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What Are Friends For?


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"Just about everything and, no, I haven't. Do you really think we would be having all this if I had?"

"Are you going to tell him? Please don't, Greg. Please--it would break his heart."

"Why do you think I didn't tell him. You're my friends, Janet. I don't want anything to hurt either of you, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stand by while you run around screwing who you like."

"For what it's worth, I never screwed him, as you put it. He got a blowjob, that's all."

"But you were going to, weren't you?"

She started to cry "Yes. Yes, I was. I'm so ashamed, Greg. I nearly lost everything because of that bastard."

"Then why start, Jan? Why would you do that?"

"I don't know. My hormones are all over the place--Eric must have told you. I can't get enough. Eric, bless him, has tried, and he's really doing well now, but for a while I was really desperate. I would have done anything to satisfy my lust. Gerry convinced me that Eric didn't appreciate my problems and that experimenting with him wasn't really cheating. It would just be me satisfying a need that Eric couldn't meet. In fact it was me that wasn't appreciating my Eric. I was so caught up with my needs and the excitement of it all, I never stopped to think about him."

"So it's never going to happen again?"

"Are you kidding? Where am I going to find a better man than Eric?" she grinned. "Besides, he's become quite the sexual athlete these days."

"That's what I wanted to hear. Now, shall we finish our dance?"

As we reached the door she squeezed my arm. "Greg--thank you."

"What have you two been up to out there?" asked Nicola.

"I was just thanking Greg for his wonderful anniversary present."

Nicola stared into my eyes. "You've been up to something, haven't you?"

"Ask no questions and I'll tell you no lies. Now, don't tell me you dragged little bump across the busy dance floor just to ask me that."

"No, I came to tell you we need to go."

"Don't worry, my love, I'll have you home in no time."

"No, Greg, I said we have to go, but I don't need to go home. I think Greg junior is more fed up with waiting than I am."

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Greg is a horrendous friend here. Janet absolutely cheated and did so willingly. She only went into non-consent with the anal. That’s unacceptable and despite Eric going to the mat for Greg, he’s also a traitor.


There’s no honor in covering for poor behavior. Just because a doctor doesn’t tell you that you have terminal cancer doesn’t mean the problem is gone.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Libido hyper hormonal drive? Is that what's in Ecstasy? Nice to have a Royal Marine as overwatch.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Well that escalated quickly. And for the commenters below: while she did cheat with the blowjob and planned to cheat with Gerry at his flat, as soon as he put on the ball gag, tied her up and forced her with the dildo, it was rape. Even thr husband would have seen that with the camera footage. But the fact she even went to go to Gerry's flat would have probably been too much to handle. What I don't quite understand is who was in the ski mask? Was it Greg? Or his contact? He followed them from the supermarket but it seems odd he would be that prepared for intimidating Gerry. Am I missing something? I am guessing he followed them and contacted the security guy who told Eric "found nothing" and left the country.

AnotherChapterAnotherChapterabout 2 years ago

Playing God with your friend’s marriage is a disaster waiting to happen. Even if the truth never comes out and Jan’s infidelity is never uncovered there is a matter of trust that has been betrayed. Interesting story but lousy morality.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Just another pathetic cuck stoey.

DrgwngDrgwngover 2 years ago

Chicken shit morality. Choice to stay or go is wronged hubby to make, no one else. Keeping long term secrets is the crappy way modern society deals with uncomfortable facts. Secret will fester and rot until it threatens boss/employee relationship among others. She effedup, need to be a big girl,and face the medicine, if there is any. This is the low morality move, automatic one star.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

A polished piece of writing as one has grown to expect from this author, but it was all a bit predictable and one dimensional, and I just can't find it in me to empathise with Greg. Not one of his best.


ErotFanErotFanalmost 4 years ago
Great piggyback/sequel

I'd like to hear more from Sar'nt Maitland.

Glad he didn't break Mr. Rawlings' neck this time.

WargamerWargamerabout 4 years ago

Wonderful sequel. I missed this last time, it was a real to find it.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Ah well

Greg helped his buddy be the hapless unknowing cuckold. Makes you sorry he figured out his first wife when he was the hapless unknowing cuckold..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Agree with lujon2019 and tajfa.

She did get fucked although with dildo.

Still counts. And emotionally and mentally cheated a lot.

Suddenly he can satisfy her but couldn't before?

lujon2019lujon2019over 4 years ago

Greg is a peice of shit

He refused to stay married to a lying cheating whore, but he had no problem lying to Eric and tricking him in to staying saddled to a lying cheating whore

Hopefully his new wife cheats on him and Eric finds out and doesnt let him know his new wife is just like his old wife, hopefully Eric fucks Gregs wife too

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

Great story, obviously Greg is a man who can get things done. Gerry got off a little better than Miles, but Janet was the one who won. She knows how well Julia did with her cheating and just how lucky she was that Greg didn’t tell Eric.

sarumsamsarumsamover 4 years ago
The Brit

My wife and I have read all the stories.We both liked nearly every one. It is nice to read a really good British author. The stories often went in a surprising direction all very good. Can't wait for further stories.

TrollTureTrollTureover 4 years ago
Not the best from DeYaKen perhaps ...

... but not bad.

Unfortunately I will soon have read all of his stories... :(

Definitely one of the better authors on Lit, and very refreshing to read stories from the UK. I've nothing against the US but so many stories originate there that it's nice with a European perspective (if they still consider themselves that).

I can't NOT comment on Anon posting here before me; "Anyone who kisses her on the lips pretty much has given Gerry a BJ by proxy."

I was practically howling with laughter when I read it, I bet Anon was also terrified of cooties when he was a boy!

Grow the up will you! How many men have you blown then? By kissing your mother, your sisters, other female relatives and friends on the lips? Or former girlfriends or ... well, you get the idea. Most men like a bj and there are many women who have nothing against giving them one, are they all whores and sluts?

Let's just hope that they rinse their mouth before kissing people after giving one!

Or they could wash their mouths out with some soap! Yeah! :)

TajfaTajfaover 4 years ago

I agree with earlier comments that not telling his best friend what was going on could come back to bite him. It also was a shock that Jan did what she did. She seemed so in love with Eric. Still a good story so 4 stars.

cybojicybojiover 5 years ago

Writing here. Great tale. 5

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

But a real friend would tell his mate the truth.....certainly it would hurt him but in the long run its the best thing to do.

Because if the friend ever found out his so called friend had known of the affair and withheld the information it would hurt him more.

laptopwriterlaptopwriterover 6 years ago
Very good.

A little different twist on things. Thanks.

kmreaderkmreaderover 6 years ago
No hint?

I totally expected Greg to drop a hint to Janet at the end of this installment similar to the one dropped to his wife at the end of chapter 3.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
From the other story I didn't think he was like that.

He hides it from his friend, if his friend overheard it would he want that

Since when does a decent friend cover up for a cheater?

Hes become quite the athlete. What happens to the girl as described when he slows down ?

Old_biker_dudeOld_biker_dudeabout 7 years ago
People seem to forget it is just a story

When my brother caught his wife cheating he killed the guy and wounded her. He did 17 years with temp insanity plea in 1966. Idaho was pretty understanding under the circumstances

xtchrxtchrabout 7 years ago
Don't Buy It!

I don't know what kind of friend this Greg was, but I don't think he was a very good friend (mate). But there are certain things that you can't 'hide' from a supposedly friend. He should have told his friend what he discovered and then let his friend make up his own mind what to do about it. In my opinion he did not act like a real friends.

Thanks for the story.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago

Interesting writing but unsatisfying.

Clueless cuck married to a dumb slut that everyone knows about but him.

How charming....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

What is really kool is that every cop in the area saw the blow job video and every time they see this cunt with this chump they will laugh at him. Pretty soon it will get around all over town and let's see wimp ass husband deal with that bit of news.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
the clueless

inept white male gets the shameless slut once again.

A truly lucky man.

DeYaKenDeYaKenalmost 8 years agoAuthor
nuff said




A published, broadcast, or recorded work that continues the story or develops the theme of an earlier one:


Something that takes place after or as a result of an earlier event:

Oxford English Dictionary

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Not a sequel

Please read the definition of a sequel. This is at most a spinoff with the previous main characters making a cameo or talked about.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

She was screwing around with the worst person.

Why do authors always make mindless women?

SampkyangSampkyangalmost 8 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
A bad taste

Without intervention like that she would be happily doing the guy.

Sorry you wrote it up so she can stab him in the back in the most sordid way and get away with it.

Crappy friend to, he asked him to find out and he glossed it over.

so his friend and her can have a nice smile about it when they have a barbecue.

Eric is a trusting man who worships her so it will probably work.

rightbankrightbankalmost 9 years ago
and now we discover

a 3rd Greg.

The names remained the same, the storyline changed, but Greg assumed an entirely different personality.


jimbo103jimbo103over 9 years ago

CHEATERS will never win, if , friends like greg can take real action.

but you may argue that in the real world a cheated, divorced ex marine, pushing 40+, with a baby on the way, with his new wife, would may have just spoken to either, & warned them, but my tastes are simple, i would very much prefer what went down in the story was the same in life.

depends sometimes some friends never do anything/tell you about ur spouses affair, only to say they knew all a long but wont interfere in personal matters,

greg is also a role model for all veterans, war is hell, nobody returns the same from war, to take a life,is to kill a part of ur heart/soul. so for greg actually channelling his hatred in positive direction(not legally), is real step in his rehab.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 9 years ago
not often

It's not often I don't think it would be a good thing for the husband not to be told.

Not often I believe the wife won't cheat again.

But this time, in this story, it works for me.

Normally when someone has supposedly "Learned their lesson" it's anything but.

Janet got her wake-up call.

tazz317tazz317almost 10 years ago

but they should pay the ultimate for their discretions. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Leopards and Their Spots.

So, Greg who is Eric's supposed mate hides the truth from him? That's a mate? But it's for his own good someone says, shouldn't the truth and it's consequences be Eric's decision to make?

Ah yes the Loving Wife, ummm where is she by the way, oh yes in the arms of another man waiting to get fucked. Of course prior to that she ONLY gave him a blow job and we all know BJ's aren't REALLY sex. However, that definition is usually the one used by the Cheaters themselves!

So in summation, Greg chooses to make his "mate" an unknowing CUCKOLD. I'll pass on mates like that thank you.

InescuInescualmost 10 years ago
Good solid story

Well written and enjoyable. I'm not sure I agree with his decision not to tell his friend about his wife's infidelity, but that's a hard call to make. Tell him and know there is a lot of pain coming their way. Even if she was almost raped, she'd already previously blown him and has went to his place for sex. Regardless of how it turned out, she was cheating. I've never bought the excuse that you're so horny you can't make rational decisions. It's a bullshit excuse to rationalize bad behavior. She knew what she was doing was wrong and did it anyway. Since the experience turned out so badly, it might prevent her from straying again, but that's an iffy call. If Eric finds out later that his friend knew and didn't tell him, there will be even more pain for all involved. Either way, its a difficult call to make. In either case, a good tale and I look forward to more from you.

HoppydoodleHoppydoodlealmost 10 years ago
Eric's rights

An innocent spouse always has a right to know about infidelity. Lies of omission are a betrayal from friends or family and the pain will be just as great even after 30 years. To the wronged party it is like it just happened. Real life, been there....done that. 3 stars for quality writing.

rightbankrightbankalmost 10 years ago
He promised to not hurt a hair on his head

he just didn't say which head.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Loved it

I enjoyed this. I am so glad he let the wife know what he discovered. Five stars.

tazz317tazz317almost 11 years ago

I am pretty sure you can add Birth to that axiom, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Keep on writing

Your stories are so good, I am looking forward to seeing many more from you.

Thank you 39db

jezzazjezzazabout 11 years ago

Can we have some more of these please? It's SUCH a pleasure to have something great to read on Lit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
A 5*

Just to offset the caterwauling from the white trash losers. Good writing. Fuck'em. Keep going.

JounarJounarover 11 years ago

Greg should of told his so called "friend" the truth about Janet being a cheating cunt. Not only does Greg betray a friend who stood by him during all the problems he had with his own divorce but after finding out his first wife really was cheating on him it just makes no sense for him to cover for Janet.

Janet gave Eric a blowjob in the car and then later made plans to hook up with him again for sex and that's all there is to it and any claims of hormones or other psychobabble bullshit are just that, bullshit. The fact the Eric experience was shit and not the happy fuck-fest she wanted doesn't alter the fact Janet needed to get kicked to the curb for cheating on her husband.

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 11 years ago
I think is was good-

She screwed up and almost got fully abused - but it stopped and it is pretty clear she has learned from it - I am not a big forgive 'em fan but this time it works for me

I do like the overall story of love and support for your "mates" - and it a good story for Greg Maitland - so I score it well -

I am curious to know more about Julie and the kids from the last story but oh well -

semofuncpl3semofuncpl3over 11 years ago
Hope hubby learns the truth one day

and kills all the lying assholes, friends included.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Typical DeYankMe crap ..

Cheating whore wife gets off, husband gets cuck'd, and DeYankMe writes more wimp/cuck dribble! For what it's worth .. a "1" for this p.o.s.

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