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Watching What, Exactly?

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Simon watches his wife and her two employees on the beach.
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Author's note: This story is an entry to the 2019 Summer Lovin' contest. It centers a lot on Voyeurism, which is why I feel it belongs in the Exhibitionism & Voyeur category. But there are a fair few other themes as well. For instance, if you don't like the concept of a married woman enjoying some explicit attention from other men, this story likely isn't for you.


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Simon savored the sensation of white sand against his feet as he strolled along the beach. It went on for miles, but his wife had sent him her position on a geolocation app, so he knew she was around here somewhere. Still, he was happy taking his time searching for her. The tropical island was a very welcome contrast to the busy city life he'd left behind only hours before. He couldn't help but notice all the beautiful women. A young blonde was having lotion applied to her back by a man straddling her thighs. The helping hand certainly took his time, making sure no part of her back was left uncovered.

Going topless wasn't the norm on the beach, but there were a fair few bare-chested women. A group of guys approached two topless girls, who did nothing to cover up. Quite the opposite, one of them—a black girl in her late teens or early twenties, who had been lying chest down—rolled over as the guys joined them.

And then there was the brunette lying face down on a towel Simon spotted up ahead. She was flanked by two young men, both of whom were facing her, lying on their sides. Her bright purple bikini bottoms lured attention to her ass, and it seemed to work as well on her two suitors as it did on Simon. Her face was partly covered behind large sunglasses, and maybe that was why he didn't recognize her at first. He stopped in his tracks as he realized it was his own wife he was checking out.

Three things puzzled Simon at that moment. First of all, he was surprised Felicia had decided to join her employees for a visit to the beach. Sure, the island had plenty of inviting beaches. Their white sand and crystal blue water were parts of why he'd come to meet her after her conference. But Felicia rarely socialized with her employees outside of the office back home. Why would she act differently around here?

The second thing that puzzled Simon was what his wife was wearing—or more precisely, what she wasn't wearing. She often talked about keeping a professional relationship with her employees, and he'd assumed to find her in her beach tunic. But here she was with her bikini top undone. Unlike the girls he had spotted before, she lay chest down on top of her undone bikini, yet Simon could make out the curves of her sizeable breasts. He was convinced her two male companions noticed this too.

Simon recognized them as Lucas and Noah, Felicia's junior sales assistants. No one else from her office could be seen, but it seemed the two young men did plenty to entertain their boss. She had an open book in front of her, but as far as Simon could tell, she was mostly engaging with her employees. Though he couldn't hear what they were saying, he repeatedly heard her laugh at their jokes.

The third thing that puzzled Simon was his own reaction. Maybe it was because he had first taken her for a stranger—just another sexy woman enjoying some attention. Or maybe it was because she had her top undone. Whatever it was, there was something strangely erotic about secretly watching her under these unusual circumstances. He found himself enthralled by the scene. Rather than approaching his wife, he veered off towards a small café further up the beach.

Shaded under a parasol, he continued to watch her. He knew spying on her was treading on dishonesty, and he repeatedly decided to walk down to her. But he stopped himself each time. Just a minute more, he justified. And maybe it was a good opportunity, he thought. She had mentioned that men sometimes came on to her when she was away on her travels. Was this one of those occasions? Maybe it was good to see how she responded. Simon didn't consider himself jealous and even encouraged her to enjoy the attention. It probably made her feel attractive, and there was no harm in a bit of innocent flirtation. But just how innocent was it? His mind drifted to a recent conversation that suggested Felicia enjoyed such attention more than he'd previously realized.

* * *

Simon had picked her up at the airport after a work trip, and, during the drive back home, it became obvious she had passed the time during the flight with more than one drink.

"How was the trip?" he asked.

"Same old, same old," Felicia said. "Many meetings. Long meetings."

"But you went out for dinner last night, right?"

"Yeah, their CEO insisted on taking me out afterwards. I assumed others were coming too, but it ended up being just the two of us."

"Did you have a good time?"

"Yeah, he's nice. Though I'm not sure his intentions were entirely professional."

Simon gave her a quizzical glance.

"Oh, nothing bad," Felicia assured him. "He was just a bit flirtatious. His eyes wandered a bit, I guess. I had changed into something with a bit of cleavage after the meetings, so maybe I was giving the wrong signals too. We went to a cocktail bar after dinner, and his compliments got bolder."

It was strange to hear her talk freely about other men flirting with her. Simon felt an odd desire to hear more.

"Did you go anywhere from there?" he pressed.

"Someone's very curious to hear all about my night," she sneered, pausing a moment before continuing. "Well, I took him back to my hotel room, of course. And then we fucked all night."

She burst out laughing.

"Is that what you think?" she asked. "You know I'm boringly faithful when it comes down to it. I just did what I always do. I went back to the hotel alone to fantasize about it with Mr. Blue."

Mr. Blue was the nickname she'd given her vibrator. Pleasuring herself while imagining fucking someone else was of course tamer than actually doing it, but even admitting to the fantasy was bold. She seemed to realize this the moment the words left her mouth.

"Sorry," she said. "I guess I'm a bit tipsy."

She didn't bring it up again until later that night when they were lying in bed, Felicia resting her head on his chest.

"I probably shouldn't have said that."

"What?" Simon asked, even though he knew very well what she was referring to.

"The thing in the car."

"Oh, the part about how you fantasize about sleeping around?"

Felicia had long since sobered up and was far more bashful now. "Yeah."

"It's OK," Simon said, giving her a kiss on the forehead. "It's good to be honest, I guess."

She looked up at him. "Maybe. But I need you to know I would never do anything behind your back. They're just fantasies."

"I suppose everybody has them," Simon said, thinking to himself that he also fantasized about women he met sometimes. It was no big deal.

Felicia nodded. "Even if you somehow would be OK with it, I would never go through with it. It's exciting to imagine, but in reality... there would probably be complications."


"Yeah, even if I knew it wouldn't mean anything, there could be misunderstandings. Between us, you know. Or the guy might think it was something more than just sex."

"You seem to have given this a lot of thought," Simon said.

Felicia shrugged. "I think about a lot of things."

It was odd to hear her talk so freely about her fantasies. Simon found it surprisingly arousing to get a glimpse into her erotic imagination. He became increasingly aware of her breasts pressed against him. And wasn't she breathing heavily? Or was it him? Against his will, his cock grew, and it wasn't lost on Felicia. She sighed and placed her hand on it, tracing the outline of his erection through his boxers.

Giving him a pleased grin, she pulled his cock free. She wrapped her hand around it and began gently stroking him. Simon was surprised that he was so turned on by the conversation with his wife. Though he was embarrassed that his excitement was so obvious, he wasn't going to protest. He craved her touch.

But Felicia stopped abruptly and rolled off him. She pulled her nightgown off and lay down on her back. Simon took a moment to admire her naked body. She was an undeniably sexy woman, blessed with a curvy hourglass figure. Her tits were outright massive and crowned with large nipples that begged for attention. She kept her dark pubes neatly trimmed to a narrow strip above her pussy, allowing Simon's eyes to feast on her delicious details. She parted her legs, and he could see she was invitingly wet and ready. He was just about to mount her when she stopped him.

"Wait. Not yet."

Confused, Simon watched as she reached for Mr. Blue, which was already returned to its place in her nightstand. She winked at him before turning on the vibrator. Eyes closed, she caressed herself with the toy. She was in no hurry, starting at her neck and gradually advancing down her chest. Simon watched in awe as she teased her tits. Repeatedly, she ran the vibrator over her large areolas, spiraling towards her excited nipples but never quite reaching her target.

She let the toy vibrate its way down her body, making a few twirls around her belly button before slowly progressing further. Continuing to tease herself, she allowed Mr. Blue to just barely advance onto her folds. Simon noticed that her gasps and moans were largely unrelated to where she was caressing herself. She was obviously playing out an exciting scenario in her head.

Simon felt he had reason to be jealous. No doubt was her fantasy about someone else. Yet, the thrill of watching her was breathtaking. Her excited face was an erotic delight, and her moans sang like a seductive melody. He pulled his boxers off and knelt beside her. His erection begged for attention, and he stroked himself as he continued to watch.

This wasn't the first time they engaged in mutual masturbation, but unlike previous times, this wasn't a performance for each other. Simon was offered an exclusive insight into her most private moments. It was thrilling, and, more than anything, he felt proud that their intimate relationship permitted her to indulge in sexual fantasies—right in front of him.

From the intensity of her moans, Felicia's imagined scenario appeared to escalate. In concordance, she let the vibrator massage her clit. Her other hand joined in and she began penetrating herself. Simon observed with undivided attention, amazed that watching his wife could be so erotic. For a long time, he hesitated to disturb her. But her heaving chest called to him. He pumped his fist over his cock while his free hand tended to her breasts, pulling at her excited nipples. It appeared to fit well with the scenario Felicia played out in her head. She squealed with amorous delight.

"Fuck me," she panted.

At first, Simon assumed it was a part of her fantasy that slipped out. But when she repeated it, he understood she was calling him to act. He rolled on top of her and guided his cock to her opening. Her wet cunt was beyond ready, and they moaned in unison as he pushed inside her.

And still, she didn't open her eyes. It wasn't unusual that she shut them during her throes of passion, but this was different. There was no doubt in Simon's mind that she now was imagining someone else fucking her. He had every right to feel jealous. Insulted. Anger. But instead he had to struggle to pace himself.

"I'm married," Felicia whispered.

It was an odd thing to say, but it was all it took. They exploded together, grunting and moaning as their shared climax spiraled out of control.

They never discussed it afterwards. There was no need to dissect a magical moment of intimacy. It was a testament to their bond that Felicia felt she could reveal her desires, even when they clashed with the expectations of a married woman.

* * *

Felicia's movement pulled Simon's focus back to the beach. She was looking around as if searching for something. Simon held his breath when she slowly started to turn. Had she forgotten her top was undone and was about to turn around? To his surprise, a large part of him hoped she would. Maybe she was even about to deliberately expose herself. The odd voyeurism of secretly watching his wife in public had him under a strange spell. Wouldn't it be even more thrilling to spy on a topless woman?

But before her breast left the towel, she placed her arm under her chest, holding the cups in place. Simon convinced himself it was for the better. As far as he knew, Felicia never went topless in public. It seemed inappropriate to do start when hanging out with her employees.

She reached into her bag and fetched her phone. Simon realized she was probably starting to wonder what was taking him so long. Preempting her question, he quickly texted her.

Simon: "Hi babe, I'll be there soon."

It wasn't technically a lie. He would be with her soon. Just another minute.

He watched her type her response.

Felicia: "OK, great. Any idea of how soon? I was hoping you could put some sunscreen on my back."

Simon: "Not sure. Can you ask someone else?"

He realized it was a precarious suggestion, given that her only company were two male employees. But what else could he say? It seemed suspicious to show up a minute after texting her. And maybe this was another opportunity to see just how much she was letting her guard down with her employees.

Felicia took her time writing her reply. Simon noted that Lucas and Noah seemed very interested in her typing. Yet, on closer examination, it likely wasn't her phone they were focusing on. She had gone back to lying on her belly but rested on her elbows while typing. With her back arched, she exposed a generous amount of her chest.

Felicia: "OK, I'll ask."

It was a brief message, given the time it took her to complete it. Simon wondered if perhaps she'd been writing a more in-depth reply at first, explaining who her companions were. Or had she just been contemplating for herself if it was appropriate to ask her employees to rub sunscreen on her? It wasn't an indecent request by any means but still seemed like a breach of their professional relationship. Or maybe she'd been aware of the enticing view she gave her employees while typing.

She put down the phone. Simon couldn't hear what she was saying, but soon her companions leaped up and started rummaging through her bag. Simon picked up on a knowing smirk in Felicia's expression. She was amused by their eagerness.

To what extent her employees acted on a will to please their boss or a desire to touch her was hard to tell. Lucas was the lucky winner as he pulled out a tube of sunscreen. He knelt next to Felicia and applied the lotion to his hands. There was a moment of hesitation before he put his hands on her. He seemed nervous to touch his sexy boss, but his shyness disappeared once he got started. His hands roamed firmly over her back.

At first, Noah looked on like a third wheel, but Felicia said something that made him leap up. A moment later, he sat down by her feet. Felicia often made a point to not play favoritism with her employees, but Simon was still surprised when Noah started rubbing sunscreen on her legs. Those she could have covered herself, had she wanted.

Felicia lay flat on her stomach with her arms along her sides. But once her shoulder and back was thoroughly covered and Lucas focused increasingly on her waist and hips, she reached for her book. It gave Lucas unobstructed access along her sides. It also signaled that she wasn't expecting her helping hands to be quick. Lucas and Noah obliged, slowly running their palms over her skin. Simon could tell Felicia focused more on their touch than her book. He never once saw her turn the page.

From his distance, Simon couldn't see exactly how bold her attending companions were, but Lucas's hands lingered far up her sides. Was he brushing against her breasts? If he was , Felicia was pretending not to notice. Similarly, Noah had worked his way high up her thighs, and Simon was convinced the young man repeatedly brushed against Felicia's cheeks. Simon also noted that she kept her legs parted, allowing Noah to rub the inside of her thighs. It looked more like a sensuous massage than anything else.

When Felicia finally indicated that she was sufficiently covered, Simon realized he was breathing heavily. What had he just witnessed? If it hadn't been in public, he would have taken it for the start of something far from innocent.

But it was in public, he assured himself. They had merely helped her apply sunscreen.

He didn't have time to linger on the subject as he noticed Lucas and Noah started walking up the beach, heading in his direction. Feeling guilty for spying, Simon looked around for a place to hide, but dodging behind a palm tree would just attract attention. Hiding in plain sight was his best option, Simon decided. He'd only met Lucas and Noah once at a Christmas party, and come to think of it, he'd since grown a beard. He was wearing sunglasses and a hat, and there was a good chance they might not even recognize him. As they approached, he picked up his phone. If they spotted him, he could pretend he was just about to call his wife and ask where they were.

But to his relief, they walked right past him, steering for the café counter. It was close enough that he could hear their conversation.

"What did Felicia say she wants?" Noah asked. "Just a soft drink?"

"What's the matter, Noah?" Lucas replied. "Was something distracting you?"

"You seemed pretty distracted yourself. Did I just see you grab the boss' tits?"

"I didn't grab her tits."

Noah chuckled. "You certainly took your time around there."

"Well, she didn't seem to mind. And you definitely rubbed her ass."

"I just didn't want her to get burned," Noah said, acting innocent. "And she didn't seem to mind that either. But I admit—she has an amazing ass."

Simon would gladly have continued to listen to their conversation about how bold they had been and how much Felicia had appreciated it. But he was startled out of eavesdropping when his phone vibrated in his hand. Fearing the ringtone might attract attention, he answered in panic.


Felicia chuckled on the other line. "Yes?"

"Oh, hi honey," Simon said, trying his best to sound unperturbed. "How's the beach?"

"It's good. Are you nearby?"

"Not quite there yet," Simon said. It wasn't technically a lie, depending on the definition of 'there'.

"Do you think you'll be here soon?"

"Yeah, I shouldn't be much longer," he said. That wasn't a lie either. He really shouldn't. "Are your employees boring you?"

Simon froze for a moment when she turned his way. But he was sitting in a shaded spot and her eyes were likely searching for Lucas and Noah. The two young men were paying for snacks and drinks by the counter.

"No, we're having a very pleasant day," she said.

"Great, I'll be there as soon as I can. Remember to turn over so you don't get burned."

He wanted to convey that he wasn't aware of how thoroughly she'd been covered with sunscreen. But as the words leapt out of him, the peculiar thrill returned. The voyeur inside him craved to see his object further exposed.

But this was his wife. He'd seen her tits countless times. Yet, he never yearned to see them as much as now.

"OK, will do, honey," she said. "See you soon."

They hung up, and Simon's heart skipped a beat when she made a move, looking like she was about to roll over. But it was a false alarm. Had she changed her mind at the last minute, or was his mind playing tricks on him?

Lucas and Noah came back out, and Simon realized he shouldn't keep staring at his wife. It might draw attention to him. But Lucas and Noah however had no such quarrels. They stopped just meters from Simon, sipping their drinks as they watched their boss. Simon played with his phone, pretending not to eavesdrop.


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