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Who Needs Springsteen?

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They had a much better Super Bowl halftime show.
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When John walked into the kitchen he found his wife Kelly facing away from him...she was talking on the phone.

"Okay...yes...yes...I'll ask him. No...the worst thing he can say isn't no...the worst thing he can say is yes." Kelly said.

Kelly hung up the phone.

"Who was that baby?" John asked.

Kelly was surprised to see John as he grabbed a beer out of the fridge.

"What? Oh it was my sister." Kelly said.

"Which one?" John asked.

"Emily." Kelly said.

"What was all that about the worst thing someone could say is yes? Is that someone me?" John asked.

"Yes...that someone is you." Kelly said.

"So...then what could I say yes to that would be the worst thing?" John asked.

Kelly took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly.

"The Super Bowl is on Sunday. Emily wants to know if she can come over." Kelly said.

"Sure she can come over...we're having a Super Bowl party...it's going to be me and the guys, but she's welcome to join us. Why would me saying yes to her coming to watch the game with us be the worst thing?" John asked.

"She doesn't care about the game...she's more interested in half time." Kelly said.

"Oh...is she a Springsteen fan?" John asked.

"Not that I'm aware of." Kelly said.

"Then why is she interested in half time?" John asked.

Kelly took another deep breath and exhaled it slowly.

"She wants to do something at half time...something other than watch the half time show on TV." Kelly said.

"Okay...what does she want to do?" John asked.

"She wants...she wants to...she wants to strip for you and the other guys." Kelly said.

John almost choked on the beer that he was drinking.

"What was that? Did I hear that right?" John asked.

"Yes...you heard me right John. Emily wants to come over and do a strip tease dance for all of you guys at half time. I promised her that I would ask you if you were interested." Kelly said.

John smiled.

"So she thinks that the worst I could say was no and you think that the worst I could say is yes?" John asked.

"That's right." Kelly said.

John thought for a moment.

"Did she say why she wanted to do it? I mean if she wants to strip there are amateur nights at the local strip clubs." John said.

"How do you know that?" Kelly asked sternly.

"Relax...some of the guys have taken girlfriends...even wives to amateur night...I haven't seen a woman other than you strip since my bachelor party. I'm just trying to figure out whether Emily just wants to strip or if she wants to strip for me and the guys specifically." John said.

"Well...I'm a little embarrassed by this, but she did mention a few guys by name that she hoped would be here." Kelly said.

"Oh really...was I one of them?" John asked.

"Yes." Kelly said.

"So Emily wants to strip specifically for me and some of the guys huh? That's very interesting. Why during half time of the Super Bowl?" John asked.

"She figured that half time would be long enough for her to do a really good dance...then the game would come back on and distract all of you...so you didn't try anything." Kelly said.

"Counting on football to keep us from ravaging her huh?" John asked.

"Something like that. I told her that I'd ask you...now I've asked you. I'm going to call her and tell her no." Kelly said.

"Now wait a minute...we might be married, but you don't get to answer questions like this for me. Your sister wants to know if it would be okay for her to come over and strip for me and the guys during half time of the Super Bowl. My answer to that is yes." John said.

He smiled.

"You've got to be kidding me." Kelly said.

"I'm not kidding sweetheart. If Emily wants to come over here and strip...I'm all for it." John said.

"John...there's no way that I want..." Kelly started.

"If you don't want me to watch her do it I'll leave the room, but if she wants to come over here and strip I'm sure the guys would love it." John said.

"You really wouldn't watch if I asked you not to?" Kelly asked.

"Of course. I mean I understand that she's your sister and I can see how that might make you uncomfortable. Just because you aren't comfortable with me watching Emily strip doesn't mean that you have to tell her no and ruin what I'm sure would be a nice surprise for the other guys." John said.

Kelly looked at John for a few moments.

"Well...as long as you're willing to leave the room when she does it I guess it would be okay." Kelly said.

"Okay then. You'd better call her and give her the good news." John said.

Kelly called Emily...who was very excited to hear that John had said yes.

On Super Bowl Sunday the guys were watching the pre-game festivities when the doorbell rang. John was on his way back from the bathroom so he answered the door.

"Emily...come on in...its good to see you." John said.

Emily moved in close to whisper in John's ear.

"I hope you'll be seeing a lot more of me later." Emily said.

"Yeah well your sister made it sound like she didn't want me to." John said.

"That's no fun." Emily said.

"Hey...talk to her...if she says no...I can't." John said.

"Well I'll just have to talk to her then." Emily said.

"She's in our room." John said.

Emily walked down the hall to the bedroom and John went back into the family room to watch the game. A few minutes before half time John walked into the kitchen and found Kelly grabbing a snack.

"Is it close to half time yet?" Kelly asked.

"Yeah...there's less than one minute left on the clock. Is Emily getting ready?" John asked.

"Yeah...she's getting into 'costume'." Kelly said.

"So should I make myself scarce?" John asked.

Kelly looked at John...then shook her head.

"No...you can watch. I talked to Emily about it and we both agreed that we'd feel better if you were there...just in case some of the guys get out of hand." Kelly said.

"So I'm the bouncer?" John asked.

"The bouncers get to see the show John...they just have to be prepared to step in if somebody gets rowdy." Kelly said.

"Okay. You're sure you're okay with me watching?" John asked.

"I guess so. Emily's going to sneak down here and wait in the kitchen...when its half time give her some kind of signal or something okay?" Kelly asked.

"Sure...I'll take care of it." John said.

John went back into the family room where the other guys were watching the game. The guys all cheered when they saw the interception returned for a touchdown on the last play of the half.

When the first half officially ended and the teams were running off the field John stood up.

"Guys, before you get up to go to the bathroom or whatever...pull out your wallets and take out your cash." John said.

"You're making us pay for the beer we're drinking? What kind of host are you?" Mike asked.

"Just take your money out." John said.

The 7 guys...Mike, Dan, Mark, Tom, Steve, Eric, and Kyle all pulled out some cash and held it out to John.

"Oh you aren't giving the money to me...gentlemen...I present the half time entertainment." John said.

"What are you talking about? You're charging us to watch Springsteen?" Tom asked.

"Who needs Springsteen when we have Emily?" John asked.

Emily walked into the room from behind where the guys were all sitting. John muted the TV and turned on some 'stripper' music. The guys all stared in disbelief for a moment.

"Hello there boys. I hope none of you are big fans of Springsteen...because I'll be your half time entertainment." Emily said.

Emily had changed into a very sexy outfit. She was dressed as the sexy secretary with the jacket and skirt...even the glasses and her hair up in a bun. The guys started hooting and whistling as Emily started dancing.

She pulled off her jacket in one sudden move that made the guys all jump. She ran her hands over her body teasing the guys. She lifted her skirt inch by inch showing the tops of her stockings. She turned away from the guys and slowly unzipped her skirt. She moved her hands in front and yanked the skirt down bending over at the waist. The guys roared and hooted in appreciation.

Emily stepped out of the skirt and kicked it to the side. Her blouse was long enough to cover her panties. She unbuttoned the top two buttons which showed a lot of cleavage as well as a hint of the bra that she was wearing. She unbuttoned the bottom buttons allowing the blouse to part and show glimpses of the front of her panties.

Emily ran her hands all over her body again. She turned away from the guys and gave them a peak at her ass as she lifted the back of the blouse as she ran her hands over her ass.

Emily turned back towards the guys and violently yanked the front of her blouse open sending the last button flying across the room. The guys were all rocking in their seats hooting and hollering. Emily shucked the blouse down to the floor.

She pulled off the glasses and flung them aside. She leaned forward, giving them a great view of her cleavage, and released her hair from the bun. She straightened up quickly flipping her hair back.

Emily ran her hands over her body again. When she reached her breasts she slowly pulled the cups of her bra down giving the guys a teasing peak at her nipples before pulling the bra back into place. The guys all groaned with disappointment until Emily released the front clasp on the bra and slipped it down her arms to the floor in one quick motion.

The guys were all jumping out of their seats and the sound of their hooting and hollering was deafening.

Emily played with her breasts for a little while...squeezing them, pushing them together...pinching her nipples.

Emily turned away from the guys and they roared as she began sliding the thong panties down. She pushed them down so that her entire ass was on display, then she quickly bent at the waist yanking the panties down to her ankles and giving the guys a great view of her pussy from behind.

Emily stepped one foot out of her panties and then flicked them to John with her other foot...they hit him in the face.

Emily crouched down spreading her legs wide. She leaned back and supported herself on her arms. She began raising and lowering her pelvis...which gave the guys all a great view of her bare...and completely shaved pussy.

Emily danced for another few minutes bending and contorting to give the guys all a hell of a show.

"Okay boys...I'll take any tips you have for me now. You can stick them in my garter belt or my stockings, but if you try to get grabby with me that big bouncer over there will make you very sorry." Emily said.

The guys looked at John; then back at Emily. They all held out the money that they had offered to John earlier. Most of them pulled their wallets back out and grabbed more cash. Emily went around to each of the 7 guys to collect their tips. None of them touched her in an inappropriate way. She made her way over to John last.

"How about you?" Emily asked.

John pulled 5 $100 bills out of his pocket and reached around Emily's body to put them in the back of her garter belt and in the backs of her stockings.

Emily smiled at John.

"A big tipper...I like that. Well boys...it looks like the game is coming back on...so my show is over." Emily said.

Emily walked out of the family room with 8 pairs of eyes following her ass as she walked. She went down the hall and they heard the door to John and Kelly's bedroom close.

Kelly came into the room a minute later and grabbed Emily's jacket, blouse, skirt, and bra.

"Where are her panties? Alright...which one of you has her panties?" Kelly asked.

"She kicked them to me...they hit me in the face." John said.

He handed them to Kelly.

"She probably knew that was the only way she'd ever get them back." Kelly said looking at the other guys.

Kelly left the room and John shut off the music and turned the sound on the TV back on.

"That was the best half time show ever." Steve said.

"Yeah...I wonder if Springsteen's show was any good." Mike said.

"I can guarantee it wasn't as good as the one we saw." Kyle said.

"Even the best Springsteen show ever can't compare to the halftime show we just had." Mark said.

"I'll second that...and I'm a huge Springsteen fan." Dan said.

Tom got up.

"Where do you think you're going?" John asked.

"Easy man...I'm just going to the bathroom...I had to piss before the show started...now I really have to go." Tom said.

"Just stay away from my bedroom." John said.

All of the guys made excessively long trips to the bathroom; then they got more snacks, and grabbed a few more beers. Emily and Kelly stayed in the bedroom for the rest of the game.

When the game was over the guys all got up to leave.

"John...thanks for one hell of a Super Bowl party...and an awesome half time show." Mark said.

"Yeah...tell Emily that it was awesome for us." Tom said.

When the guys had all left John locked the front door and walked down the hall to his bedroom. He knocked on the door.

"Kelly...its me." John said.

"Come on in John." Kelly said.

John walked into the bedroom and found Kelly and Emily sitting on the bed watching a movie.

"The game's over. The guys have all left. Emily...they asked me to tell you that you put on the best half time show that any of them had ever seen." John said.

"I was so nervous when I first walked into the room, but once I got started it was so much fun." Emily said.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. So how much did you make off of the guys?" John asked.

"Well...not including your $500...I made $836." Emily said.

"So over $100 per guy...that's pretty good." John said.

"Was this $500 for real or was it just to show up the guys?" Emily asked.

"It was real...every bit of that is yours...it was one hell of a show." John said.

"Well...there won't be any repeat performances...not for a while anyway. I just needed to get that out of my system." Emily said.

"So who won the game?" Kelly asked.

"I couldn't tell you...I don't think any of us could. Sure we watched the game, but we were all kind of in a daze...the half time show kept replaying in our heads." John said.

"If it was that good I'm almost sorry I missed it." Kelly said.

"Yeah well...she is your sister after all...that would have been a little uncomfortable for both of you...don't you think?" John asked.

"You're probably right. Was anybody upset about missing Springsteen?" Kelly said.

"Who the hell would want to listen to Springsteen when they could have a show like Emily put on instead? Springsteen who?" John asked.

They all laughed.

"Well...I'd better head home. Thank you both for letting me be the half time entertainment today." Emily said.

She hugged Kelly, got off the bed, hugged John, kissed him on the cheek, and left.

"So the show was really hot huh?" Kelly asked.

"Let's put it this way...all 7 guys went to the bathroom after she was done...and they were gone too long to have only been peeing." John said.

"Oh my god...do you think they were jerking off in our bathroom?" Kelly asked.

"I wouldn't be the least bit surprised...hell...even I considered it." John said.

"Oh god...John...that's disgusting." Kelly said.

"Maybe...but it was one hell of a show. I'd rather have them jerk off in the bathroom than try something with Emily." John said.

"Well...that's true...from what she said they all behaved themselves. You really don't know who won the game?" Kelly asked.

"Not a clue...I'm gonna go turn on ESPN to find out." John said.

He walked out of the room.

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