his arms and stretch out behind him and hold Devin tight, one hand playing his nipples and the other stroking Devin's cock relentlessly until the young man had ejaculated for him.

"I'll think of something special," he murmured as they lay entwined before the dying fire that first night.

"Please do it soon," Devin whimpered. "I don't know how long I can hold out." And then he gasped and began to groan and grind his pelvis against Ned's flank, as Ned took his cock in his fist again and masturbated him in vigorous and relentless strokes to a second ejaculation.

* * * *

Ned Harrington was perplexed about how he could make the taking of Devin special until one day, when he was walking down Charleston's Queen Street, he stopped at a corner for a light change and turned and looked in the window of a travel agency.

They were advertising special rates on travel to Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. Just the thing, Ned thought, and when Devin next lay stretched out in the arms of Ned and being stroked to completion—and begging, in vain, for Ned to move their lovemaking to a whole new level—Ned told him where they would be this time next week—fucking in a suite at the Mar Ipanema hotel in Rio and enjoying the sounds from outside of the annual Samba parade making its way to the Sambadrome.

Ned Harrington was a world traveler and thus he completely misjudged how overwhelmed Devin, who had never been abroad, would be by the sights and sounds and sensations of Carnival in Rio. Ned's idea was to have Devin completely devoted to and in thrall to him and only him in this foreign environment. But from the very beginning—starting in the airport itself, where a group of young, hunky Brazilian men honed in on Ned and Devin and swept them up in the gaiety of Carnival—Devin started to spin away from Ned. The Brazilian men were preparing a float for the gay procession in the Samba Parade, and they declared that Devin would be perfect at the top of the float—and that, yes, of course, there would be a place for Ned as well.

From there the whole trip careened out of Ned's control. The Brazilians dashed all over town, Devin in tow, gathering materials for their float and costumes for Devin and Ned. The theme of the float was the Arabian nights, and both Devin and Ned were to be outfitted in diaphanous harem pants and turbans and nothing else but greased up torsos to accentuate their musculature. And the float needed to be prepared as well.

For two nights, Ned made careful preparations in the Mar Ipanema suite for a ritualistic deflowering of his young protégé. Devin was always working on the float with the boisterous Brazilian hunks, though. The preparations for Carnival had put Devin in high heat, so it wasn't a question of not wanting to lose his virginity to Ned—and, in fact, every time Ned appeared to check on Devin and on the progress of the preparation of the float, Devin begged Ned to take him off in a corner of the warehouse and relieve his virginity forthwith. But Ned was a stubborn man, and he had it in his head to do this in luxury and in a way that would always be memorable to them both.

At last he gave up and decided that it would have to wait for the concluding night of Carnival, when the parade was completed.

The day of the parade arrived, and all was in readiness. Ned was on the first level of the float, arm in arm with two of the Brazilian studs, while Devin was at the very center, top of the float, surrounded by several nearly naked Brazilian men. All were laughing and gay, and the Brazilians were passing around bottles of Cachaca, the local strong sugarcane rum, as the float started out in the Samba Parade, headed for the Sambadrome.

But the float never made it to that destination. The drunker the revelers on the float became and the more intense the gaiety along the parade route was, the hornier the Brazilian men got.

Ned was horny too. He looked up at the greased up, youthfully beautiful, nearly naked Devin at the top center of the float and he ached for him. He could hardly wait to get Devin alone in the hotel suite.

Sensing the heat rising off the handsome American, the two Brazilians at his side went into heat themselves. The float began to waver, the driver now being heavily under the influence of the Cachaca. The first Ned sensed something was unusual was as the float was staggering off the parade route and into a secluded park area to the west of the Sambadrome. And then he realized that his harem pants had been lowered and that one of the hunky Brazilians was beginning to suck his cock.

Ned recoiled and started to move out of the grasp of the young Brazilian making love to his cock, but this only pushed him into the encircling arms around his waist of the other strong and large-built Brazilian who was kneeling behind him and had inserted his tongue in the crease between Ned's ass cheeks.

Ned looked up wildly at the top center of the float—just in time to see Devin's ass channel being breached by the chubby cock of one of four Brazilians near him. One of the Brazilians was crouched behind Devin and holding him up in the air, while two at each side of Devin were hold his thighs wide and the four Brazilian was hunched between Devin's thighs and slowly feeding his cock inside the young American.

Devin was having a ball. Laughing and swigging from a bottle of Cachaca and egging the Brazilians on. Wanting to be fucked. Having been put off by Ned too long in the losing of his virginity.

Over the next hour, Devin's ass entertained the vigorous cocks of four virile Brazilian studs, all five lost in the hilarity and freedom of the Carnival Rio, while Ned, looking helplessly on at the ruination of all his careful planning, was being fucked from behind by his own two Brazilian companions, in succession. Ned finally broke away and waved for Devin to try to do the same, but Devin just waved a friendly smile at his benefactor and smiled broadly as several Brazilian men who had been at the lower edges of the float now start mounting the tiers for their own turn with the highly receptive and achingly handsome young American man.

Ned waited for two days for Devin to return to him. But at the end of that time, he decided he was waiting in vain—and the interest he had had in Devin had waned anyway when Devin was no longer pure and just beyond his reach. Ned left Rio never to see Devin again, although he continued sending checks regularly. He had simply waited too long.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Um... no

I usually love your work, but... Ned and Devin were completely unbelievable as characters. How can you basically raise someone and then get over him and never see him again just because your interest waned? There still should've been *love* there. I could see them as two people who just met, not people with a history. People with history together still care even if they don't want to fuck.

And I thought Ned wanted to fuck Devin because he looked like his father, not just because he was "pure". So his interest shouldn't have waned, anyway.

Nor should Devin have no longer cared about him because he was "finally" fucked. *He* was waiting, too, and even if he got drunk and slept around, you'd think Ned must've mattered to him and he'd want to fix their relationship. *Especially* given their history.

I find this story utterly senseless, and because of that, it's not even a little hot. And from you, that's terribly disappointing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
A little too close to incest

I usually enjoy your work, but this story made me somewhat uncomfortable. Devian would have surely looked upon Ned as something of a father figure and Ned surely should have looked upon Devian as a son. And the notion that Ned had the hots for Devian bec he was the spitting image of his father is somewhat emotionally repellant.

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