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Who Needs Privacy Among Family?

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A trio of 18-year-old girls masturbate often and openly.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/02/2016
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My name is Gabby. I have a twin sister named Holly and live-in cousin named Kendra, whom my mom took in when she was little, after her parents' drug addiction cost them their parental rights. Despite being a shy blonde surrounded by rather outspoken brunettes, Kendra never looks or, more importantly, feels out of place in our family. As for Holly and me, well, not only are we opposites in many ways, but we're also essentially living teen movie tropes. If you've ever seen the 90s flick "She's All That," I'm basically a dead ringer for the female lead. Yep, I'm the ugly duckling who's really not so ugly once you remove the glasses. That might sound a bit conceited, but look at my twin. In terms of dress style and demeanor, Holly is basically the stock cheerleader character (minus the usual bitchiness and dimwittedness). Her beauty may be much more outwardly obvious, but hey, we're genetically identical, so I know I could be just as hot as she apparently is if I ever cared to show it off more clearly. Still, simple belted jeans with pastel-colored tank tops and usually unbuttoned lumberjack overshirts are almost always just fine for me. I'm very practical that way. On her part, Kendra seemed to turn her fair share of male heads as well.

Now, since we belong mainly to different cliques, one might think that Holly and I don't get along, or at least that we're not very close. Actually, all three of us girls share a very tight bond, and that closeness has one very unique way of manifesting itself that few people would really understand. In fact, most would probably find it at least awkward if not downright shocking. It's a kind of intimacy that we developed that is erotic and yet not at the same time. The activity itself is undeniably sexual, but it's not incestuous, because it's always a solo act of self-pleasuring. What makes it intimate in a paradoxically non-sexual way is just how little we concern ourselves with privacy while doing it, at least among the four of us.

By October of this year, we had all turned 18. With a birthday in August, Holly and I had been first, followed by Kendra in the first week of September. Since Kendra had gotten a head start on scouting for colleges through her athletics, she was out of town on an early campus tour on her actual birthday and a few days after it, so Mom, Holly, and I conspired to surprise her by hiding in her closet when she got home from the airport. To make a long story short, it ended with the three of us all bursting out only to catch our dear cousin with her hand deep in her gym shorts, in the midst of fapping. She later confided that she'd felt horny for a couple of hours before arriving, and upon entering a home that we had deliberately made seem empty, she had taken the opportunity to start playing with herself, pausing to briefly hump the ballister on our stairs before ascending to her room with her fingers resuming the job. At the moment we caught her, however, she was absolutely mortified. Holly felt a little awkward, but nowhere near as beside herself as Kendra was. Mom had always been very no-nonsense about sexuality, and my nerdiness rendered me similarly immune from any real squeamishness or sense of bodily shame. It was just biology, after all. Everybody does it at some point in their lives. We tried to tell her this repeatedly, but she still seemed to feel somewhat humiliated. When she still wasn't over it two days later, I finally rolled my eyes and decided to try a very unorthodox tactic that was drastic even by my standards. To even the score and make it so that she was no longer alone, I stuck my hand down my pants and started masturbating in front of my entire family.

Mom was completely unfazed, Holly was only slightly flustered this time, and the last vestiges of Kendra's embarrassment finally dissipated to be replaced by awe, both at my brazenness and at my solidarity with her. The implications, however, were more far-reaching than that. With two pussies out of the bag, a threshold had been crossed. To my utter surprise, Holly pleasured herself openly on the couch the very next day, and in a little over a month, none of us had any qualms about touching ourselves in full view of each other or our mother. In fact, without the need for privacy constraining our opportunities, we soon discovered that we're all a bit on the hornier side. We each do it at least twice a day now, usually starting with a blissful pillow-humping to wake ourselves up more pleasurably than any coffee ever could. To make it easy, we've even gotten into the habit of sleeping naked.

I had hit my snooze button one too many times one school morning on the cusp of November when the sound of running water caused my eyes to snap open in a way that no alarm clock ever could. I threw off the forest green covers of my bed and raced out of my slightly messy bedroom. "Oh, hell no!" I said grumpily as I reached the closed bathroom door. "Damn it, Holly!" I cried. "You couldn't wait just another minute for a shower? This is gonna throw my routine off!"

"Hey, you snooze, you lose!" she shouted back from inside the bathroom. "How was I supposed to know you'd be up the very second I finally decided to stop waiting for you to drag your lazy ass out of bed? Go have breakfast with Kendra, and I'll be out by the time you're done."

I rolled my eyes, begrudgingly acknowledging that she had a point. My usual grogginess quickly returning, I trudged downstairs to our kitchen, a large but cozy nook with a black and silver color scheme and a marbled countertop island across from a spacious refrigerator. Kendra was already sitting at the island countertop on a stool with a curved but otherwise chair-like back, having just sat down for a bowl of Cap'n Crunch. Mom had left for work shortly before any of us were even remotely conscious.

Kendra and I both managed to take our showers, but we were only narrowly ready in time. However, I was still a bit sleep-addled even as I claimed my seat. Then, Kendra revved up the engine, and the vibration that I felt on the cushion under my crotch was enough to jog my drowsy memory as to why. Maybe because I'd been deprived of the chance to hump my pillow that morning, the engine's reverberations turned me on even more easily and quickly than usual. We hadn't even pulled out of our driveway before I unbuckled my belt and unfastened my jeans. "Oh, I am so masturbating right now!" I decided as I plunged my hand into my white cotton panties.

Within a minute of stimulation, I was panting, and as I stroked my already moist labia at an escalating rate and allowed one finger to graze my clitoris, those pants turned into gasps of exhilaration as I stuck another finger into my vagina and kept massaging it for another minute or so. I then groaned in anticipation as my thrusts reached a fever pitch, until I finally let out two long and almost squeaky moans as the familiar crescendo of pleasure rippled throughout my body, and I suddenly went slack for a moment. I was wide awake now! "Screw caffeine!" I said with a slightly dazed grin still on my face while I re-fastened my pants. "The best way to wake up in the morning is rubbing one out!"

"Amen, sister!" concurred Kendra, throwing me a quick smirk through the rear-view mirror.

"The best part of waking up is fingers in your vaj!" sang Holly, making us all laugh out loud at her twist on such a classic and innocent jingle.

The day at school passed with little incident, especially in comparison to what we knew was awaiting us later on in the year, like prom, commencement, and finally deciding what college to attend. We were all hoping to stay together, and our grades gave us plenty of options, but we had to weigh our career interests into it as well, so it was still up in the air.

Since Kendra had basketball practice that day, we weren't surprised by what happened when we all piled into our red Volkswagen Beetle. "You guys don't mind waiting a few minutes, do you?" she asked from the driver's seat as she unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. "I'm gonna masturbate." She slipped her hand into her panties and almost instantly started breathing more heavily. Holly was busy talking on the phone with one of her friends, so out of boredom, I loosened my own pants and joined Kendra. For about three minutes, we just sat there and fingered ourselves, biting our lips to keep from being too loud in such a public space, until we each finally dared to let out a breathy moan as we came almost simultaneously.

Holly's turn for an afternoon orgasm came when we arrived home. Apparently, she'd thought that our Latin homework was due a day later than it was, and when she realized she'd have to finish it tonight, she grunted. "I don't wanna do Latin," she whined. "I wanna masturbate." Not even bothering to lower her skinny capris, she straddled the arm of our living room's large couch. With one foot on the floor and the opposite knee on the cushion, she began rocking her hips against it and shortly let out a soft groan through half-lidded eyes as her gyrations began accelerating. About three minutes later, she was emitting these short and shallow yelps, which came to an abrupt end when she apparently got impatient and blurted in a slightly raspy voice. "Oh, God! I need to cum right now!" Still rocking her hips on the navy blue couch, she practically tore her pants open and shoved her hand into her panties. "Ah! Ah! Ah!" she groaned in an increasingly high-pitched voice, her face contorted in an odd mix of effort and excitement. Those warbles gave way to a couple of longer and more relieved moans as she finally stopped with a squeaky sigh of satisfaction.

Our mom, a short woman of 41 with long ash-brown hair and a youthful-looking face, came home a few hours later, while I was catching up on some assigned reading on the couch. With a sigh, she rolled up her skirt and perched herself on the arm opposite the one Holly had humped. "Hi, honey," she greeted with a smile just before she started to pleasure herself. "Anything noteworthy happen at school?"

"Nope," I shrugged with a smile of my own. "It was pretty much a normal day." I turned back to the TV and let Mom drive herself into orgasm. This was almost always the first thing she did after returning from a long day at her job, and none of us girls could blame her.

Later that night, after Mom had gone to bed, we reconvened in the kitchen for our just-before-bed routine. We prepared ourselves three ice cream fudge sundaes, and although we did chat briefly, we mostly just sat there in amicable silence while we ate. Then, we stripped nude, straddled the backs of our stools much like Holly had done with the arm of the couch earlier, and started humping them. Each of us drove the top edge of the stool's back into her genital slit with a rocking of the hips that soon swelled to an almost desperate pace. We all began panting within a minute, and in another couple of minutes, we were heaving and yelping rhythmically as our arousal grew. I gritted my teeth and hissed briefly in order to stifle a sound that might have otherwise awoken Mom. I eventually let it out in the form of a sharp and trembling gasp, but I think Holly was the first to emit the final purr of ecstasy, followed almost immediately by my own cry of release and then shortly thereafter by Kendra's shuddering moan. After that, we lazily gathered our clothes and trudged upstairs to brush our teeth and hit the sack.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Could do with being longer. The idea is hot but never builds to its potential. Basically, I'm asking you to write more because I enjoy what you've made.

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