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What Men Want Ch. 01


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Her body tensed and held back for a mere instant, before relenting and thawing under the heat of his rough embrace; her hands ceased their momentary flailing and wilted by her sides, as her trembling form was squeezed to his strong, athletic frame. The beautiful, charming man, who had rescued her so gallantly from an evening of solitude, who had treated her like such a lady, was pressing his fierce physical attentions on her, as if suddenly possessed by desire for her body. The turnabout filled her with alarm and sudden, unexpected excitement. Her hands slipped around his waist and she let him kiss her as ravenously as he wanted to, her inexperienced tongue responding to the probing explorations of his.

As her feminine slimness melted into his solid bulk, she became fully conscious of his arousal, pressed hard and implacable against her loins. She had felt concealed, male excitement close to her before, but only with a callow teenage boy - not with a grown, experienced man, who so obviously knew how to take what he wanted. The surface of her body felt aflame with sensation; her nipples were tingling, her belly was fluttering madly, in a way that even her late-night touching of herself had not achieved. It terrified her. She wanted to break away and run for the door, and she hoped it would never stop.

How long it was before he broke the kiss, minutes or seconds, she could scarcely have said. When he did, he stared at her for a moment, his face suffused with some emotion the intensity of which she had never seen in her young life. Then he bent down, slipped a hand behind her knees and hoisted her bodily off the floor. She grabbed a startled hand to his shoulder to secure herself and looked at him astonished, as he set off carrying her through the house. It was so obvious what was on the way - she wasn't that naïve. She was like a bride, being carried to her honeymoon bed, only Joe's face registered something very different from wedded bliss. He was as handsome as before, but the genially kind expression she had seen back as the club had been transfigured into...not quite cruelty, but hard, determined lust.

This is it, I'm going to lose my virginity! Mary-Jane felt a surge of panic in her chest, as she was borne the length of the hallway. Joe, this man who she hardly knew, was about to have her on his bed. She had not realised what was expected of her that night, but had apparently been setting herself up for it all evening! She was in the power of a grown man, obviously practised in the ways of sex. Did he even know she was a virgin? Did he assume she knew how to respond to him? She had no notion of what to do. She was a clumsy, clueless girl, just past her eighteenth birthday - she knew nothing! Her fear was less of imminent ravishment, more of how foolish she would appear in front of this worldly adult male.

He swung her through a doorway and she found herself in the room she had expected, found it already lit in readiness with several lamps... Joe released her suddenly and she tumbled with a little cry on to the bed. She propped herself up, panting and bewildered, on a dark maroon bedspread. The man who had sprung the surprise fixed her with the same heat-charged look as before. 'Take off all your clothes.' There was no anger in his voice, just the absolute, lust-soaked conviction that she would do as she was told. It did not seem to occur to him that she might hesitate, let alone refuse. Her mind reeled, fuzzed as it still was with alcohol. Her innocent sense of romance and the secret, decadent thoughts inspired by her night-time reading had always been separate parts of her life; now in Joe's Jekyll and Hyde transformation they seemed to be colliding crazily. Scared and helpless in the face of her abductor's softly arrogant demand, she climbed meekly from the bed, wobbling a little in her heels as she did so, and began to undress.

Joe leaned casually against the bedroom wall and savoured the moment. His heart was still racing from having jumped Mary-Jane in the hallway. One more night and he could have simply charmed her out of her sweet little panties, that much was obvious, but to go half that journey and then take sudden control of her when her guard was down was vastly more exciting. He had read the little darling well. One second's resistance and she had yielded herself to his lustful assault. Now frightened, overpowered and beneath it all clearly aroused, she was about to prove herself a very good girl, by Christ she was.

He watched in quiet, erectile delight, as she removed her clothing one item at a time. It was the most hesitant striptease he had ever witnessed and that made it all the more delicious. She loosed her shoes first, supporting herself on the bed's footboard, and slipped her exquisite feet out of them, so that she stood a dainty five foot four, or thereabouts, on the carpet. No longer able to meet his eye, she hung her head and began to turn away, as she unfastened her skirt.

'Keep facing me,' he told her with a voice of velvet-edged steel. 'I want to see you as you strip.' She halted and continued removing her skirt, eyes still cast to the floor. The fine material rustled against her skin, as she lowered it down to her ankles and stepped free. Joe's eyes wandered appreciatively over the smooth curves of her legs and that pert, little backside, barely clad in bikini-string, beige panties, as she painstakingly folded the piece of clothing and laid in on a bedside chair. Then she set about what he knew she had put off as long as she could - the removal of the silky top that alone concealed her bosom. She crossed her arms and took hold of the garment at both sides, then in a single move she peeled the top upwards, over her head and free of herself, revealing to him her youthfully curved upper body. Her skin, he could see in the bright lamp-light, had a rich honey tone to it. Her breasts were high and full, big in relation to her slender, diminutive form, and with delectable, raised nipples, larger than quarters and the colour of plum.

She laid her top over the skirt and continued on, her fingers plucking hesitantly at the sides of her tiny panties. In her near-total exposure she looked up at Joe and froze for the first time. 'Get naked,' he instructed her, adding a touch more rigour to his voice. His cock spasmed, as she pulled the panties away from her hips and stepped out of them, displaying the neatly-trimmed prettiness of her pussy. Joe gazed in quietly lecherous admiration at what he was shortly going to fuck.

Mary-Jane's toes curled and her feet arched involuntarily, as she stood in her naked shame. She felt lonely and utterly vulnerable, with Joe's eyes feasting on her, but in some corner of her mind she hoped nonetheless that he approved of what he saw. He was strolling almost idly towards her, his erection bulging prominently in his pants; slipping off his jacket, tugging his tie free of its knot and casting both garments on to the same chair where Mary-Jane had carefully laid her things. How had she gotten herself into this situation? How had she been so stupid? She did not even know what this man was capable of, whether he might turn into something even more dangerous...

As he drew close, he took hold of her waist with strong hands and hoisted her roughly on to tiptoe, pulling her hard against him, so that she felt the smooth silk of his shirt against her breasts, the solidly-filled crotch of his pants against her lower stomach. He lowered his face to hers and kissed her again, but more sensually than before, his tongue stroking its way subtly into her open mouth. She responded as before in the hall, kissing him in return, flicking her tongue against his. Trying to give him what she felt he wanted. Just for a moment they seemed like lovers in some movie romance.

Joe withdrew his lips from Mary-Jane's and stared at her face; it was still a picture of dizzy apprehension. 'It's okay,' he told her, tracing her high cheek-bone tenderly with his finger. 'You're not going to come to any harm. Later tonight I'll drop you off home and in the morning you'll wake up safely in your own bed.' He added a loving caress to his voice and stroked her head gently. It would be fun to toy with her a little, before putting her to work. 'But right now you're here with me and you're going to make me feel good whatever way I tell you to.' He leaned in and whispered into her delicate ear. 'Nobody knows where you are, M-J. Pammie will be too busy making out with some guy to worry, and your mom and dad will be going to bed, happy to think you're stopping over with your friend. I wonder what your dad would think, if he knew where his little girl really was and what she was about to do...'

He slid his hands down over the warm, downy cheeks of her ass and pulled her tighter to his hard dick. 'You go out dressed so prettily and so sexily, and you have no idea what you do to all the boys who look at you - no idea of what they really want to do to you when they ask you to dance.' He ran his tongue lightly inside her ear, making her gasp and tense her stomach. 'Well tonight I'm going to show you. I'm going to show you it all.' He released his hold on her and looked her full in the face once more, with an expression as serious as death. 'Get down on your knees.'

Mary-Jane complied instantly; either he had taken possession of her will, or she simply knew that if she held back, he would force her anyway. His words had calmed, then terrified her; just what was he going to make her do? But she had read the most explicit passages in The Violation of Violet so many times, remembered so vividly all Violet had been forced to perform, that perhaps she already knew the answer. She certainly knew why she was dropping to the carpet, kneeling before the straining zipper of his pants, waiting like an obedient hand-maiden for further instruction, as he stroked her hair.

'Take my cock out of my trousers.' There was relish in the way he said it, and perhaps a touch of enjoyment that he knew she would do it without question. She took hold of his belt buckle and pulled the strap aside to unhook it, her heart drumming in her chest at the thought of what she was about to uncover. She had read descriptions in her book, had seen sketches in science text books, but for the first time was to be confronted with the genuine article. Fear might have held her back, but necessity and, yes, an undeniable, pussy-tingling curiosity spurred her forward. She fumbled with the clasp on his pants for a moment before freeing it, then she tugged the zipper all the way down, feeling its resistance to the seemingly powerful organ that pressed against it from within. It felt like she were freeing some awesome beast from its pent-up confines. Holding her breath, she pulled the pants clear of Joe's hips.

The shape and impressive size of his manhood was more apparent under his shorts, taut as it was against the tight cotton material. She stared at how the length and thickness were emphasized by the restricting fabric, how the great bulge at the top tried to push its way through to freedom. Her fingers tugged tentatively at the elastic waistband; she did not know whether to peel them away slowly, revealing a little at a time, or just to tear them off and see what confronted her at a shot. Joe's breathing was heavy with anticipation, as if urging her to get on with it, yet she could not quite bring herself finally to expose him. 'Come on M-J, we both know you want to have a good look. Just do it.' She gripped the waistband, held her breath and yanked the shorts briskly downwards.

Joe's cock seemed to leap out at her aggressively - the word 'penis' was too clinical to describe so fearsome a thing, this was most certainly a 'cock' - then it swayed upright before her astonished gaze. It was like some uniquely male architectural wonder - a dense, flesh construction, with a great domed head, that towered upwards from the dark hair curled around its base and pointed towards the ceiling, terrifying and magnificent. Mary-Jane let out a gasp of fearful wonder and reached out to touch it, as was surely expected of her. It twitched visibly when her fingers brushed its surface, as if it had a life of its own. She nearly jumped, felt an instinctive urge to shy away from it, yet something in her still marvelled at its strange, masculine beauty.

'Now put your mouth to it.' Joe's voice was husky and constrained. She had been expecting the command and brought her lips dutifully to the cock's swollen mushroom-head. The sensation, as it slipped into her mouth, was bizarre; it was velvety, yet utterly hard and pulsing with warm life. She was unsure of what to do next, but Joe stroked her face and let her know. 'Run your tongue over the head.' She withdrew a moment, to work up some saliva in her dry mouth, then she took hold of the iron shaft and circled her newly wet tongue over the surface of the glans - that was the word her book had used - working back and forth several times with the same motion. Joe uttered a little groan of approval. 'Now lick just under the head - right here...' He relocated himself with his hand, so that Mary-Jane could dig in the tip of her tongue just below the engorged hood. 'That's right, now flick your tongue there, fast...' She applied a rapid back and forth flicking motion, one that had the desired effect; an ecstasy seemed to thrill his whole body. 'Oh God yes - fuck, that's nice. Keep going...'

It was obvious Joe knew just what he wanted - had learnt from experience exactly what made him feel good. She followed each direction with anxious diligence, hoping it would go better for her if she made a good impression, hoping she would satisfy him. Sliding a saliva-trail down the broad, thickly-veined underside of his shaft, lapping underneath his inflated balls, searching out that tender flesh-highway linking his tight sac to his asshole - it was a close-up, scarily instructive introduction to the erect male organ and how it might best be orally stimulated. Joe muttered his quietly intense appreciation each time she hit the spot: 'That's good, keep it there, just like that...' She could hear the breath rushing from his lips, as if he were controlling the waves of pleasure that rolled over him. 'Okay.' He lifted her head with the palm of one hand. 'Now suck me.' She wrapped her mouth once more around that great bulbous head, the size and colour of a ripening plum, and began to suck on his cock. If she had thought it could not get any harder, she was proved wrong; she could feel it swelling, galvanizing on her tongue, becoming big with potency. A salty flavour was there on her taste buds, from what she knew had leaked from its eye. She felt appalled and amazed by what she was being made to do.

In his excitement Joe began stripping off his shirt, feeling that sudden, urgent need to be naked. He tossed the garment aside and returned both hands to the back of Mary-Jane's busy head, cradled it gently as she worked on him. 'Oh fuck, that feels so good. Get the shaft wet - go on, suck the shaft, use your tongue...' He felt her take more of him inside her, slide her lips down his rigid column, bathe him in the juices of her mouth. 'That's my good girl, keep sucking my cock, that feels real nice...'

He'd had so many more-experienced mouths go down on him, mouths with well-honed technique. But there was a very special joy, he thought, in teaching a frightened little virgin how to suck dick. So his life had been short on breaks recently - fuck all that. Alone with pretty, naked young M-J, using his erect prick to train up her hot, succulent mouth, life was sweet again - and soon to get much sweeter. It was almost time to fire off shot number one and he knew just where it was going. 'Look at me,' he ordered, his arousal increasing at the very thought of what was next. She stared up at him with startled, dark blue eyes, her mouth full with his cock. 'Keep sucking, that's it - suck harder, use your mouth...' She kept her eyes fastened on his and intensified her rhythmic sucking on the foremost few stiff inches. Ardent lust flared inside him with the increased suction and he tightened his grip on her head, causing her eyes to widen in surprise.

'Alright M-J... Now I'm going to fuck your pretty face.'

Mary-Jane hadn't any time to take in his meaning, before he pulled on the back of her head, bearing her down on to the full length of his cock. It filled her whole mouth and she thought for a moment she would wretch, as its thick solidity glided over the back of her tongue. The massive dick kept going, however, its full length squelching down into her very throat, packing it with its solid mass. Her lips stretched in a giant O around the thick base of Joe's shaft; his pubic hair was tickling her nose and her chin was pressed right up against his scrotum. Only her pointlessly flapping hands could express the alarm she felt at having her face and throat crammed so completely with his hard maleness.

'Breath through your nose,' he told her in a calm, though constricted voice. 'Go on, let's see you breath through your nose...' He held her there for some seconds and she managed to relax herself enough to draw in air under the duress of this huge foreign body, plunged beyond the root of her tongue. 'That's good, keep that up,' he said, approvingly. 'Okay...' There was serious intent in the final word that she didn't understand, until he firmed up his grip once more and began to slide his cock in and out of the tight channel of her gullet. He was moving his whole body now, his breath growing ragged and catching in the back of his own throat, as he started to actively pump himself into her gaping oral cavity.

'Oh fuck yes, that's it...' Joe was muttering to himself again. 'Fuck that throat...' Then he paused a moment, holding her fast to his stomach, while she sucked air through her nose and attempted not to swallow with her throat so full. She felt the pins being plucked out of her hair, so that her curls tumbled freely down her back. He had obviously deposited them somewhere, for he used a free hand to gather up the tresses into a single thick strand, which he grasped tight to her scalp. Clutching her tightly by the hair, he drew his cock backwards out of her throat and plunged it back in again to the balls. Then he set about the same move repeatedly.

Mary-Jane was staggered by the crazed oral assault. He was ploughing her tight airway like - like it was a vagina! Fucking her face! Sometimes he would pull out completely and she would gasp for air, as his dick bounced, hard and dripping, before her gaze. Then he would slot it back in again and resume the reckless pounding of her throat, grunting heatedly all the while. Her face slapped into his belly each time his cock-head drove deep towards her trachea and she suddenly knew he would not be turning back from this. She knew what happened to the men in her book when they got this excited.

'Oh God, oh shit M-J, I'm going to come down your throat...' Well she had got that one right... 'Oh God, oh God, oh Gggoddd...' He pulled her face flat against his stomach in what sounded like a moment of pure lustful ecstasy. Fresh, hot seed gushed profusely down her gullet. She could trace the burning sensation it made in her oesophagus, as it rivered towards her belly.

Joe emptied shot on shot of cum into Mary-Jane, crushing her lovely face to his stomach as he did so, his jetting cock-head stuffed gloriously far down her throat. To treat such a sweet girl so selfishly, with such total disregard for anything other than his own pleasure - well life just didn't get any better, did it? The last of the orgasm rippled through him and his coital snarl eased into a satisfied smile. It was one of more than just sexual release, although following the initial draining of his balls that was considerable; it was the knowledge that he could reload so quickly. His sexually recuperative abilities had taken his female conquests by storm over a twenty year period and in his latter thirties they showed little sign of abating. A talent he had seemingly been born with, it had proved a curse during lengthy working days or in heavy traffic, but on a night such as this it was a beautiful gift. How surprised his young guest would be, when he moved on to her next target without pause.

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