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Newcomer Ethan gets a massage and a little bit more.
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**All characters are 18-years-old**

A single bead of sweat trickled down the side of my face. I flexed my fingers against the smooth wood of the baseball bat, glad for the cap that obscured the sun from my face. The pitcher narrowed his eyes on me. He pulled his arm back, then flung hurled the ball with as much force as he could muster.

I swung the bat, relief flooding through me as the bat made contact and smacked the ball across the field as hard I could. Tossing the bat behind me, I took off before I could see where the ball went or how much time I had to run. Dust swirled around my feet as I moved from first base to second. I kept running around second and towards third base.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched the ball being collected from the pale green grass, but I took the risk. I skipped past third and continued towards fourth base, knowing my time was running out as someone threw the ball towards the baseman. As the ball flew through the air, and the last base insight, I sprinted towards it and dropped into a slide.

The muscles in my left leg tensed when I hit the ground, a dull pain spreading through my leg. I ignored it and stretched my foot out, tapping it against the off-white base before the baseman caught the ball.

"That's a home run. Nicely done, Andrews," Coach said.

"Here." The baseman held his hand out to me and I grabbed it, letting him pull me to my feet.

My eyes met his pale blue ones. A small spark of electricity tingled down my skin. "Thanks." I brushed some of the dust from my body, but my white t-shirt was stained with orange dust.

"Right, we'll wrap it up here for the day. Rest up and be here tomorrow, bright and early, for the game. I don't want any of you slacking."

"Yes, Coach," we chorused.

"Good. Off you go."

My left leg ached with each step I took and I knew I'd pulled something trying to make the home run -- I should have left it at third. I was due to play my first game with the team in just under twenty-four hours time and I didn't like the idea of letting them all down over a simple pulled muscle. It wouldn't make for the best first game impression.

Although I joined the baseball team less than a month ago, I didn't really find myself fitting in with the rest of the team. It was hard to transfer schools part way through the year, it was even harder to fit into a team that was already formed and gelled together. I was an outsider to them all and an injury so close to a game, especially one caused by my own actions, it wouldn't go down too well with people who didn't know me.

I hid the slight limp as best as I could, walking through the parking lot with my bag swinging over my shoulder and knocking into my hip. If I was quick, I could make it to the nearest physio center for an emergency massage to loosen up the muscles enough for the game.

"Hey," a voice called behind me.

I turned, watching the fourth basemen cross the parking lot at a slight job to join me. I flexed my fingers against my bag strap and readjusted its position on my shoulder. He smiled at me, his pale blue eyes lighting up. I could see the muscles through his shirt which, like mine, was covered in the same orange dust. My stomach flipped.

"You're an impressive batsman. Reckon we might be in with a chance this year. It's been a dud season so far." He shook his head. "You just transferred, right?"

"Yeah, I'm Ethan."

"Connor. Hell of a time to transfer, especially during your Senior year."

I shrugged, itching to leave the parking lot. "Nothing I can do about it now. Mom had to transfer for her job so here we are." I readjusted my weight a little, shifting it onto my right leg.

"Better for us, though. Taking the championship in Senior year would be the best ending to High School, especially with college scouts still around." He looked at me, frowning a little. "You alright?"

"Yeah, I think I pulled something trying to get the home run. I'm sure it's nothing, but I'm going to see if I can get something done for it."

"You won't at this time of day. Most places around here are closed or booked up by now. I'll tell you what, my dad's done some physio stuff in the past and I think we still have it. I'm no professional, but it would be better than nothing. At least you can play tomorrow."

"I don't know." I played with the strap of my bag.

"Come on, I've helped out people on the team before." He looked behind him, scanning the parking lot. "Jayden! Tell Ethan about your pulled hamstring."

Jayden poked his head out from the driver's seat, scraping his long blonde hair back into a bun. "Magic hands, new kid. You got a pulled muscle, save the money and let him look at it."

Connor turned back around to face me, grinning. "Well?"

"Alright, fine. If it means I can play tomorrow."

"Come on then, let's go."

Connor nudged his head and set off across the parking lot. I followed him, my left leg aching with each step. Professional massages I was fine with; they were trained in what they did and it didn't feel strangely personal. We were teammates, and despite Jayden's reassurance from across the parking lot, it was still an uncomfortable idea.

I had always been comfortable in myself and the fact that I was gay, it was a part of who I was and I didn't try to hide it. Yet I wasn't sure how comfortable the baseball team was with that sort of thing. It certainly made the idea of having my teammate put his hands on me a little uncomfortable to think about, no matter how professional he was.

Still, if it meant I could play, I was willing to try it. I could always see a real sports physio after the game.

I climbed into the passenger seat of Connor's car, fidgeting a little. Connor connected his phone to the AUX cord and began to blast Bowling for Soup, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. He waited for the car in front of us to pull out and then followed.

We drove with nothing but the music flowing through the speakers to break up what would be a comfortable silence. I definitely didn't expect to find myself in his car after having not said a word to him in the month I've been at the school. We didn't know anything about each other aside from names.

After ten minutes of nothing but the music for company, Connor pulled the car into the driveway of a large brick house. He switched off the engine, unplugged his phone, and opened the car door.

"Come on, then."

I followed, throwing my bag onto my shoulder and watching him reach into the backseat to grab his own. After locking the car, he led me up to the house and unlocked the front door.

"My parents aren't going to be back for a few hours so we have time. Do you have gym shorts?"

"I think I should have some somewhere."

"Good. There is a bathroom down the hall so you can go and change whilst I get everything ready."


I nodded and headed down a small hallway to the bathroom. Once inside, I locked the door and wrapped my hands around the porcelain sink, taking a small breath. Connor didn't seem to notice how uncomfortable I was, thankfully, but I knew once the massage started it would be hard to keep it from showing.

Not wanting to drag it out, I changed out of my dust-covered baseball pants and changed into a pair of shorts. I stepped out of the bathroom and almost directly into Connor as he walked down the hallway.

"I was just coming to get you. Come on, everything is set up."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked, following him further down the hallway into a large, white-painted room where a massage table had been set up in the middle.

"It'll be fine. You heard Jayden. He had so much trouble with his hamstring last year and couldn't get an appointment with a physio. I managed to sort him out until he could. It's just a pulled muscle so this shouldn't take too long. Besides, it's the best way to get to know each other." Connor laughed. "Go and lie down."

I approached the massage table and laid down. Connor followed me and I heard him flick the cap off of a bottle before something cold touched the back of my leg. The massage oil ran down the back of my calf and I shivered. Connor placed his hands on the back of my leg and slowly started to manipulate the muscle with his fingertips. His hands were cold like the massage oil, but the way he moved my muscles made me relax against his touch.

My cock hardened against the massage bed.

"Damn, Ethan, did you even stretch before practice?"

"'Course I did. I don't want to tear anything."

"You didn't do very well."

Connor continued to work his fingers into my calf muscle, moving his cold, oiled hands further up my leg. My body relaxed against the bed and the sensation of his hands moving up and down. My cock grew the higher Connor's hands went until he reached the back of my thigh. He pressed his fingers deep into the muscle and a small, involuntary moan escaped my lips. If Connor heard it, he didn't say anything.

His fingers danced around the bottom of my shorts, close to my ass cheek. My breath caught in my throat, but the shorts and my boxers created a barrier between his hands and my ass. Connor manipulated my thigh muscle, pressing deep against the skin. Small goosebumps formed on my arms.

"I know I told you to put the shorts on, but you've really pulled something up here and I can't get to the top of the muscle," he said, taking his hands off my leg. I almost groaned from the lack of contact.

"You want me to take them off?"

"If you don't mind."

"Alright, if you think it will help."

I rolled off the massage bed, keeping my back to him so he wouldn't see my cock desperate to escape my pants as I pulled down the shorts. A small spot of precum marked the front of my boxers. I threw my shorts in my bag and climbed back onto the massage table, still keeping my back to Connor.

Once I was lying back on the table, Connor poured more massage oil on my leg, continuing to work his fingers into my thigh. His hands moved up to the bottom of my boxers, beyond the muscles he was supposed to be working on and more towards my ass. Connor pressed his fingers deeper into my skin, my entire body relaxing more and more as his hands moved closer to my ass cheek.

My cock strained against the fabric of my boxers and pressed against the massage bed. Connor moved his hands further up my thigh, brushing the bottom of my boxers out of the way and pressing his oiled-up hands against my ass cheek. I moaned louder than before.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Connor asked. He leaned close towards my ear, his warm breath tickling my skin.

I didn't say anything.

"I heard you before and I saw your cock pressing against your boxers." He applied more pressure to my ass. "Does it feel good? My hands on your ass?"

"Yes." My voice was barely above a whisper.

"Good. I know another way we can get you to relax, but you won't need these."

Connor hooked his oiled fingers around the waistband on my boxers and I instinctively lifted my hips to let him slide them down my legs. I was too horny to care if they got covered in oil. He dribbled more cold oil onto my ass and I felt the liquid trickle down between my cheeks and towards my hole that begged for his attention. His hands returned to my ass, massaging the oil into my skin and spreading my cheeks as he pressed deep into my muscles.

"You have such a good looking ass, Ethan. It's distracting to watch during practice. I've been waiting to get my hands on it since you joined the team, I just needed an excuse."

I moaned at his words. "Really?"

"Hm. Then the perfect one fell right into my lap. I'm going to give you a proper massage and a real welcome to the team."

"Does everyone get this sort of treatment?"

Connor laughed. He kneaded his fingers deeper into my ass. "They wish. I only do this for people who really deserve it." He smacked my ass and I moaned, enjoying the control he had on me. "Now shut up. All I want to hear is you begging for my cock."

My cock pressed against the massage table, and I rolled my hips against it in a desperate need for friction. Connor dragged his oiled up finger down my crack. His finger lightly brushed over my hole, teasing me until I finally pushed against him and let the tip of his finger slip into my hole. I moaned the pressure as my hole stretched to accommodate him.

Connor pressed his finger further into my hole, his other hand still massaging my ass. My body relaxed at his touch. He started to thrust his finger in and out of my hole, stretching me. I moaned, grinding my hips against the table to get some friction on my rock hard cock. Connor laughed, dragging his left hand up to my hip where he held it in place.

"Someone's desperate," he said, leaning close to my ear, "but you're going to have to beg for it."

"Fuck," I groaned as Connor slipped a second finger into my hole.

"Close, but not quite."

Through the cut out of the bed, I could see Connor's cock pressing against the fabric of his baseball uniform. My mouth watered at the size of his bulge. Connor thrusted his fingers, my entire body tingling. Each nerve in my body sparked with pleasure, my heart pounding against my ribcage, but I needed something more.

My hole stretched around Connor's fingers, his fingertips grazing my prostate, but never fully touching it. I ached for something more than his fingers, to be stretched fully, and to feel his hard cock filling me up.

My body craved it.

"I need--" I groaned, my eyes still focused on the large bulge in Connor's pants.

"Need what? Say it." His breath was warm against my burning skin, but small goosebumps formed on the back of my neck.

"I need you to fuck me."

Connor slowly pulled his fingers from my hole, leaving me empty. "Beg me."

My mind went blank at his words, at the control he somehow managed to have over me so quickly. He made me feel helpless; he left me wanting more. Precum oozed from my cock, covering the massage table beneath me. Without his fingers, Connor left me desperate for more. I would do whatever I had to.

"Please fuck me," I begged, trying to roll my hips, but Connor's grip kept me pinned. "I need you to put your cock in my ass. I need you to come inside me."

"Now that, I can do."

Connor licked across the back of my neck and I shuddered, excitement humming through my body. Through the gap in the table I watched him remove his baseball pants and boxers, his large cock springing free. I gasped at the thickness of his cock, my mouth watering again. I would have done anything to lick the precum glistening from his tip.

He seemed to read my mind, getting close to my ear again. "Soon."

With that, his cock disappeared from my eyeline and his soft footsteps echoed behind me. My body shivered with anticipation. The massage table dipped as Connor climbed on to it, his hands lightly running down the backs of my legs. A bottle cap clicked open, and he dribbled more of the massage oil onto my awaiting hole, his fingers returning for a second before pulling away.

The tip of his cock pressed against my awaiting hole. I tried to relax as best as I could, letting his cold hands move my cheeks apart to give him better access. Connor slowly pushed his cock against my hole, moving cautiously as the tip slipped past my ring. I gasped sharply at the pain caused by his cock. Connor squeezed my ass, massaging me in the same way he had before and my body once again relaxed to his touch.

"Relax," he said, still pushing his cock into me.

"Fuck, you're so big."

"And you have the tightest ass ever. It feels so good on my cock."

I groaned, breathing deeply as my hole stretched around his thick cock, filling me up with every inch. My nerves burned, every part of my body burning from pleasure and anticipation. Within a few minutes, Connor had pushed his entire cock into my eager hole. He stayed still, letting me adjust to his size with his hands still massaging my ass and my lower back.

Slowly, Connor pulled out and thrust back in. He moved cautiously, going inch by inch until I was fully adjusted to his size. My body screamed to be fucked, to let him use me in any way possible. Connor had complete control over me.

"Fuck me."

"Ah, what's the magic word?"

"Please. Please fuck me, Connor."

"With pleasure." He leaned close to my ear again. "My little cockslut."

I barely had time to realise what he said before he pulled all but the tip of his cock from my hole and slammed it back into me. I moaned, my mind going blank as the pleasure coursed through my body. Connor repeated the action. He fucked me hard and fast, pounding in and out like a man possessed.

The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the small room. His cock hit my prostate with each thrust, I moaned and almost writhed beneath him to try to get friction to my own cock, but Connor's strong hands kept my hips firmly in place. Not that I needed the added friction. With each thrust, I could feel my orgasm rising. I was close to cumming without my cock being touched.

Connor fucked me relentlessly, reducing me to a moaning mess beneath him. My skin was slick with sweat, every nerve in my body firing off at the same time. Connor slowly dragged his hands up my burning skin, his thrusts growing sloppy. His warm breath tickled my ear. He swiped the tip of his tongue across my ear, running his hands across my back.

"Do you want me to cum in your ass?" he asked, his voice low and breathy.

I moaned at his words. "Yes."

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, sir."

My response surprised me, but I didn't hate it. I was like silly-putty in Connor's skilled hands; molded however he wanted.

"Good cockslut."

He lightly bit down on the tip of my ear, pulling his cock almost all the way out of my hole before thrusting back in. I moaned louder than before and clenched my hole around him, my orgasm ripping through me even though my cock was still pressed against the massage bed.

Connor groaned. His nails dug into the skin of my back, his hips still moving as rope after rope of warm cum filled my hole. My cock exploded onto the massage bed, my mind going blank with pleasure. Each of my nerves burned as though electricity were flowing through my veins. I'd never been fucked like that before or cum just from someone fucking me.

I must have blacked out for a second. The room came back into focus as Connor slowly inched his cock from my hole, cum dribbling out of me. His fingers ran up my crack, collecting the cum.

"Turn over."

I did as asked, not caring that I was lying in my own cum, my body and my mind too exhausted to focus on anything. My skin tingled from the residual pleasure.


When I opened my mouth, Connor placed his cum-covered fingers in my mouth and I eagerly licked them clean, savoring the taste of his warm, salty cum. I licked every drop of cum I could. Connor chuckled.

"I'll have to put that tongue and mouth to good use some day," he said. He took his fingers from my mouth and helped me sit out, a small mischievous smile on his face. "How was that for a welcome?"

"I've never cum like that before."

"Get used to it. You're my cockslut now and I'm not going to let an ass like that get away from me if I can help it. Understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Do you think you can play tomorrow?"

I nodded, all thoughts about the pulled muscle in my leg gone. "I might need another massage after the game, though."

The corner of Connor's mouth turned upwards, lust clouding his eyes. "I'm sure that can be arranged." He leaned close to my ear. "You have no idea what I have planned."

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BlueEyes1969BlueEyes19692 months ago

Hot, erotic, arousing story that is well-crafted and inviting! (4th base issue, but I knew what home base Is!) Andrew reached home to be sure! Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

4th baseman?

MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFer2 months ago

That was the best kind of welcome to the team and the beginning of an exciting new friendship. And hopefully just the beginning of this hot story.

STrentSTrent2 months ago

Delighted to see you’ve got a story through. Well done. Keep at it. The dialogue is excellent, I enjoyed this story for the difference in writing approach to my own, in particular the first person perspective which works well.

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