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Wedding Romance

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Two strangers meet at a wedding reception...
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Part 1

With a thoughtful musing, he asked himself again, "Justin, just how do you get yourself into these situations?"

It was his second weekend in the new city and he had been invited to a wedding (!) for his new boss' son. His boss, an attractive older woman named Diana, had neatly cajoled him into attending, if only to meet some new people in the area, and he had agreed to attend, albeit somewhat reluctantly. Justin was not the most sociable person in the world. He knew this and didn't worry about it, having gotten used to the idea many, many years ago, first in high school, then attending college. Oh, he had friends, of course, but there had never been anyone special. And he was just as comfortable staying in with a glass of wine and a good book, as he was sharing a drink at the local watering hole.

Be that as it may, he had attended the wedding and, despite his misgivings, was beginning to enjoy himself. The service had been sweet and not excessively drawn out (a huge point in its favor), and now they were at the reception. This in itself was a treat, simply because of the venue. It was a private home, though 'mansion' would be a better description. With a huge library, a long hall for dancing and socializing, and many pieces of art scattered hither and yon, Justin felt he could have a good time just exploring the beauty all around him. In addition, the food was delicious (as it should be), and the open bar a welcome touch as well. And now, before the bride and groom whisked away to their honeymoon, it was time for socializing, and many couples were on the dance floor.

Justin carried his wine with him as he wandered the periphery of the reception hall, watching the couples, mentally noting those who could dance (very few) and those who were just swaying with each other (all the rest). However, seated by herself at one of the tables, one woman in particular caught his eye and he paused to look more closely.

She was not petite, but neither could she be called large. She appeared to be about 5'6 perhaps, though as she was seated, that was just a quick guess. Possibly in her mid-30s? Justin had never been good at guessing people's ages. Her arms were bare; she was wearing a simple, attractive dress that hugged her body, but did not attempt to overshadow the bride (always a cardinal sin). Her skin was dark, but in a tanned sense, as though she either worked outdoors, or enjoyed worshiping the sun in some way. She had a pleasant figure; high, pert breasts that from here appeared to be natural (always hard to tell under clothes). Her dark, black hair was so black as to almost appear blue under the artificial lights of the reception hall. For whatever reason, she was sitting alone, and he couldn't quite see why that might be.

The DJ moved to a slow song, and more couples moved out to the dance floor, bodies pressed together, enjoying each other's company. But still she sat there, alone, and seemingly oblivious to everything. But he noticed her foot beginning to tap along with the beat of the music and finally he could bear it no longer. Stepping widely out of his comfort zone, he walked with quiet purpose up to her table and asked her softly, "Madam, may I have this dance?"

Her eyes opened wide, startled as she was suddenly pulled from the inner reverie she had been contemplating, back into the real world of the wedding reception. She swallowed and smiled, taking in his appearance in a quick instant: the soft smile, the pleasant blue eyes, the proffered hand, the short white beard, the sense of aged gentlemanliness that she had so seldom come across. She made a snap decision and placed her hand in his, and let him draw her to her feet. His grip was firm, but gentle, the grip of a man who was confident and knew what he wanted, but was self-assured enough to not have to take it but would wait until it was freely offered.

With a courtly bow above her hand, he stood at his full height, smiling to charm the young woman, and led her to the dance floor, staying on the edge to avoid the press of bodies toward the center. Taking her right hand in his left, and placing his right hand chastely on her waist while her left hand draped across his shoulder, they began to dance, easily following the beat the DJ was sending out over the speakers.

At first, they were silent, each looking into the other's eyes, looking for details that had been missed earlier. For his part, Justin noted her dark green eyes, the irises starkly defined beneath her eyelids. Her clear complexion seemed to invite soft touches, perhaps a tender caress along her cheek. Her breath was sweet, her lips appeared to be soft and inviting. A faint aroma of perfume, a gentle scent, came from her body. He couldn't place it, but it seemed to fit her perfectly.

For her part, she noticed once again the short white beard, and his blue eyes, seeming to sparkle in his face. He was bald, making him appear older, but now that she studied him more, she thought that, no, he must be late 40s? Early 50s? She wasn't sure, but her initial thought that he was her father's age was suddenly not the case. As this thought went through her mind, a soft smile appeared on her face, and suddenly she looked even younger than before, and it was Justin's turn to wonder if he hadn't misjudged her age!

He returned her smile and said, by way of introduction, "My name is Justin, and it's very good of you to dance with me. Thank you."

"And I am Rain. Thank you Justin, thank you very much." She said no more for now, just comfortably moved into the dance as though she had been waiting for it her entire life. And perhaps she had, for at that moment, the DJ moved into a waltz, a three-four time beat that seemed to call for more than just swaying in each other's arms (pleasant as that was). And with scarcely a word between them, they began to move in time with the music, the formal steps of the waltz coming easily to both of them. For the first time in years, Justin thanked the dear Aunt who had taught him the rudiments of dance, so that he was not embarrassing himself now.

As they moved through the steps of the dance, Justin was dimly aware that the dance floor was not nearly as crowded as it had been, but he only had eyes for Rain. They both enjoyed the stylized ritual as they moved. Feet in the proper place, hands comfortably holding each other, one leading, one following, a choreographed ritual that was beautiful to both participant and to watcher. And finally, as the music came to an end, she curtsied to him and he answered with a bow, while all around them the applause began.

His jaw dropped for just a moment finally noticing that he and Rain were alone on the dance floor and further realizing that he and Rain were the center of attention. He smiled at the impromptu audience and then took a quick glance at Rain, watching the deep blush cover her cheeks. She was obviously uncomfortable being watched by everyone like this, just as he was, so he took her arm in his and gallantly led her from the dance floor. Moving to the bar he got them both a drink and led her to a quiet spot off to one side.

He smiled, offering his glass for a toast to the young woman. "Thank you Rain, that was wonderful."

She clinked her glass against his and met his smile with her own. "Yes it was Justin, thank you very much!" She took a sip and then said, "I'll remember that for a long time." Her eyes were bright and alive, the blush only now beginning to fade. She looked as though she'd just come to life.

Part 2

The sounds of music and dancing and conversation faded behind them as they walked quietly into the library. It was a huge, two-story room, filled from floor to ceiling with books. Many quite old, judging by their bindings. Heavy leather in browns, golds, blues and all shades of red watched the couple from the shelves, mute and unmoving. Justin had always had a love for books and, were he alone, he would have gladly spent the next hours simply gazing at the cornucopia surrounding him. The wooden shelves, the stair case, the balcony around the upper level, were all made of wood, and were all dark with age. If one looked closely, worn spots could be seen where a hand had grasped a stair railing, or where a foot had trod the same place over and over. It was a library that was used, not just a showplace for a collection that was never picked up and held. Justin found that extremely satisfying and proper.

"You enjoy books I see," said Rain, the hint of a smile coming through in her voice. Justin immediately turned, chuckling and slightly embarrassed for having been distracted so easily.

"Books are something I love, yes," he said with a smile. "Ever since I learned to read, I've been reading books and enjoying myself." He laughed and continued, "It worried my parents early on, they thought I would go blind with my constant reading." He approached the young woman, and offered his hand once again to her, and she once again placed her hand in his. He led her to a low sofa, placed there for comfortable reading, and offered her a seat. He was going to sit in a separate chair, where they could face each other, but she reached up and took his hand, and patted the seat next to her. He smiled, pleased at her offer, and easily sat next to her. He crossed his legs, and she began to relax next to him, resting her head on his shoulder.

The silence filled the room, the sounds of dancing and music still coming from a distance indicating the reception was still going strong. Her hand, soft and warm in his, felt very good, very right. In a soft voice, he murmured "I'm not the most social person in the world, I still don't know why, exactly, I asked you to dance. But I'm very glad I did."

Next to him, she giggled softly. "I'm very glad you did too. I was finding it all so dreadfully boring." She lifted her head and looked at him, suddenly realizing something. "You're a bit of a stranger here as well aren't you? I thought you must be from the groom's side, since I've never seen you before."

He laughed softly at the misunderstanding and told her of his recent arrival in town, of his boss's invitation, and of his own general tendency to be an introvert. "I'm not a hermit, by any means," he explained with a soft smile, "I just tend to keep to myself in most things."

She giggled softly. "Unless, of course, you see a lonely woman by herself at a wedding. Then you swoop in like a gallant knight on horseback."

He laughed softly along with her, simultaneously pleased and a bit embarrassed at her description. He'd never thought of himself that way; had not even considered that a possible aspect of his character. "But," he thought to himself, "it's not a bad way to be I suppose." He smiled at the comparatively young woman, looking deeper into her eyes, and enjoying the depths that he saw there.

Enjoying the silence, but feeling the need to say something, Justin asked "I take it that weddings aren't exactly your thing either? You seemed to be fairly..." Justin cast around his mind for the proper word. "Well, 'uninterested' I think, in the goings on out there."

She tilted her head to one side, staring up at the tall ceiling above them, the silence of the library making the dim sounds of dancing and music seem even farther away, as she thought of how to explain it. "Well, no, not 'uninterested' per se. It's just that my niece Sandra, the bride, and I haven't always gotten along real well." Rain took a sip of her drink, then held it in her hand, while she thought of how to explain twenty years of an odd relationship to this amiable stranger she'd met.

Finally, she shrugged to herself and gave a soft smile to Justin. "There have been more good times than bad, but it has left us just a bit.. strained... with each other." She shrugged again. "Maybe I can tell you all the annoying details another time. But for now, let's just leave it at that."

He nodded, smiling and understanding. His own family past was checkered as well, and sharing it with someone he'd just met, no matter how delightful she might be, was not something to do on a first meeting. He looked around the library once again, then turned his gaze back to the young woman, admiring her once again. Justin asked, by way of changing the subject, "So this is your brother's home?"

Her eyes twinkled, a sweet grin suddenly appearing as she recognized the subject change for what it was, and silently grateful for it. Her own gaze traveled around the library as she took it in again herself. She was not the bibliophile that Justin was, but she did appreciate the collection around her. It had always been one of the compensations for visiting her brother that she had most enjoyed. And not just the book collections: the artwork, the statuary, the gardens, all were sweet places of delight to her. And that gave her a rather impetuous idea.

She took another sip of her drink, nodding in the affirmative, and asked, "Would you like a tour? I know Martin won't mind."

It was Justin's turn to grin at the young lady. He had not considered the idea seriously earlier; wandering around a stranger's house was typically a very serious faux pas. But at her suggestion, he suddenly had the notion that, yes, this would be wonderful! "I would be delighted Rain. Thank you." And as he smiled, his eyes lit up with sweet delight. This time, Rain stood first, setting her now empty glass on the low table before them. She held out her hand by way of invitation, and this time Justin placed his hand in hers as he rose to stand beside her. "Come then, let's look around a bit." She smiled and led him out of the library. As they walked, the sounds of music and dancing faded behind them.

Part 3

He offered her his arm, and she slipped her arm through his. Thus joined, she began to guide him through the house. Every new room, every turn of a corner, gave a new wonder to behold, a new piece of art to gaze upon. The walls were full of paintings, primarily portraits, members of the family, both recent and long since departed. She pointed out portraits of Martin and his family, her niece Sandra, as well as other family members, giving Justin a brief family genealogy. Justin, who had readily slipped under Rain's spell, as well as being introduced to new name after new name (none of which he knew) was soon totally lost and bewildered. After a while, he simply resolved to do the best he could and not worry about it. Rain recognized the state of amused confusion on Justin's face and began to ease off on the names, even as they wandered towards the end of a long, dimly lit hallway. They were well and truly by themselves at the moment, their footsteps echoing softly. As they approached the end of the hallway, a door appeared that led out into the gardens.

They had wandered all the way through the house. The reception was apparently still going on (based on all the cars in front of the house) but the gardens on this side of the home were quiet, tranquil and inviting.

They stepped onto the hard-packed pathway, their feet crunching lightly on the small stones beneath their shoes. They had lapsed back into a companionable silence as they strolled through the garden, and Justin was a bit startled to notice that they were holding hands. "When did that happen?" he thought with a touch of wonder. He smiled to himself, feeling a bit like a teenager again, as he enjoyed her soft fingers gently holding onto his own.

They passed between row upon row of flowers. Primarily roses, but so many others as well. Horticulture was not Justin's strong point, but he enjoyed the colors that spread out before them, the scents on the air, the buzzing of the bees as they darted from flower to flower. It was tranquil, so very tranquil indeed, and the girl who was holding his hand just made it perfect.

As they walked, he noticed that her long dress would dance and bounce invitingly as a mischievous breeze would blow first one way, and then another. Rain was obliged to hold her dress closed with her free hand, lest she expose too much of herself. But every so often, she would gesture at something specific, and that breeze would take the opportunity to have a little fun. Justin caught more than one sweet glance of her legs and decided they were well worth the look!

The gardens were arranged in concentric circles, each separate flower bed a short arc around a central point. Multiples of these arcs would make a complete circle around a central park area, with a gazebo, and benches and several water features; the gurgling of the fountains giving a soft accent to the gentle breeze that blew around them. He led her to the gazebo in the heart of the gardens and the two sat down on the couples swing that waited there. Again, she snuggled up to him, enjoying the company, enjoying ... him; his strength, his scent, his kindness. The silence stretched before them, but it was a comfortable silence, the silence of two people who were at ease with each other and simply content to be. She raised her head from his shoulder and gave him a soft kiss on his cheek.

He turned his head toward her, and the second kiss she was going to place on his cheek, landed on his lips instead.

Her eyes fluttered, and she looked away as a deep blush covered her cheeks. She turned her head, murmuring softly, "I'm... I'm so sorry... I didn't mean..."

He crooked a finger under her chin, turning her face back to his, and gently, he returned the kiss. Whispering in return, he said, "I know you didn't. But I don't mind." He smiled and kissed her again, a lingering kiss this time, and as the kiss stretched out before them, she melted against his body, lost in the tender sensation of his lips against hers.

Part 4

She'd led him to her room, for it turned out that she was staying with her brother, and in that vast mansion was the room she was staying in, and the bed she slept in. As they entered, he closed the door behind them and pulled her to him, pinning her between the door and his body. He felt the urgency of his need, and capturing this beautiful woman against the door, he began to kiss her, deeply, hungrily.

He placed his lips on her neck, on the flawless, pale skin of her neck, beginning to gently nibble, to lick, to kiss, to caress with his tongue. And with each soft touch of his lips, her head fell back further and further, surrendering herself to his touch. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders pulling him closer, urging him on! The soft scratchiness of his beard was an arousing counterpoint to the softness of his kisses, and she felt her heart beating faster, and her breathing getting deeper, as each sweet touch filled her.

She felt her knees growing weak, and against her tummy, she could feel his hardness growing, pushing out on his trousers, making a solid tent that she was pressing against. And as the minutes passed, and the arousal inside her grew, she knew she couldn't wait much longer.

Gasping past her arousal, swallowing hard to get the words out, she moaned her request. "Please, please undress me."

Never one to refuse a lady's request, Justin resumed the soft caresses of her neck with his lips, but this time reached his hands around her body, finding the zipper in the filmy material that made up her dress. With a single tug, albeit slow, he lowered the zipper. As it opened he let his fingers slip inside her dress, caressing the warm, bare skin that he found there. Soon, the zipper was lowered completely, and he reached up to pull her arms from around his shoulders, lowering them to her side. And with that simple movement, the dress slipped noiselessly down, puddling on the floor, revealing the treasures hidden beneath.

Justin ran his fingers over her breasts, appreciating the silken lace of her bra, the softness of the fabric, but much more appreciating the soft globes that filled it, jiggling sweetly with each ragged breath she took. This time, he pressed his lips to hers, kissing her deeply, pressing his chest against those marvelous breasts, his raging hardness against her soft tummy. Reaching behind her, he unclasped her bra, exhibiting none of the fumbling that he'd experienced as a horny and ignorant teenager. With practiced ease, the hooks came undone, and the only thing holding the bra in place was his own body pressed tightly to hers. As he stepped back ever so slightly, it came loose, hanging there for just a moment, before it joined the dress on the floor.


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